How to do?

Lu Qi put the wine in the back, covered the damaged part of the black thigh with her hand, and looked at the car behind.

If there are still people in their car, and others see the wine box, then forget it. Now there is no one else, so I don’t know how it was done.

If it goes on like this, what is the system?

The black thread is broken.

Those who didn't know thought Jiang Shen did something to Lu Qi in the car.

"You -- Lu Bureau, do you want to go back to the office?" Jiang Shen was also very depressed.

You go back to the office and change it.

"---" Lu Qi stayed there, how do I get out of the car now, and when I got out of the car, others saw that the black silk on my thigh was torn, what should I do?

She reacted quickly, and suddenly said: "Do you have black wires on your car?" She asked this question, and she was at a loss as to why she would say such a thing to her subordinates.

But a woman's sixth sense is relatively strong, and she felt that Jiang Shen might have it in the car.

"------" Of course Jiang Shen has it, there is a lot of storage space, there are all kinds of threads, and there are also interesting threads.

"Just change it in the car?" Jiang Shen was dumbfounded.

Both found it a bit ambiguous.

"Let's drive first, we'll be waiting later." Lu Qi hurriedly told Jiang Shen to drive first.

Miao Fang and the others at the back didn't know why, why didn't Jiang Shen move for a long time in front?

Jiang Shen quickly started.

After two cars, one in front and one in back, they left China Merchants.

It was already the end of November, and it was getting dark after 05:30.

They came out at five o'clock and drove for a while, and the sky gradually darkened.

Lu Qi blushed all the way, judging from the conversation just now, Jiang Shen really has black silk, but how should I wear it?

If you don't wear it, it's even more unreasonable. Let Miao Fang and the others see it. It's really reasonable and hard to explain, but if you wear it in the car?

The more Lu Qi thought about it, the more she blushed.

"After passing the traffic light in front, there is a public toilet. It's already dark now. When you get out of the car, go directly to the toilet. As long as you don't look back, they won't be able to see the damage in front of you, and then change it and come back."

Jiang Shen spoke at this time, and when he spoke, he gestured to touch the back, and took out a new pair of black silk from the back.

Lu Qi let out a long sigh of relief, finally it can be solved.Although going to the toilet in the middle is bad, it's better than letting people see that the black thread is broken.

She took the black silk and put it in her bag. After passing the traffic light, she saw a public toilet next to it.

Then Jiang Shen stopped the car. Although Lu Qi was a little flustered, she forced herself to calm down and walked slowly to the toilet on the side of the road.

Miao Fang behind also stopped.

Hey, why did Bureau Lu suddenly get out of the car?

It turned out to be going to the toilet, but somehow Lu Ju walked a little weirdly.

Of course, everyone broke their heads and couldn't think of the reason.

This incident was just a small episode on their way to the hotel, but Jiang Shen took out the black silk in time, which still made Lu Qi a little depressed.

There are black silk on the car, you want me to say you have foresight, or what?

Back in the car, Lu Qi said softly, "Thank you Jiang Ke."

"You're welcome, it's okay." Jiang Shen simply teased.

"Hee hee, very good, will your girlfriend be angry?" It was rare that Lu Qi also made a joke with Jiang Shen.

At her age, she is actually more suitable to be a clerk like Wang Jing, but as a deputy director, it is rare for her subordinates to dare to joke with her. Jiang Shen is so bold, and she just happened to find someone to talk to.

"I have stockings in the car, she doesn't know." Jiang Shen said deliberately.

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so direct, now she didn't dare to answer the next words.

"By the way, who is Jiabo International here today?" If it is said that leadership is also the art of leadership, teleportation is the specialty of every leader, and it immediately comes to work.

Jiang Shen reported the French again, Lu Qi suddenly remembered something: "Oh, I forgot to call Ge Danni, her English is the best in our bureau."

"It's okay, I can speak Japanese." Jiang Shen was a little showing off.

"Ah--" Lu Qi was very surprised, she didn't expect Jiang Shen to be able to speak French.

"Jiang Ke, you are indeed a suitable talent for China Merchants."

"Self-taught, can only barely communicate." Jiang Shen's words were even more ostentatious.

Lu Qi looked at Jiang Shen with great interest.

At [-]:[-], their two cars arrived at the downstairs of the 'Dongning International Hotel' on time.

The 66-story Dongning International Hotel is a landmark building in Dongning Province. It is located in the most prosperous city center of Dongning City. It can be described as a high-end atmosphere.

Take the elevator straight to the top floor, and you can watch the night view of Dongning all the time.

On the top floor, through the glass walls on all sides, you can see almost the entire city of Dongning. With Jiang Shen's line of sight, the eighth district of Dongning can give him a panoramic view, which is very spectacular.

There are only two boxes on the top floor.

The walls are surrounded by glass, and the top of the head is also glass. Sitting inside is like sitting in a transparent world, and you can see the outside at any time, which is very shocking.

Room a is the best private room in Dongning International Hotel, with an area of ​​260 square meters. The most distinctive feature is the toilet in room a. You can see many things inside, such as the bath table, mirror, etc., but you can’t see it. To the toilet and people inside.

And people who enter the toilet can also see the vegetable table outside, and even the dishes on the vegetable table, but they cannot see the people outside.

It is said that the various glass walls here cost several million.

In addition to the toilet, there is also a karaoke hall and bedrooms inside, which are exactly the same as a family.

The place to eat is the hall of this room.

As soon as everyone walked in, Wang Jing and Zhao Zifeng, who came for the first time, were all excited to watch.

The talents of "Ginger" China Merchants stood firm, and felt the fragrant wind blowing in front of them, and an extremely beautiful French beauty flew into Jiang Shen's arms like a flower and butterfly.

Then the two embraced lightly and kissed each other's foreheads.

Wow, the French women are so enthusiastic. Zhao Zifeng almost salivated when he saw this beauty, and waited for Mi Naier to hug her one by one, but Mi Nai Er took Jiang Shen's hand and walked inside. Don't even look at other people.

I copied it, I know it.

Thinking that French women always have this kind of etiquette when they see guests, Zhao Zifeng was very happy.

"This is Section Chief Jiang." On the opposite side was a yellow-skinned Chinese man following Chrisann.

He is French-Chinese, the person in charge of Dongning Jiabo International, the general manager Pierce, and a Chinese named Pi Aifa.

He should have heard from Chris Ann that he shook hands with Jiang Shen very warmly, and then he and Jiang Shen introduced the people on both sides in French and Chinese.

"This is Mr. Christian, our director of Carbor International."

"This is Director Lu of our China Merchants Bureau."

Every time Pierce introduced a Frenchman, Jiang Shen also introduced a Frenchman.

"This is our Rogge MP from France, a partner of Carber International."

"This is our Section Chief Miao Fang."

China Merchants was obviously taken aback when they heard the congressman.

The councilors are generally similar to the city hall-level and provincial-level cadres here. If they knew that there were councilors coming, they could report this matter to the city's investment promotion bureau, or even the provincial bureau of commerce.

Today their reception specifications are a bit small.

"This is Mrs. Rogue's woman, Miss Miner."

When Pierce introduced Mi Nai Er, Mi Nai Er looked at Jiang Shen affectionately.

The two seem to be having an affair. The two women, Lu Qi and Miao Fang, seem to have noticed something.

The next thing is to eat. According to the French tradition, work is generally not discussed during meals, and everyone mainly eats.

Today's dishes are the minimum standard, a table of [-], it's not that Jiang Shen is reluctant to pay, he really feels that there is nothing to eat, even a table of [-] is actually about the same.

On the other hand, Zhao Zifeng, Wang Jing and even Miao Fang and Lu Qi were the first to eat such expensive dishes.

Because both parties intend to cooperate, and there are many women on Jiang Shen's side, there is no phenomenon of wine competition. One meal lasted until 07:30 in the evening, drank four bottles of red wine, and then had a meeting next door room to talk about work.

As Peng Qi said, Jiabo International had indeed signed a contract with the Xicheng District government, but after Chrisan arrived, he immediately designated the Chengdong District.

According to the agreement in the contract, Jiabo International should compensate 1000 million euros in liquidated damages, as well as the previous investment from the Xicheng District Government.

In order to relocate the residents on the factory site they selected, Xicheng District has already expropriated and demolished the area where the factory is located, and paid a lot of money for this. The loss of Xicheng District is also quite large for Jiabo International.

But regardless of whether the west city or the east city is the eighth district of Dongning City, they are still in Dongning when they move around, so some leaders in the city say hello. Forget it. The investment in the front of the urban area will be compensated by the city for a symbolic amount. Anyway, your place is about to be demolished.

This is also the helplessness of the local government, not that Jiabo International has someone in the government.

Because Jiabo International is a large international company with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, and this is the initial stage. If you really ask him to pay liquidated damages, if Jiabo International gets angry, he will move to another province. Ning would lose a lot.

So after much deliberation in Dongning City, since we are still in Dongning, there is no need to freeze the relationship between the two parties. In the end, the city raised 100 million yuan to appease Xicheng District.

As soon as Lu Qi heard this, she knew that Jiang Shen was really done, and Jiabo International planned to transfer to Chengdong District.

Moreover, Pierce who came this time is the big boss of Jiabo International Huaguo District. The previous few times when China Merchants contacted Jiabo International, the other party was a vice president. It was obvious that Pierce gave Jiang Shen a lot of face this time.

Although it is said that Lu Qi and Miao Fang are Jiang Shen's leaders present, the two beauties can clearly see that Chris Ann and Pierce respect Jiang Shen very much and only want to talk to Jiang Shen, so the two leaders put His position was lowered a bit, allowing Jiang Shen to play to his full potential.

This is also the reason why Jiang Shen called them here. The leader is a man. When it comes to this occasion, he usually refuses to let go of his figure and likes to rush to the front. When the time comes, Chris Ann will not give them face.

Female leaders are more talkative, at least many female leaders are sometimes willing to temporarily put down for work.

But the two women were thinking in their hearts, what method did Jiang Shen use to attract Jiabo International?Could it be that she seduced that Michel with her beauty?

However, everyone in the China Merchants Bureau had to admit that Jiang Shen was really capable, and his French was enough for him to gain a foothold in the China Merchants Bureau.

Because Christiana was determined to curry favor with Jiang Shen, and after talking about the details for half an hour, he was about to sign a contract with Chengdong District.

Jiang Shen was naturally overjoyed, but at this moment Lu Qi gently pulled Jiang Shen.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shen and Lu Qi walked to the back.

"Let's change it to signing tomorrow. For such a big project, we can't be so hasty. We have to show that we respect them. Tomorrow, please invite the district leaders, the leaders of the city bureau and the district bureau to sign at the district guest house together. We have to sign for projects with more than 5000 million yuan in the east of the city." Passing through the district and city bureaus."

I'm stupid, the people I brought here should be more suitable for Tang Jianguo?When Jiang Shen heard this, he knew that Tang Jianguo would have a good time tomorrow.

Well, I'll bear it, and I'll just treat this dog as my preference.Jiang Shen was already thinking about how to kick the Tang family dog ​​away.

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