Her car was a Honda. She took the money after the police station and went directly to the nearby bank.

Less than 5 minutes after the car drove out, a traffic light appeared ahead.

Numbers with green lights are jumping.

Seven, six, five, four.

There is also a yellow light behind the green light. After some calculation, Hong can drive through, maybe he doesn't have to wait for the yellow light.

Speed ​​up, one speed up and you don't have to eat this red light.

Boom, she slammed on the accelerator, and when the green light jumped to two, she rushed over.

Cool, I didn't get the red light.

She was in a good mood when suddenly a car came across in front of her.

At this time, the car coming sideways was obviously a car running a red light, but Hong never expected that someone would dare to do so in broad daylight.

It was too late for her to slam on the brakes.

Bang, her Honda slammed into the middle and slammed into the car crossing the road.

Bang, there was an earth-shattering noise on the field, the car was knocked out by her for more than ten meters, and the door facing her front was knocked off, and a lot of wooden cabinets and boxes fell out of it.

These wooden cabinets and wooden boxes were basically broken by the impact, and many things like stones and jade fell to the ground.

Sitting in the car, Hong was also dizzy from the collision. The front airbags were all deployed, and it took several seconds to react.

She looked down at herself, she didn't seem to be seriously injured, and rushed out of the car angrily.

The front of the car was completely dented, and the body was severely damaged.

"Why do you drive so fast through a red light?" Hong rushed to the car angrily and looked down. The front of the car was covered in blood. The driver seemed to be in a coma, and the passenger compartment was slow. Slowly crawl out a lady.

"You—you ran a red light by yourself, and you still said us, you—who are you." The lady was about to cry as she spoke.

I ran a red light?What are you farting, when I came over, there were still two seconds of green light, and there was a yellow light after the green light, how could I run through the red light.

"Wait for the traffic police to deal with it, and I'll tell you not to run away." Hong was vicious, but also a little scared in his heart. He looked at the person in the cab in front, and there must be nothing wrong with this person.

In the traffic accidents in Huaguo, no matter who is right or who is wrong, if someone dies, it is always difficult to deal with.

She was going to kill the driver, even if the other driver ran a red light, she would have to pay for it.

"It's fierce for this woman to run a red light." A passer-by pointed at Hong.

"What are the gravels on the ground? They seem to be jade? Such jade is very valuable."

"Running a red light and driving so fast, you're courting death."

When Hong saw it, the passers-by who surrounded him all said that he ran a red light.

"Fart you, you're the one who ran the red light, and your whole family ran the red light." She yelled like a shrew, and everyone around her showed disgusted expressions at her.

"Thirty-eight, you obviously ran a red light and bumped into someone. Why are you so fierce? The traffic police came to see how you died."

"There are high-definition cameras here, let's see if you can escape."

Someone in the crowd suddenly said, "Her husband is the director."

When Hong heard this, for some reason, he casually said, "That's right, my husband is the director."

"Oh---another director."

Passers-by laughed, and some were still taking pictures with their mobile phones.

No, Hong knows that it is best to keep a low profile on the road these days.

She hurried back into her car, and while waiting for the traffic police, she called her husband.

After a while, the traffic police and the ambulance came.

The wounded were sent to the hospital, and the traffic police began to deal with them.

Above the red light is a high-definition camera.

When Hong was in the traffic police team and saw in the camera that he ran through the red light and rushed towards the other car, he was completely dumbfounded.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, it was obviously a green light at that time."

"You play it again?"

"We are HD cameras."

"Impossible, impossible, your video has been tampered with, it was she who ran the red light, it was she who ran the red light."

"Ms. Hong, please calm down. If you suspect that there is something wrong with the video, you can ask professional personnel to come over and check it. But we can tell you responsibly that we absolutely did not, and we dare not do anything."

"Ms. Hong, 11 passers-by have already witnessed you running a red light, and [-] of them are willing to testify in court."

"People may have hallucinations when they are nervous. Do you want to rush over before the green light, so you see hallucinations?"

Of course Hong and her husband refused to accept it.

They asked professionals to check the video, and it turned out that nothing had been tampered with.

In addition to the testimony of [-] passers-by, Hong ran a red light and hit the other party. According to the punishment, she was fully responsible.

Fortunately, the wounded did not die, but it is said that 10,000+ have been watched in one day.

When Hong and his wife heard this, they thought it was okay, it was just a small fortune.

The insurance company also bears most of it.

But at this time, a deputy captain of the traffic police came in accompanied by a charming beauty.

"Ms. Hong, this is Zheng Jiaer's lawyer. She seems to be looking for you on something."

"Lawyer?" Hong and her husband don't know what to do. Do they need a lawyer?

"Hello, I am the lawyer representing Tongling Baoyu. This time, Ms. Hong ran a red light and hit our company's car. In the car at that time, we had 500 million worth of jewels, and 300 million of them were completely broken. Afterwards, we notified the insurance company, the police station, the jewelry company, the traffic police brigade and other relevant departments as soon as possible, and this is the certificate issued by the relevant departments."

A stack of on-site photos and materials were thrown in front of the couple.

what? What?The broken stones in that place are worth 500 million?

Hong saw many wooden boxes smashed that day, and a lot of jade fell out. He didn't expect it to be worth 500 million.

If the compensation is more than 1000 million, they can't afford to sell their house.

"Don't blackmail, those broken stones of yours are worth so much?" Hong cried out like crazy.

"Whether it's worth it or not, I don't have the final say. I knew you would say that. Let's see you in court." Zheng Jiaer didn't want to talk nonsense with her, she came over to scare her a few words, turned around and left.

"Husband, husband, what should I do?" More than 1000 million.

Hong wanted to cry. He had just made more than 30 yuan, and he was about to bleed more than 1000 million yuan when he changed hands.

How do I know that Hong's husband also has a headache. Recently, there was a video of his wife running a red light and hitting someone. She also claimed that her husband was the director of the bureau, and he was also interviewed by the leader.

It's useless for Ren Hong to go crazy. In order to deal with her, Jiang Shen really took out more than 1000 million jade.

The two parties went to court, and after multiple certifications, Tongling Baoyu did lose more than 1000 million jade. In the final judgment, Hong ran a red light and took full responsibility, and compensated Tongling Baoyu for the jade loss of 300 million yuan. Mental and medical expenses are not included.

Hong refused to accept it and wanted to appeal, but the lawyer told her that the appeal was still defeated, the evidence was conclusive, and there was no need to humiliate herself.

Poor Hong, who just got more than 30 yuan, will pay more than 1000 million yuan in a blink of an eye.

It's almost like paying her to death.

When the news reached Xie Suo's ears, Xie Suo was also shocked.

Did Jiang Yan Wang not kill people this time, but just lose money?This Hong is really lucky.

However, to lose so much money, it would be better to kill her.

You dare to extort Jiang Wenshen's money, isn't this suicidal?

This matter was just a small matter in Jiang Shen's life, most of which he left to Zheng Jia'er and the others to take care of.

Let's go back to Saturday.

On Saturday, he invited Ye Qian and Guan Ruohua to dinner.

After work, he walked to his car in the parking lot, and saw Yu Shijun in a red trench coat coming from the rear view.

Beep, beep, Yu Shijun knocked on his car window.

"Ju Yu, what instructions do you have?" Jiang Shen rolled down the window and looked at Yu Shijun.

Today she was wearing a fiery red windbreaker, which looked a bit enchanting and charming. A purple silk scarf wrapped around her neck added a bit of nobility and grace.

"Didn't you say you invited me to dinner tonight?" Yu Shijun stood outside the car. It was time to get off work, and the people in the bureau were rushing home. One of them was sitting in the car and the other was standing outside, which was very eye-catching.

"Cough cough..." Jiang Shen was so depressed that he said, "Didn't you say you're not free, so I made an appointment with someone else." Is this woman sick? If you ask her, she says she's not free. If you don't, she comes together again. I feel too self-conscious. Alright.

This Yu Shijun is very selfish and likes to do things based on his own will.

"Then take me." Yu Shijun was not polite to him, and his tone was full of provocation: "Did you date a girl? Will it cause their misunderstanding after I go over?"

I haven't said to take you there yet, don't feel too good about yourself.Jiang Shen said with a smile: "My friends are all beauties."

The implication is, don't feel too good about it, you're still the number one beauty in the officialdom, I'm sorry.

When Yu Shijun heard it, he was really dissatisfied, and his eyebrows jumped: "Then I will meet beautiful women. I like to exchange beauty experience with beautiful women."

"Then get in the car." Jiang Shen didn't say much.

"Take my car." Yu Shijun was very selfish and refused to listen to others easily.

"If you don't make it, I'll leave." Jiang Shen frowned and said, who do you think you are, everyone will listen to you.

Yu Shijun was stunned for a while.

She has always been aloof, and she is also used to commanding men. Other men, who dare not listen to her.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen pushed her directly.

"Can you get in?" Jiang Shen asked again, and then started the car.

"You--" Yu Shijun stomped his feet, and got into Jiang Shen's car very reluctantly.

The car is moving.

Jiang Shen said: "Ju Yu, to be honest, I'm not interested in people who have nothing to talk to, and you don't have any plans. You come to take a second job, and I want to work. Everyone does not violate the river water, so please don't mess with me." .”

Jiang Shen always felt that this woman came to China Merchants for a purpose.

This year, China Merchants' mission was completed ahead of schedule, shocking the entire region, and China Merchants' reputation has also risen to the top of the sky.

Many people want to transfer here to gain experience and honor.

It's fine for you to collect experience and honor, but please don't mess with me.

As soon as Yu Shijun heard it, he understood what Jiang Shen meant, and said with a smile: "Others think that I am here to collect honors from the China Merchants Bureau, but in fact, I really plan to take root at the grassroots level."

"Jiang Ju, you have to understand me, and cooperate with my work well."

These two sentences of Yu Shijun are also very obvious. I am not only here to win honors, but also to do a good job at the grassroots level. However, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and you, Jiang Shen, should listen to me in the bureau.

Fuck, who are you, Jiang Shen smiled calmly and didn't speak again.

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