
Not with.

Not with.

Jiang Shen threw a few, and then followed.

Every time he throws a hand, he loses 100 million, but when he catches a hand, he wins millions, or even tens of millions.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Shen won 3000 million.

Everyone can see that Jiang Shen will either not follow, and basically win money if he follows.

Can this kid see the cards in the deck?There is a man in Huaguo, in his 40s, everyone calls him Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu gestured to another Chinese man sitting opposite him with his eyes.

This Chinese man is called Mr. Dong.

Mr. Dong responded with his eyes: "It seems that he can guess the cards behind. He throws away the bad ones, and calls the good ones. Change the game."

Mr. Lu stretched suddenly: "I feel a little tired, I want you to play."

"Then take a break, I also need to go to the toilet." An Italian also stood up.

"Take a break just now? Go on." The Arab also had a small win and was in high spirits.

"How about we play mahjong?" Another Chinese man named Mr. Cheng proposed.

"How to fight with five people?"

"I quit, you play." Mr. Dong smiled and put away the chips in front of him: "Whoever of you is going to lose, you can borrow from me."

"Okay, I have no objection." The Italian looked at the Arab.

The Arab hesitated for a moment: "Okay, let's play mahjong, just---" He thought for a while: "Mahjong is too slow, when will we play like this?"

He is too slow to win money yet.

"One million, it's almost here."

"100 million?" The Arab still hesitated for a moment, and then looked at everyone's chips on the table: "The highest international mahjong is only 88 times, 100 million times, one hand is only 800 million per person--"

The implication is still too small.

"That's 200 million." Mr. Cheng laughed: "88 is really not easy."

Usually, everyone plays one round and two rounds, and one million rounds is really too small.

"At least 400 million." The Italian shook his head: "I often gossip twice, when will I spend 200 million?"

Now everyone has [-] to [-] million in front of them, so it takes hundreds of tricks to win just one person.

"Five million as I said." Jiang Shen finally said, "It's easy to calculate. What's three or four, it's troublesome."

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

500 million yuan is indeed a good calculation.

"That's 500 million." The Arab nodded with a smile.

Mr. Cheng looked at Jiang Shen, and suddenly said: "Mr. Jiang, you are only a little over 2 million, and if other people play 88 times, you are not enough to pay."

"Is it impossible to take it again?" Jiang Shen looked at Ah Wei.

"Of course." Ah Wei hurriedly said, "With Mr. Jiang's status and wealth, you can take another 20 billion."

Wow, everyone in the boat looked at Jiang Shen like a fat pig.

Ah Wei said again: "However, there is one thing we need to change here. In order to prevent people from joining forces, those who fire the cannon will take a long time, and those who don't fire the cannon will lose half of the cannon, and the bottom 8 will be cancelled."

"No problem." Jiang Shen sneered secretly, the addition you added is obviously beneficial to join forces.

So everyone decided that the Arabs, Italians, Mr. Cheng, and Mr. Jiang will play a mahjong table.

In addition to what Awei said, other rules of international mahjong are adopted.

In international mahjong, the biggest board is 88 (including Big Four Happiness or Big Three Yuan, Green One Color, Four Bars, Nine Treasure Lotus Lantern, etc.), then 64 Fan, 48, 32, 24, Sixteen, Twelve, Eight, six, four, two, one.Divide one and all are even numbers.

However, if you think that the highest number you can play is 88, you are wrong. The highest number that can be played in international mahjong is 340.

This point was not mentioned by the Arabs just now.

Jiang Shen also pretended not to know, in fact, if one million is one million, the next one is 100, and the family is more than 340 million, which is also unbearable.

Now Jiang Shen raised it to 500 million, which was exactly what they wanted.

The efficiency of the casino is very fast, and they immediately switched to the mahjong table.

This time it is a fully automatic mahjong machine with infrared laser marking, which is the most advanced equipment in casinos in the world today. Every card has a laser marking, which is closely printed with the table. If a card is changed, the entire table will alarm .

To be honest, this kind of equipment is very popular in high-end casinos. No matter how powerful a master encounters this kind of high technology, he can only rely on luck and technology, and thousands of skills are completely useless.

You have seen a lot of gambling movies in the movies. Changing cards and stealing cards is amazing, but most of them are fake. With the development of high technology, it is almost impossible for current casinos to play tricks.

Unless it's just a few people teaming up to deceive one person, the god of gamblers who rely on changing cards has passed away, no matter how fast the hand is too high-tech?

There are technologies that slow down hundreds of times, no matter how fast your technique is, it is impossible to escape high technology.

Even Ah Wei believed it at this moment, not to mention that Jiang Shen is not the God of Gamblers, even if he is possessed by Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers, he would die here today.

Because, among the four people on this table, three of them were with them.

That's right, except for Jiang Shen, the other three people were all arranged by Ah Wei.

Playing mahjong is also their ultimate goal, because only mahjong is suitable for three people to team up. They started betting on stud first as a transition, and finally they still want to play mahjong.

Soon, he saw the effect of mahjong.

After the first round, Jiang Shen didn't bother, and lost half of his more than 2 million chips.

At this time, Jiang Shen was a little nervous, Ah Wei saw that Jiang Shen's forehead was slightly sweating, and couldn't help but secretly smiled.

What kind of Jiang Plague God, Jiang Yan Wang, came to our Shangshang, even a dragon had to crawl, and even a tiger had to kneel.

They had inquired about Jiang Shen a long time ago. The deputy director of the Dongning Merchants Bureau is said to have some power in the underworld and run rampant in Dongning.

If you don't let you lose your ass and go home today, we, Zhou Ten billion, the richest man in Shanghai, are calling for nothing.

Sure enough, before the second lap was over, Jiang Shen lost all [-] million yuan.

He won a hand in two rounds, which was the smallest hand.

"It's a comparison, it's evil, Ah Wei, give me another [-] million." Jiang Shen was sweating profusely, which didn't match the weather at all.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you take a break?" Ah Wei asked pretendingly.

"Take a break, are you afraid that I won't pay you?" Jiang Shen said angrily.

"Of course not. Come on, hurry up and bring another [-] million." Ah Wei smiled secretly. He was really young and couldn't hold his breath, so he got angry and thought you were so awesome.

"Change position, change position." According to the rules of international mahjong, the position must be changed starting from the third round.

Jiang Shen made a gesture and called out.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and changed positions.

As soon as this position was changed, Jiang Shen seemed to be a bit lucky, and he made three consecutive moves to get back a lot.

Just as he was triumphant, the Arab messed up again.

"Haha, it's all blooming on the bars, hahaha."

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen's eyes turned green.

This is Hu's biggest card so far.

It is 24 for all colors, 34 for flowers on the kong, [-] for self-draw and [-] for flower tiles, totaling [-].

7000 million per family.

"Damn, this card can't be played, what's the matter." Jiang Shen finally won a little bit, and lost in an instant.

More than half of the [-] million he just took was also lost.

He kept cursing and cursing, and everyone around wanted to laugh and tried their best to hold back.

By this time, Jiang Shen's age and unrestrained personality had already been characterized by them.

Now they are all thinking, how can Jiang Shen be cheated of the most money today, it is not good to let him lose all the time, let him win and lose a little.

So, Jiang Shen slapped a few more slaps in the back, and immediately smirked and cheered again and again.

But he was always playing tricks, and after a few tricks, the Italian came up with another [-] tricks.

Damn, now Jiang Shen has only tens of millions of bewitched.

"What about you, I don't believe you can't be fooled." Jiang Shen continued to scold: "Give me another [-] million."

Two hundred million chips came again.

This time he specifically wanted to be a big name, and after about seven or eight hands, he finally let him make a fool of himself.

It's just that someone fired a cannon, and it happened to be [-] million.

"Hahaha, I still want to be a big name." Jiang Shen laughed triumphantly.

"The [-] million will be paid back to you first, and you are still short of [-] million, right?"

"It's okay, Mr. Jiang will take it first, and we will calculate together when it's over." Ah Wei remained calm.

I deliberately made you look big, or are you still interested in continuing?

After a few shots, Jiang Shen fired.

This is terrible, Mr. Cheng made a fool of himself.

The biggest card so far, all of them plus a dragon, counting the others, is a full fifty times, 5000 million for a family.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen's face was flushed by Hu, startled and angry.

Just got 5000 million and lost, and posted [-] million.

In this hand, Jiang Shen is also a good card, and the seven pair is drawn.

"It's a pity, Mr. Jiang has heard all seven little pairs. Mr. Jiang is also a good card, but he is not lucky." A Wei pretended to stimulate Jiang Shen, implying that Mr. Jiang, your luck has also come, and the cards are getting better and better. The better, keep going.

"I'm ready to play this six-barrel, it's a good thing it's too late, otherwise I'll fire the cannon." The Arab deliberately held a card that Jiang Shen wanted to kill.

"You don't fight earlier, or I'll be stupid." Jiang Shen said deliberately, the expression on his face was a pity, and he felt that he was just a little bit worse.

The game continues.

After playing a few more games, Jiang Shen's original 2000 million was only [-] million in a blink of an eye.

He took 2000 million before and after, and lost only [-] million after four rounds.

According to the rules of international mahjong, one game consists of four circles.

"Are you still coming? Mr. Jiang, it's getting late, how about we continue tomorrow?" Mr. Cheng said intentionally, it was already midnight.

"Yes, yes, I'm a little tired." The Italian also pretended.

"No, you won, don't leave, let's play another game." Jiang Shen turned to Ah Wei: "Take two hundred million, no, four hundred million, so the total is one billion, right?"

"Yes, it's one billion." Ah Wei smiled happily.

He has already seen the hope that Dongning's largest cement group, Yongtai Group, will become an industry under the name of Zhou Ten Billion.

Everyone changed positions again.

Jiang Shen still wins and loses, the big loser and the small fan win. After two laps, he lost another [-] million.

Jiang Shen was furious, became a little manic, and changed positions again.

At this time, his coat was all off, and his head was covered with cold sweat. In the eyes of others, Jiang Shen would collapse at any moment after losing.

It's time, Jiang Shen calculated himself, he lost [-] million back and forth, it's time to play by himself.

Moreover, it was almost 04:30 in the middle of the night, and everyone on the gambling boat began to feel a little groggy. At this time, everyone's spirits were at their weakest.

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