Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 334 Six Renyin-Yang Jing

I borrowed this "Don't use Qianlong" game, as long as I don't go out for a month, I will lose my breath, even if he is really a god, I'm afraid he won't be able to find me.

Li Buyi was sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard, drinking tea while thinking about his thoughts.

This is his own way of retreat. When he gets here, he believes that even with a hundred thousand troops, he will not be able to find him.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, why would there be someone like Jiang Shen in the world?

I don't know if Grandpa Quan has done it?

It turned out that he sent a text message to Master Quan after he left.

Tell Master Quan that you can still make a last-ditch effort.

Use Mei Yue to blow up Jiang Shen once with c4. However, once this is done, there will be no room for negotiation. If Jiang Shen doesn't die, your grandfather will definitely die. So, think about whether to blow up or not.

The last message Quan Ye received was this message.

Master Quan was also decisive, after thinking for a few seconds, he decided to use c4 to fry Jiang Shen once.

He is planning to die rather than lose money, even if he fights with Jiang Shen, he will leave the money to his family.

Li Buyi also knew that with Master Quan's character, he would probably choose to fight again, but if Jiang Shen still couldn't die, he had already broken away from the human concept, maybe as he said, he was a god.

It's just that you are a god, why do you come to bully us ordinary people?

Li Buyi was despising Jiang Shen, a hearty voice sounded from outside the courtyard gate.

"What a good place, Mr. Li, if you hide here, even if there is a world war outside, no one will be able to find you, right? Hahaha."

Jiang Shen strode over.

"Jiang Shen?" Li Buyi's face changed drastically, and his heart became extremely cold.

I have hidden so well, but he still found me?

The two finally saw each other face to face.

Li Buyi had seen Jiang Shen from a distance, but it was the first time he was so close. He really didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so young.

"Jiang Shen, have you also learned Feng Shui?" Otherwise, how could you find me?

"No, I haven't learned Feng Shui, but I have your hair, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I can find you." Jiang Shen raised a section of hair in his hand: "This is what you found on the bed at home, Li Sir, you have lost a lot of hair recently, are you troubled?"

"Mei Yue took you there?" Li Buyi hated him so much that Jiang Shen couldn't find him with a single hair.

This is no longer a person, this is a method that only exists in immortal novels.

Not many people know where he lives, only a bitch like Mei Yue would betray him.

"Jiang Shen, you are not human at all. Since you are a god, why make things difficult for ordinary people like us." When Li Buyi saw Jiang Shen, there was also a trace of despair in his heart.

"Are you considered an ordinary person? Mr. Li, you are also a semi-immortal figure in Jiang Shen's heart. For a character like you, following a scum like Jiang Nanquan, you are worthy of what you have learned all your life, and you are worthy of teaching you strange things." Master of Art?"

"Come with me, follow me, Jiang Shen, and I can make you the most outstanding Fengshui master in the past and present for 5000 years. I can let you learn more advanced Fengshui, numerology, divination, xiangfa, and even Qimen Dunjia, Zifeng, etc. Wei Doushu makes you the number one feng shui master in the thousands of years of human civilization."

Hiss, Jiang Shen's words made Li Buyi gasp, and his eyes even radiated a scorching light.

However, this kind of expectation and excitement is only a few seconds.

Soon, he sighed and shook his head.

"We who learn Fengshui must cater to our fate and abide by the rules of nature, but in order to duel with you, I have already gone against the sky, which has seriously damaged my vitality, and now I am dying. Jiang Shen, thank you for your kindness, but unfortunately I did not I met you before Master Quan." Li Buyi's breath became more and more dispirited, and it was obvious that he would not live long, at most half a year, he would die.

"I can prolong your life and change your luck." Jiang Shen beckoned again.

But Li Buyi still shook his head: "Jiang Shen, we must abide by the rules of nature. No matter how powerful a person or a god is, they are just a part of this nature. I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are. But follow nature, this is the eternal truth, anyone who wants to go against the sky will be punished by heaven and earth, since I am going to die, why should I go against the sky and linger on—"

"You change Feng Shui, calculate your fortune, everything is against the sky, so what?"

"That's why I had retribution. I counted myself, and I couldn't survive this year. I thought it was born from my heart. As long as my heart was good, I would naturally change my fate against the sky, but I failed to be good after all-this is My retribution---" Li Buyi wanted to do something good, but in order to deal with Jiang Shen, he accidentally injured some other people, the good thing was not done, and he did a lot of bad things.

He originally wanted to use Qianlong Wuyong to make a final twist, but as soon as Jiang Shen came in, it was like breaking his game, and his vitality was also broken by Jiang Shen in an instant.

Now that he has lost to this point, he can only abide by the rules of nature.

He found that the more he struggled and wanted to change, the more he hurt.

Destiny cannot be violated, this is indeed the first truth of arithmetic and feng shui.

"My fate is up to me. If I am Jiang Shen, I will definitely try my best to change my own destiny. As long as there is a glimmer of life, I will firmly grasp it." Jiang Shen still made the last effort.

He saw that after seeing him, Li Buyi had already given birth to a desperate heart, hoping to impress Li Buyi with his own tongue.

"I follow Master Quan, and I have done enough wrong things, so let me get what I deserve." Li Buyi lowered his head, and suddenly his black hair began to turn white little by little.

This is?With his supernatural powers, Jiang Shen could see that Li Buyi's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

turn out to be?He also set up a game here, and after I came in, it was like breaking his game and cutting off his way of life.

Jiang Shen was very hopeful and wanted to save Li Buyi, but Li Buyi had already decided to die.

"Can you promise me that Grandpa Quan will go well and don't hurt his family." Li Buyi sat down slowly, his voice getting lower and lower.

Speaking of the last few words, he took out a book from his arms.

"This 'Liu Ren Yin Yang Jing' is a legendary book of my ancestors. After so many years, I haven't found anyone who can teach it to me. I hope you can pass it on for me---"

In the end, after the last word was finished, Li Bu's head fell heavily, and he died of exhaustion.

Dead, he finally died.

Jiang Shen was extremely disappointed.

In this world, there are fewer and fewer strange people like Li Buyi, but unexpectedly, he died at the hands of me, Jiang Shen.

He wanted to save Li Buyi very much, but Li Buyi was already dying.

A person who wanted to die, even if he managed to save him, his heart would still be dead.

As Li Buyi said, he followed Master Quan and used what he had learned to do a lot of evil deeds. This should be his retribution.

"Six Ren Yin and Yang Classics?" Jiang Shen took the book, and a message flashed in his mind.

This book was annotated by Tang Dynasty master Li Chunfeng.

Many people only know Li Chunfeng's "Tui Bei Tu", but few people know his "Liu Ren Yin Yang Jing". Li Chunfeng is known as the Patriarch of Liu Ren Yin Yang, and this Liu Ren Yin Yang Jing is a treasure of Chinese history.

It turns out that Li Buyi is a descendant of the Li family, no wonder he is so powerful.

It’s just that you gave me this scripture, and it’s not entrusted to anyone, and I can’t learn it, hey.

Jiang Shen took one last look at Li Buyi, shook his head and sighed, then turned and left.

As for Li Buyi's body, we can only ask Mei Yue to send someone to deal with it.

Seven days later, Jiangnan Quan was found dead in a villa in Luxembourg, a small European country. Before his death, he left a will and a video, and transferred most of his property to his subordinates, Fan Wencai and Mei Yue.

This is not mentioned for the time being.

Besides, after Jiang Shen left that day, he was about to return to Dongning, but was stopped by someone at the airport.

"Mr. Jiang, right? We are from the Jiangjing Police Department. I would like to ask you to go back and assist in the investigation of some cases."

"---" Jiang Shen was a little depressed, he knew that I flew back invisibility, but that was a bit of a fairy tale.

"Okay." Jiang Shen had no choice but to go to the Jiangjing Police Station with the two policemen honestly.

"Mr. Jiang, what is your relationship with Hao Boquan? Do you know Hao Boquan?"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter." Jiang Shen absolutely denied it.He knew that Hao Boquan was Master Quan.

"This is the video tape sent by Hao Boquan not long ago. You grabbed his staff member Yuan Tongdi and asked him for money. What's going on?"

In the video, it was Jiang Shen in Sifang City.

"Did you admit it wrong? This picture is so dark, how could it be me?" Jiang Shen continued to deny.

The filming was taken after six o'clock in the evening, and there was thunder and heavy rain. If it weren't for the light of lightning, the people inside would not be able to tell that it was Jiang Shen.

However, just because the lightning kept flashing, Jiang Shen's face could still be seen clearly.

"Jiang Shen, how dare you deny it? You go to court and try it. No matter how you look at it, the people here are you." A policeman was upset, no matter how he looked, he looked like you, 90.00% dare not say, [-]% always Yes, you dare to deny it.

"When was this video taken?"

"There is a time above, around seven o'clock in the evening on the 21st."

"Please give me a call. I am the deputy director of the Dongmen Police Station in Chengdong District, Dongning City. I was still having dinner at the police station at 21:06 on the evening of the 30st. How can I get to your Jiangjing within half an hour? "

"What?" The police froze for a moment.

Jiang Shen is the police and they have already investigated, but they did not expect Jiang Shen to say that he was still eating in Dongning at that time.

Soon, the results of the investigation came out.

At least a dozen people from the Dongmen Police Station saw Jiang Shen eating at the station at 06:30 that night, and Jiang Shen was photographed by the station's surveillance cameras when he entered and exited the police station.

Surveillance showed that Jiang Shen arrived at the institute on duty at 05:30 in the afternoon, and did not leave until after [-]:[-] in the morning.

Dongning also sent the surveillance video over to testify for Jiang Shen.

There is also recording time on it.

What to do now?

No matter in terms of witness or material evidence, Dongning's side completely overwhelmed Jiangjing's.

Before Jiang Shen came, he had done enough homework and promised to create a time when he was not present.

It's just that he didn't expect that Grandpa Quan would be so bold as to pass the photographed things to the police station.

Fortunately, it was raining heavily that day, so it was not very clear, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Jiangjing Police Department is very depressed.

They have been looking for Jiang Shen in several recent cases.

Including the Meiyue villa bombing.

Although Mei Yue said he didn't know, surveillance showed that Jiang Shen went to Mei Yue's villa at that time.

There is another video that is even more weird, that is, the scene of Jiang Shen rushing towards Fan Wencai.

But because Jiang Shen moved too fast, the camera didn't take a very clear picture, making him look very confused.

Originally, all of these added up could make Jiang Shen a good judge.

But now that Jiang Shen has evidence of his alibi, and Fan Wencai and Mei Yue seem to be helping Jiang Shen, the Jiangjing police can't do anything about him.

In the end, Jiang Shen returned to Dongning.

However, after this incident, his name spread from Dongning to Fu'an Province, and from Fu'an Province to Jiangnan Province.

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