Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 322 How Much Can You Earn?

Zhang Fan's fall also surprised Jiang Shen.

He originally appeared behind Zhang Fan with a flash, and then he had a good talk with Zhang Fan about his ideals in life, and finally succeeded in persuading Zhang Fan.

However, Zhang Fan never expected that Zhang Fan suddenly turned around and saw Jiang Shen appearing, and then Zhang Fan fell down in fright.

I was dizzy. When Jiang Shen saw Zhang Fan falling, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to copy it, but found that he was still about two meters away from Zhang Fan. No matter how long his hand was, he could not copy it more than two meters away. I'm thinking about whether to use magical powers to catch him.

With Jiang Shen's supernatural powers, let alone 20 meters, he can catch [-] meters in an instant, but he scared Zhang Fan just now, if he sees it again, wouldn't he be scared to death again?

With this hesitation, Zhang Fan has already fallen like a meteor.

"Ah --- help ---" Zhang Fan fell to the middle of the river, and screamed in mid-air.

"---" Jiang Shen stood by the bridge, watched Zhang Fan fall, shook his head depressedly, then jumped without taking off his clothes.

He also jumped down after Zhang Fan.

At this time, supernatural powers cannot be used.

It would be too shocking to use supernatural powers to catch Zhang Fan in mid-air, and now he is planning to go into the river to save people.

"Plop" Zhang Fan entered the river first.

The wind on the river was a bit strong, and when a wave came over, Zhang Fan disappeared.

However, Jiang Shen's mind locked on him firmly, plopped, and followed Zhang Fan into the river. Once in the water, Jiang Shen had no scruples, like a nimble little fish, he found Zhang Fan in a few strokes.

The sail fell from a high altitude, fell into the water, and passed out when it finally entered the river. If Jiang Shen hadn't rescued him, he would have drowned alive.

Fortunately, it is late at night, and Jiang Shen is also secretly glad that there are fewer people and cars at night, and fewer people pay attention.

He dragged the sail in the water, looked around with his divine sense, no one could see him, swish, swish, and hurried back to the shore.

"Wow---" Zhang Fan woke up.

Sitting on the ground, he kept spitting water, several mouthfuls in a row, finally raised his head and found that he had reached the shore.

"You---I'm dead? I'm dead?" Zhang Fan was shocked and frightened when he saw Jiang Shen. Are you dead too?

"You're not dead, I jumped down too and saved you." Jiang Shen angrily squeezed the water off his body.

His clothes were all wet, of course, he had to be serious about saving people, if his clothes were all dry, it wouldn't look like it.

"It's unlucky. When I came to the bridge to look at the scenery, I saw someone jumping into the river. If you really want to die, please go home and take sleeping pills."

When Zhang Fan heard it, he almost jumped up: "I'm unlucky, I also came to see the scenery, you suddenly appeared like a ghost, scared me to fall---"

"Didn't you commit suicide? Are you sure you didn't commit suicide?" Jiang Shen smiled.

"Who committed suicide, I am living well, why should I commit suicide---" Zhang Fan's mouth was still stubborn.

However, he still admires Jiang Shen a little. It is really not easy to save himself from this kind of river.

"It's fine if it's not suicide, so I don't worry, I'll go first, you can enjoy the scenery slowly." Jiang Shen patted his buttocks and prepared to leave.

Zhang Fan sat on the ground blankly, and turned his head to look at the river not far away.

I'm really useless, I don't even have the guts to commit suicide, I'm really useless.

But I don't commit suicide, creditors come to my door every day, what should I do with my wife and children, I can't let them be frightened every day.

Zhang Fan wanted to commit suicide again, but dared not.

Especially since he skipped once now, the fear just before death made him even more frightened.

But the consequences of not committing suicide are not good, he will be harassed every day in the future, and his family will be affected.

"Wait, brother wait." Zhang Fan gritted his teeth suddenly, and called Jiang Shen decisively.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shen didn't understand, brother was leaving, he finally took a break, but was interrupted by you again, now brother wants to rest again, and has to hurry to find Xiang Xiaoxi.

"Brother, thank you for saving me. Yes, I wanted to commit suicide just now, but I didn't expect you to save me." Zhang Fan's face was pale and his will was depressed: "Can I trouble you to do me a favor?"

"------" Brother is really busy, Jiang Shen is very depressed, but it's not easy to walk away.

"Don't you have some last words for me to convey?" Do you still want to commit suicide?

"Do you have a mobile phone, lend me a call."

"---" Jiang Shen wanted to say, look at me so wet, do I have a cell phone?But seeing Zhang Fan's expression, Jiang Shen couldn't bear it either.

He had to take out a cell phone.

Zhang Fan picked up the phone and called his wife.

"Who? It's so late?" His wife's voice was lazy, obviously woken up from sleep.

"It's me, wife?---" Zhang Fan couldn't help crying after saying a few words.

Now his wife is more sober: "What's the matter, Fan---what happened?"

"Don't worry, listen to me. As soon as the market opens in the morning, I will ask Xiao Wang to sell all the stocks. There are about 600 million in hand. You return the more than 300 million in the bank, and take the rest of the money to take your son back to his hometown. , let your sister sell the house for you---"

"Fan, where are you? When are you coming back? Why are you selling the house? Didn't you say you're fine?"

It can be seen that Zhang Fan's wife thought that Zhang Fan could settle down and stand up.

"I can't implicate you. If you die, your debt will be wiped out. Only if I die, those bosses will not look for you. Wife, I'm sorry for you. Find a good man and remarry."

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he hung up the phone, turned off the phone, and returned it to Jiang Shen.

"Thank you brother, I'm a bastard, I'm not worth your saving—" After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran towards the river.

Nima, there is no end, still dancing?

Jiang Shen's face was covered with black lines.

I said, can you dance after I leave?If you jump now, I will be saved again.

"What the hell, come back." Jiang Shen was furious, and chased after him in a few steps, grabbed Zhang Fan's collar, pulled and pushed back.

With a plop, Zhang Fan sat down on the ground.

"Woooo---" Zhang Fan cried like a child, "Don't worry about me, just let me die."

"Then sit down and dance again after I leave." Jiang Shen was very depressed: "I don't want to see myself die and be gossiped by others."

"Will you dance after I leave?"

"---" Zhang Fan was also depressed, what are you talking about, it's too inhuman.

Of course Jiang Shen would not leave and watch him die.

Count me unlucky, and provoked another show.

"Tell me, why do you want to commit suicide? A man is a man, he jumps into the river at every turn, like a woman, you are not even afraid of death, what are you afraid of?"

"It's easy for you to say, I owe tens of millions, and I can't pay it back for the rest of my life. If I don't die, if someone messes with my family, I can only die." Zhang Fan's worst luck was borrowing money from several bosses. One used to be mixed in the society.

They're no better than the average businessman, aren't you?If you don't pay back after the deadline, I will mess with your family.

So Zhang Fan had no choice.

People also said, either you pay it back, or you die, according to the rules of the world, the debt is wiped out after death, and if you die, we will not mess with your family.

The opponent is a bit ruthless, and Zhang Fan is also a bit ruthless.

Some bosses owe hundreds of millions and run away, and they are fine. He owes tens of millions, and it is difficult to run away.

He wept and scolded briefly about the situation, and finally said: "What would you do instead? You can't implicate your wife and children?"

Well, he's still a man.

Jiang Shen heard clearly.

"You took your wife and ran away."

"The whole family is fleeing to the end of the world? Let the wife and children be scared? Does my son not want to go to school?" Zhang Fan said angrily.

"Why are you being fierce towards me? You have done something wrong yourself, hurt your family, and are you being fierce towards me?" Jiang Shen stared.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Zhang Fan quickly admitted his mistake, and he also spoke a little louder out of desperation.

"It's still a stock god, but there are not many fart gods." Jiang Shen sneered.

"This time it was man-made. I saw it very accurately. It was the big boss who intervened and controlled the stock market. Little brother, you don't understand this business. The big bosses of the big consortia are turning their hands into clouds and turning their hands into nothing. Yu, we small households, were played to death by them."

"Since you understand, why are you still playing?"

"I----" How do I know they are going to play the stock I fancy?Zhang Fan is also suffering and can't tell.

"Hey, anyway, if you want to blame, blame me for being too greedy. After drinking some soup, I wanted to eat meat, but I was played to death. In fact, to be a small household, you must have the self-consciousness of a small household. You must not be so greedy that you want to explode overnight. Rich." After these things, Zhang Fan saw it through.

He thought that if he made a little money earlier, he could influence the changes in the stock market with his own power, but he lost miserably in the hands of the consortium.

Jiang Shen has also played everything, gambling jade, money, football, but he has never played stocks.

"Get up, come with me, don't die or live here, it's embarrassing."

"----" Zhang Fan didn't understand: "You go, leave me alone, I---" The only way for me now is to throw myself into the river.

"How much money do you owe, are you dying?"

"It's more than 6000 million, close to 7000 million, and I can't afford it in my life." Zhang Fan was dejected.

"I'll give you [-] million, pay off your debt, and help me make money."

"---" Zhang Fan's body trembled when he heard this, and he looked at Jiang Shen with incredible eyes.

How do you think Jiang Shen is like a high school student, and he actually said to give me [-] million?I heard it wrong, or you are fooling me.

"Damn, what a pity, why did you let me meet you?" Jiang Shen scolded: "For the sake of your wife and children, I will help you once, and I will not be an example. I said, will you go?"

"You——are you serious?" Zhang Fan heard clearly now.

But he didn't believe it yet.

There is such a thing in the world, and people who have never met each other have to help themselves repay the 7000 million debt.

"Damn, you doubt my tall, rich and handsome?" Jiang Shen was furious: "I'll say it for the last time, will you go?"

"Let's go." Of course, Zhang Fan has no way out.

Either believe in Jiang Shen, or jump into the river.

Does Jiang Shen have to lie to himself?I owe a whole lot of money now, and it's no good for him to lie to me.

"Boss, what's your surname?" Zhang Fan followed Jiang Shen, walked up, and asked the details carefully.

"My name is Jiang Shen, take me to find a place to change my clothes first,"

"How much money can I make by trading in stocks? How much will I have to pay if I want to earn back the 7000 million? Don't you think that stocks are very slow to make money?"

"The current bosses seem to be playing real estate, and some are playing stocks?"

"Large groups will seek to go public in the end. Going public is tantamount to playing with stocks. If they go up and down, no matter how many houses they sell, they won't be able to get them back."

"For large groups like apples and bananas in foreign countries, if the stock drops by one percentage point, it will cost tens of billions of dollars. Do you think it will make money?"

Jiang Shen didn't understand this, so he asked him for advice while chatting with him.

The two talked and chatted, and returned to the bridge after a while.

When they got to Zhang Fan's car, Zhang Fan took his mobile phone and called home.

His wife had already made countless phone calls like crazy, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the news that Zhang Fan was not planning to commit suicide.

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