Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 339 Low-key 1 point

After waiting for another half an hour, Jiang Shen's office has been tidied up.

Except for Peng Qi and Shi Yujie, the deputy head of the first department who is not at home today, everyone went to visit.

All kinds of embellishments and decorations make people's eyes shine.

Jiang Shen's office, which looks like the office of the deputy chief of the China Merchants Group's Business Section [-], is just like the office of the president of a large international consortium, full of luxury and refinement.

Pan Wenwen was still there, and said to Jiang Shen with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, according to your request, keep it simple, are you satisfied?"

Jiang Shen has a serious face, no one can see that this woman is having an affair with him: "Yes, thank you Mr. Pan, the most important thing for our government department is to keep a low profile, so that's it."

Let me go, are you still low-key like this?Everyone in the audience despised him.

Jiang Shen's action was too big. When Pan Wenwen left, let alone the foreign-funded department, members of other departments upstairs and downstairs all ran up to watch.

Even the deputy director of the office, Ge Danni, the number one beauty just now, couldn't help running up.

All of a sudden, Jiang Shen's office was full of beauties, and beauties from every office on every floor arrived.

When Ge Danni saw Jiang Shen's completely new office, she was speechless.

The entire office seems to have been designed for a long time, and everything is placed just right. There are various decorations on the walls, cabinets and even the floor.

Especially on the top of the cabinet, there are several bottles of red wine and the rare Lafite.

Not to mention the refrigerator, Wang Jing opened the refrigerator on purpose, and the refrigerator was full of drinks and ice cream.

"You're welcome, everyone eat, everyone eat." Jiang Shen took out some ice cream with a smile.

Wang Jing was not polite, she reached out to take a bite: "Hey, are you alright?"

The refrigerator was out of power when I brought it here, but I didn't expect it to be fine just after plugging it in.

All the beauties in the bureau started to eat, only Ge Danni's face was livid with anger.

"Xiao Jiang, which leader approved this? Which leader asked you to buy so many things?" Originally, buying things had to be approved by the office, and then the office made purchases. If you do this, who would dare to reimburse you?

Adding up the things here, 10 yuan is the minimum, and if the red wine is real, there are hundreds of thousands.

China Merchants does not buy so many office supplies in a year.

Jiang Shen is going against the sky.

"I bought it myself. I paid for it myself, so I don't need to report it to the bureau." Jiang Shen smiled lightly.

"------" The audience was speechless.

Ge Danny was dumbfounded.

"Of course, if the bureau is willing, you can report the desk for me." Jiang Shen laughed again because he saw Guan Haiping.

Office Director Guan Haiping also came.

His complexion was even worse.

"Jiang Shen, if you do this, what should you do if the Disciplinary Committee finds out? Now, frugality is emphasized from top to bottom, even if you buy it yourself, but the common people come and see that they don't know. When someone reports it, the Disciplinary Committee will definitely come to investigate You, this punishment, can you bear it?"

"I bought it myself, what am I afraid of?" Jiang Shen said strangely: "I will check it when the Disciplinary Committee checks it. My money comes in a serious manner. What am I afraid of? If I dare to take it out and use it, I am not afraid of the investigation."

Jiang Shen is not afraid of investigation, his girlfriend is the big boss, so what am I afraid of.A Yongtai Group is worth more than one billion yuan.

"Okay, even if you buy it yourself, what do you do with the refrigerator in your office? You also need to put red wine? This is definitely not allowed, even if you buy it yourself, move out immediately."

"My red wine is fake. I put it in the refrigerator because I am not in good health. I have to eat 'Dalik' imported from abroad for three meals a day. Does Dalik know that expensive western medicine should be kept in the refrigerator, otherwise it will take two days. It doesn't work, and a Daliq costs a thousand dollars."

Jiang Shen took out a few boxes of things from the refrigerator and shook Guan Haiping.

"What's the matter, I'm not allowed to take medicine at work? The Disciplinary Committee also asks people to take medicine."

"------" Guan Haiping was also speechless.

But do you really need to buy such a big refrigerator?I care about you.

Guan Haiping looked firmly at Jiang Shen's office: "You wait." Finally, he stamped his feet and left in shame.

Today, he was bullied by Jiang Shen twice, each time he lost face more than the last time.

But there was nothing he could do about Jiang Shen.

You've made the office look better than the secretary of the provincial party committee, so I don't believe it.

This time Guan Haiping is going to report to the District Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Now the style of frugality is emphasized from top to bottom. You are a stock-level cadre office, and the furniture and everything add up to more than 10 yuan. Are you still paying attention to you?

Later, he did some research and found that there was Dakley, an internationally famous and expensive western medicine, which was specially used to treat cancer. It should be kept in the refrigerator, and it would lose its effectiveness after two days outside, and it was not something that ordinary people could afford.

But, but you, Jiang Shen, look like you have cancer?Looking at your rosy face, you can live to at least a hundred years old, which is obviously nonsense. It's best if you die of cancer.

After Jiang Shen made such a fuss, the morning was over.

At 11:30, everyone gets off work and goes home for dinner.

Jiang Shen also wobbled downstairs.

Today, he is famous.

Not only is he famous in one subject, but he is famous all over the world.

The wealthy deputy section chief is second only to the deputy director, Danny Ge, in the limelight.

Everyone knows that Danny Ge is rich, but I didn't expect a deputy section chief to be so rich.

Everyone was discussing, and then saw Jiang Shen walking towards the Maserati.

"Wow, Jiang Ke is driving a Maserati." Wang Jing could see clearly, her eyes were red.

The "vulgar" Zhao Zifeng is also jealous, but he is very upset to see Wang Jing like this: "He must be a rich second generation. Isn't he driving this kind of car just to pick up girls?"

"Is it vulgar to like famous cars?" Wang Jing despised Zhao Zifeng and ignored him angrily.

Peng Qi drove a domestically produced Ricky, which was a mid-range Ricky car, and it cost nearly 20. It was considered a good car in the bureau, but it was killed by Jiang Shen today.

"Then are you still following me?" He glared at Wang Jing angrily.

Both Wang Jing and Zhao Zifeng commute to get off work with him.

"Go, of course go." The three were about to get into the car.

I saw a Japanese Toyota car driving out of the garage.

This car belongs to Guan Haiping. It has been bought for less than a year. It is only used in the district. It is considered a new car. He has always protected it very carefully. In order to occupy the garage, it will not be exposed to the sun or rain. , Go to work half an hour earlier every day.

Just as he drove out of the garage, a car next to him suddenly accelerated, and then everyone heard a bang, and the two cars collided.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that Maserati's tail hit the front of Toyota.

I was dizzy, and all the off-duty people in the bureau were stunned.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen got out of the car: "Director Guan, how did you drive? You hit my car, can you afford it?"

I hate you, uncle, Guan Haiping almost spit out another mouthful of blood.

Obviously you reversed the car suddenly, accelerated and hit me, and said I hit you.

"Jiang Shen, don't talk nonsense, obviously you hit me."

"Guan Haiping, I'm backing up. Didn't you see? You're still blocking me with a broken Toyota. You should back up a little more consciously. The broken Toyota is blocking the Maserati? You're lucky you didn't hit me."

I'm sorry, Guan Hai was trembling in a calm manner.

Jiang Shen broke Toyota with every word, it was really familiar, and shit was unbearable.

If he was a few years younger, he really wanted to rush up and fight Jiang Shen.

"Did you crash it? Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination? Tell me how much it is." Jiang Shen didn't think so, with a high-ranking look, and he looked like a man who got rich suddenly.

"You don't need to call the traffic police, do you? I'm leaving first. You go and fix it. Tell me how much it costs. Damn, bad luck. My new car is a broken Toyota." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he turned around and left cursing.

"Jiang Shen, you---" Guan Haiping's eyes darkened, and he fainted on the spot.

"Director Guan, Director Guan." Several people surrounded him.

Now Guan Haiping is really angry, this is called rich and powerful, Jiang Shen said, let's go to repair, how much I will pay, is it reasonable?

But that tone and that attitude are simply pissing people off.

Guan Haiping, who was in his forties, was so angry by a young man, it was a good idea not to vomit blood.

Everyone didn't see clearly until Jiang Shen started the car and left.

The front of the Toyota was almost completely deformed, but Jiang Shen's Maserati was intact, as if it didn't even have a trace.

"The famous car is indeed a famous car. Have you seen it?" Wang Jing pointed to Jiang Shen's car and admired it.

She didn't know that this car was driven by Jiang Shen, and someone else drove it. If it hits like this, the Maserati will be greatly deformed.

When the Maserati restarted, it happened to meet the Nissan who was driving to the door at this time. The Nissan belonged to Bao Gang, the deputy director, because he was watching Jiang Shen hit Guan Haiping and drove very slowly. After Jiang Shen hit Guan Haiping, the Maserati drove all the way Press the horn and rush towards the iron gate.

I hate you, Bao Gang looked in the car, if he didn't give way, the Maserati would crash into his car, you're cruel, he slammed the steering wheel, and abruptly gave way from the middle of the road to the side of the road.

Then I saw Maserati go all the way.

Too arrogant.

Jiang Shen is so arrogant on the first day of work today.

Why did you just say low key?

Do you want to be high-profile?

Everyone in the China Merchants Bureau knew Jiang Shen.

After Jiang Shen left China Merchants, he drove non-stop all the way to the airport.

An important guest came to Dongning today.

Miner, her father Roger, and his father's friend Christian, three French friends, came to Dongning.

Rogge is a member of the French parliament. According to the level, if you go to Dongning Province, there must be leaders in the province to pick you up.

But this time they came in a very low-key manner based on Jiang Shen's opinion. They must have come to see a doctor and could not do so in an official manner, so the three of them arrived in Dongning, but the Dongning provincial government didn't know.

At around [-]:[-] noon, they got off the plane at Dongning Airport, accompanied by Chrisan's bodyguard and Chrisann's personal doctor, a total of five people.

Outside the airport, Chest Mao drove a commercial vehicle and parked on the side of the road, beside Jiang Shen's Maserati.

A few tens of meters away, Minaier had already seen Jiang Shen.

"Ginger---" Mi Naier seemed to be really in love, tears flowed out after tens of meters away, she flew towards Jiang Shen like a beautiful little butterfly.

In the end, he trotted all the way and threw himself into Jiang Shen's arms.

"Ginger?---I miss you so much----" Mi Nai'er's body was hot, fragrant and soft, and the warm fragrance of nephrite made Jiang Shen hug her full.

The enthusiasm and initiative of French women also deeply infected Jiang Shen.

It seems that I haven't seen Mi Naier for several months, and Jiang Shen is also a little embarrassed.

Gently stroking Mi Nai'er's hair: "Me too, I miss you very much." Then he kissed Mi Nai'er's forehead.

Brother Gentleman is amazing, and the French girl also picked up one.

Brother Chest Mao looked admirable on his face.

Mi Nai'er's figure is also well-known among Jiang Shen's women, with perfect curves, and with long golden hair, she is charming and sexy, and she has a completely different style from domestic women.

Chest hair brother is now considered a big boss in the upper class in Dongning, a big man, he can be said to have picked up countless girls, and he sees as many beauties as Jiang Shen, but he also falls in love when he sees Michel. Only a gentleman can surrender to such a French stunner Docile post.

Picking up girls with chest hair is all about throwing money at people. Seeing that the gentleman convinces others with virtue, everyone is devoted to him. This is the gap.

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