Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 410 Boarding the Gambling Boat

Six p.m.

Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan, who were chatting in the hotel, received a call from outside.

Go downstairs, there is a car to pick you up outside.

The two got into a black commercial vehicle.

Except for the glass in the front, the car was covered with curtains. Four strong and strong men occupied the front seats, and Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan sat in the back. In this way, unless they stood up and looked through the front window, they basically couldn't see it. The situation outside the car.

It was the first time for Zhang Fan to experience this kind of scene. Those four big men were all tall and muscular, and they looked like gangsters, which put a lot of pressure on him.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Shen patted Zhang Fan to calm his mind.

Zhang Fan looked at Jiang Shen embarrassedly. Jiang Shen was younger than him, but much calmer.

After getting in the car, Jiang Shen closed his eyes and rested his mind, looking calm and relaxed.

"It's like in the movie, hehe." Zhang Fan forced a smile to comfort himself.

Don't look at Jiang Shen with his eyes closed, but his spiritual sense can clearly see the outside.

The car headed north all the way, and after a while, it left the Baoshan District of Shanghai. After driving for a while, it came to a dark seaside.

Then they were asked to get out of the car, and when they got out, everyone was required to wear a blindfold.

Then he was led onto a small boat.

The boat landed in about 10 minutes and continued to ride.

Half an hour later, I got out of the car again, and then boarded a small boat.

This time, after two or three hours, I finally came to a big ship parked in the open sea.

Jiang Shen could see clearly that they first took a boat from Baoshan District to Chongming Island, and then on the side of Chongming Island, they took a boat to the high seas.

I left at six o'clock, and after four hours, I boarded the Ten Billion on time at ten o'clock.

"Welcome to Ten Billion." As soon as Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan took off their blindfolds, a man and a woman greeted them with smiles and congratulated them.

"I'm the vice-captain of Ten Billion. Mr. Jiang can just call me Ah Wei."

Ah Wei, who was probably in his 30s, took Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan to the inside of the gambling boat, giving a brief introduction along the way.

In fact, someone had already told Zhang Fan about the rules of gambling during the day, and Ah Wei said it again.

You can bring cash, or you can owe debts first.

For example, Jiang Shen did not bring any cash today, but the other party has already checked Jiang Shen. First of all, Zhang Fan has nearly one billion funds in his hand, and Jiang Shen has many properties in Dongning. The boss of Yongtai Group is Jiang Shen's woman, so they They don't worry about Jiang Shen's refusal at all, this is their confidence.

Someone once lost 3000 million on a gambling boat, all of which were due to debts. When he returned to land and wanted to renege on his debts, his family was ruined and his family was destroyed. Therefore, in the eyes of Zhou Ten billion, those who can be put on the boat are those who can owe their debts.

"Mr. Jiang, we have both big and small games here. The small game starts at 100 million, and the big game starts at [-]. What kind of game do you want to play, and how many chips do you want?" The three of them stood on the same counter, surrounded by stunning beauties .

It was only late March at this time, and all of them were wearing three-point styles, showing their exquisite figures.

Here, as long as you want, as long as you have money, you can drag them into the room and enjoy them at any time.

But the people who come here to play are to make money, not to play with girls, rich people, do you want to play with girls?

It's just that this kind of scene is still very eye-catching, and both Zhang Fan and Jiang Shen are very happy to watch it.

"Of course I play the biggest one, 100 million, and I can't even get a top-quality girl." Jiang Shen laughed arrogantly, looking like a playboy.

"Come here, give Mr. Jiang [-] chips? Mr. Jiang, is [-] enough?" Ah Wei was also bold, and gave Jiang Shen [-] million chips as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Enough, I'm here to win money, hahaha."

Ah Wei smiled slightly, with no expression on his face, everyone said that when they came in, but after a while, they would all come back to ask for chips.

The way they owe debts is very tempting to customers. Some people feel that the chips are not their own money, so they will be more courageous when gambling and lose quickly.

Gambling with cash is completely different from betting with chips, especially if the chips are borrowed.

There are many people who still have the mentality that if they lose, they can rely on it, so the more they lose, the more they borrow desperately, and finally owe a lot of debt to the gambling boat.

"Let's go, welcome in." Ah Wei led Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan into the final hall.

With a heavy door, the face of the shoot is full of luxurious atmosphere.

The hall was brightly lit, and there were all kinds of gambling tables and gambling equipment seen in various movies. Dozens of men and women shuttled among them.

Such is the life of a gambler.

Zhang Fan looked at these people, they came in, almost no one paid attention, everyone was obsessed with their own cards

Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette, Stud, Three Cards, Slot Machine, Joker, and Landlords.

On the big screen, there are also football, basketball and other games in progress. Obviously, you can also bet on peripheral games here. You can bet on whatever you want.

However, the gambling in the lobby is all about small gambling, with millions and tens of millions coming and going, and those reaching [-] million have to go to the box.

According to the statement on the gambling boat, all the boxes are full of big customers brought by the gambling boat, and then they get together to have fun.

But Jiang Shen knew that this was not the case. Dongning's bids started from gambling, and there were usually one or two people invited by the gambling boat in the box to kill pigs.

A new face like Jiang Shen, who has a lot of money, is called a water pig.

When the bid was most excessive, there were eight people in a box, seven of them were their own people, and they specially killed a water pig.

So, if you think that the people you gamble with are all gamblers from the southeast and northwest, then you are wrong.

Jiang Shen took a cursory look, and took out 1000 million chips to Zhang Fan: "You can play outside, and I will lose if I lose."

"Ah, so many." Although Zhang Fan usually dare not bet such a big bet, the man's heart itch to see this kind of scene.

"Then be careful, I'm playing outside." Zhang Fan held 1000 million in his hand, which was only ten chips, which didn't look like money at all.

No wonder people often lose their fortunes in casinos.

You said that holding 1000 million in cash will feel the same as holding ten chips?

When you are impulsive, it is easy not to regard chips as money.

Zhang Fan thought for a while, and stopped the last beautiful waiter. "Trouble, give me one hundred thousand."

"Oh." The waiter looked down on Zhang Fan with contemptuous eyes.

"Wait, give me another one hundred ten thousand."


"Do you want to change it to one thousand?" The beautiful waiter looked down on Zhang Fan.

"It's also okay."


Not to mention that Zhang Fan was despised outside, Jiang Shen followed Ah Sheng into the box with nearly [-] million chips.

As soon as I entered the box, I saw six different men and women inside.

Three of them looked Chinese, two were Caucasian foreigners, and one seemed to be from Arabia, wearing a white robe and a long turban.

"Come on, bosses, here comes another big boss, Mr. Jiang from our Huaguo, welcome everyone."

Bababa, the three Chinese clapped first.

The two Caucasian men didn't raise their heads, and looked at Jiang Shen with disapproval.

The Arab looked younger, in his twenties, and smiled at Jiang Shen, but he was very polite.

Jiang Shen also responded with a smile, and then sat down.

"Seven people?" The Caucasian people spoke, and the utterance turned out to be Italian, and then they may find that they made a mistake, and some people may not understand it, so they switched to English: "This is seven people." They played blackjack before. , suitable for two to six people, now there is one more person.

"Seven people need to change the game." A Chinese said in English: "What do you want to play?"

"Do as the Romans do, how about winning three cards?" the Arab said in English.

Winning three cards is the cheating gold flower that we often play in China, and it is also the kind that Jiang Shen and Jiang Sisi played last time.

"What's so fun about winning three cards? It's not classy." Someone disagreed.

Another Chinese man said: "Let's play Stud."

"Stud is best for five people."

"We don't go for two to seven, we can play with seven people." In Xiangmen, Stud is often given a small card of two to seven, and it is directly played with eight to ace, so it is only suitable for five people.

Now seven people, they can't get two to seven.

"No problem, I like it." The Italian nodded.

"I don't care either." The Arab smiled.

The Chinese looked at Jiang Shen.

"You can play whatever you want, I'll listen to you." Jiang Shen nodded to him modestly.

Then Stud.

Ah Wei laughed loudly: "Okay, since the bosses have chosen stud, I will personally deal out the cards for you--" After a pause, he looked around: "You guys, do you have any objections?"

"Of course not." No one objected.

The rules they set, the ante bet is 100 million per person, and then the start is 100 million, and the bet is doubled in millions.

This kind of gamble is really big, even though Jiang Shen has [-] million, he may lose it all in one game.

Jiang Shen glanced briefly at the desktop.

The three Chinese people each have more than 1 million in front of them, and they can't take their own. The two Italians each have more than 2 million in front of them, so they can take their own. The Arabs have the most money, and they have [-] million in front of them.

in here?Who are the people on the gambling boat?Jiang Shen is not sure that the people of Huaguo must be his own people who gamble on the boat. Ten gamblers and nine cheats are often the most unlikely people, but they will be.

"The cards are dealt." Ah Wei clapped his hands lightly and began to deal the cards.

In the first round, Jiang Shen got two cards, one was two and the other was nine.

He swept his mind and looked at the cards behind him. Because there were so many people, he had to consider whether others would fold or follow. After a long calculation, he couldn't even make a pair.


One million is gone in the blink of an eye.

The second round continues.

Regardless of his divine sense, he can see every card behind him as clearly as Tiantongyan.

However, there were many people at the poker table, and everyone might fold their cards. Once they folded, the sequence of cards would be messed up, and Jiang Shen himself didn't know what he would get behind.

And it's not the same as winning three.

When winning three cards, Jiang Shen can deal the cards himself, and store the cards in the storage space, and then take them out when needed.

Here is Ah Wei dealing the cards, Jiang Shen can't accept the cards and go in.

If you take the cards in your hand, you will definitely be seen.

The one sitting here is not the best of the best at the gambling table.

If one of the five cards is suddenly missing, others can see it at a glance.

So he waited specifically, and waited until the first three cards could get good cards before calling.

After all, the order of the first three cards is relatively stable.

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