It was around 50:[-] in the morning.

The gate of the headquarters of Huaguo People's Bank of Jiangnan Province.

Zhang Fan's Volvo s60 parked at the door.

He was a little excited.

Jiang Shen was sitting on the side, biting his gum, watching the door silently.

"Brother Gentleman----" Take money when you give up?Didn't you say to transfer [-] million to me?Zhang Fan was embarrassed to say so.

"What's the hurry." Jiang Shen rolled his eyes at him: "I called and made an appointment, VIP service, at nine o'clock." That expression was awesome.

Zhang Fan checked the time, yes, there are still 5 minutes.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Shen finally got out of the car: "Go, get out of the car."

Zhang Fan followed Jiang Shen like a younger brother.

The bank was a little busy at 08 o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, Jiang Shen transferred 30 million yuan this time, which was a very large transaction. He made an appointment at [-]:[-], and the other party heard that it was a transfer, so he made an appointment at [-] o'clock.

If you want to take cash, based on Huaguo's conditions, it is estimated that it will be ready one to two weeks or even longer in advance, and it may attract the attention of relevant departments.

The transfer process was also very smooth. The bank repeatedly emphasized to Zhang Fan that although the [-] million will be transferred to your card, according to the relevant regulations of the Huaguo People's Bank, if a large amount of cash is involved, you must notify the bank in advance.

When Zhang Fan saw so many zeros suddenly appearing in the money on his card, he stayed there as if he was in a dream.

Really [-] million.

Jiang Shen really transferred [-] million to himself?

It was the first day I met him. Not only did he save me, but he also transferred [-] million to pay off my debt.

When he walked out of the bank, he was still half asleep.

It wasn't until he got in the car that he came back to his senses a little bit.

"It's not an option for you to speculate by yourself like this. Help me set up a company in Jiangjing, and I will transfer another billion to you later, whether it's stock trading or foreign exchange, and I will be responsible for helping me make money."

"The basic salary is [-] per month, and then you get a commission. How much do you earn? You get [-] percent. Is there any problem?"

Jiang Shen plans to set up a company in Jiangnan Province as well.

I heard Zhang Fan say that stocks are also fun, especially when blocking other companies and groups.

Now that he has a lot of money, he can't use it all up, and it's a waste to put it there, so it's better to let Zhang Fan play, anyway, he won't feel bad if he loses.

"One billion?" Zhang Fan swallowed, probably hearing this number for the first time in his life.

"You, are you not afraid that I will take your money and run away?" One hundred million, you just trust me like that?Zhang Fan asked Jiang Shen.

"Employing people is not suspicious, doubting people is not necessary, what is the most valuable in this century, talents, money is nothing, money can be earned without money, I think you are a talent, so I will use you." Jiang Shen is also talking nonsense, and Zhang Fan is elated .

Who dares to take my money and run away?I'm afraid that others will run away?Jiang Shen lost his divine sense on Zhang Fan, he couldn't run away as far as the sky, and he wouldn't be afraid to give him 100 billion, let alone a billion.

Zhang Fan was very excited: "Brother Gentleman, don't worry, I have one billion in my hands. If nothing else, earning a few hundred million within a year is the least."

How many billion to make one billion?This is a bit exaggerated?However, Jiang Shen didn't know much about this business, and he didn't care about money, the main thing was to pull Zhang Fan casually and take in his subordinates by the way.

"Brother Gentleman, what's a good name for the company? How many people do you want to recruit?"

"Don't tell me, you are fully responsible, I am only responsible for spending and receiving money."

"Okay, thank you Brother Shen." Zhang Fan was much older than Jiang Shen, and at this time he was also willing to call him Brother Shen.

For part-time workers, I like bosses like Jiang Shen the most, who delegate power and don't care about anything.

This is trust.

Zhang Fan felt that he was lucky that he would meet someone like Jiang Shen even if he jumped into the river.

After the two broke up, Zhang Fan went to make preparations for the company, and Jiang Shen got on the subway.

He planned to take the subway to a less crowded place in the suburbs, then walk the mountain road incognito, and continue northward to look for Xiang Xiaoxi.

Sitting on the subway, Jiang Shen suddenly remembered.

Isn't this Jiangnanquan's territory? Li Buyi's feng shui calculations under Jiangnanquan are the best in the world. If he is asked to do some calculations, can he figure out Xiang Xiaoxi's location?

But if this is the case, it will be difficult to mess with Jiangnan.

He was hesitating whether to call Li Buyi, when the subway arrived at a station, the gate opened, and two men and a woman came up.

These two men are both in their early twenties, one is bald and the other has tattoos. They look like gangsters at first glance.

The girl was thirteen or fourteen years old, she was charming, petite and beautiful, her eyes were full of fear and helplessness.

When she got to the car, she didn't dare to look up at anyone, and kept following the two men closely.

Let me copy, Xiang Xiaoxi?

Jiang Shen never thought that he would meet Xiang Xiaoxi on the iron floor.

What is rewarded is what is rewarded, and what is rewarded is what is rewarded. I never thought that I would meet Xiang Xiaoxi after saving Zhang Fan.

Kindness is rewarded with kindness, it is a wise saying.

Before he entered Jiangjing, he used his magical powers to search for it. He thought it covered half of Jiangjing, but he couldn't find it. After entering the city, he planned to take a rest, go north, and then use his magical powers in the mountainous area to the north.

If it weren't for Zhang Fan, Xiang Xiaoxi might have been missed.

Jiang Shen was right, this girl was Xiang Xiaoxi.

She seemed to be overly frightened, her eyes were demented, she only knew to follow the two men, and she couldn't say a word.

The two men were also very courageous, they took Xiang Xiaoxi and ran all over the street in broad daylight.

Now that Jiang Shen saw it, he was naturally not in a hurry.

They followed them calmly, and when they reached the next stop, they got off the bus.

"Hurry up." Cui Xiangxiaoxi, the tattooed man, kept walking on the road. Every time Xiangxiaoxi was pushed by him, his body trembled in conditioned reflex.

"Old five, if you are so scared, will you become crazy?"

"Whatever she does, the most important thing is that she is good, and she can sell for a good price."

"Glass Hu, this guy wants to play around every day. Is it interesting? There are young women who have experience."

"This is her hobby. After he has played it, we both enjoy it, and then let her start making money."

"Hahaha, the one with the surname Niu is not bad, I found this good guy, at this age, this appearance, this figure, tsk---"

"It can only be said that the conditions are good now and the development is early."


The two gangsters whispered quietly all the way, and even dared to laugh when they talked about their happiness.

Poor Xiang Xiaoxi, who must have been tortured physically and mentally, dared not even say a word along the way, and followed them obediently.

After leaving the subway station, the three of them turned right and walked towards a hotel.

Jiang Shen continued to follow.

Now that there are so many people, it's hard for him to do it. Moreover, he wants to meet that bearded beard who likes to play.

When it was almost ten o'clock, they entered a four-star hotel.

When the three of them entered the elevator, Jiang Shen thought about it, and chased after him, and squeezed into the elevator before the door closed.

The bald head and the tattoo looked up at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen looked at Xiao Xi.

Xiang Xiaoxi also raised her head at this time, her eyes were big, but she was a little dazed, she glanced at Jiang Shen, then lowered her head again.

Fortunately, looking at her performance, Jiang Shen shouldn't have been frightened. She might have been threatened and didn't dare to resist.

That's right, she is only a 13-year-old girl. After going through such a scene there, as long as she is beaten up, she will be frightened and have no desire to resist.

"Does the girl look familiar?" Jiang Shen deliberately said something to Xiao Xi.

When he said this, Xiang Xiaoxi raised his head again, but he was obviously a little scared, and his body involuntarily took a step back.

"Hey, kid, don't make trouble." The bald man gave Jiang Shen a vicious look.

Jiang Shen also looks like a high school student, are you a high school student picking up girls?

"Do you want to die, don't you?" The tattooed man was even more arrogant, he directly raised his hand, patted Jiang Shen's face, and patted him lightly a few times, which was very insulting.

Jiang Shen seemed to have arrived as well, and he took a few steps back with a frightened expression: "Aren't you Miss?"

"Fuck, it's not your turn if it's a young lady." The bald head giggled and said, "Have you grown your hair yet? You still play with young lady, hahaha."

The tattooed man also laughed wildly. Originally, he planned to rush forward to teach Jiang Shen a lesson, but after listening to Jiang Shen's words, let it go.

The elevator reached the tenth floor at this time, and the three of them walked out.

Xiang Xiaoxi turned his head and looked at Jiang Shen with hatred in his eyes.

Well, sure, the mind is still clear.

Jiang Shen can now be sure that Xiang Xiaoxi is conscious, but she doesn't have the courage to resist because of fear.

She was walking on the street, and there were so many people, she didn't dare to call for help. She must have been spoiled and spoiled, had never suffered, and had never seen the world. When she suddenly met such a villain, she was overwhelmed psychologically.

In room 1027.

A middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing glasses, was lying on the bed watching TV in a pair of shorts.

Hey, hey, hey.

Here come the bald and tattooed men.

"Little five."

"Boss Hu."

"Hahaha, it's new."

"Look, how's it going? It's okay. I've been trained for the past two days and I'm very obedient."

The tattooed man closed the door, pulled Xiang Xiaoxi over, and patted Xiaoxi's face: "It's Mr. Hu."

"Hu---Mr. Hu." Xiang Xiaoxi called tremblingly, she wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to cry.

Before, every time she cried, she was slapped, and within half an hour, she was trained so hard not to cry.

And when she was being trained, she also saw another terrifying scene, so she was honest now.

"How about it? It's okay. The goods just arrived yesterday are from Dongning."

"This girl is a bit unruly, but she was slapped more than 100 times yesterday, and finally she is obedient."

"It's so young." The glasses gleamed in his eyes: "I'm only thirteen or fourteen years old."

"I'm thirteen years old, I asked." The tattooed man patted Xiang Xiaoxi's face again: "Take good care of Mr. Hu, after you have worked for a month, we will send you home, we will do what we say, do you hear me? "

"You guys mean what you say." Xiang Xiaoxi's voice was no different from crying.

"Of course it counts." Count the farts, after you have worked for a month, you will get used to it.

"Mr. Hu, take your time and enjoy it. We'll wait outside." After the bald man finished speaking, he was about to open the door and go out.

As soon as the door opened, someone rushed in first.

"I'm stupid." The bald man was caught off guard, and the person who rushed in pushed him in, and then the door closed again.

Jiang Shen appeared with a smile.

But in this smile, there is a strong killing intent.

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