In the end, Jiang Shen followed what Lu Qi said, and made an appointment tomorrow to report to the leader before formally signing the contract.

We had a very happy talk about work tonight, and then we had a glass of red wine, and everyone left here together.

Mi Naier gave Jiang Shen a wink, and then went back to the hotel with his father to wait for Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen personally sent everyone from the China Merchants Bureau home.

It was already 08:30 in the evening.

Jiang Shen went to the parking lot to get the car first, and other members of China Merchants were waiting for him at the door.

When he drove the car and came to the door, he suddenly saw a mess ahead.

Hey, it seems that Lu Qi, Miao Fang, Wang Jing are twisting with whom?Got into a fight?

Jiang Shen parked on the side and walked over.

Sure enough, a car was parked in front, and there seemed to be someone sitting in the car. Zhao Zifeng and Miao Fang seemed to be pulling someone out of the car, but a man and a woman outside the car were blocking them.

Seeing Jiang Shen coming, Wang Jing quickly told Jiang Shen what happened.

It turned out that the four of them were waiting for a car just now, when a car suddenly staggered out of the parking lot.

When everyone saw it, they knew that the person in the car was driving drunk, and the drunk was not clear.

This kind of person dares to drive.

Just when they expected, the car suddenly rushed towards Lu Qi and Miao Fang.

The two women were standing together, they were shocked when they saw it, and quickly avoided it.

Lu Qi avoided it in a hurry, twisted her feet, her high heels were crooked, her feet were in severe pain, and she almost burst into tears.

Fortunately, Miao Fang had sharp eyes and quick hands, and dragged Lu Qi aside.

At this time, the car stopped, and two men and a woman got out of the car.

One of the men walked to the front of the car and opened the door: "Manager Hong, you are drunk, let me drive."

"I'm not drunk, I can drive, I can do it." In the car was a woman in her early forties, obviously drunk too much, and her speech was in knots.

Miao Fang walked up at this moment: "You're driving after drinking like this? You almost hit someone, you know?"

"What?" Manager Hong, who was still sitting in the car, suddenly jumped out of the car after hearing Miao Fang's words.

"Where did you hit it? Did you die? I'll pay for it."

"You, how did you talk?" Miao Fang was so angry that she also spoke out for the leader, but she didn't expect this woman to be so arrogant.

"Call the police, she was drunk and driving." Wang Jing jumped out from behind at this time.

Zhao Zifeng even took out his mobile phone to take pictures of her.

Unexpectedly, when the woman heard the word call the police, she jumped up immediately: "Your eye saw me driving, so fuck you." Then she rushed towards Wang Jing.

Wang Jing was supporting Lu Qi, when Lu Qi saw it, she stood up and stopped her.

With a bang, Manager Hong slapped Lu Qi across the face.

Several people in the China Merchants Bureau were stunned.

Lu Qi had pain in her feet, but she was slapped solidly again. She took two steps back and sat down on the ground.

"I'm stupid." Zhao Zifeng saw that the leader had been beaten. If he didn't make a move at this time, let alone when he rushed up to beat Manager Hong.

Wang Jing and Miao Fang also surrounded them.

When Manager Hong and her colleagues saw that something was wrong, one of the men pulled Manager Hong to hide behind the car.

Another man and a woman stopped Zhao Zifeng, Miao Fang and others.

When Jiang Shen came, Manager Hong had already sat in the car. Zhao Zifeng, Miao Fang, and Wang Jing stopped in front of the car to prevent them from driving. The two sides were arguing.

Jiang Shen was also a little angry when he heard what had happened.

Bureau Lu is a nice guy, very kind, and today he cooperated with Jiang Shen for the first time without any airs of leadership.

And she was a beautiful woman, yet she was slapped by this drunk.

Looking at Lu Qi now, her ankle was sprained and her face was beaten. It was as miserable as it could be. She probably had never suffered such a loss in her entire life, and her eyes were full of tears.

How dare you beat me, Jiang Shen's leader.

Jiang Shen didn't say much, and walked over directly.

"Get out of the way." Jiang Shen said to a man and a woman who were blocking Zhao Zifeng and Miao Fang.

"What are you doing, do you want to hit someone? Be careful, we have called the police."

"Hey" are you still reasonable?Jiang Shen now knew that the woman was sitting in the back now, and there was no evidence to prove that she was drunk and driving, so the other party dared to call the police first.

"She hit someone, you should call the police." Jiang Shen smiled.

"She was drunk, we apologize on her behalf."

"No, just slap me."

Jiang Shen said, grab it with one hand, and pull the two men and women aside.

Then he walked over and with a light twist, the rear door was opened by him.

"Why, get out of here." The drunk woman danced and resisted: "You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?"

who are you?You are a "slut." Jiang Shen ignored him, and stretched out his hand to call back for Lu Qi.

"Bah..." Manager Na Hong, who was slapped across the face, threw himself behind the car.

Cool, Wang Jing and Miao Fang were really impressed.Zhao Zifeng was also full of admiration.

"Let's go, this kind of bitch is only useful if he is beaten." After Jiang Shen said, he turned and left.

"You, why are you beating someone? Don't leave, we're going to call the police." The female colleague was still yelling to call the police, trying to catch up, but Jiang Shen's eyes glared, scaring them back again and again.

Then everyone helped Lu Qi into the car.

Everyone was very happy today, but something happened. Lu Qihao said that she was also a deputy director. She was slapped in the face and sprained her foot.

Speaking of which, the slap wasn't painful, but the sprained ankle was excruciatingly painful. But she was in front of a bunch of subordinates, and the tears could only roll in her eyes, so she couldn't help but cry bitterly. Needless to say, she felt wronged.

After driving for a while, Miao Fang suddenly called out.

"No, my mother asked me to buy medicine. Let me down in front. My house is nearby." She was the closest, and she was the first to pass by her house when going back.

"See you tomorrow then."

Miao Fang got out of the car.

Then came Zhao Zifeng again.

Anyway, Jiang Shen sent them off one by one, and then Zhao Zifeng also got out of the car.

Behind is Wang Jing, but Lu Qi is the farthest one.

Wang Jing looked at Lu Qi: "Why don't you send Jiang Ke to Bureau Lu first, and send me the last one, I'm not in a hurry." She wondered if she should go to help Bureau Lu later, she couldn't let Jiang Shen be a man alone. help it.

"I'm fine, I'm much better." After a while, Lu Qi sat in the car and moved her feet, feeling a little better: "Send Wang Jing first, she's already here."

Jiang Shen sent Wang Jing off, and then Lu Qi.

About ten minutes later, I arrived at the downstairs of Lu Qi's community.

"Is there anyone at home? Give them a call and ask them to pick it up." Jiang Shen was afraid that something might happen to Lu Qi's leg, because he swept it with his divine sense, and it seemed that the injury was a bit serious.

The front was twisted first, and the back was slapped. Lu Qi backed up repeatedly and twisted again, hurting her muscles and bones.

This is a trivial matter for him, but he can't take the liberty to say that he wants to treat Lu Qi.

"It's okay, no need, my parents don't live here." What Lu Qi said meant that she was not married yet.

Unmarried deputy directors are really rare these days.

Jiang Shen shook his head secretly, and went down first to help her open the door.

They are a man and a woman, and they are both leaders and subordinates, so it is not easy for Jiang Shen to take the initiative to help her.

As soon as Lu Qi got out of the car, she took the first two steps just fine, but when she took the third step, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

"Ah" she whispered, and she almost fell down.

Jiang Shen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he quickly reached out to help.

Then I felt a soft, scorching delicate body leaning against Jiang Shen's arm.

Lu Qi couldn't help it either, she twisted her right foot, and Jiang Shen was on her right again, she twisted her right foot, she lost her center of gravity on the right side, so she naturally leaned to the right, as if falling into Jiang Shen's arms.

A masculine breath hit her face, and Lu Qi's face flushed and her heart beat faster.

It is said that she has grown up so much, and she has never had such close contact with a man.

Her face was very red, and she tried to struggle to stand up, but found that the more she tried, the more her feet hurt, and she felt like crying.

"Sit down quickly, you've hurt your tendons." Jiang Shen didn't have any other thoughts, he helped Lu Qi sit sideways on the car, and put his feet outside the door.

"Take off your shoes and let me have a look." Jiang Shen is now more talkative: "I know some medical skills, let me have a look."

"No need, I'll just sit down for a while." Lu Qi heard this and looked up. This is her community, although it is already midnight, what if someone she knows sees it?

Others, others thought they were in a car shock.

Thinking of Che Zhen, Lu Qi blushed, why did I think of this?

"Then go to your house." Jiang Shen also seemed to guess her thoughts, regardless of whether she agreed or not, he stretched out his hand and pulled Lu Qi up, then closed the car door, and helped her upstairs.

This time, he just held Lu Qi's arm, and with a little effort, he put her hand on his shoulder.

Lu Qi stood on one foot and stood on tiptoe with the other, following Jiang Shen involuntarily.

She wanted to say no, but she felt that Jiang Shen was very masculine and domineering, so she dragged herself forward.

Lu Qi was slightly dazed.

After she got to work, she has been in the office all the time. The men in the office are either intriguing, obedient, or bullying. Seeing the leader nodding and bowing, bullying the newcomer is full of energy. This is the first time Lu Qi saw a man like Jiang Shen today. .

During the day, he drove into Guan Haiping and just slapped that woman on her behalf.

This is the real man, domineering, masculine, and handsome.

what am i thinkingLu Qi's thought flashed by, and her face became even more rosy.

"No, I'll just go home by myself." She was a little panicked.

No man had ever entered her hut, let alone her subordinates.

"Don't pretend to be capable, how are you going back like this?" Jiang Shen ignored her.

Although she is the leader, but if she really left her alone at this time, Lu Qi would definitely be in pain and couldn't sleep all night.

The two of them pushed and pushed, and soon arrived at the door of Lu Qi's house.

As soon as the door opened, Lu Qi panicked: "Okay, okay, you go back, I'm home."

Jiang Shen originally wanted to go in, but considering that she was a girl, he didn't want to be too obvious.

Forget it, he thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pinched the 'Condensed Qi into Talisman' behind him.

It is hard to condense a piece of symbols like transparent paper in the air.

"You take this, and stick it on the wound after a while when your feet hurt and feel uncomfortable, and go to the hospital tomorrow to have a look."

Although Jiang Shen's magical powers are advancing rapidly, but Lu Qi does not let him see, the effect of what he condenses with mana will be greatly reduced.

"This thing?" Lu Qi looked at the thing in Jiang Shen's hand dubiously.

It's like a piece of transparent paper, but it's a little thicker than paper. I don't know what it is?Seems a bit like a rune from a ghost-hunting TV show.

"You--" Lu Qi was dumbfounded.

"My ancestor was a doctor. This is our family's secret recipe. I don't give it to ordinary people. It's good for curing pain. If you can't stand the pain in your feet, just stick it to him. If it doesn't hurt, just throw it away."

"Oh, thank you." Lu Qi thought for a while, but still took it.

Jiang Shen said that ordinary people don't give it to him, so I am not an ordinary person?

As soon as I got it in my hand, I felt a refreshing feeling, which made people feel refreshed from the palm of the hand to the heart.

amazing.Lu Qi believed eight points.

"Go to bed early." Jiang Shen nodded to her, turned and left.

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