Although Li Buyi was afraid, he would not back down.

In this world, there are no gods.

Even if you are a fairy, you are just a fairy who has fallen on the earth.

At this moment, Li Buyi believed that Jiang Shen was a god, but he still despised Jiang Shen a little bit.

Which fairy is not in the fairy world?

And you on earth?

It must be a god who has not flown among the gods and is in trouble.

Although I don't understand it, I have read a lot of novels and movies.

If Jiang Shen knew that Li Buyi was despising him, he would probably vomit three mouthfuls of blood angrily.

The two hadn't formally met, and they had already refused to give in to each other on the phone.

"Okay, tell Jiang Nanquan that I'll take his head after three days." Jiang Shen didn't talk nonsense with him anymore, and hung up the phone with a snap.

"Three days?" Only three days?After hanging up the phone, Li Buyi stood blankly in a building.

Within three days, can I convince Master Quan?In fact, at this moment, Li Buyi still wanted to persuade Master Quan to bow his head and admit defeat.

What is money?Life is gone, nothing is gone.

"Is this a dead end game? Can you bring the dead back to life and turn the world around?" Li Buyi stood there, brushing and running his Feng Shui calculation.

Besides, after Jiang Shen hung up the phone, he immediately received a call from the police station.

The call came from the director Xie Zhenhe.

He arrived here around six o'clock, was in a car accident, got an electric shock, and called Li Buyi, and it was almost seven o'clock now.

At this time, it was already dark, and Xie Zhenhe didn't expect Xie Zhenhe to call.

"Jiang Suo, where are you?" Xie Zhenhe said in a more friendly tone.

"Hello, thank you. I'm outside. My car had a little accident. I'm dealing with it. It will be fine soon."

"Well, when it's over, you go to the District Bureau. I'm here at Fu Bureau. I need you."

"Okay, come right away." The shadow of Fu Ju flashed in Jiang Shen's mind.

Fu Guanshan, the deputy director, is a new deputy director. After Jiang Shen went for training, he switched with another deputy director of this bureau. He was transferred from Daning District. He is now in charge of the Criminal Police Brigade, Case Trial Brigade, and Anti-drug Brigade in Chengdong District. .

Director Fu is looking for me, is there a case?

Jiang Shen immediately took a taxi to the district police station.

Fu Ju was not very old, in his early forties, with a long square face and big ears. When he saw Jiang Shen, he narrowed his eyes and smiled softly.

When Jiang Shen saw this expression, he knew that Ju Fu was not looking for trouble for him, and that he might have something to do for him.

But why are you calling me?Could it be that he knew that his buddy was more powerful, he was the most powerful policeman in Dongning.

"Xiao Jiang, I have admired your name for a long time, ha ha." Before Jiang Shen reached out, Fu Ju extended his hand enthusiastically.

Jiang Shen hurriedly clasped his hands together: "Fu Ju is good."

Xie Zhenhe also smiled: "Xiao Jiang is the number one elite soldier in our entire district police system, I believe this time he will be able to make new contributions to the district bureau."

It turned out that Bureau Fu really had a case to hand over when he came to Jiang Shen.

Recently, a little girl was kidnapped and trafficked in Dongning. This girl is not too young, she is thirteen years old and a first-year student.

It stands to reason that a girl of this age is not easy to be trafficked, but the parents have not seen the girl for a day and a night, and the police estimate that the girl has been trafficked from various aspects of the situation.

Originally, such cases emerged endlessly in the country, and the police were also extremely troubled by such cases, because they often had no clue.

You said that a few foreigners came to the local area, took away other people's children, put them in the car, and then drove to other provinces overnight, which was very difficult to find and capture.

But this time the situation is different. The girl's name is Xiang Xiaoxi, and her mother's name is Xiang Lan.

Who is Xiang Lan?

The beautiful deputy head of Chengdong District is very famous in Dongning City.

She is beautiful, unmarried, but has a 13-year-old daughter.

A beautiful woman is not married, but she has a daughter. With these two points alone, she is very eye-catching.

Now that the daughter of the deputy district chief is missing, Xiang Lan is Taotian's anger, angrily scolding the police system for inaction, and put pressure on the police through the new district chief Tang Jianguo.

Solve the case within a time limit and find Xiang Xiaoxi.

The District Criminal Police Brigade conducted some investigations and deployed surveillance cameras near the school and her home. The last time they saw Xiang Xiaoxi was around nine o'clock the morning before yesterday.

The day before yesterday was Sunday, Xiang Xiaoxi went out to play at a classmate's house in the morning, and disappeared at a nearby red light door not long after leaving the community.

Before disappearing, her figure was born in the surveillance, and then——then there was no more, and no one saw her again.

Within a day, the Criminal Police Brigade mobilized dozens of police forces to run around looking for witnesses. After investigation, they had no clue.

Hearing this, Jiang Shen secretly sneered, ordinary people lose a child, you may not be able to find it back in a few years, now the deputy head's house is gone, you are so desperate.

However, the sneer is the sneer, the child is innocent, and what Jiang Shen hurts the most is these animals that abduct children, so he must rescue her.

"We have been searching for two days, but there is no clue. Now District Chief Tang and Deputy District Chief Xiang personally order troops, saying that you are the best policeman in our East District and have made great achievements many times. Therefore, this case will be handed over to you. Handle it, Xiao Jiang, do you have the confidence to solve this case and rescue Xiang Xiaoxi?" Fu Ju finally patted Jiang Shen on the shoulder.

I'm stupid, don't bring such a fool.

Although I am indeed the best policeman in Dongning, but, damn, why did this bastard Tang Jianguo call me by name?

Jiang Shen didn't even need to think about it, Tang Jianguo was messing with himself again this time, let's forget about solving the case, Tang Jianguo also deserved credit, he ordered the soldiers himself.

If you can't solve the case, Jiang Shen will be out of luck, and Tang Jianguo is about to fall into trouble, what kind of shit is an excellent policeman, you can't solve this kind of case?

Both left and right are Tang Jianguo's glory.

Is he really insidious?

Jiang Shen wanted to say that he would not accept the case, but when he thought about the current situation of the little girl, he finally couldn't bear to say it.

Xie Suo also had a gloomy face at this time, and patted Jiang Shen meaningfully: "Jiang Suo, I know it's a bit embarrassing for you, but this may be the first time you encounter this kind of case, I have encountered it many times , those children are really pitiful, after a long time, hey---it may not be useful to save them---"

After Jiang Shen heard this, he almost had the urge to kill.

It turns out that those abducted and trafficked children generally have two purposes, one is to resell them to those in need, and the other is to train them and use them as beggars.

Forget about selling it to others. If you find a good family, you can still live a good life. Being a beggar is very miserable.

how did they train

The traffickers put several captured children together and told them not to run away.

When sleeping at night, the traffickers deliberately don't look at them, and smart children will try to escape. When they run outside the door, the traffickers suddenly appear, grab them, and beat them to death.

In front of other children, beat the one who escaped to death.

Sometimes I felt that the child was too smart to manage, so I just beat him to death.

The other children were shocked and frightened after seeing it, and many of them did not dare to run away at this time.

Then the traffickers continued, telling others not to run away, and it was still the same at night, no one was watching.

If there are still children who dare to run away, continue to catch them and beat them. Some have broken their hands and feet. In short, children who are too smart are usually beaten to death directly.

This kind of situation only needs to happen two or three times, even if no one is watching, those children will not dare to run away.

In the end, even if the police and family members found those children, some of them were so frightened that they couldn't answer no matter how they called.

This happened to Xie Suo. The parents with a child found the child, and the traffickers caught him, but the child dared not leave the place where he lived.

He saw a few children running out there and being beaten to death. He was so frightened that he lost his mind. His parents didn't dare to recognize them and dared not leave.

As for the number of children who were beaten and did not recognize their parents, Xie Suo also saw a child who refused to call his parents after being rescued for two years, and was completely demented by the traffickers.

Some only recognize the traffickers, and even help the traffickers escape when they see the police coming, preventing the police and their parents from chasing them.

Old police officers like Xie Suo and Fu Ju have seen this kind of thing a lot.

"Xiang Xiaoxi is 13 years old, and it is impossible to sell it to someone else to be her daughter. According to our estimation, if you are lucky, you will be a beggar. If you are not lucky, you may be forced to sell money. This process must be very cruel. Traffickers Whether you want to train her to be a beggar or a young lady, all kinds of beatings and mental torture are necessary, so time is money, Comrade Xiao Jiang, this little girl's life depends entirely on you."

Those who care about you, the traffickers who care about you, and the bureaucrats who care about you.

When Jiang Shen heard this, tears rolled out.

This puts this burden in my hands?If I can't save him, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Jiang Shen had no reason to refuse at all.

He breathed a sigh of relief, calmed his mind, and then asked lightly: "How will ordinary traffickers be sentenced when they are caught?"

Fu Ju was stunned for a moment, and after looking at Xie Suo: "It depends on whether the situation is serious or not. Generally, there will be a fixed-term imprisonment of more than five years and less than ten years, and a fine. In serious cases, you can be sentenced to life."

"Well, it really is heavy enough." Jiang Shen gritted his teeth and said this heavy word.

"Xiao Jiang, don't act recklessly. The most important thing is to save people." Fu Ju Xie Suo also knew that Xiao Jiang was called the King of Hell outside the bureau, but he was called the God of Plague Jiang inside the bureau. This was not a cover-up.

Not long ago, Deputy Director Wu shot himself in his office because he was against Jiang Shen.

"I see, save Xiang Xiaoxi first, and show me her information."

Hearing that Jiang Shen agreed, Fu Ju also breathed a sigh of relief: "Go, I'll take you to meet the district chief."

It turned out that Xiang Lan was in the bureau, waiting for them in the office of the bureau chief Zheng Wenze.

Jiang Shen followed Fu Ju to Zheng Wenze's office soon.

"Director Xiang, Bureau Zheng, Xiao Jiang is here."

"Director Xiang, Director Zheng." Jiang Shen stood upright, glanced over, and saw Xiang Lan.

Xiang Lan looks to be in her early thirties, her face is cold, her eyes are a little red and swollen, and she can see that she has shed tears. She looks very beautiful, her temperament is similar to Qiao Feixue, and her figure is a bit Xuli. In terms of appearance and temperament, she is more Close to Qiao Feixue and Xu Li, the two Jiang Shen's women.

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