Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 351 Military Order

"Cut? - Pretend, then Huo De has a project in hand tomorrow, so he deliberately said it so nicely."

"I'm afraid Miao Fang will die. She already has a heavy task. Adding 1000 million to her is obviously a bit of pressure."

"One subject has never been as good as two subjects."

"Don't worry about others, we also get 300 million."

After Huo Deming said this, there were all kinds of whispers around him.

It turned out that he had already had a project in his hands, so he said it so nicely. Those who are familiar with him know that every year at the beginning of the year, Huo Deming likes to distribute tasks to his subordinates, and he will scold him for failing to complete them.

On the contrary, Miao Fang of the first department puts more burden on herself and relieves the pressure on others.

The attitudes of the two are different, and Miao Fang is more liked by his subordinates, but if you like it, you like it. If you don't put pressure on your subordinates, the task of the first subject will not be as good as that of the second subject.

So sometimes when working, you can't be too kind, and you should be strict.

At this time, Bao Gang spoke again: "Miao Fang, Section Chief Miao, you are also the main force in the bureau, please tell me."

"Your sister's main force." Miao Ke was annoyed, the most capable people in the bureau were transferred to the second division, and our first division fell behind.

She looked up at Shi Yujie, the deputy section chief, and Shi Yujie looked down at the notebook in front of her.

She was embarrassed to look at Jiang Shen.

She just brought a few hundred million to the first department, but was lost by Lu Yong. She felt a little sorry for Jiang Shen.

After much deliberation, I had no choice but to grit my teeth and say, "The others in Corey also have heavy tasks, so leave the 1000 million to me."

Miao Fang resisted herself again. If she couldn't finish this, her year-end bonus would be affected.

"Jiang Shen doesn't have any missions, does he?" Shi Yujie raised his head at this moment and muttered softly.

Don't listen to his whisper, but now the conference room is quiet, and almost everyone can hear this muttering.

Hehe, is this pulling me hard?

Jiang Shen knew that this was because they insisted on sharing the tasks with themselves.

"I'm new here." Jiang Shen also spoke.

He stood up and looked around.

"I have just come to work for two days, and I am not very familiar with China Merchants Investment---" Jiang Shen said slowly.

When others heard it, they said, this kid wants to push it.

Push, you push, Lu Yong sneered secretly, just to watch you push in public, so that you will be despised by everyone in the bureau.

In the China Merchants Bureau, you can't push the task for everything, especially when you are in public.

Look at Miao Fang and Huo Deming, they are all pulling on themselves, Miao Fang is still sincere, and Huo Deming pretends to say the same.

A person who pushes tasks, how can he raise leadership in the future?

One vote can be vetoed, and when the time comes, if you say that you have been assigned a task, you will decline it, and you will definitely not be qualified to be a leader.

Lu Yong and Bao Gang were about to laugh, when Jiang Shen's voice changed: "Well, let me study first, and I am willing to share 2000 million yuan. Except for the 1000 million yuan for the second department, I will take care of the rest of the 2000 million yuan."

"What?" Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Lu Yong's face twitched, Guan Haiping raised his eyebrows beside him.

Everyone had different expressions, and they were obviously stimulated.

Now this kind of task, anyone who can push it wants to push it down, who will automatically take it all.

Jiang Shen not only bagged 1000 million from his own department, but also 1000 million from other departments. This is really a bit of a show.

The rookie is so noisy?Why do you?

All of a sudden, many section chiefs and deputy section chiefs looked at Jiang Shen with incredulous eyes.

In the second department where Huo Deming was, two beautiful women and deputy chiefs also looked at Jiang Shen strangely.

This is the rhythm of newcomers becoming gods.

And listening to this meaning, Jiang Shen is still modest in speaking, because he is a newcomer and doesn't understand it very well, so he just learns it and makes a 2000 million meaning first.

With Jiang Shen's words, the surroundings were shocked bitterly.

The conference room fell into a brief silence.

A few seconds later, a voice like a duck yelled: "Jiang Shen, this is a general meeting of middle-level cadres. Every sentence can be used as a military order. Can you do it? No, don't hold on."

Everyone followed the voice and looked.

It turned out to be Huo Deming, the head of the second department.

Huo Deming was probably taken aback by Jiang Shen, and his voice changed.

And it has become yin and yang.

"How can a man say no?" Jiang Shen made a joke in front of all the leaders and many beauties.

"Hahaha." Many people in the field laughed.

"Jiang Shen." The deputy director Bao Gang seized the opportunity, his face darkened, and his tone was serious: "This is not a joke, if you fail to complete the task, you will implicate the comrades in the overall situation, and everyone will lose their bonus for a year of hard work." , can you afford it? Let me ask you for the last time, are you telling the truth? "

He buckled his hat first, and when the overall situation fails to get the due bonus at the end of the year, it will be on Jiang Shen's head, let everyone scold Jiang Shen, and maybe find an excuse to fire him.

"My 2000 million yuan will definitely complete the task. I'm afraid that others will not be able to complete the task, and what will happen to the overall bonus?" Jiang Shen alluded to Huo Deming, and his words were equivalent to issuing a military order.

Huo Deming turned pale when he heard this, and wanted to scold Jiang Shen again.

Who do you think you are?A newcomer, with no hair growing yet, who cares about my business?If Huo Deming didn't see how many leaders there are today, he would have scolded him directly.

"Okay, since you say yes, then we'll explain it here, don't say it so nicely now, whoever can't complete the task by then, don't blame me for punishing him."

Bao Gang directly added a punishment, pointing at Jiang Shen in a murderous tone.

By this time, everyone could basically see that Jiang Shen didn't wait for Bureau Bao to greet him. It seemed that he would not have a good life to live in the future.

Today's meeting is actually focusing on these two topics.

These two issues are very specific. Some people may not understand them, but people like Guan Haiping and Shi Yujie understand them.

This is for Jiang Shen.

Only three days after going to work, the China Merchants Bureau issued new regulations for Jiang Shen.

After the meeting in the morning, Lu Qi called Jiang Shen upstairs.

The beauty deputy chief is wearing a little purple trench coat today, which is very pretty and can show off her small waist.

"Jiang Ke, sit down." Lu Qi was very polite, made a cup of tea for Jiang Shen, and then sat back on her office chair.

"Boss Lu is too polite." Jiang Shen sat down with a smile.

"Jiang Ke, you are a newcomer to our bureau, and I am in charge of your department. I want to remind you a few words, our China Merchants Bureau is no better than other departments. If you accept the task, it will be difficult to push it down if you want to?"

"It's okay, thank you Director Lu for your concern, I'm fine, I just accepted a project yesterday, the chance is great."

"Oh." It turned out to be a sure battle, not bad.

Lu Qi nodded in satisfaction, seeming a little excited.

"Okay, yes, you may not know the situation in the bureau. I'm in charge of your first subject, and Bureau Bao is in charge of the second subject. Your performance in the first subject has always been lower than that in the second subject. Now that you join, I hope we can surpass the second subject next year."

"That's completely stress-free." Jiang Shen was a little proud.

"By the way, ask the District Chief to ask you something." After a few polite words, Lu Qi suddenly changed her tone.

"Mayor Qiao now holds Jiabo International in his hand. Everyone in the eight districts of Dongning wants this cake. Jiang Ke, can you fight for it, or bring it to our district?"

Lu Qi has a ginger family on the left and a ginger family on the right. It is a bit embarrassing to call Jiang Shen.

Did Xiang Lan think so?Why didn't she ask me?

Jiang Shen shook his head without thinking about it.

Since he wants to disgust Lu Yong, he must disgust to the end.

"The project was given to Mayor Qiao, and it is Mayor Qiao who decides. Director Lu also knows that Mayor Qiao will definitely have his own ideas when he takes office. In fact, Mayor Qiao is also from our district. He really wants this project. People from the district committee came forward to talk to Mayor Qiao, which is much better than my little clerk."

Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, she was also entrusted to ask this question, after thinking about it carefully, what Jiang Shen said also made sense.

Qiao Xiaoshan has just become the deputy mayor, and urgently needs to establish his own prestige and attract his own people. This project can still be used in a small way.

We must know that after the investment of all three phases of Jiabo International's project is completed, it will be nearly [-] billion, which is not small in the provincial capital Dongning.

A solid achievement.

Jiang Shen was sent away, and it would be unrealistic for him to come back, so Lu Qi just threw a word.

Seeing Jiang Shen's evasion, she didn't say anything more.

"Okay, then let's not talk about it, what kind of project is your 2000 million, you'd better hurry up, it's already December."

"Cement plant. I'm looking for someone to invest more than [-] million yuan to build a medium-sized cement plant."

"..." Lu Qi was stunned again.

"In the past few years, we have demolished and relocated everywhere in the eastern part of the city. In addition, the real estate is still in good momentum. In the short term, cement is still in short supply. There is no cement factory in the eastern part of our city. After the new construction, whether it is for self-use or for sale, it will be profitable. "Jiang Shen said his plan.

"Cement factory." Lu Qi is still a little level, and immediately shook her head: "The pressure on the cement factory is not small. Now Yongtai Group in Xingye District is the leading enterprise in the whole province, and its shipments radiate to the surrounding six provinces and one city. All the cement we need in the east of the city is obtained from Yongtai, so it can be said that the market here is controlled by them, so it’s not easy to get a piece of it?”

What Lu Qi meant was that he was worried that the cement factory in the east of the city would not be able to sell cement.

People in Dongning Province only recognize the brand of Yongtai. Cement from other provinces also wanted to enter the Dongning market, but they were driven away within a few days.

Among other things, as far as the price is concerned, foreign cement cannot compete with local cement.

Think about it, how much does it cost per ton to transport cement from other places to Dongning.

What is the cost of cement?

Therefore, cement is generally self-produced and sold locally, and local cement is definitely better than cement from other places.

Just the price can kill more than half of the cement in other parts of the country.

Although Lu Qi is not engaged in cement, she also knows that if a new cement factory is built in the east of the city, it will definitely not be able to sell Yongtai, and it will close sooner or later.

Otherwise, someone would have built a cement factory long ago, and it's your turn, Jiang Shen.

"Don't worry, Director Lu, Yongtai is coming to open a branch factory. Their business is doing well this year and they are planning to expand their production. The new factory site is planned to be built outside the Xingye District."

"--" No way, Lu Qi was frightened by Jiang Shen again.

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