Early the next morning, Jiang Shen walked out of the room refreshed, and met Guan Ruohua with a haggard face and a pair of panda eyes.

"Wow, what are you doing?" Jiang Shen was startled, Guan Ruohua looked like he had just come out of the detention center.

"You guys are so cool, I didn't sleep well all night. Tomorrow, tomorrow I'm going to stay in a hotel, not here anymore." Guan Ruohua went to the toilet weakly.

"Go back to Qingfeng and be your boss." Jiang Shen said with a smile.

"Then teach me a few tricks." Guan Ruohua didn't give up, and wanted to learn something from Jiang Shen.

"Are you still young? Do you think you are a child?"

"But I'm only twenty-five." Guan Ruohua refuses to accept that Ye Qian is older than me, yet you still accept her as a woman.However, she weakly underreported her age, but she is actually 28.

Others have iso services.

I can too.

The two didn't say it clearly, but a few eyes conveyed the meaning clearly.

Jiang Shen finally used a disdainful look: "Go, half-way monks are not as good as professional ones, thank you."

After all, he slammed the door and walked out.

Asshole, Guan Ruohua didn't get angry, stood there thinking for a while, and suddenly rushed into the room where Ye Qian and Bai Jie were still sleeping.

"I said Ye Qian, are you a good sister? I want to learn your iso."

Not to mention that she was going to learn ISO, Jiang Shen left Ye Qian's house and went straight to work in China Merchants.

It is now March, not long after the new year. In previous years, this time is one of the busiest times for the unit. However, this year, because Jiang Shen completed the annual task ahead of schedule, China Merchants is currently relatively free. Everyone goes to work with a cup of green tea and newspapers. .

It didn't take long for Jiang Shen to enter the office before Lu Qi arrived.

When Jiang Shen was not the deputy director, Lu Qi sometimes called him to go up, and sometimes came by herself. Now that Jiang Shen is the deputy director, Lu Qi basically came over by herself every time.

"Jiang Ju, is it early?"

"How about you, Director Lu, sit down?"

Jiang Shen knew that she must have something to say when she came, so he quickly closed the door.

"I went to the district chief's house last night." Lu Qi showed hesitation on his face, "I mentioned to the district chief and me that the district government is under a little pressure because we have done so well this year, and asked me what to do next year?"

After hearing this, Jiang Shen understood that Xiang Lan didn't have a good impression of him, and he didn't plan to tell him face to face, so he asked Lu Qi for a transfer.

"What should we do? Continue to attract investment next year, that's what our China Merchants Bureau does."

"What does the district chief mean? How much are you sure you can pull next year? The district asked us to set the target for next year and then report it to the city. Now the brother districts have a lot of opinions on us, because you have pulled too much, and it is too much for them. Added pressure."

Lu Qi smiled wryly, and she never thought that it is not a good thing for a person to be too strong at work.

For example, Jiang Shen doubled to complete the task this time, and the other seven districts in Dongning's eight districts were very uncomfortable.

If the city is determined by the standards of Anchengdong next year, the other districts will not be dead.

Therefore, the directors of the investment promotion bureaus of each district complained to their respective governments, and asked Chengdong to report their plans for next year in advance.

The city received a response, and yes, it is also appropriate to know about the plans of the Chengdong District for next year early, and can issue documents to arrange for each district.

Moreover, the city has to report to the province to prepare for next year's tasks.

Therefore, Jiang Shen seems to have done a great job in attracting so much investment for Chengdong District, but he has eviled the brother units of the entire Dongning City, including the Municipal Bureau, and the province may vigorously increase their tasks next year. A person who is too capable of working is not necessarily a good thing for colleagues.

"How do I know what's going to happen next year?" Jiang Shen also frowned. This time, he played too big and attracted too much capital. If he had known earlier, he would have done less.

"I can't guarantee anything else. I, Jiang Shen, have been in China Merchants for a day, and next year's investment will definitely not be less than this year."

"Then I will report to the district chief like this?"


Full of pressure, Lu Qi was also helpless when she left his office.

Jiang Shen did the overall work by himself, so that everyone in the overall situation has nothing to do now, but there are still so many people who think he is not good.

Just as Lu Qi left, another high-heeled shoe came in from outside.

This time it was Ge Danni.

As soon as Jiang Shen saw her, his face became gloomy.

Ge Danni, who has always been neutral, immediately jumped out after hugging Yu Shijun's thick thigh. Jiang Shen was very dissatisfied with her.

But Ge Danni didn't realize it, and walked into his office with a smile: "Jiang Ju, I received a document from the Municipal Bureau that there will be a large-scale business exchange meeting in Shanghai in early April. Ten countries will have business associations to join, and the documents of the Municipal Bureau allow all districts and counties with conditions to send people to participate---you can read the documents."

After finishing speaking, he put a document in front of Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen took a quick look, and it turns out that Shanghai is building a free trade zone, which has attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign companies. Taking this opportunity, Shanghai has sent invitations to various countries, inviting them to organize domestic business groups to visit.

With so many companies coming here, there will be opportunities to attract investment in China.

So all the provinces seized this opportunity to send people to Shanghai.

Dongning Province originally wanted to organize a group to go there like the last time I went to Japan, but Shanghai people disagree. Although they are all from the same country, the foreign guests we invited, you came here to pull people, what is going on? ?

It is not easy to do this clearly, so the province sent instructions to the cities, and then the cities issued documents to their counties.

Those who are confident and capable can go by themselves.

There is no organization in the province, for fear of causing dissatisfaction with fraternal units, but you can go by yourself.

Not everyone in the eight districts of Dongning goes there. Some of them are self-aware that Shanghai is the economic center of the country, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon makes it so easy to pull foreign businessmen away from Shanghai to Dongning.

Of course, there are those who are not afraid of death to try their luck, and there are also those who take the opportunity to go out and have fun.

Six of the eight districts decided to send people to Shanghai.

Chengdong District naturally bears the brunt, and Lu Yong is the first to express his opinion.

We have Xiao Jiang, not to mention that this exchange meeting will go to Shanghai in China, even if it is in country m, it can still attract a lot of foreign capital.

He is not helping Jiang Shen to speak, he is adding a burden to Jiang Shen, you are not very capable, let me see how capable you are.

Anyway, he just needs to talk about this matter, Jiang Shen has meritorious service if he does well, and it is Jiang Shen's fault if he does not do well, the leaders are best at using this method.

After the meeting, a leader of the Municipal Bureau approached Lu Yong privately: "We all know the fighting power of Chengdong Investment Promotion Bureau, but Chengdong District is also a district of Dongning City, right? You need to see the big picture."

It turned out that there was a district called 'Jin Tin District' which was the last district in attracting investment last year. Originally, the last district last year should have been Chengdong, but then a dark horse Jiang Zao suddenly appeared, making Kam Tin District the last place. The leadership of the Municipal Bureau Meaning, if you can get investment in Shanghai this time, it's best to give Jintian District a share.

Since they are all in the same city, we must see the big picture.

Besides, your Chengdong District has not overfulfilled this year's task.

As soon as Lu Yong heard it, it was a good thing, so he agreed on the spot, and said: "It's no problem, I'll talk to Jiang Shen right away, I think he will definitely see the big picture."

What Lu Yong said was extremely insidious.

Because this matter is beneficial to him and has no harm. If it is really successful, he will indirectly flatter the leader of the city bureau and establish a good relationship with the brother unit. If Jiang Shen refuses this matter, then It's Jiang Shen who offends people, and Jiang Shen doesn't have a big picture.

After reading the document, Jiang Shen knew what Lu Yong was up to after hearing what Ge Danni said.

If he managed this matter well, others would thank Lu Yong, but if he failed this matter, others would scold Jiang Shen for not seeing the big picture.

Nima's Lu Yong is really insidious.

"Ju Lu said that this time we will go to the district with four people, Yu Ju will lead the team, and you, me, and Song Linghua."

Yu Shijun led the team, which was a bit disrespectful to Jiang Shen, but Jiang Shen took three women out with a man, so he didn't care about it.

It's just that he doesn't like these three women.

"I'm a little busy recently, can I not go?" Jiang Shen asked Ge Danni.

"Both the leaders of the city bureau and the district leaders called your name."

Lu Yong wanted to take advantage of me all this time, and Jiang Shen certainly understood the key point.

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Shen agreed first.

On Wednesday of the following week, Yu Shijun led the team, Jiang Shen, Ge Danni, Song Linghua, a man and three women rushed to Shanghai by plane.

This year, China Merchants Group has performed very well, and they have been flying for domestic jobs.

The exchange meeting in Shanghai starts on Friday, and they are two days ahead of time, so they can have fun and do more homework to prepare.

When the four of them got off the plane, Yu Shijun said proudly: "I'll arrange for you to stay at the Fengge Hotel, you go there by yourself, you can play around in these two days, and we will meet again on Friday."

"Ju Yu, what about you?" Song Linghua hurriedly flattered her and asked pretending to be very concerned.

Her backer Guan Haiping was arrested, and Ge Danni ignored her again. Now she urgently needs to find a new backer.

"I have a friend's arrangement. I will investigate the situation of those foreign-funded enterprise teams in the next two days. You can just play around." Everyone can see Yu Shijun's pride.

It means, you play for two days, and I will take care of other things.

"That's really troublesome to Director Yu, we should have done this." Song Linghua continued to flatter.

"Did you do it?" Yu Shijun glanced at Jiang Shen, this is not Dongning, you are good in Dongning, but in an international metropolis like Shanghai, you have no connections, it doesn't matter, you have nothing to do?

Seeing this, Ge Danni also smiled and said: "Xiao Song, you don't understand now. If we do some things, we may not be able to do them well in a few days. If Yu Ju does it, maybe it's just a matter of talking, and it will get twice the result with half the effort. Do you understand?" .”

She seemed to be pointing Song Linghua, but she was actually flattering Yu Shijun.

Governor's daughter, open your mouth, and someone will help her with things, that's awesome.

Yu Shijun looked at Ge Danni proudly, you still speak well, a temporary worker is a temporary worker.

These three women, no one took Jiang Shen seriously, and they walked outside the airport in a few words.

Suddenly, with a creak, three extended Rolls-Royce Phantoms stopped in front of the four of them.

Several men and women walked in the car one after another.

The leading one bowed respectfully to Jiang Shen: "Brother Shen, welcome to Shanghai."

"Brother Shen." After saying that, he gestured to the four followers behind him.

"Hello Brother Gentleman." The four of them were also respectful.

"That's right, Zhang Fan, I haven't seen him for a while, he looks much better, hahaha." Jiang Shen laughed, the person who came was Zhang Fan, his spokesperson in Shanghai.

Zhang Fan quickly stretched out his hand, and someone handed him a bunch of documents.

"Brother Gentleman, the information of all foreign and domestic enterprises in this free trade zone exchange meeting is here. There are 34 countries, 170 foreign enterprises will come, and there are 31 state-owned enterprises and [-] private enterprises in China. This is all the information. There are four copies."

Bababa, Yu Shijun, who was full of ambition just now, seemed to have been slapped several times in the face, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

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