"It's you?" The tattooed man reacted quickly, he moved his hand back and took out a fruit knife.

"Boy, I have already seen that you have a problem."

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Mr. Hu was a little unhappy. He was playing with women, not just out there.

"Is there any misunderstanding? What's the matter with you, go out and talk, don't stay with me."

"Xiang Xiaoxi, I was sent by your mother, come back with me." Jiang Shen said lightly.

"Mom?" Xiang Xiaoxi finally couldn't help it when she heard the word "Mom", "Wow." She cried bitterly.

"Don't cry, shut up." The bald man turned around and glared angrily.

Xiang Xiaoxi seemed to be conditioned to rebound, just after crying, she stopped instantly.

Jiang Shen saw it in his eyes and knew that she had suffered a lot. It has only been two days and she has been trained like this. In a few days, she may become a walking dead.

"Beast." Jiang Shen couldn't bear it anymore, he moved his body, bang, bang, bang, punched three times, and knocked down three people.

The tattooed man, Mr. Hu, and the bald man were all knocked down within a second.

Xiang Xiaoxi didn't see clearly the whole process.

"Come here, it's okay." Jiang Shen knew that people like Xiang Xiaoxi were too deeply stimulated, so he couldn't be in a hurry: "Come, come to Brother Xiao Jiang." His voice was extremely gentle, afraid of touching Xiang Xiaoxi. Xi's pain.

He knocked down the three of them, but he didn't step forward to pull Xiao Xi, fearing that she would resist, he could only gently wave his hand to signal her to come by himself.

Xiang Xiaoxi looked left and right, and saw three people screaming in pain on the ground, but she didn't seem to believe it, and instead took a few steps back.

"Don't come here." Xiang Xiaoxi shook her head to Jiang Shen: "Don't come here, don't come here---" She kept yelling not to come here.

"I'm a policeman." Jiang Shen was a little incredulous.

He took out his police officer's card: "I'm a policeman from the Dongmen Police Station. Isn't your mother Xiang Lan? Our district deputy head, and this, this is your photo." Jiang Shen came out this time and brought Xiang Lan Xiaoxi's things are just afraid that Xiang Xiaoxi won't believe it when the time comes.

The police officer certificate and Xiang Xiaoxi's photo were all held in front of Xiang Xiaoxi, but Xiang Xiaoxi still shook his head and backed away again and again, as if Jiang Shen was a plague god.

"Hahaha--" The people on the ground were laughing. Although it was painful, they were also funny seeing Jiang Shen like this.

"Police officer? What are you doing, come here to beat people?" The one who spoke was bald.

It was good that he was bald and didn't speak, but when Jiang Shen saw that Xiao Xi didn't believe him, he knew what they must have done, and he was furious.

"What the hell, what did you do to her?" Jiang Shen picked up the knife that the tattooed man took out just now from the ground, stepped forward, pounced, and stabbed the knife into the bald man's face.

"Ah---" the bald man screamed in shocking pain.

"Hiss..." Even the tattooed man, Mr. Hu, and even Xiang Xiaoxi were stunned.

"Fuck you, you are not as good as an animal. Didn't you give birth to you? You have no wife and no children for a girl like this, right?" Jiang Shen turned the hilt of the knife and pounced. He tore a hole.

"Ah---" The bald man rolled around on the ground in pain, blood staining the ground.

But that's not all.

Jiang Shen grinned grimly and walked towards Mr. Hu.

"You like playing around so much?"

"Don't---don't, it's none of my business." Mr. Hu lost his mind and said, "Help, kill---ah---"

In the middle of his call, Jiang Shen bent down and stretched out his knife.

Chi, Mr. Hu also screamed, his lower body was covered with blood.

Jiang Shen casually threw an ugly thing on the ground, bang, bang, raised his foot, and stepped on Xiba to rot.

Bloody and cruel, everyone in the room was scared to death.

Mr. Hu and the bald head rolled on the ground a few times, their eyes darkened, and they all passed out from the pain.

Only the tattooed man shrank into a ball in fright, and wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't get up.

Are you a police officer?Are you even darker than the underworld.

"Xiaoxi, I'm here to save you. I was sent by your mother." Jiang Shen said to Xiang Xiaoxi again after finishing all this.

His expression also returned to calm, with a smile all over his face.

No one could tell that the man who tortured Mr. Hu and the bald head crazily just now was the same person as now.

Xiang Xiaoxi looked at the blood all over the place, and then at Jiang Shen.

"Wow" Xiang Xiaoxi howled and cried loudly, and flew into Jiang Shen's arms all at once.

Finally saved, this time for real.

"Brother Jiang---Brother Jiang---wuwuwu" Xiang Xiaoxi was crying.

Jiang Shen's guess was right, if he hadn't heard from Xie Suo and the others, he would not have thought of using such a cruel method.

Why is Xiang Xiaoxi honest and honest in the subway and in the city?

The bald and tattooed men had used two methods to train her before.

The first time I took Xiang Xiaoxi to the street, there were two policemen wearing police uniforms and a few passers-by, Xiang Xiaoxi directly called the police for help, and then what.

Then the police arrested Xiang Xiaoxi and the bald head, asked him a few words, and left.

Xiang Xiaoxi was very disappointed, no matter what she called, the police ignored her.

As soon as the police left, the bald head and tattoos began to torture and beat Xiao Xi.

Xiang Xiaoxi asked passers-by for help.

Passersby ignored her.

This is one of their methods. All the police and passers-by are pretended by members of their organization.

In this way, when Xiang Xiaoxi saw the police and passers-by on the road in the future, she was too scared to speak out.

Because she already has a subconscious in her mind, the police and passers-by are bad and untrustworthy.

The second time they trained Xiao Xi in a different way.

Send Xiang Xiaoxi to the hotel.

The client seemed to be a very orthodox person, and asked Xiang Xiaoxi enthusiastically, are you a young lady at such a young age?Was it forced? Do you want me to help you call the police or notify your family?

When Xiang Xiaoxi heard it, he thought he had encountered a rescuer, okay, okay, please help me to inform my family.

and then?

Then the bald and tattooed man reappeared and beat him hard.

The prostitutes are also pretending to be their own people.

After these two visits, Xiang Xiaoxi became a lot more honest.

She no longer dared to trust the outside world easily.

This is the most common method used by traffickers.

If Jiang Shen hadn't heard what Xie said, he wouldn't have thought of it at all.

Seeing that it was useless to show his police officer ID, he knew that Xiang Xiaoxi had been tortured like this.

Therefore, he can only prove that I am here to save you by using bloody means.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Xiang Xiaoxi hugged Jiang Shen tightly as if she had found a life-saving straw in the sea, crying bitterly.

Jiang Shen stood there motionless, feeling her trembling body, letting her cry.

Jiang Shen knew that she needed to vomit, and all the fear, pain and terror she had suffered in the past two days needed to be vomited in this bitter cry.

After all, she must be a 13-year-old girl. She has not collapsed after being subjected to this kind of experience, and she can still maintain her sanity. It is not easy, but she is very strong.

"It's okay, it's safe, it's safe, we can go home." Jiang Shen patted her on the back lightly, soothing her mind.

Hugging Xiang Xiaoxi, Jiang Shen glanced out of the corner of his eye, and there were streaks of red marks below Xiang Xiaoxi's neck, which were obviously caused by whipping with a whip or something.

He swept it lightly with his divine sense, and there were all such scars on my grass, Xiang Xiaoxi's hands, legs, thighs and so on.

There are even burnt out with cigarette butts.

These animals are really inferior to animals.

Even Jiang Shen, who has always been calm, trembled with anger. He really wanted to raze this building to the ground in order to express his current dissatisfaction.

Xiang Xiaoxi cried for about 15 minutes. After crying, she lost all strength, but she held Jiang Shen and refused to let go, and Jiang Shen couldn't push Xiang Xiaoxi away now.

He could only comfort her non-stop: "Xiao Xi is very strong, it's all right, shall we call mom?"

After crying until now, she didn't have the energy to cry anymore, so she could call at this time.

"Mmm, um---" Xiang Xiaoxi nodded repeatedly, but still didn't let go.

I said, you are not young, can you let me go first?Jiang Shen was very depressed.

It was not easy to push Xiang Xiaoxi away, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

"I called for you---" Then he pressed Xiang Lan's phone number.

The phone was connected, but Xiang Xiaoxi didn't answer the phone, so she let Jiang Shen hold it, and she still hugged Jiang Shen: "Mom--Mom--wow---" Xiang Xiaoxi sobbed again. meeting.

"Xiaoxi, are you okay, are you okay---" Xiang Lan was surprised and delighted.

Unexpectedly, in less than two days, Jiang Shen finally found Xiang Xiaoxi.

What Xiang Xiaoxi said now and there was happy, excited, and scared, and he couldn't continue after a few words, so Jiang Shen had to say it by himself.

"Don't worry, District Chief, I've been rescued. I'm in Jiangnan Province now. I'll go back right away. Xiao Xi was a little frightened and had a little skin trauma. Nothing else."

Hearing such words, Xiang Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't like Jiang Shen very much, she finally said softly on the phone: "Thank you, Jiang Shen."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, it's my duty."

The other end of the phone didn't finish talking, waited quietly for a while, and hung up the phone.

"Okay Xiaoxi, can you sit down and rest for a while?" Jiang Shen was hugged by Xiang Xiaoxi from the beginning to the end.

"Mm---" Xiang Xiaoxi shook her head, wanting to hug Jiang Shen.

At this moment, she felt that Jiang Shen's embrace was the safest place in the world.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly, he didn't expect that the plots in the novels and movies would happen to him.

However, Xiang Xiaoxi is very fragile now, and it is not easy for him to refuse or give in, for fear of irritating her.

At this moment, the tattooed man on the ground was holding the phone.

He couldn't get up, but when he saw Jiang Shen calling, he suddenly remembered and called himself.

"Brother Baolong, something happened. A stinky policeman found us. We are now on the tenth floor of the 'Hengjing Hotel'---he wants to rescue that girl---"

As soon as the tattooed man spoke, Xiang Xiaoxi also reacted, and quickly got off Jiang Shen.

"Let's go, let's go, there are a lot of them, a lot of people." Xiang Xiaoxi was very scared when thinking of her own experience.

"Don't be afraid, no matter how many people there are, I'm a policeman." Jiang Shen changed into a grim smile, and walked towards the tattooed man step by step.

"Brother, if you can get out of Jiangjing, my little five will call you brother. Be sensible and leave this girl behind. Let's go." The tattooed man was still stubborn at this moment.

"Call me brother? Are you worthy?" Jiang Shen walked over and raised his foot.

Bang, stomped down.

"Ah---" Xiao Wu's right hand shattered completely with a sound of Kacha.

Jiang Shen still stepped on it and twisted: "Tell me, who is your boss and where is the headquarters?"

"Ah--" the tattooed boy Xiaowu cried out in pain, "I don't know--I'm just a jerk--"

"Really." Jiang Shen raised his foot, and Kacha kicked again, this time stepping on Xiao Wu's leg, his thigh bones were completely shattered.

Killing these people is too inappropriate for them.

Jiang Shen has already planned to abolish Xiao Wu and the bald man's hands and feet, hearing, eyesight, speech, and sexual functions, and make sure that they can live to a hundred years old, and then let them enjoy the rest of their lives .

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