Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 378 Poor Sakura Club

Japan's underworld is a legal organization.

Many gangsters are like the major sects in ancient China, they have their own gates, their own headquarters, and legally recruit disciples all year round.

Although the Sakura Club is not a particularly big club in Japan, it is still very famous in Tokyo, ranking among the top three, and they always claim to be the number one.

Jiang Shen went from the police station to Hattori Sanzang and ran around all night.

It was already past one o'clock at night when we arrived at the headquarters of the Sakura Club.

There will not be many people around the cherry blossoms under the night.

Except for a few Xiao Luoluo who were on duty, no cadres above the middle and senior levels were there.

"Aoi, does the president of the Sakura Club know where he is?"

"Master, I was locked up before I found out, but I know Nakata is there."

"Who is Nakata?"

"Zhongtian has been to Huaguo and planned the attack on you. I have contacted him before."

"Suoga, go find Zhongtian immediately." Jiang Shen chuckled.

Where is Nakata?

Nakata is at home.

It was past one o'clock in the evening, and Nakata hadn't slept yet.

No way, can't sleep.

Because there is no good news ahead.

This time, Sakura will once again team up with Hattori Sanzang and send out a dozen or so of the club's most outstanding shooters.

As a result, no news came.

After they could not be contacted, the Sakura Society called the police, saying that more than a dozen employees were missing and that it was related to Jiang Shen from Huaguo.

I don't know, have the police caught Jiang Shen now?

Nakata was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his cell phone in his hand.

Do you want to call the chairman?Asking about the situation, I heard that the chairman and Hattori Sanzang also invited very powerful experts.

But it's too late, the president may be asleep.

He was still struggling in bed.

Bang, bang, bang, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

I'll copy, who else is looking for me so late?

Nakata stood up abruptly, took two steps forward, thought something was wrong, returned to the bed, took out a pistol from under the pillow, and walked to the door.

Look through the peephole and the light outside.

Hey, she is a beautiful woman.

Seems a little familiar.

Isn't this Laura Aoi of Hattori Sanzo?

I heard that she failed her mission and was locked up. Why are you looking for me?

He hesitated, and opened the door.

"Miss Aoi, it's so late, why are you looking for me?" Nakata knew that she was a ninja, and after opening the door, he stepped back, keeping a little distance.

However, his eyes looked at Laura Aoi vigorously.

Although it is winter, Laura Aoi can still see his graceful figure.

"Mr. Nakata, you don't know me anymore." The beauty Aoi smiled sinisterly, and suddenly a male voice came out.

I copy?hell.

Nakata was so frightened that the dead ghost came out of his body. He raised his right hand, but before he could raise the gun, he felt a pain in his chest. Bang, he was kicked by Aoi and flew out.

With a splash, Nakata fell heavily to the ground as the door closed.

Then a pretty little foot stepped on his face, stomping him to the ground.

"Huh?--" Nakata tried to struggle to get up, but he couldn't.

"It's just a small problem with you Sakura, always looking for someone to kill me? Mr. Nakata, why make things so big?"

Hiss, Nakata gasped, and finally knew who the voice was.

Although I have never heard Jiang Shen speak, I know that Jiang Shen came to the door.

"Mr. Jiang, misunderstood, misunderstood, I think you misunderstood, a little matter, we can sit down and discuss slowly---"

"Where's your president, and where are the top executives of your Sakura Club?"

"I don't know, it's so late, maybe they are all sleeping at home."

"Will you live there forever?"

"I don't know, he has a lot of women, and he often sleeps among them—ah——"

Suddenly Nakata screamed.

Because as soon as he said he didn't know, a cold light flashed in Jiang Shen's hand, and a knife appeared.

Puchi, with one stab, three of the five fingers on Nakata's right hand were broken.

"Ah---ah---" Nakata screamed in pain, screaming desperately, hoping to attract the attention of other people in the building.

The so-called heartache with ten fingers.

As soon as Jiang Shen came up, he chopped off three of his fingers, and Zhongtian was in so much pain that he was heartbroken to death.

"Where will you grow up?" Aoi asked again with a smile.

She is a girl, but the words she speaks are male voices.

As horrible as it can be.

"I really don't know---" Nakata screamed again.

"Swipe" the knife flashed, Aoi raised the knife and dropped it.

The knife was very ruthless, and it was Nakata's toe that was chopped off.

With a splash, blood was flying, and three toes on Zhongtian's right foot were cut off again.

This time it hurts more than before.

"Ah----" Nakata's whole body twitched in pain, and his face was almost deformed.

"Where is your president?" Jiang Shen asked again.

"I really don't know, but I'm calling, I'm calling---don't cut it off, call me---" Zhongtian said he didn't know at first, fearing that Jiang Shen would cut it off again, he hurriedly called to make a call.

"Just say no. Call quickly." Jiang Shen took Zhongtian's cell phone over.

"Ah--" Nakata kept screaming in pain, gritted his teeth, and sweated profusely on his head.

"Beep, beep, beep---" No one answered the phone.

Pick it up, pick it up, Nakata is in a hurry to die, if you don't pick it up, President, I will die.

When it was almost time to finish, someone finally picked it up.

"It's so late, what are you doing on the phone?" The president of the Sakura Association seemed to be still asleep, and he was awake when he spoke. It was not easy to fall asleep at this time.

It is estimated that after he sent someone out, he thought that Jiang Shen must die, and then went to sleep directly, regardless of the rest of the matter.

"President, where are you? I have work to report to you." Nakata's voice sounded strange.

"What are you reporting so late? What's wrong with you?" The president noticed something was wrong.

"Jiang Shen is here with me -- woo woo --" Nakata cried.

He was crying in pain.

I couldn't stand the pain in my fingers and toes, and the big man cried too.

"Nani?" The president suddenly seemed to wake up.

"You ask him to answer the phone." The president thought for a while.

The call was transferred to Jiang Shen.

"Hello, I'm the president of the Sakura Club, Matsumoto Koji."

"Hattori Sanzang compensated me 30 billion U.S. dollars in installments of 30 years. President Matsumoto, how much do you plan to pay?"

Jiang Shen's first words made Nakata and Matsumoto gasp in shock at the same time.

"You, what did you say?" How is it possible?How could my big Japan lose money to you, the sick man of East Asia.

"Do you want to contact Abe Harumi and Hattori Hidetoshi? Then talk to me?" Jiang Shen smiled confidently.

"I, Jiang Shen, have always been willing to convince people with virtue. If we can talk about money, we shouldn't fight. That's the behavior of rough people. We are civilized people. Mr. Matsumoto, what do you think?"

"Wait a minute. I'll make a call." Matsumoto was also frightened by Jiang Shen.

Hattori Sanzang faction is willing to pay 30 billion US dollars.

What is this concept?

30 years?

Although Matsumoto doesn't know Hattori Sanzang very well, according to his estimation, if he can lose 30 billion U.S. dollars in 30 years, it is definitely a serious loss.

Hattori Sanzo was about to bleed profusely.

He hung up the phone and quickly called Hattori Hidetoshi.

"Chairman Matsumoto, admit defeat. This Jiang Shen is ten times stronger than Abe Harumi. Even Abe can't avoid him. There is nothing we can do about him."

"What about the police department? Should we call the police? Find the government to deal with him."

"It's useless. Chief He Chuan of the Police Department just called. What Chief He Chuan meant was to tell us not to cause trouble and send Jiang Shen out of Japan as soon as possible. They don't want to mess with Jiang Shen either."

I'm sorry, Matsumoto heard that even the highest police agency of the government, the highest officer, actually said such words, as if sending Jiang Shen away from Japan like a plague god, which shows how terrifying Jiang Shen is.

He hadn't seen that Jiang Shen was speaking in the body of Laura Aoi, otherwise he would have been scared to death.

"So, we can only lose money and admit defeat?"

"You can try not to pay, but I want to tell you that we, Hattori Sanzang, have just been killed by him more than a dozen Jnin. These people are all against Jiang Shen."

"Suoga," you are really cowardly. We, the Great Japanese Empire, would rather die in battle than surrender to him.

Matsumoto secretly despised Hattori Hidetoshi in his heart, and then said weakly: "So, how much do we have to pay to get his forgiveness?"

Well, if you all admit defeat, I won't be ashamed if I admit defeat.

"This is between you and him, I'm sorry." Snap, Hidetoshi Hattori hung up the phone.

Well, Matsumoto's heart is cold.

give money?

Continue to fight Jiang Shen?

Give money for peace?

Continue to fight?

He was tangled in his heart and still refused to accept it.

Think about it, let's call Chief He Chuan again and ask.

At this moment, his cell phone rang first.

Looking down, dizzy, Chief He Chuan's phone call.

"Commander He Chuan, I'm Matsumoto."

"Ba Ge, the good deeds you have done have attracted the devil Jiang Shen. Matsumoto, you should immediately find a way to deal with Jiang Shen."

"He is a very scary person. We have already reported it to the above. We don't want him to cause any trouble in Japan. He was attracted by you. You have to find a way to deal with him. Otherwise, your Sakura will, in the future It will be fully attacked by our police department."

I'm stupid, don't bring such a thing.

Help outsiders bully me.

Matsumoto is so angry.

But he also finally knew how much the police department was afraid of Jiang Shen, and he only hoped that Jiang Shen could leave quickly.

Poor Matsumoto, poor Sakurakai.

While being oppressed by Jiang Shen, he was warned by the police department.

"Commander He Chuan, you know that if we let our citizens know what you said--"

"Shut up, this is the order of the supreme chief. I'm not joking with you. You must immediately, immediately, resolve the matter with Jiang Shen as quickly as possible, and send Jiang Shen out of Japan. Otherwise, after dawn, our police station will Even the Self-Defense Forces will attack you Sakurakai---"

I'm stupid, really?Matsumoto knew now that He Chuan was not joking, the Japanese government felt the terror of Jiang Shen, and wanted to send him away like a plague god.

How can you do this, Jiang Shen bullies us, the government also bullies us.

"Hey, hey, Chief He Chuan, don't worry, I know what to do." Matsumoto could only honestly agree.

His Sakura Club is not the most famous group of four in Japan.

If the police department wants to crack down on them, they can just find some excuses, and Sakura will have a bad life.

In fact, it was also Matsumoto's ignorance to blame.

He is a gangster, not a special sect like the Hattori Sanzang School.

He didn't know Abe Harumi very well, this time it was Abe Harumi who Hattori Sanzang was in charge of contacting.

If Matsumoto knew what kind of person Abe was, and Abe lost to Jiang Shen, he would have surrendered a long time ago.

After hanging up He Chuan's phone, Matsumoto shook his head and sighed, then thought about it, and called Nakata again.

"Mr. Jiang, please answer the phone."

Don't be too polite with Matsumoto's tone this time.

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