Just when Jiang Shen and the others came to Tokyo, someone in Tokyo also noticed Jiang Shen's arrival.

Chiyoda Ward is one of Tokyo's 23 wards.

In a dark black conjoined two-story room, five or six Japanese people sat kneeling in a circle.

All of these people were wearing Japanese kimonos, each with a stern face.

This house is a secret hall of the Sakura Club, an underworld organization in Tokyo, Japan.

Although the underworld is a legal organization in Japan, most of the underworld is still hidden in secret places.

Only big-name associations like the Yamaguchi-gumi would disclose their headquarters to the world, and the police station is a hundred meters away from their headquarters, which is very dazzling.

"I just got the news that Jiang Shen's Chinese has arrived in Tokyo." Among the six, one was Nakata who had been to Huaguo.

"Zhongtian, I think this matter is over." Opposite Zhongtian was a middle-aged man with a beard all over his face.

He looked at Nakata dissatisfied.

"There is no deep hatred between this Chinaman and our Sakura Society. You have teased him again and again, and you have dragged Hattori Sanzang faction into the water. Now things are getting worse and worse. I don't think there is any reason for it at all. Our Sakura will provoke such a powerful enemy."

This person is Ichiro Inamoto, one of the hall masters of the Sakura Club, and has the same status as Nakata.

In order to deal with Jiang Shen, the Cherry Blossom Society has invested hundreds of dollars and hired Hattori Sanzang's killer. So far, Hattori Sanzang has lost several generals and has repeatedly stated that Jiang Shen is more difficult.

For a society like the Sakura Club, spending so much money to kill a not very important enemy is really not worth it.

"Inamoto, Kimura is not your nephew, of course you say that, let's replace it with your nephew." Nakata was furious.

It turned out that Mucun, who was beaten by Jiang Shen in Huaguo last time, was his own nephew.

"Mr. Nakata, I think Inamoto-kun is right. Now it is a matter of the society, not a private matter of the family. Although Jiang Shen destroyed our investment in China last time, we can continue to invest in the future. You are constantly trying to assassinate Jiang Shen, which is equivalent to setting up a big enemy for us in Huaguo."

"This Jiang Shen, we have also investigated. He is very powerful in Huaguo. He can be called an underground emperor. We could still cooperate with him. Now you are offending him to death. It is not a problem for our Sakura Society Good thing." Others came out to support Inamoto.

"That's wrong." Someone around Nakata stood up to help: "The Chinese people are rubbish. Not only did they destroy our investment last time, they even hurt our people. You must know that Kimura is also a member of our Sakura Club. Brothers in the club, this is no longer Mr. Nakata’s private matter, it is a matter of our entire club, and it is a shame to let other clubs know that our people have been beaten by the Chinese people and have not responded yet.”

"But that was just a small friction. At that time, you were fighting for friendship. If you can't beat others, it's your own business. If you send someone to kill Jiang Shen, the trouble will get worse. We have no reason."

"What's the reason with the Chinese people? Only by killing him can we save the face of our Cherry Blossom Society."

"Hatbu Sanzang's first-class killers have failed many times. Don't you think that we can send better people than Hattori Sanzang?"

"The people in Hattori can only use cold weapons. I have long said that they can't do it. What kind of society is it now? Point ten guns at him. I don't believe he can turn against the sky."

The president of the Sakura Club is not here today, and the seven hall masters are arguing endlessly over this matter.

Among the seven people, there were four who disagreed with continuing to make things difficult for Jiang Shen, and three who wanted to insist on killing Jiang Shen.

The two sides fought back and forth, and no one could convince the other, so they planned to report to the president for a decision.

At this time, Nakata's cell phone rang.

"Hi--Hi--Understood--Hi--" Nakata answered the phone very seriously and respectfully.

Hanging up the phone, Nakata showed a gleam of joy on his face.

"The president is calling." Nakata proudly held up the phone.

"Hattori Sanzang will not pay any more money, and now kill Jiang Shen for us for free. The president said, since he has already arrived in Japan, let him stay, otherwise, we Sakura will lose face."

"Hi---" All the hall masters nodded in unison.

In associations in Japan and Korea, the subordinates absolutely obey and respect the superiors, which is far behind the Xiangmen and the mainland.

Here it was decided to continue killing Jiang Shen, who had already come out of the hotel at this time.

He put away his things, took a shower, and then went to find Laura Aoi.

According to his divine sense, Laura Aoi has been locked up.

Probably she did not continue to carry out the assassination mission, Aoi Lola has been imprisoned by Hattori Sanzang.

The place where Hattori Sanzang was imprisoned was a factory.

You must know that although Japan's cities are densely populated, there are still rural areas and suburbs.

Rola Aoi was imprisoned in rural Tokyo, Ogasawara Ward.

Ogasawara District is regarded as the southernmost and easternmost village in Japan, and was once under the jurisdiction of the US military.

Fishery is the main industry in the area, and the natural conditions are very rich.

It was already past five o'clock when we left the hotel, and when we arrived in Ogasawara District, the sky had already turned dark.

According to the memory of his divine sense, he found the place where Laura Aoi was being held in less than 5 minutes.

This is a somewhat old factory, surrounded by fields, and there are no residents for several miles in the square garden.

Such places are rare even in rural Japan.

This should be some base of Hattori Sanzang, otherwise it would not be so remote.

Jiang Shen rushed to the outside of the factory, swept around with his spiritual sense, and suddenly found something was wrong.

Although it was night, Jiang Shen could clearly feel that the starry sky here was completely different from other places.

The whole night presented a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere, as if there was a huge shadowless hand holding the factory in its hands from the sky.

If Jiang Shen walked into this factory, it would be like walking into that terrifying big hand.

Why is it that besides Li Buyi, there are also masters in Japan who are proficient in wind and water?

When Jiang Shen saw the aura here, he knew that someone was setting things up in the factory.

Li Buyi is the strongest feng shui master he has seen so far, and he did not expect such a person to exist in Japan.

It seems that the Hattori Sanzang faction already knew about Jiang Shen's magic, so they specially invited a master to deal with Jiang Shen.

However, it was obvious that the other party still underestimated Jiang Shen, and such a layout was completely negligible to Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen took a look and found that there were more than a dozen killers with guns and seven ninjas in the factory. In his eyes, they were all small people who couldn't be smaller, so he rushed into the factory without hesitation.

Boom, the heavy door was pushed open by Jiang Shen.

Push it away and enter the factory, and walk quickly all the way to the easternmost warehouse.

Lola Aoi was locked there with her head down, as if she was in a coma, her hands were tied behind her back and she was hung from a huge iron post.

At Laura Aoi's feet, a circle of red candles was lit, and around the periphery were three lazy-looking black grass dogs, sitting there listlessly.

A circle of candles, three black dogs.

Jiang Shenjue's appearance was extremely strange.

When approaching the warehouse, suddenly, a strong aura surged in the air.

Swipe, Jiang Shen's eyes changed, as if seeing a ghost, the warehouse under the night turned into a dim wasteland in an instant.


Hit the wall?

As a half god, Jiang Shen has never encountered such a thing.

Even with his supernatural powers, he can only control the will of others, it is impossible to change the sight of others and make others see hallucinations.

Now, he saw hallucinations, and the scene in front of him was completely changed.

Are there gods in Japan?

Just when he was shocked.

Bang, the first shot rang out.

But when he heard the gunshot, his divine sense couldn't feel the direction and position of the bullet.


He felt that the gunshots were hallucinations.

Maybe no shots were fired at all.

But the next moment.

Pounce, a bullet hit Jiang Shen's forehead with incomparable accuracy.

Jiang Shen seemed to have been hit on the head, his head was thrown heavily, and he stepped back several steps.

I got shot?

What, I was hit by someone?

Jiang Shen's eyes widened in disbelief.

After becoming a god, no one can hit him with a gun unless he wants to.

When he was surrounded by a brigade in Burma, he was missed by random guns and artillery.

Today, he was shot in the dark?And it is on the premise that he has precautions.

What's even more frightening is that this bullet also contains a very powerful force.

Jiang Shen found that this bullet was completely different from ordinary bullets.

Almost at the same time that he was shot, he felt a flash of talisman light on the bullet. It turned out to be a bullet soaked in something special. The bullet shattered when it hit Jiang Shen. It's all a fishy smell.

This smell almost makes ordinary people faint on the spot after smelling it.

Hey, hey, hey.

At this time, after the first shot, there were continuous gunshots all around.

The gunmen in ambush discovered Jiang Shen's strength.

The bullet couldn't even break through his body.

However, these people were all determined, Jiang Shen took a bullet and did not deter them.

All of a sudden, there was a loud gunshot, and more than a dozen guns hit Jiang Shen violently.

If it is normal, if it is outside, Jiang Shen observes all directions with his spiritual sense, coupled with his speed, he can completely avoid these bullets by walking in the garden.

But here, what he seems to hear and see are all hallucinations, and even his divine sense can't find the trajectory of the bullet.

Pounce, pounce, pounce, in an instant, Jiang Shen seemed to be beaten into a hornet's nest, and he was shot all over his body.

These bullets have been processed and have a very heavy force on the body, but unfortunately they still did not hurt Jiang Shen.

However, Jiang Shen was very angry.

As an immortal, he was severely beaten and shot.

Although he couldn't hurt him, the face of this fairy was lost.

"Kill" At this time, the Japanese ninjas hiding aside also discovered Jiang Shen's strength.

Even bullets can't kill this Hua Kingdom's monster.

It's our turn.

Someone gave an order, whoosh, whoosh, seven ninjas killed Jiang Shen in the dark.

They didn't have guns, but their knives glowed green.

Jiang Shen swept away his thoughts, what, is this knife made of mahogany?Use mahogany as a knife?Do you think I'm a ghost?

Yes, the Japanese believed that Jiang Shen's combat power was no longer human after passing the assessment.

They regarded Jiang Shen as a monster.

These mahogany knives are made of the thousand-year-old peach trees planted on the "Takamahara" where the gods live in Japanese legends. They have been handed down from the Warring States Period to the present, and there are only less than [-] in Japan.

Hattori Sanzang faction, Jupai only has one, and the others are borrowed from other ninja factions.

These mahogany knives, known as Amaterasu knives in Japan, are usually used for sacrifices after entering the industrial age, and they are never used to kill people.

But today, in order to deal with Jiang Shen, they gathered one-third of the Amaterasu Swords in Japan.

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