Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 335 Beauty is like a cloud

It was already Monday morning when Jiang Shen returned to Dongning.

Only then did he realize that it had been four days since he had received the registration form for the China Merchants Bureau.

Except for two days on weekends, I have not gone to work for two days.

He drove his new car to China Merchants.

His Porsche was hit again last time, and now he has been replaced with another one, and none of the new cars has been driven for more than a month.

Jiang Shen just didn't believe in evil, and recently asked Chest Mao to buy a Maserati GC.

This Maserati GC is an open-top sports car, and it is also the most arrogant one that Jiang Shen has driven so far.

Boom, Maserati ran all the way, and rushed into the gate of the District Investment Promotion Bureau at 08:30 in the morning.

China Merchants is a six-story office building. The office building is a bit old, and it should have a history of more than ten years.

When Jiang Shen drove in, a Japanese Nissan also entered the gate at the same time.

The iron gate of China Merchants is less than ten meters away, so you have to be careful when two cars squeeze in at the same time.

Jiang Shen was originally driving in front, but when Nissan saw Jiang Shen's car was about to go in, he suddenly accelerated, swished, and almost rushed in ahead of Jiang Shen's car.

The two cars almost scraped together.

Fortunately, the driver was Jiang Shen, and his reaction speed was much faster than that of ordinary people. If it were someone else, this Maserati would at least be scratched, or even his ears would be knocked off.

Damn, you were reincarnated, Jiang Shen was furious.

He was hit once when he changed his car now, and he was very annoyed. If he got hit again on the first day of the new car, Jiang Shen would not plan to drive in the future.

Naissan rushed in all the way, then turned right, there was a garage next to it, but there were not many places, only one.

He jumped in and took the last place.

It turned out that the owner of the car was outside. Through the iron fence, he could see that there was only one space inside. Fearing that Maserati would grab the space, he rushed in first.

In fact, there is still a place outside the garage, which is marked on the ground with lines. The owner of the Nissan car snatched the place in the garage, which is nothing more than a little better than outside.

Jiang Shen stopped the car, got out of the car, and saw a fat middle-aged man walking out of the Nissan car.

Does it look familiar?Sister, isn't it the deputy director who was with Bureau Lu last time? I don't know the last name.

The deputy director came over and took a look at Jiang Shen, as if he also felt that Jiang Shen looked familiar.

The two looked at each other without saying a word, then the deputy director swaggered and whistled into the office.

At this time, another car drove in and stopped beside the Maserati. Two men and a woman got out of the car.

"Wow, Maserati, is there another big boss coming to invest?"

"Tch, this is gc, just over 200 million."

"But she's so handsome, a sports car." That woman is fairly tall, petite and exquisite, but she is a bit small, less than 1.6 meters, but she wears a pair of high heels, and she still looks good.

The three of them stood by the car and watched for a while, then followed Jiang Shen into the office building.

Jiang Shen stood in the hall and looked at the wall.

There is a topographic map of China Merchants on the wall.

The foreign capital business department, there is one on the second floor, and one on the third floor. Which one is it?I seem to be a foreign investment business subject.

He was standing by the side of the elevator watching, and the three people behind him just came over to wait for the elevator.

"Hello, do you know which floor is the first branch of the foreign capital business department?" Jiang Shen asked the little beauty.

Seeing a handsome guy asking herself, the little beauty smiled and ticked off with her hand: "Follow me."

She is a bit naughty. In fact, she means that she is also a subject, but it sounds a bit teasing.

A man next to him was a little unhappy, and looked at Jiang Shen coldly: "That company?"

He thought Jiang Shen belonged to the company.

Before Jiang Shen could speak, the elevator came.

As soon as the elevator stopped, three people walked out of it.

The one in front is arrogant and high-spirited, and looks very proud.

"Morning Lu Bureau."

"Director Lu, go out."

"Good job Lu."

The three young men shouted quickly.

"Well, go to the district for a meeting." This very proud person is Lu Yong, the director of Lu Bureau who was beaten by Jiang Shen.

Only then did Director Lu reply, and suddenly saw Jiang Shen.

Hiss, both of them recognized each other.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

"Hehe." Lu Yong smiled.

Then he turned his head and said to the people around him: "What happened to what I told you yesterday?"

That person was less than 40 years old, and he was the director of the China Merchants Office. His surname was Guan, Guan Haiping.

Guan Haiping bowed his head and said: "A notice has been issued to strengthen the work style of the agency, and strictly control the delay and retreat early."

"Those who don't go to work for a day or two must be dealt with seriously." After speaking, Lu Yong looked at Jiang Shen.

You little bastard, I've been telling you to report back for a few days, and I haven't seen you for a few days, you are awesome.

"Yes, yes, Lu Bureau, don't worry, if you don't go to work for three consecutive days, we will recommend dismissal."

A few people stood at the elevator entrance and talked. The elevator doors would close and open for a while, and no one could get on or off.

But Jiang Shen also smiled at this time, and then took out a piece of paper from his arms: "Ju Lu, Jiang Shen has reported to you."

"Jiang Shen?" Director Guan finally understood what the leader meant.

He didn't know that Jiang Shen had fought Lu Ju, but he only knew that Lu Ju had a lot of opinions on Jiang Shen.

Immediately, his face darkened: "Are you the new deputy chief of the first section of foreign capital? No. 18 asked you to report, what is the date now? What did you do a few days ago?"

"There is a case in the firm that I need to hand over, and I will finish it on the 21st." Jiang Shen returned to the firm for dinner on the 21st, of course it can be said that.

"Huh--" Lu Ju snorted coldly at this moment, and then left without saying a word.

"You will write an inspection later and hand it over to my office." Director Guan of the office is also amazing, he is only half a level higher than Jiang Shen, like a leader, he gave an order, and then chased after Bureau Lu. There is a meeting.

It turned out that he was the new deputy section chief, so handsome, the little beauty's eyes sparkled.

He is our deputy section chief?He seems younger than Lao Tzu, that man who is a bit dissatisfied with Jiang Shen despises Jiang Shen.

He likes little beauties, so he hates the appearance of handsome guys.

The other man didn't make a sound, and waited for Lu Ju and the others to leave before he called softly, "Hi Jiang Ke."

See if you don't like Lu Ju, it's important to keep your distance.

"Okay, everyone, are you all in the same department?"

"One subject, Wang Jing." The little beauty stretched out her little hand first.

"Hello, Miss Wang." Jiang Shen naturally knew that the little beauty would not be younger than him.

"Zhao Zifeng." The man who liked Wang Jing also stretched out his hand, but Wang Jing stretched out his hand, otherwise he would lose face.

The other didn't reach out, but said flatly, "Peng Qi."

Jiang Shen glanced at Peng Qi indiscriminately. When Peng Qi saw that Lu Yong was rude to me, he immediately treated me so coldly?

Zhao Zifeng was a little better, he was a man of temperament, he probably liked Wang Jing, so he hated handsome guys.

Jiang Shen is a little complacent. A handsome guy like me, who is loved by women and hated by men, is this called a handsome guy.

The four of them walked all the way to the foreign capital department on the third floor in silence.

When we arrived at Ricoli, there were already several people inside.

There are seven people in the entire foreign investment department, five men and two women.

There are two women, one is the chief of the department, named Miao Fang, she is a 27-year-old mature young woman, she is also beautiful and charming, basically has the beauty of Jiang Shen's women.

The other one is Wang Jing.

There is also a deputy section chief, Shi Yujie.

There are also two young clerks, Peng Qi and Zhao Zifeng, and two older ones, Lao Li and Lao Ruan.

After seeing China Merchants, Jiang Shen knew what it means to be beautiful like a cloud.

The first subject of foreign capital is not bad, there are only two.

There are eight people in the second department of foreign capital, three men and five women, and five of them are all beautiful women.

In matters like investment promotion, beautiful women are sometimes much easier to talk about than men. Xiang Lan used to be the director of investment promotion.

So there are many beautiful women in the China Merchants Bureau.

In addition to the two departments of foreign capital, there is also the economic cooperation department, and there are also two beauties, plus the deputy director of the office and the famous first beauty of China Merchants Bureau, Ge Danni, and the deputy director, Lu Qi, the second most beautiful woman in China Merchants Bureau. It is a small world full of beauties.

These are just regular workers in the bureau, and there are many temporary workers in the bureau.

These temporary workers are all beauties, and they belong to a separate investment promotion office, which is responsible for receiving businessmen.

When Jiang Shen first came, he was still a little upset.

As a result, as soon as he arrived, his spiritual sense swept away, and the whole building was full of beauties, and the one who saw it was in a good mood.

Good place, good place, if I knew it was full of beauties, I should have transferred here earlier.

Wow haha.

Jiang Shen swept his mind, feeling refreshed.

Then I found that everyone in the office looked at me with strange eyes.

I'm sorry, where is my office?

Jiang Shen found that he had no place to stay, and the third floor was all belonging to the foreign capital department.

The section chief and deputy section chief have a separate office.

But how he looked at it, it seemed that there was no second deputy chief's office.

What, where am I sitting?After much deliberation, Jiang Shen wanted to find Miao Fang, the section chief.

Jiang Shen walked to the section chief's office, the door was ajar, and it was pushed open with a light push, and all he saw was a sexy buttocks.

Miao Fang was bending over and lowering her head to wipe the coffee table in the office, her butt was facing the door.On the high buttocks, she was wearing a short skirt with hips and gray stockings on her legs, which was very eye-catching.

Jiang Shen took a few glances, and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door to remind her, when Miao Fang stood up.

She seemed to sense someone behind her, and when she looked back, she saw Jiang Shen staring at her butt and thighs, she couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry.

"Who are you looking for?"

Miao Fang turned around dissatisfied, and then threw the rag on the table.

"Hehe, hello Miao Ke, I'm the new Xiao Jiang, Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen introduced himself with a smile.

Then he walked over and picked up the dishcloth on the table: "For such a trivial matter, Miao Ke can call me Xiao Jiang."

He also pretended to wipe it on the table a few times.

When Miao Fang heard that she was a new colleague, most of her anger disappeared immediately, and she forced a smile: "Okay, so you are Jiang Shen? Put down the rag."

When Jiang Shen saw her smile, he was not very natural, and he probably wasn't very enthusiastic about himself.

He put down the rag, and then sat down on the sofa next to him, looking like a good boy who respectfully listens to the teacher's lecture.

Miao Fang saw his stance and knew Jiang Shen's intentions, so she also sat on the office chair: "Xiao Jiang, I heard that you used to be the deputy director of the police station?"

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