Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 377 Technology and Profound Scholars

"This time, it was your Hattori Sanzang who provoked you first and sent people to assassinate me many times. Mr. Hattori, don't you deny that?"

"Indeed, we charged money to do things and offended you, Mr. Jiang." Hidetoshi Hattori admitted frankly.

"Well, one, you go to the police station to cancel the charges against me."

"No problem at all."

"Second, compensate me for my mental loss, 20 billion."

Hiss, the sages gasped.

It has always been only the Chinese who cede land for compensation, and today it is our turn.

National disgrace.

Hidetoshi Hattori knew that if he agreed, he would be the most failed suzerain in the history of the Hattori Sanzang School in the future, and even whether he could succeed his father in the future would be a problem.

However, he has no choice.

"No problem, 20 billion yen." He calculated, and with the group's financial situation, 20 billion yen is still no problem.

"It's dollars, not yen."

I'm sorry, one of the jonin finally couldn't help it after hearing the words.

You? When we are the Japanese government, 20 billion U.S. dollars, even if we sell us Hattori Sanzang, we will not be able to get it out.

"Jiang Shen, don't be too aggressive."

This is a case of ninja.

"What did you say?" Jiang Shen took a sharp look at this person.

"Ah---" The man's eyes showed a look of terror, he almost didn't think about it, and suddenly pulled out a short knife, plopped it into his chest.

Another one died.

He uttered only one word and died.


All the living Junin were secretly cursing Jiang Shen.

Killing people without blinking an eye is not what a beast is.

But this time no one dared to speak out.

Everyone looked at Hattori Hidetoshi.

"Mr. Jiang, is your price right?" Hattori Hidetoshi really wanted to find a place where no one was around and cry.

It's too bullying, and the mental damage cost is 20 billion US dollars. The compensation we called the Qing Dynasty back then is not as bad as you.

"If it's 20 billion US dollars, it's not enough to sell all our properties of Hattori Sanzang, you see---"

"Then instalments, now you can install instalments, not one year, ten years, ten years, 100 years, I have plenty of time, I'm not afraid to tell you, I can live for thousands of years on earth, but, according to As a rule, the longer the time, the interest will also be calculated."

Do I care for you, are you an old monster, can you live for thousands of years?Hidetoshi Hattori wants to cry but has no tears.

"But two billion--"

"30 billion." Jiang Shen reported another figure.

He smiled and said, "Are you bargaining with me?" Have you inquired about the domestic news? What will happen to those who bargain with me?

No, it will become 30 billion in this way.

Hidetoshi Hattori wanted to die this time.

I really want to die, and then I don't need him to solve this matter.

But it is impossible to think about it, he is dead, Jiang Shen wants to find his father, his younger brother, and his family members.

The Hattori Sanzang faction can only be resolved by the Hattori family.

"30 billion, divided into 30 years, Mr. Jiang, is this okay?" Hidetoshi Hattori's heart was bleeding, and he agreed firmly first.

For 30 years, at least [-] million must be repaid every year, not including interest.

What is the concept of [-] million US dollars to their Hattori Sanzang faction?

Hattori Sanzo's annual profit is only about [-] million U.S. dollars, not counting expenses.

Every year, not only should one year's profit be given to Jiang Shen, but the interest should also be posted from the capital.

Of course, he said 30 years, and he didn't intend to pay back 30 years.

During these 30 years, he must have thought of a way to kill Jiang Shen.

He doesn't believe it anymore, modern technology, there are still people who can't be killed?

Today, stabilize Jiang Shen first.

How much the world will change in 30 years.

"Okay, 30 years is 30 years, but the interest---"

"How about the interest calculated by the Bank of Tokyo?"

"Bank of Tokyo? No, we have to calculate according to our Huaguo People's Bank." Jiang Shen disdainful, your bank interest is a fart.

It's up to us.

"No problem, listen to Mr. Jiang."

"There is also the third item, to invest in a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Dongning. This time, I am here to find investment."

This is a trivial matter, but Hattori Sanzang is not good at investing. It is really depressing to invest in Huaguo without complaint or reason.

You ask them to help Jiang Shen assassinate a few people, they are more professional than professional killers.

"This one is okay, we will arrange it as soon as possible, and we will make Mr. Jiang happy at work."

Hattori Hidetoshi even blushed himself when he said such words.

I, like the people of Hua, have begun to learn how to flatter.

"Article [-]?---"

besides?Nima, Hidetoshi Hattori's eyelids twitched, a mouthful of blood reached his throat, and was swallowed again.

"I haven't thought of it yet, I'll talk about it when I think about it." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

"Okay, all your contacts with me in the future will be with Laura Aoi, goodbye."

Whoosh, Lola Aoi jumped lightly and disappeared into their hall.

"eight grids"


"One hundred million dollars a year, Hidetoshi Hattori, are you crazy?"

"If things go on like this, we, Sanzang Hattori, will sell this building in less than ten years." Can you bear it if you spend money every year?

"Shut up, why didn't you say it when Jiang Shen was around?" Hattori Hidetoshi saw that these jounin were blaming him, and couldn't help being furious.

"I am the next suzerain of Hattori, for the sake of glory, I can sacrifice myself, if not for you, for the entire Hattori Sanzang, I would surrender? Ah----"

His roar suppressed everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Besides, he gave us 30 years. In 30 years, anything can happen. Why are you in a hurry?"

"Hi---" Zhu Shangren and the management understood what Hattori Hidetoshi meant.

"You all remember that today is the shameful day for Hattori Sanzang. Every year from now on, everyone is not allowed to drink alcohol, find women after drinking, or have any activities. We must firmly remember this shame."


The rigorous and profound expression of the Japanese.

Starting from this year, Hattori Sanzang regarded that day as a day of shame, and no one dared to have any activities at this time every year from now on.

Hidetoshi Hattori clenched his fists, walked to the window, and glared at the direction Jiang Shen was leaving.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that he will live in such a shame forever in this life.

Jiang Shen's next step is to go to the Cherry Blossom Club. I don't know what will happen to the Cherry Blossom Club?

Jiang Shen's news quickly spread to the police station.

The people from the police station were moving Jiang Shen's body to the operating room.

The interior of the police department has its own forensic and operating room.

Why did they send Jiang Shen to the operating room?

Because in the operating room, they have surgical laser knives.

Surgical laser knife uses the characteristic of high concentration of laser energy, and it has its unique features as a surgical "knife" used in surgery.

The commonly used carbon dioxide laser "knife", the blade is the focal point where the laser beam gathers, the focal point can be as small as 0.1 mm, and the power density at the focal point can reach 10 watts per square centimeter.

The surgical laser knife of the Police Department is more advanced, it can be said to be more advanced than the top hospitals in Huaguo.

It can reach 20 watts per square centimeter.

They couldn't break Jiang Shen's body with guns, so they planned to use lasers to cut Jiang Shen.

I can't kill you if you don't believe me.

By this time, He Chuan was determined to kill Jiang Shen.

Even if it causes international disputes, there is no way.

People like Jiang Shen are a threat to their country if they live in this world.

"Nani?" Jiang Shen killed dozens of people in Sanzang Hattori, Sanzang Hattori surrendered softly, withdrew the charges against him, and wanted to pay 30 billion U.S. dollars in compensation.

When He Chuan heard the news, he was so angry that he almost spat out blood.

Our big Japan has never made compensation to the outside world since ancient times.

"Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, it has been suppressing the country of Hua. Now, do you want us to compensate?"

Although He Chuan was not from Hattori Sanzang, he almost vomited blood when he heard such news.

"Cut him, cut him off."

Someone roared.

Everyone was angry, and everyone wanted to eat Jiang Shen.

Too arrogant, threw his body to the police station and ran out to kill people.

Never seen so arrogant.

cut him.

The laser scalpel moved.

The laser, which represents the highest level of modern technology, met the strongest Xuanshi in ancient times.

Jiang Shen has always wanted to know that the divine body is equivalent to the spirit weapon of the planet Nalan Invincible, so whether the spirit weapon can resist one of the strongest technologies now.

At this time, Jiang Shen, who was tens of miles away, was also very concerned.

Most of his spiritual thoughts are outside, and he is also very worried about his body.

It would be hilarious if the deity were chopped up.

Although he could recover and make up for it when his divine sense returned, he lost all the face of the gods.

Both sides are very concerned.

In the police department, almost all senior officials above the domestic department level gathered around to watch.

He Chuan's heart was in his throat.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

The concentrated focus of the laser scalpel was drawn across Jiang Shen's body.

Bursts of blue smoke suddenly rose.

"I'm stupid." Chief He Chuan swears loudly.

Damn, lasers don't work either.

Everyone can see clearly.

The laser focus passed through Jiang Shen's body, leaving nothing but a few white spots.

And the white dots disappeared after a while.

This is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of watts of heat.

Even a piece of steel has to melt into water.

Are you the second superman?

The superman in the movie is probably not that strong.

"What to do, sir?" Laser knives didn't work.

Perhaps the last thing on earth to try is a nuclear bomb.

If the nuclear bomb can't kill him, it's best to let him go quickly.

But now, let alone no nuclear bombs, they cannot use nuclear bombs.

"Sir, why don't you put it back quickly? He wants to come back. Seeing us make his body like this, even us will be unlucky."

At this time, through a series of experiments, the people in the police department no longer wanted to kill Jiang Shen, but how to make Jiang Shen not angry for a while.

People keep their bodies here well.

You stripped people's clothes, and you did all kinds of experiments on your body.

It's no wonder Jiang Shen didn't lose his temper.

If he hadn't extorted billions of dollars from us, our police department would have cried too.

He Chuan only thought about it for a few seconds.

Even the government of a country will feel afraid of such a figure who surpasses modern technology.

"Go, put him back, find clothes, go out and buy two sets of clothes to help him put on."

The police department started to get busy again, some people went out to buy the clothes Jiang Shen was wearing, and some people hurriedly carried him back to the interrogation room just now.

Does the police department seem to be convinced?

Gentleman Jiang is not here, but he can see their reactions.

Throwing a body here by myself, without making a move, convinced the police department, really awesome.

He himself felt awesome.

At this time, he had already found his second target, the headquarters of the Sakura Club.

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