"Xiao Wang is not bad, and Section Chief Miao of Section [-] is full of praise for her, and her work ability is absolutely outstanding." Lu Qi quickly agreed.

"I also support Xiao Wang. I heard that she has a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University. She has a first-class writing style and is most suitable for the office." Qian Youjin also supported Jiang Shen.

Yan Aiguo remained silent.

Ge Danni didn't speak.

Three to one.

Jiang Shen led three to one.

Lu Yong sat there blankly, Nima, I am a big bureau chief, how can I get so mixed up?

No one on the party committee agrees and supports?

"Let's leave it at that. Go back to the office and issue a document with the organization department." At this moment, Jiang Shen was a little bully, and ignored Lu Yong's presence, and directly called Ge Danni.

I'm a grasshopper, I'm the director.

Lu courageously took the case and said angrily, "Jiang Shen, I am the director."

It's too bullying, who has ever seen the deputy director give orders in front of the director.

"I didn't say you're not the director?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "The Lu Bureau has an opinion? Then according to the rules, let's vote."

"Then vote." Lu Qi smiled like a flower, and finally she could disgust Lu Yong.

"Vote." Lu Yong still didn't give up, you dare not speak, dare not offend Jiang Shen, you can always vote in secret.

He looked at Yan Aiguo and Ge Danni again, hoping that they would vote for him.

The results of the vote will be out soon.

Three to two, Jiang Shen won.

Someone abstained.

Yan Aiguo abstained.

No, Lu stood up courageously, and kicked the stool over with one kick.

It's really not easy for a bureau chief to be so angry.

At this position, he also knew that Yan Aiguo was determined not to offend Jiang Shen, and he would be a living dead from then on.

As a result, Wang Jing was promoted to the deputy director of the office.

Lu Yong also withered later.

Jiang Shen and the others have the final say on the promotion of the section chief of the second business department.

Shi Yujie was promoted to section chief, and Zhao Zifeng was promoted to deputy section chief of the second section.

Shi Yujie was not Jiang Shen's person before, but he was not Lu Yong's person either. As he said before, he valued personal interests more. After being in the same department as Jiang Shen, he got some benefits and gradually invested in Jiang Shen.

So this time Jiang Shen straightened him up.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Shen, who was the deputy director, almost controlled the entire China Merchants Bureau.

This is something that is impossible for ordinary district bureaus.

After the meeting, Ge Danni specifically found Jiang Shen.

"Jiang Ju, I didn't vote against you because I knew that Yan Aiguo would definitely abstain, so I voted. It didn't have much impact on the overall situation. You should understand that Lu Yong must have mentioned me."

Ge Danni is very smart, she doesn't offend both sides, and pleases both sides.

This is why Jiang Shen doesn't like her.

A woman who is too shrewd and too intelligent is always bad.

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Shen didn't say much, and dealt with it lightly.

Ge Danni knew that Jiang Shen and she could not speak together, and had no common language, so she sat for a while and left.

Just when Jiang Shen became the deputy director of Xinzha, some people in the province went crazy with anger.

Provincial Department of Finance.

Deputy director Tang Hairong sat in the office with a gloomy face.

When Tang Hairong was young, she was known as the number one beauty in Dongning's official circles. She was as beautiful as a flower and had a prominent family background. Later, when she married Jiang Fengmin, a small civil servant, everyone's eyes were shocked.

Even Tang Hairong's father, Vice Governor Tang, who was the Vice Governor of Dongning at the time, was very opposed to it.

But Tang Hairong resisted all opinions and made up her mind to marry Jiang Fengmin.

It turns out she was right.

The Tang family has operated for three generations in Dongning for decades, and Jiang Fengmin is the biggest official so far.

Now, the higher-ups have changed the Tang family to the Jiang family, and Tang Hairong has no objections.

Regardless of Tang Jiang, it doesn't matter who they are.

However, one thing is very important, that is, how can the little wild species of the Jiang family get up?

"Xiao Yezhong became the deputy director? Has he been promoted to the deputy department?" Tang Jianguo was opposite Tang Hairong.

Tang Jianguo smiled wryly: "Sister, this kid is simply riding a rocket. Compared with what my brother-in-law did back then, if things go on like this, in another ten years, will there still be our Tang family's way in Dongning?"

"Didn't you tell Fang Gangsong not to mention him? Who put the pressure? Fengmin knows?"

"My brother-in-law knew about it, but he didn't say hello. I heard it was Governor Ou's pressure, and it just happened to happen that there was a project in the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. This little bastard got shit luck."

"Little animal, what a sycophant. I went to Japan and took pictures of Governor Ou." Tang Hairong was wearing a tracksuit today, with a ponytail. She looked young and energetic, and she was no different from Xu Li, who was in her 30s. the difference.

"You can't let him go on like this anymore, sister, you have to think of a way, brother-in-law is already paying attention to him, if you let him go up, brother-in-law's heart, I'm afraid----" Tang Jianguo hesitated to speak.

This is obvious, Jiang Shen is so outstanding, don't wait, Jiang Fengmin pays more attention to him than Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian is still in his third year of high school, and it will take another four or five years for him to go to university.

I still have to go abroad, and it will take a few years to go abroad and return to work.

After going back and forth, when Jiang Qian came back, Jiang Shen might be at the deputy department level.

And with Jiang Shen's speed, it is possible to go to the main hall.

Jiang Fengmin will remain indifferent when his son is in the main hall?

"Bang." Tang Hairong slammed the table down: "Stop talking." I don't know, but you can't touch him.

"No black, no white, what do you tell me to do?" Tang Hairong is also ruthless, has been called a killer, and there are members of the Tang family in the government, so Jiang Shen can't be dealt with like this.

"He has no weakness? I don't believe it." Tang Hairong sneered.

"Sister, I heard that his private life is a bit chaotic, and he has many women." Tang Jianguo said darkly: "This little bastard is a bit lecherous."

Lustful?Tang Hairong frowned.

Just then, bang bang, someone knocked on the door outside her office.

"Come in." Tang Hairong said softly, and then her face regained her composure, completely unable to tell that she was furious just now.

All of a sudden, she became a graceful and luxurious lady.

Tap, tap, with the sound of light high-heeled shoes, a gust of fragrant wind rushed into Tang Jianguo's nose.

Then his eyes lit up, and a woman who was so stunning that the man almost suffocated walked in front of him.

"Tang Ting, I've finished the document, you can take a look." The beauty didn't even look at Tang Jianguo, she walked up to Tang Hairong pretty briskly.Her movements are very capable, her tone is also very flat, but her aura is strong, Si Hao is not weaker than the first official beauty in the past, and now the deputy director Tang Hairong.

"Mr. Shi, sit down." Tang Hairong also smiled slightly when she saw this beauty, without any pretensions of the assistant hall.

Only then did the beauty have time to look at Tang Jianguo.

"Mr. Shi, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother Tang Jianguo. Jianguo, this is Director Yu of the Basic Financial Management Bureau of our Finance Department."

"Hello Director Yu." Tang Jianguo stretched out his hand quickly.

This is a big beauty, honestly speaking, she is not younger than his sister at all, Tang Jianguo's mouth is watering when she looks at that figure, tsk tsk.

"Okay." Yu Shijun's attitude towards Tang Jianguo was very ordinary, especially her eyes, which were high above her, as if ordinary men were not in her eyes at all.

"Mr. Shi, she is the number one beauty in Dongning's officialdom. Jianguo, you have a good eye today."

"Tang Ting, don't make fun of me, you are our number one beauty in Dongning." Yu Shijun smiled coquettishly, with an expression on her face that accepted it calmly.

"I'm old, and it will be your young people's world from now on."

Tang Hairong smiled slightly, her eyes rolled suddenly.

"How old is Shijun?"

"I'll be 26 after Chinese New Year."

"I heard that you want to go to the grassroots level?"

"Well, my dad said that going to the grassroots to exercise will be good for me in the future."

"That is, with your education background and ability, if you were not in the provincial department this time, you would have been able to get a regular examination." Tang Hairong was talking about what happened to Jiang Shen this time. Hall, abruptly lost the best opportunity.

Now Tang Jianguo understood, and immediately said: "That's right, now everyone pays attention to down-to-earth, no, high school students can mention it at the grassroots level."

"High school student?" Yu Shijun was a little surprised.

That's right, she knew about the promotion this time, and she had thought about it, but she was in the provincial department and had no chance, so her father let her go to the grassroots, especially the new team at the central government, basically Step up from the grassroots one by one.

But she really didn't know that there were still high school students who mentioned it.

"Isn't this batch of nominees for secondary subjects? They are still young cadres. Why are there high school students among them?" Yu Shijun graduated from a top university in China and studied abroad for a year. Hearing this kind of thing, he felt a little upset.

"That person is very capable and has great working ability. I heard that he started working after graduating from high school. He used to be a temporary worker, but he became a regular worker after a short time. This time, he was promoted to a deputy major. It didn't take a year before and after. Now it is our Dongning The youngest deputy-level cadre in the officialdom is also recognized as a very capable comrade."

Tang Hairong was full of praise for Jiang Shen, and she didn't seem to have any grudge against Jiang Shen at all.

"What's his name? In which unit?" Yu Shijun opened her bright eyes wide.

Her eyes are very sharp, she must not look like an ordinary female cadre, but a strong woman.

"His name is Jiang Shen, and he is a young and promising reserve cadre from the eastern district of Dongning City." Tang Hairong shook her head and sighed: "It's nice to be young, I really envy you."

"Hehe, Tangting, you are in your early twenties today." Yu Shijun wrote down Jiang Shen's name, covered his mouth and smiled.

After chatting for a few more words, she walked away gracefully.

Seeing Yu Shijun leave, Tang Jianguo was a little confused.

"Sister, who is this beauty?"

"Her father is Yu Zhenqiang."

"Yu Zhenqiang?" Tang Jianguo thought for a while, his expression suddenly changed: "The governor of Fu'an Province?"

"That's right." Tang Hairong said with a smile: "This time she didn't mention it, and she also wanted to go down to the lower level. Don't look at her being so polite to me just now. I know her character. She is very strong. She can't rub the sand in her eyes. The father of the governor, occasionally has the domineering power of the second generation of officials."

Tang Hairong was smiling, and the more she smiled, the more sinister her face became: "I really hope she can go to the east of the city? You said she was going to meet Jiang Shen? Hehe, do you know what to do?"

"Understood, sister, don't worry, I know what to do." Tang Jianguo also smiled, sister is going to throw a bomb on Jiang Shen.

The governor's daughter, Jiang Shen, do you dare to slap me, or her?

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