Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 406 My name is Jiang Shen

He and this woman have nothing to say.

This is a very ambitious, and very self-righteous woman.

Yu Shijun didn't seem to care, and took the initiative to talk about work with Jiang Shen.

"You have completed too high a task this year. I suggest that some funds that have not yet been allocated be reserved for next year. In this way, there will be no such great pressure in the Bureau next year."

"You're going to make more than 30 billion this year, what will you do next year? Next year it will be at least [-] billion, what will you ask other brother districts to do?"

"The Merchants Bureau of other districts will hate us to death. If the city raises the indicators of all districts, the other seven districts will all scold us in the future."

Jiang Shen didn't speak, just um, oh, um, listening to her quietly.

Jiang Shen found out that Yu Shijun really took him as the head?

Of course, with Yu Shijun's qualifications, he can indeed be the chief of the bureau, but you are not right now, can we talk about it after you become the chief of the bureau?

The two of them talked one by one and listened to each other. In less than half an hour, they arrived at a big hotel in Xicheng District.

When walking towards the box, Jiang Shen thought for a while and said with a smile: "Ju Yu, my friend is a mild-mannered person, so don't you mind if I offend you for a while?"

Yu Shijun blinked his eyes, and said with a smile, "I'm also a man of temperament."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Shen didn't say any more.

The two walked into the box.

"Brother Gentleman." He saw Ye Qian and Bai Jie facing each other.

Today, the two sisters are wearing exactly the same clothes. They look very similar to the Japanese sisters, very eye-catching.

"Brother Gentleman." Guan Ruohua really came.

Still dressed in pitch black, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a big sister.

The three beauties stood up in unison, Jiang Shen's eyes lit up.

Yu Shijun was also stunned.

Knowing that Jiang Shen was coming to see a beautiful woman, he never expected it to be so beautiful.

In her eyes, there are too many rouge and vulgar fans in the society, and there are really a few who can be called beauties.

What beauty?

Like her, someone who can look amazing without makeup is called a beauty.

But none of the three in front of her is much bigger than her.

Bai Jie's childlike face, Ye Qian's perfect buttocks, and Guan Ruohua's combination of the advantages of these two people, plus that special heroic spirit, is not inferior to Yu Shijun.

The three beauties went together and completely exploded Yu Shijun.

Yu Shijun, who was full of confidence when he came, was hit a little.

"Sit down, Director Yu, let me introduce you. This is Yu Shijun, the deputy director of our China Merchants Bureau." Jiang Shen's expression was very cold, and the introduction was very ordinary.

Jiang Shen's women are all good characters who can check their faces and look at them. Needless to say, Ye Qian came out to play around in her teens. Looking at Jiang Shen's expression and attitude, you can tell that this woman is not Jiang Shen's favorite, nor is it Jiang Shen's. woman.

She didn't even look at Yu Shijun, she stood up and brought a cup of tea for Jiang Shen.

This correct attitude and swift action greatly increased Jiang Shen's face.

"Brother Shen, do you want to drink?" Xiao Baijie also posted it pretty, ignoring Yu Shijun, and said softly to Jiang Shen.

"No more, let's have some drinks today." "Well, I'll get what Brother Shen wants to drink." Xiao Baijie also wants to save Jiang Shen's face, with an attitude of a good baby.

"Orange juice."

"I want yogurt," Yu Shijun also interjected at this time.

Xiao Baijie turned her head, glanced at Yu Shijun, ignored her, turned around and went out, and came back later with two bottles of orange juice in her hand.

"Waiter." There was a waiter in the box, and Xiao Baijie went out to serve Jiang Shen, but Yu Shijun called out directly: "Give me two bottles of yogurt."

This woman didn't look outside at all, and she wasn't moved by Xiao Baijie and Ye Qian's attitude.

The face is a bit thick, and Jiang Shen discovered another characteristic of Yu Shijun.

"Brother Shen, I didn't expect you and Sister Qian to be so familiar. I came here to thank you." Guan Ruohua said, and stretched his hands down to the table, and a box was brought to the table.

"This is a specialty of our Qingfeng, Brother Gentleman, don't give up on both."

"Oh, good stuff, this is Qingfeng's master of martial arts back then, Yuan xx's original work, Master Yuan's master of boxing and painting, in the Qing Dynasty, specially painted portraits for Cixi, and was her bodyguard, this painting, Its code is worth [-] million."

Before Jiang Shen opened the box, he saw the contents of the box.

"There, it's not worth a penny to those who don't know the goods. This painting is only worthy of you, Brother Gentleman." Guan Ruohua's performance in front of Jiang Shen, Yu Shijun never thought that she was a big sister.

However, what shocked her now was that someone gave Jiang Shen something worth [-] million.

real or fake?

When Jiang Shen opened the painting, it seemed that the painting was Dong Chuanhai, the head of the internal affairs department at that time, with a few words written underneath, 'Only kill the enemy, not perform'.

Master Yuan is famous for drawing figures. It is said that when he was applying for a bodyguard job, he was asked to practice. He said, my martial arts is only about killing enemies, not performing.

Even if you behead your head, you won't perform.

Cixi was very appreciative after hearing this, and has been her personal bodyguard ever since.

If this painting is auctioned internationally, it may not be sold for 2000 million yuan, at most [-] million yuan.

But if you take the martial arts world to shoot, [-] million is possible.

What Guan Ruohua said was right, people who don't know the goods are not qualified to own him at all.

In this painting, the pen and brush are like knives, and the painting is like practicing knives. Only masters of Chinese martial arts can see his precious value.

Yu Shijun didn't understand, and secretly sneered, Jiang Shen must have told them in advance, and deliberately took something to scare me, and even gave you something worth [-] million, no matter how I look at it, it's not worth [-] million.

I felt a little contempt for Jiang Shen in my heart, but it turned out that it was all an act.

"Brother Gentleman." Ye Qian spoke at this moment, seeming a bit embarrassed.

"Ruohua wants me to ask you, do you accept it--" Do you accept it, brother?This seems to be said by the underworld, and Brother Gentleman is now the deputy director.

Ye Qian organized her tone, and could only ask, "Do you need a driver? Or, do you need a nanny at home?"

"That's right, that's right, I can do everything, cooking and laundry, shopping for vegetables and sweeping the floor, Brother Gentleman, do you need someone in your family? I can do everything?" Guan Ruohua is determined to take Jiang Shen as his teacher.

But Jiang Shen said that he would not accept apprentices, so I can be a nanny.

Jiang Shen's face was dark, and then he looked at Yu Shijun: "Let's eat first today, please? Let's talk about it later."

It means that there are outsiders, don't talk about it.

"Oh." Guan Ruohua replied honestly.

Ye Qian and Xiao Bai are still used to it, but Yu Shijun is completely baffled, what is this beauty doing?

In terms of body and appearance, Guan Ruohua is no less inferior to Yu Shijun. Now that he is so proactive in sticking to the door, Jiang Shen has a black line on his face. They are acting, right?

Yu Shijun felt that they were all acting tonight, and Jiang Shen was deliberately exalting himself.

Just act, I will watch and see how you act.

Yu Shijun remained calm in line with the principle of watching a play.

She was still very patient, Jiang Shen and Ye Qian chatted happily at the table, and she was able to hold her breath by herself.

If it was Ge Danni, she would have been unable to bear it.

So Yu Shijun is worthy of being the governor's daughter, and no one else can learn this kind of temperament.

Everyone chatted and ate like this, and when they ate around 07:30 in the evening, Jiang Shen looked at the time and it was almost time, and it was time to discuss getting out of bed with Ye Qian and the others.

Suddenly there was a fierce quarrel outside.

Then bang, bang, bang, plop, all kinds of smashing sounds rang out.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shen knew what happened outside with a glance of his spiritual sense inside, but he deliberately asked the waiter.

"What's going on outside?" The place where he eats is called 'Jiuzhou Hotel', it's a four-star hotel, and the current owner is Ding Yan, which means it's Jiang Shen's own property.

The waiter immediately went out and came in hastily again: "Brother Gentleman, there are outsiders who are drunk and making trouble."

Yo, does the waiter also call him Brother Gentleman?The people Yu Shijun met today were all called Brother Jiang Shenshen, who sounded like gangsters.

"Let's go, we're almost there, let's go out and have a look." Jiang Shen got up and led the girls to the hall.

Along the way, there are waiters who explain to him.

It turned out that today there was a table of outsiders eating in room 202. Halfway through the meal, an outsider in room 202 went to the bathroom, and met a person in room 201.

The two accidentally had a little friction, but both of them had too much alcohol, and immediately started fighting in the toilet.

Then the outsiders from 202 were the first to notice, and they all rushed out, chasing the Dongning man and beating him violently.

The Dongning people in 201 also knew about it, and the two sides started fighting in the corridor.

The outsiders seem to be a mixed society, and the Dongning people are no match, and they are losing ground.

When Jiang Shen came out, the two sides chased and retreated one by one, and they had already hit the lobby.

The scene was still quite dire.

A man from Dongning was hit with flowers on his head, and fled towards the gate with the support of two accomplices.

Behind them, three or four Dongning people held stools and chairs to resist seven or eight big men from other places.

These seven or eight outsiders seemed to have had too much wine, their faces were flushed, their eyes were green, and their expressions were extremely ferocious.

And it seems that there are more than these seven or eight people from other places.

Suddenly two foreigners appeared at the other end, and one of them blocked the door with a pair of wine bottles in his hands.

This is ready to close the door and beat the dog.

"Block the door and kill them, let's compare." The outsiders spoke with a Songshan accent and surrounded Dongning from front to back, blocking Dongning in the hall.

There was chaos in the hall, many customers avoided, and some even slipped away through the back door.

"Who did you kill? Do you know whose hotel this is?" Just then, a lazy voice sounded behind the outsider.

"I don't care who it belongs to, do you compare with whom?" The outsider turned around sharply, and saw Jiang Shen standing there with four beauties.

Too arrogant, the four beauties around Jiang Shen are all radiant and very eye-catching.

"Yo, isn't this girl nice?"

"Hahaha, kid, you can play four games by yourself, can you eat it?"

The leader walked towards Jiang Shen with a smile.

He was only halfway there when Jiang Shen picked up a beer bottle from a table next to him and slammed it over with a whoosh.

When the man saw the beer bottle flying over, he tilted his head.

Ping, still smashed him with a face full of flowers.

I'm sorry, the people of Songshan were furious.

Seven or eight people gave up on the Dongning people on the other end, roaring and rushed towards Jiang Shen together.

"My name is Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen stood on the spot and said lightly: "Dongning Jiang Shen."

"Dong you." "Your sister Jiang."

Seven or eight people rushed towards Jiang Shen like crazy.

Jiang Shen didn't move, just stood where he was.

Xiaobai, Ye Qian, and Guan Ruohua didn't move either.

Yu Shijun's face changed greatly in fright, and he backed away again and again.

Just when seven or eight people rushed in front of Jiang Shen, the face of the leader suddenly changed drastically.

"Wait, wait."

He had drunk too much, but he hadn't turned into a drunk dog yet. After he understood the word Jiang Shen, he suddenly became half sober.

"Wait, what the hell, you didn't hear me tell you to wait." The leader stopped and pulled all the seven or eight accomplices.

At this time, the person who rushed forward was less than two steps away from Jiang Shen.

And Jiang Shen has been standing quietly.

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