Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 374 Razed to the Ground

About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a two-story house.

Jiang Shen saw the police sign on it from afar.

This should be where they are located.

The location is like a township police station in China.

There are not many buildings within a few hundred meters of Fangyuan, and it feels a bit like being in the suburbs.

A few policemen put Jiang Shen into a small room, they turned and left, and closed the door with a bang.

Jiang Shen smiled faintly, and looked up at the small room.

The size is less than ten square meters, with only one table and a few chairs.

There are cameras pointing at him all around.

Is this going to hold me here for 24 hours?Jiang Shen didn't argue, and sat down on the bench, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

At this time, in another room.

More than a dozen men and women were staring at the picture on the TV screen.

In the picture, it was Jiang Shen in the interrogation room.

There are so many policemen in a small cross-country, which is also very rare.

In fact, many of them come directly from the highest body of the Japanese police, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, equivalent to the domestic police department, is the highest institution of the police.

Among the people here today, there are five people from the police department.

The leader is Xiao Linye, whose rank is equivalent to a domestic department-level cadre.

"Just lock him up like this? Release him in 24 hours?" Someone beside Xiao Linye stared at Jiang Shen inexplicably.

"Is this kid with his eyes closed? Does he want to sleep here?"

"He must be a foreigner, so it's not good to be violent. If someone from the embassy is attracted, it will be bad."

"We are asking him to assist in the investigation now, how else do you want to ask him?"

Everyone talked about each other, discussing how to deal with Jiang Shen.

If the Japanese are caught, they have many ways to quickly ask.

But now they are foreigners, and this involves international issues. They have already taken a great risk to 'invite' Jiang Shen with wild looks today.

If Jiang Shen had said in the hotel just now that he wanted to contact the embassy, ​​they would have been in a lot of trouble.

After all, there is no evidence to prove what Jiang Shen has done. The premise of their approach to Jiang Shen is to ask for assistance in the investigation, and it is easy to lose ground.

"No rush." ​​Kobayashi stared at the screen gloomyly. "No matter how cunning a fox is, it will show its tail."

"Have the test results from the police department come out?" He turned his head and asked another person beside him.

The other person nodded immediately: "Just came out, it's already being passed on."

"It's almost ready." Someone was sitting in front of the computer not far away, and he was receiving the test report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Today Jiang Shen used his supernatural power, the Blazing Sun Hanging Sword, which shone brightly and shocked the world, even the Japanese who were dozens of miles away saw it.

Especially when it was night, people standing hundreds of miles away, not to mention tens of miles, could see the white light from a high place.

"Here we come, here we come, the report is out."

Everyone surrounded the past.

The people around Kobayashino read while watching.

"After measurements, the temperature of the surface soil reached more than [-] degrees, and the air and the surface contained a large amount of inorganic salts --- three hairs were extracted on site, and the dna test was similar to that of humans."

"Preliminary estimates indicate that many people were burned to ashes at the scene----"

Generally, after all organisms are burned to ashes, they contain inorganic salts.

The Japanese National Police Agency also found three hairs of Abe Harumori Shikigami at the scene. Although they look like black dogs, they actually have human DNA.

"No radiation, no dark matter, as mentioned above, it may be caused by the explosion of a small high-temperature bomb on the spot----"

According to the report of the Police Department, it was believed that a powerful bomb that could generate intense heat exploded at the scene.

However, such a similar bomb has never appeared in the United States, not to mention Japan.

The scene was razed to the ground by the scorching sun and burned to ashes. Even the temperature on the ground reached more than 100 degrees.

The power is similar to that of a small nuclear bomb, the only difference is that there is no nuclear radiation.

So, maybe Huaguo tested a new type of bomb in Japan?

I'm stupid, Xiao Linye burst into foul language after watching it.

"Those idiots? Doubt that Huaguo is testing a new type of bomb here? Idiots." Xiao Linye cursed repeatedly.

"This person offended the Sakura Society and the Hattori Sanzang faction at the same time. He is definitely a dangerous person. Both factions mean that people died in this incident, obviously referring to Jiang Shen's hands."

"However, to say that he came in with a bomb? Impossible? How did he pass the security check?"

The Japanese are still very confident about this.

The security checks in the United States and Japan are very strict. They would never believe that someone could fly into Japan with a bomb from China.

"Then what do you mean? Is he a god? An alien? Can he have supernatural powers?"

"I heard that he is more powerful, could it be the legendary man with supernatural powers?"



Xiao Linye listened to everyone's words, and finally moved his mouth.

"Go, go to two people, find a way, try him."

"How to try?"

"Let's think of a way together."

"I have an idea." At this time, someone in the crowd raised his hand.

This is a grassroots policeman in the local community.

"Say, what can you do?" Xiao Linye's eyes flashed.

The man lowered his head and said a few words into Xiao Lin's ear.

I'm stupid, is that okay?Kobayashi hesitated after hearing this.

"In this case, it is easy to make things bigger?"

"If this case is solved, it will be a great contribution." The man said again: "Now he is a foreigner, without special means, there is absolutely nothing to do with him."

"When he arrives in seven days and returns to China, this case will never be solved."

"Now he is alone, how do we say, how do we count, after today, his colleagues and leaders come, it will be difficult to deal with."

Xiao Linye thought about it quietly, and then looked at that person.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he finally gritted his teeth.

"Try it, I don't know."

I despise you, that man despises Xiao Linye, but still nods: "Okay, then I will go with Xiao Dao."

Bang, the door where Jiang Shen was was opened.

Two Japanese policemen.

One is called Yoshida, and a small island appears in it at the same time.

After the two entered, they closed the door.

"Jiang Shen, right? Have you thought about it? Write down how you killed people in Ogasawara." Yoshida threw a piece of paper on the table.

"Officer, I don't know what you said. Although I can understand and speak Japanese, I can't understand what you mean at all?"

"Bang" Xiao Dao jumped up against the case and shouted sharply: "Jiang Shen, don't think you are a foreigner, we can't do anything against you."

"You sick men of East Asia were beaten by us and almost perished. If the Americans hadn't helped you, you would be a sick dog of East Asia for us Japanese now."

I'm stupid, Jiang Shen smiled darkly, raised his head and looked at the island.

"What are you looking at, unconvinced? You beat me if you have the guts? The sick man of East Asia."

"You Hua people, you are experts in internal fighting and outsider in foreign wars. It is a shame to us yellow people." Yoshida also insulted to his heart's content.

Anyway, today is at their police station, and there is no evidence for what Ren Jiang Shen will say in the future.

"Isn't it?" The people watching on the monitor outside looked at Xiao Linye strangely.

"Boss, if the two of them talk like this, it will easily cause international disputes."

"It's passed on, but it's not good?"

"I didn't see it, I didn't hear it, did you hear it?" Kobayashino asked the others.

The others understood Kobayashino's thoughts.

"Quick, remember, delete this paragraph later." Someone ordered.

"Alright, if you stimulate him, if he wants to react abnormally, that's fine."

More than a dozen Japanese are also prepared to use any means for their goals.

In the monitoring room, Jiang Shen still didn't respond.

He didn't get angry either, just looked at the two Japanese.

Then Yoshida saw it, did you have patience, okay, I will stimulate you a little more.

He walked over suddenly, waved his hand and patted Jiang Shen's face lightly.

"Hua Guozhu, are you smart enough to know not to resist? But it's useless for you to resist? This place is all ours, and we will do whatever we say? No one can help you."

Ba, ba, ba, he hit Jiang Shen in the face with one blow.

Very humiliating.

Not to mention becoming a god, Jiang Shen had never been beaten like this before.

"You hit me?" Hehe, Jiang Shen smiled.

How dare someone hit me in the face?You can hit my face too?

"Why can't I hit you?" Yoshida's face suddenly darkened: "What if I hit you?"

Whoosh, this time he slapped violently, ready to give Jiang Shen a heavy blow.

With this slap, ordinary people will definitely be slapped.

Well, Jiang Shen made a move.

He grabbed Yoshida's hand in mid-air.

"Ah---" Yoshida screamed.

Yelling and jumping.

"It hurts me to death." Yoshida pulled out the pistol from his waist with the other hand.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, in fact, Jiang Shen didn't scratch him at all, just grabbed his wrist, but he took out his gun instead.

Then he quickly pointed at Jiang Shen's head, bang, and pulled the trigger.

I'm sorry, those people in the monitoring room were all taken aback.

Crazy, you even shot?


Bang, the shot hit Jiang Shen in the head.

Jiang Shen took the table with him and fell backwards with a heavy plop.

"Crazy, you are crazy." Kojima grabbed Yoshida: "You said you scared him, but you actually shot? Are you crazy?"

Jiang Shen is a foreigner after all, if he died here, no explanation would be of any use.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise." Yoshida walked over quietly.

There was no scar on Jiang Shen's head.

With a brush, Jiang Shen opened his eyes, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

"Hiss---" Now, both the island and the people in the monitoring room gasped in shock.

"Hahahaha." Yoshida laughed loudly: "I knew he was not an ordinary person? He has supernatural powers, he killed him, he killed him."

Yoshida laughed happily, and at the same time pulled Kojima back.

He finally proved himself right.

His other identity is a member of the Hattori Sanzang faction, and he knows that Jiang Shen may have supernatural powers.

He proved with facts that Jiang Shen is a man with supernatural powers.

It's a pity he forgot that although he proved himself right, this behavior was wrong.

Jiang Shen smiled lightly: "Yes, I killed it, I killed it all, even you, I killed it too."

Jiang Shen looked up and looked at the camera.

On the other side of the camera, Kobayashi's eyelids twitched fiercely.

"No, everyone, run away."

Swipe, in the screen, suddenly an extremely dazzling white light appeared.

It's as if the scorching sun has been pulled into this small frame.

Peng, the whole jiaoban evaporates completely in a second.

The two-story house just now turned into a scorched black ground in a second.

Surrounded by silence, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

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