Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 403 Situation Change

They're not talking casually.

Another member of the Tang family, Tang Jianping, is currently in the Dongning City Organization Department.

He used to be the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, but was later pushed down by Jiang Shen and moved to another small unit. After the rumors passed, he was transferred to the Municipal Organization Department shortly afterwards, where he served as the deputy director of the second department of cadres.

The same is the deputy director, this position is not much worse than the previous deputy director.

Therefore, as long as there are people in the officialdom, even if something happens, just change the position and do the same.

Tang Hairong didn't say a word at that time, this Yu Shijun is also very jealous, so he can take advantage of it.

This time, because the Provincial Organization Department issued a document to vigorously promote grassroots cadres, another leader of the province came up with an idea to send a group of cadres from various departments of the provincial government to the grassroots.

When Yu Shijun thought about it, Tang Hairong happened to give her a ride.

In case she thought of Dongning City, Tang Jianping would be able to play a role.

And Tang Hairong has another idea.

You said that Jiang Shen has many women, that is to say, he knows how to pick up girls?What would happen if he raped Yu Shijun?

Will Governor Yu agree?

A man who is seven years younger than his daughter, would he agree?

Will Yu Shijun tolerate Jiang Shen having many women?

Regardless of whether the two are enemies or boyfriend and girlfriend in the future, Jiang Shen will not have a good life.

And that Governor Yu is more powerful than Jiang Fengmin, and it is said that after the next meeting, he may be promoted to Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

If Jiang Shen wanted to offend such a person, he would be dead.

And the most important thing is, this Yu Shijun's boyfriend is even worse, a certain bureaucrat in the capital, if something happens between Jiang Shen and Yu Shijun, Tang Hairong will wake up laughing from a dream.

Not to mention here, Tang Hairong continued to think of ways to deal with Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen really enjoyed being the director of Chengdong District. After a few days of good times, he received a call from a beautiful woman again.

In mid-March, Ye Qian called.

Ever since Jiang Shen became the director, Ye Qian hadn't contacted him for a long time.

Their identities were different, Ye Qian felt a little ashamed when she saw Jiang Ju now, and she was not ashamed to call him.

"Brother Shen, I'm Xiaoqian."

"I know, Ye Qian, what's the matter? By the way, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Jiang Shen still misses her iso process.

"A friend of mine came to Dongning from another place. She knows you and wants to have dinner with you."

"---Your friend knows me? Who is it?"

Jiang Shen asked and fainted.

It turned out to be Guan Ruohua from Qingfeng Province.

Only then did Jiang Shen know that Ye Qian was referring to Guan Ruohua when he met the boss of the underworld outside.

Back then, the two had disputes, and Sister Hong didn't settle it when she came out. Later, Ye Qian knew that she liked to drink, so she fought with her, drank Guan Ruohua at the wine table, and then let Ye Qian go, and the two became friends. friend.

Did this dude catch up to Dongning?

Jiang Shen reported to a gentleman at the beginning, but Guan Ruohua did not expect that Guan Ruohua would really come after him.

My buddy has a different identity now, he is the deputy director, and he is the bureau chief, and he can no longer mess with the chest hair and these little bastards.

Jiang Shen thought for a while: "It's okay to have a meal with you, she is a bastard, I don't have the time to have a meal with her."

Don't bring such a thing, I said, Brother Shen, you used to be a gangster, or a gangster.Ye Qian felt mixed feelings when she heard this.

Even more inferior.

As soon as Jiang Shen heard that she didn't speak on the phone, he knew that he had said something wrong.

"Ye Qian, don't think about it, Brother Shen is joking with you, am I this kind of person? Forget it, you can make an appointment." Jiang Shen likes to talk nonsense, but he didn't expect to hurt Ye Qian's self-esteem.

"That Saturday night."


Saturday is tomorrow, Guan Ruohua is not in a hurry to see him today, which is not bad, but Jiang Shen is really afraid that this bastard will chase him to China Merchants Bureau to learn as a teacher.

But how am I going to get rid of her tomorrow?

Jiang Shen sat in the office and used his brains.

Tap, tap, high heels came in from outside.

Ge Danni is here?She was the only one in the bureau who stepped on the high-heeled shoes.

No, it doesn't smell like perfume?

He didn't need his divine sense to sweep, someone pushed gently outside the door, and directly pushed open the door of his office.

A tall, slender, stunning beauty with outstanding temperament appeared in front of him.

If Michel is a princess, then this beauty is simply a princess.

With her chin raised high, she looked at Jiang Shen with a lofty, domineering gaze. In her eyes, it seemed that all men were dogs, and she was the owner of the dogs.

This woman is Yu Shijun who met Tang Hairong not long ago.

"Who are you looking for?" Jiang Shen raised his head and saw Yu Shijun, feeling uneasy in his heart, this look, this attitude, are you him? Do you think you are really a princess?There was no knock on the door.

"Jiang Ju?" Yu Shijun smiled confidently, walked in front of Jiang Shen, and sat on the sofa.

When she sat down, her body was upright, her chest was straight, her head was still raised high, even when she was sitting down, she looked more noble than Jiang Shen.

"My name is Yu Shijun. I have just been transferred from the Provincial Department of Finance to serve as the deputy director of your China Merchants Bureau. We will be colleagues in the future. I hope we can cooperate more."

Yu Shijun stared at Jiang Shen while speaking.

With her beauty, most men, even 90.00% of men, will feel guilty when they look at her and can't hold their heads up.

Jiang Shen also stared at her.

This woman is indeed beautiful and amazing, even better than Jiang Shen's women, but her vision seems to be that all the men in the world are just dogs.

I said why are you so proud?

When Jiang Shen saw her, he thought of Qiao Feixue. Qiao Feixue also treated Jiang Shen with such a proud look and attitude back then.

But Qiao Feixue is not as exaggerated as this Yu Shijun, this Yu Shijun almost wrote the words "men are dogs" on his face.

It seems that like Qiao Feixue, she is also a second-generation official?

Jiang Shen knew something.

"So it's a new colleague, welcome." Jiang Shen stood up with a smile, walked in front of Yu Shijun, and stretched out a hand.

Yu Shijun was still sitting on the sofa, and when she saw Jiang Shen walking in front of her, she stood up disapprovingly, without stretching out her hand, and said flatly: "Ju Lu asked me to talk to you, the meeting is over, see you in the meeting room." After finishing speaking, he turned around lightly and walked away lightly.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen put one hand on the empty hand, staring at Yu Shijun's back in a daze.

Even ignoring this handsome guy?

Even ignoring the bureau seat?

Did you get together with Lu Yong right away?The visitor was not kind, Jiang Shen went to the meeting room, thinking about what would change with Yu Shijun's arrival.

Soon, in the conference room, members of the Party Committee of China Merchants Group sat around again.

Lu Yong, Yan Aiguo, Qian Youjin, Jiang Shen, Lu Qi, Yu Shijun, Ge Danni.

The seven people looked at each other with different expressions.

Lu Yong's expression looked much better than last time, with a shiny forehead and colorful eyebrows.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is our new colleague from the China Merchants Bureau. Yu Shijun, who has been appointed by the Provincial Department of Finance, is the deputy director of our bureau. Deputy director Ma, who has been in the hospital, has been transferred to another department because of his health. .”

Lu Yong said a few words, everyone clapped their hands symbolically, and then saw Lu Yong said: "There is one more colleague, and everyone's division of labor needs to be changed. I suggest that Bureau Yu be in charge of the second business department----"

As soon as his words came out, the faces of Jiang Shen's people changed.

At the last party committee meeting, Jiang Shen was still in charge of the second business department.

"I don't agree." Lu Qi immediately raised her hand.

Now she and Jiang Shen are on the same road, so of course they have to make a decisive move.

"Director Yu just came to the China Merchants Bureau. Is it too late to take charge of the second subject before he is familiar with it? Moreover, Director Jiang has been in charge of the second subject, and the results are obvious---"

"Ju Yu originally worked in the Department of Finance. The financial work is the same as our investment promotion. It deals with money. It has the same effect. In addition, the task of our bureau has been completed ahead of schedule this year, and the second department has no work pressure. It can completely let Director Yu will take over first and adapt slowly."

Yan Aiguo, who was the living dead at the party committee last time, spoke.

Yo, you are not afraid of death, Jiang Shen raised his head and gave him a hard look.

Yan Aiguo's eyelids twitched, he didn't dare to look at Jiang Shen, but he continued to finish the sentence.

"Jiang Ju is in charge very well, why did he change?" Qian Youjin had torn face with Lu Yong last time, so of course there is no room for retreat at this time.

"Let me talk about it." Ge Danni who was next to him also spoke. She looked at Jiang Shen apologetically, and then said: "Yan Ju is right. Our task in the second department has been completed. There is no work pressure. Director Yu came to learn and get used to it. Anyway, everyone knows that Director Jiang has completed the work, and no one would say that Director Yu picked peaches at the end of the year. Instead, Director Yu grasped the second subject like this, and he will soon be integrated into our investment promotion work. To lay the foundation for the next year's big show, I don't think Jiang Ju would mind giving Yu Ju the opportunity to learn."

Nima, what rhythm is this?Did Ge Danni stand in line?

Last time she remained neutral.

Jiang Shen felt something was wrong.

As soon as this Yu Shijun came, the situation in the bureau immediately changed drastically. They were in their hands last time, and the situation went downhill in a blink of an eye.

There is no leader named Yu in the province?

There seems to be no one in the city?

Whose daughter will it be?

Jiang Shen's head was scratching his head to make calculations.

Ordinary people are not worthy of Ge Danni's team, nor are they worthy of Yan Aiguo's leadership.

"Then it's settled. In the future, Bureau Yu will be responsible for the work of the second department. Xiao Jiang, do you want to vote?" Lu Yong smiled and looked at Jiang Shen.

Do you need a vote, little beast?

Now they are four to three, completely gaining the upper hand.

The difference of one vote is enough to instantly kill Jiang Shen.

Lu Qi and Qian Youjin were half dead, while Jiang Shen remained calm and shook his hand: "Then listen to the leader, hehe."

After the meeting, Lu Yong was refreshed and called out to invite Yu Shijun to dinner at noon. Jiang Shen and Lu Qi naturally said that he was not free, and Qian Youjin also said that he wanted to go home to eat. The two camps of China Merchants were clearly visible.

Jiang Shen was upset today, and before he had been complacent for a few days, the situation was once again taken over by Lu Yong.

"Who is this Yu Shijun?" On the way back, Jiang Shen and Lu Qi were together.

"I don't know either. I came from the province. How about I ask my classmates in the province." Lu Qi still has classmates who work in the province.

"Let me ask." Qian Youjin made a phone call.

Soon, his face also changed.

"The number one official beauty in Dongning? Governor Yu's daughter."

"That governor Yu?" We don't have a governor surnamed Yu in Dongning, right?

"The one next door is Yu Zhenqiang, Governor of Fu'an Province."

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen knew that the three-year-old had a relatively big background, but he didn't expect that she was also the daughter of the official department.

But your dad is from Fu'an Province, so what are you doing in Dongning?

"No wonder they all jumped up, they hugged a thick thigh." Qian Youjin and Lu Qi looked a little unnatural.

They are not Jiang Shen. For them, the pressure at the provincial and ministerial level can destroy the world.

Jiang Shen saw their expressions in his eyes, and sighed in his heart, he is finally a person in the system, small fish are afraid of big fish, it is an eternal truth.

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