Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 352 Order the world

Coming out of Lu Qi's office, Jiang Shen was still a little proud, and he showed off again today, not to mention that I belong to the police station, he can do his best when he comes to the China Merchants Bureau.

However, it doesn't matter if he can complete the task, Jiang Shen wants to disgust his enemies.

In case Huo Deming also finished it, it would be no surprise for Jiang Shen to complete 2000 million. It would be better for Huo Deming to fail.

When he went downstairs, his divine sense was still paying attention to Huo Deming.

In the conference room before, he had already put a trace of his spiritual thoughts on Huo Deming's place, and with the size of China Merchants, now he wants to pay attention to whoever he wants to pay attention to, and he will be in front of the other party with a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, no matter what others say or do.

Huo Deming went to Lu Yong's office after the meeting.

There are still a few people in Lu Yong's office.

Bao Gang, Guan Haiping, and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bureau, and Yan Aiguo, member of the Party Committee of the Bureau.

These people are Lu Yong's confidantes.

"Huo Deming, Jiang Shen received 2000 million, and you only have 1000 million. Tell the truth, can you complete the task this year?" Yan Aiguo, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, asked Huo Deming.

"Secretary Yan, don't worry, I said that with confidence. This is a Xiangmen project. One of the project leaders is my college classmate. I have already verbally agreed to it. I have seen the scene. Now I just wait for the Xiangmen Bian head office can sign the contract with a nod, he gave me three days, and he will reply to me within three days at most." Huo Deming really didn't fight unprepared battles, he had a project in hand, that's why he dared to say such big words .

"That's almost it, just keep up, don't have any accidents, as long as Jiang Shen can't finish it, and you finish it, even if we finish last in the round at the end of the year, you won't be blamed." Guan Haiping Yin Yin smiled.

His new car is still being repaired, and he hurt Jiang Shen no less than Lu Yong who had Jiang Shen slapped him.

"Send someone to watch and see what cards Jiang Shen has? This kid seems to have some money, maybe some big boss is supporting him."

"Well, if he has a project in hand, we know ahead of time and can take advantage of it."

"He has fart money. I heard that his girlfriend is very rich. Bureau Lu, do you want Secretary Yan's Disciplinary Committee to investigate him?" Bao Gang really wished he could investigate Jiang Shen.

"If people dare to spend, they are not afraid of investigation." Yan Aiguo sneered, you only have this kind of vision, if there is something wrong with Jiang Shen's money, how dare he be so arrogant?

Officials, who dares to drive a Maserati?

"Explore him, expose him? A clerk driving a luxury car?" As for those who sit in an office, they are the smartest, and Guan Haiping immediately thought of a dirty idea.

Everyone looked at Guan Haiping like an idiot, knowing that your car was hit, don't be so excited.

"It's useless. At most, he will explain that it belongs to his girlfriend's house. At most, the people will scold him. After a few days, everyone will forget it. At worst, he will change the car."

As long as the Commission for Discipline Inspection does not find out that there is something wrong with Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen will be fine.

Lu Yong, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

He tapped the table a few times with his fingers.

"District Chief Tang had a special talk with me yesterday. This Jiang Shen is impulsive, lawless, and often gets into trouble. District Chief Tang wants us as leaders to take good care of Jiang Shen and let him grow up healthily, so---"

Lu Yong looked at Yan Aiguo: "Comrade Patriotic, as the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you must always pay attention, strictly enforce discipline, and supervise the healthy growth of Jiang Shen and the other comrades in the bureau---"

Even Jiang Shen could understand what Lu Yong said in this scene, and what he said was too straightforward.

It means that District Chief Tang has approached me and is very dissatisfied with Jiang Shen. Everyone will try their best to find Jiang Shen’s shortcomings and mistakes in their work, especially the strict secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. You must always be ready to catch Jiang Shen’s little debater .

When everyone heard this, even District Chief Tang had objections to Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen's future was really dark.

"I heard that District Chief Tang is going to be promoted to Secretary Tang, right?"

"Maybe on one shoulder, but there are really not many people who can take it on one shoulder now."

"Mayor Tang's brother-in-law is Mayor Jiang, so it's nothing to shoulder it."

Everyone began to discuss the Tang family affairs.

When Jiang Shen heard this, he also returned to his office.

Lu Yong and the others also had the same idea as Jiang Shen, which was to sabotage their own project.

This Lu Yong, in order to flatter Tang Jianguo, really dared to do anything, it didn't even matter whether the task was completed or not.

OK, let's see who's up to it.

Jiang Shen asked Wang Jing to find out first.

Wang Jing is the lark in the bureau. She knows many things about each department, and she is sweet-mouthed, enthusiastic, rarely offends people, and is very popular.

In the afternoon, Wang Jing inquired from the second department for Jiang Shen.

Huo Deming's project is a chain of fast food restaurants invested by Xiangmen Island. The total investment is about 3000 million, and the first phase has 500 million.

This kind of store is actually equivalent to the fast food restaurant in China back then, but the Xiangmen Island brand has done very well there, and it is indeed ten times stronger than the fast food restaurant in China.

The name of that chain group is 'Master Chang'.

It was created by a chef named Chang from Xiangmen after decades of hard work.

After Jiang Shen inquired clearly, he called Fan Wencai.

Now Fan Wencai and Mei Yue each took over half of Jiangnan Quan's industry, becoming one of the leading brothers in Jiangnan Province.

With his power, he was stronger than any of the five tigers, such as Dongning Chen Bopi.

Of course, this power is not a comparison of who can beat who, but the territory of both parties, the companies below, the physical stores they operate, and the horsemen under them.

If you don't talk about enterprises and physical stores, etc., just talk about cash, Chen Bopi and the explosive bid can kill Fan Wencai in seconds.

However, although the two have a lot of cash, they only opened a few new companies in the past two months, and they definitely can't spend it all in one or two years, and they don't dare to spend it all.

In terms of cash, Fan Wencai has more than [-] KTVs, twice as many as Chen Bopi.

When Master Quan was there, he commanded the underground forces in Jiangnan Province, and his business reached Xiangmen, and he had a good relationship with some associations of Xiangmen.

Now Jiang Shen made a phone call, asking for Zhong Ping's number.

"Brother Shen." Fan Wencai also recognized Jiang Shen as the boss now.

A boss like Jiang Shen can't find him even if he hits the lantern.

Master Quan was killed, and most of Master Quan's assets were divided between Fan Wencai and Mei Yue. Jiang Shen didn't take any money, and he could guarantee that Fan Wencai would be fine.

This kind of boss is an idiot if he doesn't recognize it.

It's not that Fan Wencai doesn't show loyalty, but it is true that Master Quan provoked Jiang Shen first, and Jiang Shen is also very methodical in doing things, and he is even more generous than Master Quan.

The family property of the whole master is billions of dollars, and Jiang Shen gave it to Fan Wencai to take care of it, so Fan Wencai could only be determined to follow Jiang Shen.

Every Qingming Festival, he would still burn a piece of paper for Master Quan.Master Quan, Wencai is not disrespectful of loyalty, Brother Shen is really a good man, I will burn more paper for you, please forgive him.

That's why Fan Wen received Jiang Shen's call, and immediately started investigating without saying a word.

Last time Zhong Ping joined hands with their people, so within 5 minutes, Zhong Ping's mobile phone number and home phone number were all sent to Jiang Shen's mobile phone.

Zhong Ping was still hugging the chick in Xiangmen's ktv at this time, so Jiang Shen made a phone call.

Zhong Ping didn't understand it, and he could speak the local dialect of Xiangmen: "You fight on the seaside---"

"Ah, um, gentry? Gentleman's song? Gentleman's sister's song, ah---brother gentry, brother gentry, I'm sorry, hello, hello, I'm Xiao Zhong, Xiao Zhong." Zhong Ping heard clearly It was Jiang Shen's voice, and it was also frightening.

Last time, Jiang Shen's methods had scared him half to death, and he was lucky to be able to return from the country alive. Later, I heard that Master Quan in Jiangnan had his family ruined because of this incident, and he didn't sleep well for several days. Shen regretted letting himself go and came to him again.

Now that Jiang Shen called, Zhong Ping pushed the girl in his arms away, and ran into the bathroom to answer the phone.

"Zhong Ping, I don't want to talk nonsense with you on this long-distance call. I'll let you off this time. I want you to do something for me this time. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it will be cancelled. You won't owe me anything in the future. "Jiang Shen said with great righteousness.

Those in Xiangmen are more loyal than those in mainland China. Zhong Ping was also excited when Jiang Shen talked about Jiang Hu.

"Brother Shen, are you kidding me? Just because you were a large number of adults last time, you can just tell me what to do. Zhong Ping will never frown." I was frightened to death. , Come on, Brother Gentleman, tell me, you can do whatever you want.

"You Xiangmen has a company called 'Master Chang'----" after Jiang Shen finished speaking, Zhong Ping frowned.

After being stunned for a long time, he burst out a few words: "Brother Shen, leave it to me."

Nima, I'm a gangster. It's okay if you ask me to help you collect the debt. You ask me to persuade the other party not to invest in Chengdong District?

Is this too easy wow?

It's an insult to my intelligence.

Zhong Ping felt that it was too unchallenging and too simple.

However, for those who were born as gangsters, accidents are relatively serious.

Zhong Ping immediately summoned a dozen of his bosses.

"Go, you send people to Tongluozhi, Miaodao, Mentun, Yuanzai, Wanlang, and when you see Master Chang's shop, you will be charged protection fees."

"Boss, didn't those fast food restaurants charge protection fees?"

"That's right, I don't have much money, so it doesn't matter if some stores accept it or not."

"Didn't you hear it? I'll ask you to collect it again."

"Yes Yes?---"

"No, starting today, collect it every day."


Not to mention how Zhong Ping messed with Master Chang.

Jiang Shen was a little complacent after hanging up the phone.

Now, buddy, people don't leave home, orders are spread to the south of the Yangtze River, and the reputation shakes Hongmen. Is it wrong to mix official circles?Mixed clubs are the right way for buddies?

Now, Jiang Shen has a bit of Dragon Slaying in his hands, commanding the world, and he dares not be complacent.

But think about it again, no matter how powerful the association is, it may disappear overnight.

I still have to mess with my officialdom.

It's already December, and before the spring of next year, we must find a way to advance to the deputy department.

But when it comes to sub-divisions, the leadership of the district is the most important, and the leadership of the unit also has an influence.

Now both Lu Yong and Tang Jianguo regard Jiang Shen as a thorn in their side, and if they want to be promoted to deputy department, they must be eliminated first.

Tang Jianguo, you are always against me. I heard that you are going to mention the secretary, right? Hey, let’s get rid of you first.

After Jiang Shen got off work in the afternoon, he drove the car to have dinner with Mi Nai'er and his daughter.

No one knows what they talk about at dinner.

The next day, in his official capacity as a French member of Parliament, Rogge officially announced his goodwill visit to the East District of Seongdong.

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