By this time, Jiang Shen already knew that the Japanese had long been prepared and were determined to kill him.

Then, I don't have to be polite to them.

Seeing the seven ninjas pressing up from all around, Jiang Shen stepped back, stretched out his right middle finger, and volleyed a little.

"Scorching Sun Hanging Sword"

Reluctantly resorted to a magical technique that he had just learned recently.

Having seen Tu Shen, he knows that this magical power is one of the several great magical powers of the Sword Pointing School back then.

Pointing at the sky, the evolution of the scorching sun.

At the beginning, the point sword sect was only psychic at its highest level.

With Jiang Shen's current level [-] God Realm, he really wants to practice the Scorching Sun Hanging Sword to the extreme, pointing out that the evolving scorching sun can turn the entire Tokyo into ashes in an instant.

However, his realm is far superior to Huang Zheng who was in the Sword Pointing School back then, but his supernatural powers are not as good as Huang Zheng's bone training period.

This pointed out.

Swipe, Japan in the night suddenly shines brightly.

A round sun appeared in front of Jiang Shen.

It seemed that suddenly, he pulled the sun in the starry sky in front of everyone.

Thousands of rays of light radiate in all directions.

Heck, the seven ninjas just jumped in front of Jiang Shen, and almost at the same time, their bodies caught fire and then evaporated.

With a bang, the seven flames disappeared in a flash.

Under Jiang Shen's 'Scorching Sun Hanging Sword', the seven ninjas completely gasified and disappeared in less than a second.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen is also the first time to use such a powerful magical power.

And because of insufficient preparation, fearing that the power would not be enough, he used it with all his strength.

With his celestial energy, after this pointing out, he was a little bit weak in follow-up. In fact, this trick was half used, and Wan Dao's light disappeared after half of it shot.

With a thud, he sat down on the ground, with no strength in his body, panting heavily.

I just feel my eyes are blurred and my limbs are weak.

Fortunately, he has no power to continue. If his immortal energy is stronger and his magical skills are more refined, the ten thousand rays of light will be fierce in all directions, and everything within a radius of several kilometers will be reduced to ashes by the power of the Blazing Sun Hanging Sword.

At that time, Laura Aoi could not be rescued, but was burned to ashes by him instead.

Is this him? The magical powers of killing people are really powerful.

Jiang Shen finally knew that what he had seen in Nalan Bubai's memory before, breaking a star with one punch and smashing a piece of earth with one foot, was a real thing.

On my own, as long as I take time to improve my supernatural powers and point it out, I can definitely point out Tokyo.

Simply more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Is it him? It's too exhausting.

Jiang Shen was still sitting on the ground thinking about these miscellaneous things.

The Japanese were stunned.

Seven Hattori Sanzang's strongest ninjas, with seven Amaterasu knives.

Jiang Shen just pointed in the air, and the seven people who pointed at him evaporated and disappeared.

The people with guns around didn't see how the seven people disappeared at all, because the sky was so bright just now that they couldn't even open their eyes.

By the time their eyes could barely see, the seven ninjas had disappeared.

If they found out that they were burned alive to ashes, they would all faint from fright.

It is also now that Jiang Shen's magical powers are limited, and replaced by the masters of the Dianjian School, even if they are in the Concentration and Inner Alchemy stages, if they stretch out their fingers, the dozen or so present will lose their eyes if they see it.

"Let's go." At this time, Japan already knew that Jiang Shen was invincible.

"Let Abe Harumi deal with him."

Someone gave an order, and a dozen gunmen fled in full body, fleeing around the factory in the dark.

escape?Still want to escape?Jiang Shen came here today to start a killing spree. Leaving aside the grievances and grievances during the World War that year, just because Japan mobilized so many people to kill him today, he would not let them escape.

Moreover, he suddenly discovered that this feeling of using supernatural powers to kill people is the best and most enjoyable.

At this time, Jiang Shen recovered his immortal energy after a short rest.

He volleys a little more.

Swipe, a burst of energy shot out from his fingers like a bullet.

'Jin Geng's Invisible Sword'

This is another supernatural power he just learned.

After reading the description, he realized that this supernatural power was a bit like the six-veined sword in martial arts novels, so he learned it specially.

Still stretching out his finger, a ray of light shot out from his finger like a bullet, and the speed was many times faster than the bullet.

Pounce, pounce, puff.

The invisible sword energy of Jin Geng's invisible sword, like a missile equipped with a tracking radar, caught up to the dozen killers one by one.

Everyone who was hit would have their bodies shattered with a bang, without even a scream.

This is the power of supernatural powers.

If it were a Xuanshi, Jin Geng's invisible sword could pierce people at most, but mortals on the earth could not withstand the power of Jin Geng's invisible sword, as long as they were hit, they would immediately explode into pieces on the spot.

Moreover, this sword energy is psychic, and it can follow the master's will to chase and kill the enemy.

Even if a dozen people fled to different places, he could catch up and kill them one by one.

The whole factory appeared, thump, thump, thump, and there was a loud explosion.

Wait until all the dozen killers explode.

Fuck me, Jiang Shen plopped again and fell to the ground.

Just now he was able to sit down, but this time he simply fell down.

Yeah, I'm bored again.

Jiang Shen lay on the ground, feeling his eyelids were heavy, and wanted to sleep very much.

But his intuition told him that he couldn't sleep now.

Can't sleep, can't sleep, hoo, he took a long breath and started to adjust his breath to speed up his recovery.

At this time, the surrounding area was silent, and all the Japanese were killed by Jiang Shen.

But the eerie atmosphere in the factory hasn't changed.

"Wow," the three black dogs that had been lazily lying at Laura Aoi's feet moved.

They stood up slowly, shaking, and the three black dogs walked over with a very graceful posture, as if they were not just three dogs, but three noble nobles.

As they approached, the light in their eyes became brighter and brighter.

What's this?Jiang Shen's divine sense has already locked them.

But at this time his immortal energy had not fully recovered, he sat up slowly and accelerated the speed of breath adjustment.

The three black dogs quickly walked up to Jiang Shen.

Three black dogs stood in a square shape, the front one was less than five meters away from Jiang Shen.

He held his head high and looked at Jiang Shen with a condescending manner.

Jiang Shen also stared into his eyes. The black dog's eyes were very strange. From his eyes, Jiang Shen felt that he was not a dog, but a person.

One person and one dog looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and Jiang Shen had almost recovered.

The dog suddenly spoke: "What kind of shikigami are you from Huaguo? Why make things difficult for ordinary people."

Did I grass you, can dogs talk too?Jiang Shen was dumbfounded.

The black dog seemed to sense Jiang Shen's surprise, and even gave a human-like smile, but because he had a dog face, he looked weird.

"My name is Abe Harumi. I'm in Hokkaido now. This dog god is my shikigami. I'll use him to communicate with you."

"I have no enmity with you, and I have no intention of being your enemy, but you have killed so many people, stop it, and leave Japan."

"Onmyoji?" Jiang Shen finally knew what he encountered today.

No wonder many hallucinations were seen ahead.

Onmyoji in Japan can also be called fortune-tellers and illusionists. They originated in China. They not only know how to observe the stars and recognize faces, but also measure directions, know disasters, draw symbols, recite spells, and perform illusions.

People also know the reasons for invisible forces, such as fate, souls, and ghosts, and have the ability to control these things.

To put it simply, Onmyoji is equivalent to Taoist priests in Huaguo.

However, they have a skill that Taoist priests in Huaguo seldom use.

That is, they have their own shikigami.

In Japan, shikigami also refers to the spiritual body served by 'onmyoji', and its power is related to the manipulative onmyoji.

The 'style' is the waiter.Shikigami can be understood as the meaning of "serving the gods", that is, gods, monsters or spirits who serve their masters.

This kind of samurai is similar to the zombies expelled by the Maoshan Taoist priests in Huaguo, and they are all spiritual creatures controlled by their masters.

However, their god servants are obviously more psychic and outstanding than Huaguo Zombies.

During the Heian period in Japan, the development of Onmyoji, represented by Onmyoji, reached its most active period.

Since then, masters of yin and yang have appeared on the stage of history.

It was not until the Warring States period, when the imperial power declined and the warrior class ruled the world, that Onmyoji gradually disappeared from the stage of history.

However, at that time, the generation of great master "Abe Seimei" who was later represented by Yin Yang Dao appeared.

Legend has it that Abe Seimei had twelve shikigami in his life, including Suzaku, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and other gods that appeared in the history of Chinese mythology.

It can be seen that Abe Seimei's yin and yang skills have been practiced to the peak.

Before Jiang Shen came to Japan, he had searched and studied the Japanese underworld, ninjas and forces that might threaten him.

Onmyoji is one of the most mysterious schools.

Jiang Shen stood up from the ground: "Are you the last and only descendant of the legendary master Abe Seimei on earth?"

"As far as I know, you Onmyoji have withdrawn from the stage of history in modern society and never interfered with the development of modern society. Your theory is completely opposed to modern science. The ancestral teachings of the Abe family also let you never come back. "Jiang Shen still knows a lot of information.

Abe Seimei has written countless books in his life, and there are even strange books such as He Huaguo Tui Bei Tu that predict the future.

In his book, he once wrote that in the future, the theory of yin and yang will no longer be popular in the world, and the world will pay attention to things that are closer to life and nature. Life.

In fact, he should understand that in the future we will be a technological society, and we will pay attention to science, so few people will believe his methods anymore.

So call the younger generation never come back.

"I didn't come back either. I heard that the president of Hattori Sanzang, my good friend, said that there is an onmyoji from Huaguo, so I came to have a look."

"We are all onmyojis, so we should live in the world of onmyojis. Why bother to embarrass these ordinary people."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm not an onmyoji." Jiang Shen shook his head.

You said you have no enmity with me, but you are laying out here to confuse my divine thoughts and vision. If I were not strong, I would have been killed.

Now you see that I am invincible, come to make peace with me?

Jiang Shen understood Abe Harumi's thoughts too well.

Abe Harumi absolutely wanted to kill Jiang Shen before.

"Aren't you an onmyoji? That's right, I've never seen such a powerful onmyoji." Abe Harumi firmly believed that apart from his ancestors, Abe Seimei, the master of a generation, probably no one could be stronger than this Jiang Shen in front of him.

"Stop talking nonsense, I want to take Laura Aoi away, please get out of the way."

Jiang Shen knew what he was thinking, so he was naturally blunt when speaking.

And his divine sense has swept far away, and someone is rushing here.

Many people from the police department and the common people came over.

Jiang Shen's supernatural power just now, the scorching sun hanging in the sky shines brightly, which aroused the Japanese government's idea.

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