Jiang Shen took the four documents with a smile, turned around and gave one to Ge Danni and Song Linghua, and then handed the other to Yu Shijun: "Ju Yu, do you want a copy?"

Yu Shijun gritted his teeth, stared at Jiang Shen for a few times, and finally received it, and said in a strange way: "Jiang Bureau is indeed the signature of China Merchants, efficient, good, good." She also held her breath , Lost in the first round, and there were no aggressive words.

"Knowing the enemy and knowing the enemy can win every battle. When we recruit business, we must anticipate the enemy's opportunity and know the situation of the other party in advance. This is conducive to our communication with them. If we rush, we may lose the opportunity." Jiang Shen secretly To ridicule her, she only managed to find a way to go to work when she arrived in Shanghai, and she meant to cram her feet temporarily.

Nima, I'm two days ahead of time, okay, you are too fast, Yu Shijun is half dead with anger, but it's hard to say clearly.

"Brother Gentleman, I arranged for your colleagues the presidential suite in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, do you want to send them to have a rest?"

Grass, Yu Shijun was slapped again.

What she arranged was only a four-star hotel, and what they arranged was a famous five-star hotel in Shanghai, or a presidential suite.

But Jiang Shen's words are pissing off. "No need to waste it, our Bureau Yu has already arranged it, you just need to reserve one room for me, and return the others."

I have a go, how do you talk.

What Jiang Shen said earlier made Ge Danni and Song Linghua very depressed, but who would have said later that he would reserve a room for him.

"I have never stayed in the presidential suite of the Grand Hyatt Hotel." Yu Shijun immediately went on to say, you have the guts to slap me in the face today, and I don't feel comfortable staying in the presidential suite.

"I haven't stayed in a five-star hotel yet." Song Linghua also joined in the fun.

Ge Danni was laughing, she was very happy to see Jiang Shen lose his money.

"Then let's go." Jiang Shen said helplessly.

Everyone got in the car and rushed to the hotel.

On the way, Zhang Fan reported to Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen gave him one billion, so far, he still has close to one billion.

It looks like he didn't make any money, but in fact he runs a company, buys a car, pays wages, and all the money he spends is earned.

The stock god Zhang Fan is back.

"Last year, the central government just changed a new team, and the reform was strengthened. The situation is very good, and the stock market is also booming. Of course, if you want to make a lot of money, you still have to speculate in foreign exchange, but the risk is directly proportional to the return--"

"Don't tell me these things. I don't understand. You can do whatever you want. If you lose money, it's mine. If you lose money, we will share it." Jiang Shen was very domineering, and Zhang Fan's words were full of confidence.

This is called the boss, this is the real boss.

After arriving at the hotel and making arrangements for the three girls, Jiang Shen didn't care about their lunch and went out to eat with Zhang Fan.

When the Grand Hyatt Hotel was built, it was known as the tallest hotel in the world. The restaurant on the 56th floor had a beautiful view of the city, and it was also where Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan planned to eat.

The two had just walked from the room to the elevator door, and when they met two men and two women, they also came facing each other.

"Hey, isn't this the salted fish sail? Hahaha, the raised sail salted fish has turned over and come to this kind of place again?" A big man in his 40s on the opposite side hugged a girl in her early twenties, squeaking Teeth laughed at Zhang Fan.

"Xiao Zhang, which stock are you optimistic about recently?" The other man looked more stable, also in his 40s, and looked at Zhang Fan and Jiang Shen with a smile.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Xu." Zhang Fan smiled lightly.

"Old Xu, be careful. He went bankrupt not long ago. You listen to him? You don't even know what happened."

"Being able to stand up proves that Xiao Zhang is still good."

"Turn over? I heard that someone helped him repay the debt, and he turned over by himself? That's so easy."

With the sound of everyone talking, the elevator arrived.

It turned out that everyone went to the 56th floor for dinner.

"What Mr. Zhu said is that I also met a noble person, and I can't turn over on my own." Zhang Fan was not angry either.

He has seen this kind of people a lot. When he is good, they all call him brothers and sisters. When he is unlucky, they stay far away.

This Mr. Zhu is this kind of person. Back then when he went bankrupt and wanted to borrow some money from him, he immediately turned his back on him. Now that he saw himself getting up again, he went mad with jealousy and laughed at himself everywhere.

"Xiao Zhang, I heard that you are doing well recently, are you interested in playing two games at night?" Mr. Zhu looked at Zhang Fan provocatively.

"Mr. Zhu, I don't gamble." Zhang Fan: "You know that."

"You play stocks, foreign exchange, this is gambling."

"What are you playing? How big are you playing?" Jiang Shen, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Who are you?The two bosses initially thought that Jiang Shen was Zhang Fan's follower.

Because Jiang Shen was young and dressed casually, he looked like a little follower no matter what.

"I haven't introduced yet. This is my boss, Mr. Jiang." Zhang Fan pointed to Jiang Shen.

I copy, boss?

Mr. Zhu's eyes lit up immediately. It was rumored outside that Zhang Fan, the bastard, met a boss when he was in trouble. He helped him pay off his debts and paid back hundreds of millions. Is this the guy?

Rich owner, Mr. Xu also rolled his eyes.

Being a boss at such a young age?If you don't mess with his money, mess with someone else.

"Boss Jiang is interested in playing? We are not big, so we only win or lose seven or eight times."

Mr. Xu said one million, one million, seven or eight, seven or eight million.

"It's only seven or eight." Jiang Shen showed disdain, and then touched his nose: "It's not enough to buy a car, it's boring."

Zhang Fan's eyelids twitched, I said Boss Jiang, Brother Shen, don't play like this, ten gambles and nine cheats, these people are not good people, he winked at Jiang Shen, signaling Jiang Shen to ignore them.

But Jiang Shen has nothing to do recently, so he happened to make some money when he met these two idiots.

"Hehe." Mr. Zhu smiled: "We play small ones, but Boss Jiang likes to play big ones, we can introduce, Shanghai, international metropolises, no matter how big they are, there are people playing."

He and Mr. Xu looked at each other, and they were both a little surprised.

"Ding" At this time the elevator arrived, and everyone got down one after another.

Zhang Fan hurriedly followed Jiang Shen and left quickly.

Although he plays stocks and foreign exchange, he never gambles. The technical level is different, and he has self-knowledge.

"Boss Jiang stay here." He wanted to leave, but Mr. Xu and Mr. Zhu didn't want to let Jiang Shen go.

"Okay, you guys will contact Zhang Fan later, and if there are more than a hundred of them, come to me." Jiang Shen nodded to the two of them boldly, then turned and left.

More than a hundred?Mr. Zhu and Mr. Xu looked at each other and smiled, more than a hundred, that is, more than [-] million, big money, there are like clouds of rich people in Shanghai, but there are not many who can play more than a hundred at will.

"Okay, Boss Jiang will contact you later." The two left happily.

"Brother Gentleman, the people these people know are all masters in gambling, and there are even experts in thousands of families, who cheat people to death." Zhang Fan was worried for Jiang Shen.

"A master? I am the God of Gamblers." Jiang Shen laughed loudly: "The one billion I gave you is from gambling. Who do you think I will be afraid of?"

"Ah, that's it." Zhang Fan touched his head and smiled wryly.

Gambling is illegal in this country.

Especially gambling with such a large sum like them is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, the big bosses in the Shanghai area either go to places like Ao Lane where there are legal casinos to play, or they go to the high seas.

According to Zhang Fan's knowledge, there was a boss in Shanghai who built a gambling boat just like Xiangmen and Aoxiang.

The boss' surname is Zhou, and his name is Zhou Baiyi.

Known as Zhou Ten Billion.

He is the richest man in Shanghai.

He started his business as a wholesaler of home appliances, and later made a fortune doing real estate when real estate was skyrocketing.

But no matter how fast such money comes, it is not as fast as gambling.

When he came back after studying in Ao Lane, Xiangmen, he built a boat himself.

This ship is registered in a small island country in North America. It is rare to see it at ordinary times. It will appear at the beginning of the show, bringing the bosses of Shanghai to the high seas.

It is said that the money he earns in one year is more than the house he sold for ten years.

"Brother Shen, you said that today, if you want to play more than a hundred, they must find a way to get you on board."

However, not everyone can board the boat, they will first get to know Jiang Shen, and find out about Jiang Shen's details.

"Get on the boat, I can't wait, hahaha."

The efficiency of the opponent is also really fast.

Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan had just finished their meal when they called Zhang Fan.

It's Mr. Zhu calling.

"Is Bureau Jiang here? I contacted him for him. Let's play on the 'Ten Billion'. The biggest game starts at [-]. There is no upper limit. Board the ship at ten o'clock tonight."

Ten Billion is Zhou Ten Billion's ship.

Mr. Zhu called Jiang Ju directly, because he found out Jiang Shen's identity.

"Sure enough, it's Zhou Tenbill's ship. They're really well informed. They found out about you so quickly." Zhang Fan didn't expect it to be so fast.

"My details?" Jiang Shen sneered secretly, how many people can find out my details?

"You promise them for me, I'll wait at the hotel, ten o'clock, right?"

"Can you take me to see the world?" Although Zhang Fan doesn't gamble, who doesn't want to experience this kind of scene.

I heard that on Ten Billion, money is like dung and beautiful women are like clothes. It is a paradise for men and a paradise for women.

"Can you bring someone up?"

"A person can only bring one follower."

"Then take you up there."

He had finished his meal here, and before he returned to his room, Yu Shijun called.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"just ate."

"Come out with me." Yu Shijun always spoke with a kind of condescending pride.

If it were Lu Qi, she would definitely ask "Are you free?" "Can you go out with me for a while." '

The words 'with' and 'accompany' represent two different meanings.

Who are you, I really thought you were the chief?Just lead a team and you act as the boss?Jiang Shen said indifferently: "I have a bad stomach, I have to go back and have diarrhea."

"---" This is really disgusting.Yu Shijun also just finished his meal, and said with disgust, "How long will I have to wait for you? Tonight I have an appointment with the general manager of Huaguo District of Citibank."

Citibank is also planning to enter the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and Yu Shijun is planning to stop Shanghai.

But most people don't dare to have this idea, and only she has the governor's father, and the foundation is there, so she dares to think so.

"Look at Xiaoge Xiaosong and the others. I really don't have time. I have another appointment tonight." Jiang Shen naturally ignored her.

The success of the negotiation was due to Yu Shijun, and the failure of the negotiation might be blamed on me, and he also knew that Yu Shijun probably meant it, not necessarily wanting me to go.

Sure enough, Yu Shijun said a few more words and hung up the phone.

I called you, but if you don't go by yourself, then it's up to me to play.

Yu Shijun was confident: "Let's go, if he doesn't go, let's go." He took the two beauties, Ge and Song, and went out.

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