Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 340 Billion Euros

The two sides met and introduced each other first.

Christian is an old man in his early sixties. Because of the long-term illness, he looks more like a white-haired old man in his seventies or eighties.

Seeing that Jiang Shen was so young, Chrisann couldn't believe it.

But the legend of Huaguo Qigong is now his only hope.

"Let's go, I've booked a hotel, and I'll go directly to the hotel first to see a doctor." Jiang Shen was also very forthright, Rogge sent his daughter to him from all the way, and he still had to have this attitude.

"Thank you very much, Jiang---" Rogge waited for his daughter to hug enough, and came up to give Jiang Shen a bear hug.

Oh, do foreigners like hugs so much?Chest hair buckles boogers on the side.

After the courtesy, I got on the bus.

Mi Naier will take Jiang Shen's car, and the other four will take Chest Hair's commercial car.

As soon as she got in the car, Minaier almost jumped on Jiang Shen.

"Jiang, why didn't you find the driver?" Mi Nai'er looked like she wished they could have sex in the car first.

"What do you need a driver for? Our domestic drivers are all leaders."

"It's more convenient if you have a driver, so I can't wait." Miner's words reminded Jiang Shen of the time when he left France.

The driver was driving in front, and he and Mi Naier were in the back violently shaking the car.

Thinking of this, little Jiang Shen was ready to move.

What a charming little stunner, Jiang Shen was reminded by Mi Nai Er, and he almost couldn't help wanting to execute her in the car.

But now the business is important, there are people following behind, Jiang Shen is not easy to mess around, of course, the two of them will inevitably touch their hands in the car.

Fortunately, Jiang Shen is a god, and his divine sense can control the car. If it were someone else, he would have been in a car accident long ago.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the 'Grand Wei Hotel'.

This is a five-star hotel. It used to be built by an outside boss. Later, he made money from gambling with Jiang Shen and bought him.

Ordinarily, it is time for lunch, but Christian and Roger are waiting to witness the miracle, and no one mentions eating.

"Go to the room first." Jiang Shen took Chris Ann, Roger, and Miner to a presidential suite.

Christian's bodyguard and doctor wanted to follow, but Roger dissuaded them.

In the presidential suite, Chris Ann looked forward and excited.

Is Qigong really that magical?

If it doesn't work this time, he is basically hopeless.

His serious illness would have prevented him from traveling such a long distance.

"Miraculous ginger -- don't we need to go to the hospital for an examination first?" Chrisan was still a little worried, should he just watch it here?Don't need to check what?

"I'm checking for you right now." Jiang Shen swept his mind, and his face changed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Chris Ann and Rogge are both veterans, and they were all startled when they saw Jiang Shen's face change drastically.

"My God, Mr. Terry, I'm so proud of you."

Christian's full name is Terry Christian.Jiang Shen felt that the back of the call was too long, so he called the first two words directly.

"Almost everything in your body has been eroded by the disease, yet you can still survive till now?"

It turned out that all the viscera in Christian's body had been corroded by virus cells, and almost none of them were intact from the heart to the stomach and spleen.

This kind of situation has already died in ordinary people. He can live until now. On the one hand, he is rich and insists on using the best medicine. On the other hand, his will is very firm. Rogge gave him hope. I have always wanted to see Jiang Shen.

"The doctor said a year ago that I couldn't live for a month. I persisted for a full year. If I don't see you again, I really can't do it." All Christian's persistence is his trust in Rogge.

It can be seen that if he did not trust Rogge, he would not have come to China.

Apart from the internal organs, Chris'an's bones are all aging, and many bones in the body have cracks, which seem to be broken at any time.

The full name of his disease is 'Smooth Rot Syndrome Death Syndrome'.

Because it is caused by a virus, it is ten times more terrifying than cancer. After it is discovered, it is generally certain to die within a year.

And it was very miserable when he died. There was no intact part of the body. This virus would erode all organs and parts of a person, such as the heart. When the deceased finally died, the size of the heart was only about one-third of its original size. All of them will rot.

Some experts have proposed a treatment plan for this disease, which is to replace all the organs of the human body, but with the current level of technology, this is just an idea, and it is impossible to realize.

"How about it, Jiang, can your qigong save him?" Rogge is also a dead horse and a living horse doctor. He tried his best to speak well of Jiang Shen in front of Christian. Whether Jiang Shen can do it or not, he doesn't know. grasp.

Jiang Shen nodded and shook his head: "Let's put it this way, I can try it, but I don't guarantee it will work. It would be best if I succeed, but if I fail, I don't want any trouble for myself?"

He has calculated that the treatment of this disease may consume a lot of immortal energy, and it is really not worth it for a foreigner who has never met before.

But life is the most precious, if he can save someone, he still wants to save him, but he will try to minimize the loss of immortal energy.

You know, people who have been treated by his immortal energy usually benefit a lot.

"Don't worry about this, Jiang, I brought all my suicide notes. If something happens to me, I will definitely not blame you." Hearing Jiang Shen's tone, Chris Ann was obviously hopeful, and her eyes immediately shone.

"If I can live another ten years, Jiang, I am willing to support one billion euros." Christian is also a generous person, and he does not necessarily pursue a complete recovery from his illness. As long as he can live another ten years, he is also satisfied.

"Don't talk about money with me. I'm not short of money. Of course, I don't mind if you give it to Mi Naier." Jiang Shen looked at Mi Nai Er with a smile.

Michel bit her lip in surprise and delight.

She didn't like the billion euros, but Jiang Shen's attitude.

In Jiang Shen's eyes, one billion euros is not as important as her Michelle.

That's a billion euros.

Even Rogge gasped when he heard it, and was quite frightened.

Rogge knows that Christian's family property is only about 20 billion euros, ranking tenth in the French rich list, and one billion is half of his family property. It seems that Christian also spent a lot of money in order to survive.

As soon as Jiang Shen opened his mouth to transfer one billion euros to his daughter, it was equivalent to transferring it to himself. It seems that this son-in-law is really desirable.

Rogge was secretly happy there, and Jiang Shen had already started to treat Chrisanne.

"You close your eyes and fight back the pain."

"Okay." Chrisann took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly.

Jiang Shen waved his hand to signal Rogge and Miner to step back a little, then stretched out his right hand, and gently placed it on top of Chris Ann's head.

It's time to witness the miracle.

Roger and Miner opened their eyes wide without blinking.

Boom, suddenly they felt a slight tremor in the room, and a powerful energy seemed to erupt from Jiang Shen's body.

Although they can't see or touch it, everyone around them can feel this feeling.

It's like holding an air gun and firing a shot. Although you can't see the air, you can still feel the impact.

Jiang Shen's immortal energy poured into Chris'an's body like a winding stream.

"Oh--" Chris Ann was pained and happy.

The changes in his body were painful, the virus was being killed by the immortal energy, and the internal organs were slowly returning to their original shape. This process was very painful, but after Jiang Shen's immortal energy entered his body, he felt a refreshing feeling.

Others may not be able to experience this process, but Christian can clearly feel it, especially the changes in his body.

Chi, chi, the virus was killed, the muscles and bones resumed growth, and his body seemed to be full of life again.

He feels that he is getting younger and younger, and he is getting more and more powerful.

"Oh---" At the back, when the virus in his body was wiped out, he moaned comfortably.

Ka, Ka, at the last moment, his bones made noises, even his bones were changing.

At the same time, Jiang Shen's face was dripping with sweat, and he also showed his hard work to the limit.

This process takes 5 minutes.

"It's almost there, congratulations Mr. Terry, take a good rest---"

With a plop, Jiang Shen sat down on the ground, his face was flushed and he was dripping with sweat.

"Ginger---" Mi Nai'er rushed over with heartache, hugging Jiang Shen.

"It's okay, it's okay, help me up, I'll be fine after a while, you go to eat."

"Hurry up, help him to bed and rest for a while." Rogge was also nervous about this son-in-law, now this son-in-law Jane is a god-like figure, and Qigong cures diseases, the only one in the world.

Chris Ann sat there, carefully feeling the changes in herself.

Now, he felt that he could defeat five Rogers, and he felt that he could eat a cow.

He felt that he was back, and he felt that he could live another 100 years.

"It's amazing, Roger, it's wonderful, this is the most incredible experience in my life." He wanted to spare no words of praise, but he couldn't think of anything to praise Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen has become a god-like existence in his heart.

"Christian, are you okay?" Roger and his daughter helped Jiang Shen to rest in a bedroom inside.

"I'm fine. I think my illness is completely cured. What about Jiang, is he okay?" Chris Ann had countless things to say to Jiang Shen.

If possible, he would almost become brothers with Jiang Shen. I heard that Hua people are the most loyal and like to become brothers with others.

The French talk about friends, but he feels that friends can no longer express his respect for Jiang Shen.

"He needs some sleep, how about you?"

"Oh--I--" Chrisanne stood up and took a few steps around the room.

In fact, he just recovered from his illness and needed to sleep, but he saw Mi Naer's expression in a flash from the corner of his eye, and smiled slightly: "I also need to sleep for a while, but I think it's okay to open another room?"

"Of course." The old man Rogge also smiled, and looked at his daughter: "Miner, you can take a look at Jiang here, and I will go out with your Uncle Terry."

"Okay, Dad." Miner was very excited.

Rogge took Chrisanne out of their presidential suite, and gave up the huge space here to Jiang Shen and Mi Naier.

As soon as the two left, Mi Naier couldn't wait to chase into Jiang Shen's room.

She felt sorry for Jiang Shen, but she had no other thoughts.

I just want to see if Jiang Shen is exhausted.

"I said, have they left?" Jiang Shen looked weak.

"They're all gone, you can sleep for a while." Mi Nai'er lay beside Jiang Shen's bed, kissing Jiang Shen's forehead.

"I don't want to sleep. Now, I feel that I need a certain cute little mouth."

"Really." Mi Naier smiled, and then suddenly burrowed into Jiang Shen's quilt: "Let me look for it, if there is something I need - um -"

Then her little mouth seemed to be blocked by something.

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