She was completely naked, and she didn't know when she took off all the clothes that she didn't have much on her body.

The exposed skin is full of scars.

The scars from the whips made people feel heartbroken.

No matter how you look at it, Lola Aoi has experienced inhuman treatment.

I'm stupid, Jiang Shen was dumbfounded.

Why did you wake up again?

"Pervert." Ge Danni's entire face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and burst out two words.

The scars on Lola Aoi's body are the legendary **** no matter how you look at it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen, who looks gentle, would have this hobby.

"Master" was just when Jiang Shen was about to restrain and stun Laura Aoi again.

Aoi Rola suddenly cried.

Seeing Jiang Shen, she wept with joy, and with a plop, she knelt down in front of Jiang Shen.

"Master, I finally see you again." Mmmmm, Laura Aoi tightly hugged Jiang Shen's thigh, crying happily.

To even play master and servant, that's perverted enough.

"Jiang Shen, you are so perverted." Ge Danni, who was ashamed and angry, suddenly turned her head, turned and fled.

"---Hey, hello---" It's not what you think.

Jiang Shen was extremely depressed.

"Bang" Ge Danni fled outside in one breath, closed the door heavily, and stood outside, her breasts heaving and falling, her whole face flushed to her chest.

This little Jiang, who looks so small, actually likes to play this game, so shameless.

Pervert, pervert, dead pervert.

Ge Danni cursed all the way, and ran all the way back to her room.

Jiang Shen in the room was also very depressed.

I said Aoi, my life's fame has been ruined by you just like that.

"When did you wake up? What are you doing with your clothes off?"

"Master, I just woke up and wanted to take a shower because my body was dirty and painful. Although I lost my mind just now, I remembered what happened just now and knew that this was the master's room. I didn't expect that there would be someone outside. "

"Master, thank you for saving me. I thought I was going to die this time." Well, Aoi was very happy. Although she lost her mind, she knew that Jiang Shen had come all the way to save her, proving that she was in the position of master. There is still some value in my heart.

"What, you get up first, go take a shower, and then I'll treat you." Jiang Shen's thigh was hugged by her.

She was nude all over, her snow-white breasts were tightly pressed against Jiang Shen's thighs, and strange burning sensations made little Jiang Shen want to move.

"Yes, master." Aoi Laura reluctantly let go, and went to take a bath with her face flushed.

The master said to help me heal?She was a little excited.

Soon she came out of the shower.

Laura Aoi who had taken a bath, if one didn't look at the scars on her body, was like a pure white snow lotus flower, shining brightly and attracting people's attention.

"Lie down." Jiang Shen pointed to the bed.

"Yes, master." Have you finally waited for this day?

Rola Aoi gently threw away the bathrobe she was wearing and lay down on the bed.

I don't know if she seldom experienced this kind of thing, but her body trembled a little.

"Don't be nervous, relax." Jiang Shen stretched out his hand.

"Well, master, can you be gentle---" Aoi whispered shyly.

"----" What are you talking about?I'll help you heal, what do you think I want to do.

Jiang Shen's hand touched her body.

Hiss, waves of cool and refreshing surged into Laura Aoi's body.

"It's so comfortable, master, it's so comfortable. Just like this, I can fuck. If you really come in, I don't know what will happen?" Laura Aoi finally showed her rippling side, Jiang Shencai After touching her inner thigh a few times, she trembled excitedly and moaned.

"Shut up, I'll help you heal your wounds, what are you thinking?" Little Jiang Shen heard her moaning, getting louder and louder.

"Ah---" Lola Aoi had time to look down.

Sure enough, the scars on his body disappeared bit by bit under Jiang Shen's miraculous hands.

Back then, Xiang Xiaoxi was also injured in many places by the traffickers. Jiang Shen originally wanted to treat her, but he had to take off his clothes during the treatment, so Jiang Shen didn't bring it up.

Now he is facing Lola Aoi, he has no pressure at all, and he can eat some small tofu at will.

So I saw his big hands, from Aoi Laura's thighs to her breasts, as long as there were scars, he touched them all over.

This treatment is also very evocative and stimulating.

It was as if he was giving Aoi a massage.

Half an hour later, Jiang Shen consumed a lot of immortal energy, and finally healed all of Laura Aoi's body.

It was amazing, and Laura Aoi was surprised and delighted to see it, and her confidence to follow this master became stronger in her heart.

"Master, I see that you are so tired and your head is sweating. Why don't you lie down and let me massage you." Laura Aoi felt sorry for her master. After repairing it, she knelt on the bed and respectfully greeted Jiang Gentleman paid her respects.

"Do you know how to massage?" Jiang Shen was not very interested in massage, but, but, he pressed it for half an hour, and little Jiang Shen responded a little bit.

Laura Aoi had noticed it a long time ago, knelt on the bed and moved to Jiang Shen's side: "Everything about me belongs to the master, and I will obey whatever the master needs."

This is too obvious.

Come on me, come on me now.

Aoi longed for comfort from his master.

She even felt that if the master didn't like her, did she dislike her body for being unclean?

"Ahem..." Jiang Shen felt a little embarrassed.

"Go to bed early, tomorrow morning at five o'clock, I have to go to the headquarters of your Hattori Sanzang."

Oh my God, the master really hates me.Woohoo, Aoi was a little disappointed.

But she was not reconciled.

She stared at the slightly changed little Jiang Shen with burning eyes.

"Does the master need my service?" She gently stuck out her small tongue.

"Our genin and zhongnin are assassins equivalent to your Chinese country. In order to complete the mission, we have to learn everything. Aoi has undergone special training since he was very young. My blowjob is very good." Cang Laura Jing became more and more explicit.

"Damn" can you stop saying it.

Jiang Shen seemed to be stimulated again in an instant.

Well, it's just a word of mouth, so it doesn't count that I accepted her, right?

The French woman has played it, but the Japanese woman Jiang Shen has not played it yet.

"That's just one time, just one time." Jiang Shen looked serious.

"Hee hee, good master, let Aoi serve you once." Aoi Laura smiled sweetly, bent her waist and slowly leaned towards Jiang Shen's crotch.

She is really powerful, Jiang Shen is wearing underwear.

And she used her mouth to help Jiang Shen get off.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Shen was stripped naked with a small mouth.

Hiss, when she finally wrapped little Jiang Shen in, Jiang Shen finally couldn't help but moaned comfortably.

"Okay, okay, really outstanding." Jiang Shen pressed her head and praised her repeatedly.

Just as Jiang Shen was feeling cool.

Bang, bang, bang, there was another knock on the outer door.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen is having a good time, and he was harassed before he shipped it.

With a sweep of his divine sense, there were several men and women standing outside the gate.


Japanese police?

What are the police doing?

Get up quickly, Jiang Shen pulled up Laura Aoi, and took a set of pajamas from the storage space for her to put on.

Then go out and open the door.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shen looked at three or four policemen outside the door.

As soon as he opened the door, the police rushed in and immediately found Laura Aoi.

"Who is this person? Sir, are you recruiting prostitutes in a hotel?"

"Mr. Police Officer, I want to sue you for slander. I am Mr. Jiang's girlfriend." Laura Aoi became serious, with the air of a lady, and she did not look like a dark assassin.

"Little Japan, try again? Miss Aoi is my girlfriend, believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Jiang Shen got angry right away.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, we are also doing routine inspections." Another policeman interrupted with a smile.

"It's like this. Your name is Jiang Shen, isn't it? From Huaguo?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I want to know, did you go out between seven o'clock and eight o'clock tonight?"

"Yes, I will go to my girlfriend Aoi and date her."

"Well, we have a murder case, and I want you to go back and assist in the investigation. Of course, it's just an investigation. Do you want to notify your leader and your embassy?" The police were still very polite.

"No, since it is to assist the investigation, it should be fine immediately, go now?"

"Go now." The four policemen took Jiang Shen away.

Jiang Shen motioned to Laura Aoi, you wait for me here, I'll be back later.

"Hmm." Laura Aoi was not worried either. In her eyes, Jiang Shen was also invincible.

These four policemen are policemen from Oshima's "Joban" under the Koto Ward Police Station in Tokyo's 23rd ward.

Jiaofan is equivalent to the police station in Huaguo.

They are close to Ogasawara, and they are also in charge of that area.

He brought Jiang Shen there because he wanted to inquire about Ogasawara's murder case.

Although Jiang Shen hung his sword in the sky with the scorching sun, almost all the ninjas and gunmen evaporated.

However, two well-known companies in Tokyo reported to the police that many employees were missing.

Of course, everyone in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department knows these two well-known companies. One belongs to the Tokyo underworld Sakura Club, and the other belongs to the Hattori Sanzang faction.

Everyone is not a good bird, but it is still necessary to report and investigate the case.

More importantly, many people saw the scorching sun that night and were born with visions.

And Jiang Shen was the person who testified at the same time when the two companies reported the case.

"We have checked Mr. Jiang. You are also very famous in Huaguo. If you are famous, you can fight. I heard that our No. [-] Sword Sect in Tokyo, Shinto Wu Nianliu, even invited you to discuss and exchange ideas."

"Mr. Jiang, we hope you can prove that you were somewhere in Tokyo between [-]:[-]pm and [-]:[-]pm, and you have never been to Ogasawara Village."

The police began to question Jiang Shen in the car.

Jiang Shen smiled: "Why should I prove that I am somewhere in Tokyo? It's my first time in Tokyo and I'm not familiar with it, but we hope you can prove it, between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] in the evening , I am in Ogasawara Village."

The other party is not angry either.

He smiled and said, "According to the way our police work, if you can't prove it, we have the right to suspect that you have been to Ogasawara Village during this period, and we can detain you for 24 hours for investigation."

"Oh, it's okay, we can stay in Japan for seven days, and I'm willing to cooperate with the investigation." Jiang Shen also smiled, cooperating with the investigation, it's okay, the investigation is over.

Several police officers looked at each other and smiled strangely.

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