Not long after Jiang Shen returned to his office, he clicked.

The high heels flew in front of him with a gust of fragrant wind.

Yu Shijun is here again.

"What instructions does Director Yu have?" Jiang Shen was a little annoyed. My buddy lost in the party committee for a while, and he was upset. How dare you come in front of me?

"Then what are the instructions? Bureau Lu called for dinner at night, don't you dare to come?" Yu Shijun was also bold, walked to Jiang Shen's desk, and suddenly moved his buttocks and sat half of his buttocks on his desk.

That provocative gaze stimulated Jiang Shen's self-esteem even more.

"It's not speculative, half a sentence, I have nothing to say to them, and this meal is not interesting?"

"But I think, I have a lot to talk to you." Yu Shijun smiled and said, "You worked as a temporary worker after graduating from high school, then skipped a first grade in a few months, and took half a year to complete the sub-subject. I really want to ask you for advice. .”

She said to ask for advice, but her eyes were very contemptuous, obviously laughing at Jiang Shen's low degree and too young age.

Jiang Shen was angered by her provocation: "Then tomorrow night, I happen to have a friend over. If Director Yu is free, let's have a meal together."

"Okay." Yu Shijun said hello first, and then shook his head: "But I'm not free, let's see you next time."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Mental illness.

Jiang Shen could tell that this woman was very competitive and had a desire to control. She liked others to listen to her and didn't like to listen to others.

Did she come here just to compare with me and prove that she is better than me?Jiang Shen felt that this person was simply insane.

Not long after Yu Shijun left, Jiang Shen suddenly received a call.

At the police station, the old leader thanked the station for the call.

"Thank you, what are your instructions?"

"Jiang Ju, how dare I instruct you, now you are the leader, hahaha."

"It's all thanks to Xie's advice. If you're free in the evening, let's have a meal together." Jiang Shen was promoted to an official, and he only had dinner with Yang Da, Jin Jinshan and others. Don't forget to keep in touch.

"Of course I'm free, I just have something to tell you."

That night, Jiang Shen, Yang Da, and Xie Zhenhe, three former colleagues from the police station, had a meal together with Chest Hair and Tiger.

Xie Zhenhe really wanted to find him.

"Jiang Ju still remembers, before you went to Japan, you slapped a woman."

"Well, remember, what's the matter?" Jiang Shen remembered that the woman Hong hit Lu Qi first, and then he hit back.He almost forgot about this matter, but he didn't expect it to be brought up again now.

"Didn't I agree with her husband last time, let her go to the hospital to see how much I will pay, and I can come to apologize." Jiang Shen was a little annoyed.

"This woman, hey-" Xie Suo shook his head and sighed.

It turned out that after Jiang Shen had a good talk with her husband that day, it seemed that nothing happened, and after more than ten days, he never contacted the police station.

The police station thought it was over.

Suddenly, there was an extra post on a website in Dongning City, naming and saying that Jiang Shen, a civil servant of a certain bureau, was arrogant and beat up the people.

What was said in the post was exaggerated. It said that Jiang Shen still cursed after the beating. He said that there were people in the police station at home and in the city.

Then they asked Jiang Shen to compensate for the medical expenses, but Jiang Shen refused and insulted Hong.

In short, this post demoted Jiang Shen to nothing, no matter how you look at it, he is an image of an extremely arrogant civil servant.

It is also the representative of the apes that everyone hates in the society.

At the time of posting, Gentleman Jiang had just returned from Japan.

The police station learned about this post from the police, and Xie Zhenhe sent someone to find Na Hong and told her to delete the post.

Xie Zhenhe is from the police system, he knows how powerful Jiang Shen is, and Jiang Yanwang, the God of Plague Jiang, is not called for nothing. He is willing to pay for his mistakes and admit his mistakes, so why bother to make trouble for yourself.

Xie Zhenhe also wanted to help that Hong, and at the same time help Jiang Shen solve this matter.

Hong talked with the people sent by Xie Zhenhe and agreed to delete the post, but asked Jiang Shen to apologize in person and compensate for the medical expenses.

Xie Zhenhe sent someone to say yes, this Jiang Shen agreed before, you bring me the medical bill, see how much Jiang Shen will pay.

Hong said, well, I will talk to you in a few days.

It's been a few days for her, and it's been a long time.

Xie Suo was busy, and Hong agreed verbally, but he didn't care too much, and just waited.

Xie Suo didn't think about it until Jiang Shen became the deputy director after the announcement.

Before he could go to Hong Mou again, Hong Mou took out a tape.

The tape was recorded last time when the person Xie sent had a conversation with her.

Hong said that Xie sent someone to threaten her to delete the post, because Jiang Shen had stayed in the police station before, so he protected Jiang Shen.

I'm sorry, Xie Suo found out that things have gotten worse.

Then the woman made a request.

Jiang Shen is now promoted to the deputy director, but it is only a probationary period, you can ask him if he still wants to be the deputy director.

If you want to do it, give me 20 yuan for mental damage and [-] yuan for medical expenses. Otherwise, I will petition, and my post will be posted everywhere. If a civil servant beats someone, he can still be promoted. Is there a king's law?

I guarantee that he won't be able to become the deputy director before the probationary period expires.

Hong Mou had already prepared.

Her husband is the director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chengdong District. He knew that Jiang Shen was going to mention it, so he kept dragging it until Jiang Shen did it, and then came to blackmail him.

Now, not only Jiang Shen is passive, but the police station is also passive.

It's been nearly a month since the incident was reported, and it still hasn't been dealt with. The police station even sent someone to persuade her to delete the post, which caused Xie Zhenhe to burn out.

"If this woman continues to make trouble, I will be in trouble." Xie Suo was very depressed.

He wanted to help that woman, but he didn't expect that woman to drag him into the water too.

He was very worried, afraid that Jiang Shen would get angry.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished talking about the situation, Jiang Shen was furious.

You want 20 for a slap, I'm sorry, even though I have money, I'm not such a prodigal.

He admitted his mistake very sincerely, but he didn't want to cause trouble for Xie Suo, and agreed to lose money and apologize, which was something Jiang Shen never did.

Only others have always compensated him. When has he lost other people's money.

This Hong was just an ordinary citizen, and he didn't intend to bully her, but in the end, Sanba blackmailed Jiang Shen instead.

Ni, I was blackmailed?

It's really time to talk about this extortion.

Jiang Shen is currently in the probationary period. If Sanba goes to the provinces, cities, or even districts to make a fuss, the sub-department he gets is still a bit of a mystery.

It must be that [-]'s husband. The head of the Environmental Protection Bureau knows this kind of thing in the system, so at this time, he suddenly attacked the killer.

For those who move, just pay 20 yuan honestly and forget it.

20 for a sub-subject is really worth it.

"Is this trying to force me to convince others with virtue?" Jiang Shen's eyes flashed murderous.

"Don't, Jiang Ju, don't be impulsive." Xie Suo smiled wryly and quickly dissuaded him.

"What the hell, Brother Gentleman, leave this matter to me." Tiger held the toothpick, his face trembling.

After following Jiang Shen, he traveled across Dongning for the past six months without any challenges at all, it was really boring.

"Tiger, pay attention to your identity, you are still a gangster?" Chest Mao despised the tiger.

We are the big boss now, and the big boss understands, just let the small ones do this kind of thing.

Jiang Shen looked at Xie Suo, Xie Suo's eyes were full of begging for mercy, Xie Suo didn't want Jiang Shen to make things big, and it's best to make things small and small.

"Thank you, I'll give you face, 20, you tell her, I'll pay 20, don't make trouble anymore."

People are not enough, snakes swallow elephants.Chest Hair shook his head: "Brother Shen, I'm afraid that if you give in one step, they will take another step forward."

Sure enough, Xie Suo called, and Hong on the other end of the phone immediately called out.

"20? What is he joking about? What about the medical bills? I saw 2 last time, and I checked twice yesterday and today. More than [-] yuan is gone. The doctor said that there is a concussion, which affects intelligence and spirit-- -"

Xie Suo's complexion changed drastically, as expected he was making progress.

"Just ask him how much it costs." Jiang Shen interrupted his call and asked coldly.

"Miss Hong, just tell me the number, how much is it?"

"Well--30, I don't want to ask for a price. I will pay 30. From then on, I will not owe you anything." Hong is very proud there, you want to mention the sub-subject? It's worth 30, hahaha.

"Okay, 30." Jiang Shen gave another step.

After hanging up the phone, Xie Suo was sweating.

"Thank you, I'm saving face for you."

"I know, thank you Jiang Ju." In fact, you can really convince people with virtue.Xie Suo couldn't stand this woman, she had to look forward to Shu, and she had to make an inch of it. A slap would cost 30 yuan.

Jiang Shen's attitude is also sufficient today, Xie Suo is also very grateful to him, this is what he wants.

I gave you face, but that woman doesn't know her face, so I can't help it.

At this time, at Hong's home, her husband was also present.

"How to say?"

"Agreed, 30."

"Haha, I said I would agree. Wife, he is a sub-specialist. If we quarrel, will he have a good life? Don't say 30, he can pay 50."

"Husband, why don't we add more?" He kept asking for more.

"Forget it, 30 is enough, be careful they sue us for blackmail."

"What are you afraid of? Let's go to the police station to trade, write down written documents, mental damage expenses and medical expenses, and ask a lawyer to testify. How could it be extortion?"

"That's true, wife, you are smart."

Early the next morning.

Jiang Shen received a notice from Xie Suo.

Take 35 to the police station to trade.

The other party raised the price again, saying that there were [-] legal fees.

Don't care about him, Jiang Shen was furious, "Keep an inch, that's enough, thank you, I'll give you your face, and leave it to me later."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

By this time, Xie Suo would no longer blame Jiang Shen.

Amitabha, surnamed Hong, please protect yourselves.Xie Suo shook his head and sighed.

An hour later, Hong came out of the police station triumphantly.

Hong is the manager of an insurance company, and he is in a good mood today.

Because I just took 35 at the police station.

A slap is exchanged for 35 yuan. She feels that the money of civil servants is too easy to earn.

Especially looking at Jiang Shen's expression just now, she is so cool to the extreme, let you brat beat my old lady, I will pay you to death.

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