Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 420 The Girlfriends Are Shocked

in the hotel.

Yu Shijun was furious in Jiang Shen's room: "Jiang Shen, where have you been, the police have come to look for you, and I can't get through to you?"

Song Linghua stood behind, gloating a bit on her face, and Ge Danni was also there, her face was expressionless, but she had sympathy for Jiang Shen in her eyes.

"I'm back, why are you nervous?" Jiang Shen didn't take it seriously.

As soon as he came back from Zhou Ten billion, Yu Shijun came to kill him.

"If I hadn't asked the service desk down below that they didn't know you were back. Do you have any organizational discipline? Now that you come out to work, everything should be based on work. Let's see what your attitude and style are today?"

Yu Shijun was pissed off by Jiang Shen today, not that she hated Jiang Shen's actions, but Jiang Shen's actions frightened Sola, and Mr. Sola didn't contact her afterwards, seeing that this matter was going to be ruined.

"What's wrong with my attitude? What's wrong with my style? I'm helping my colleagues. Does Director Yu feel that I should stand on the sidelines?"

Yu Shijun saw that Jiang Shen's face was not good-looking, and he looked a little angry, so he immediately came to his senses.

This bastard is a famous lunatic, there is no need to argue with him.

She used to be used to scolding her subordinates like this, and when she saw that Jiang Shen was going to get angry, she immediately calmed down, and instantly became amiable: "I'm worried for you, you hit people again, and you beat people with money, why are people photographed?" What to do? In the online society, many people like to do this kind of thing the most, so you have to think about your own future."

She said it well, and thought in her heart, it was the best shot, put this video on it, and let you get out of this situation, it's a pity that my old lady forgot to take a picture at that time.

The corner of Ge Danni's mouth twitched, Nima, the person from the provincial department, the governor's daughter-in-law is indeed not an ordinary person, her face changes as soon as she wants, I have to study hard.

"Don't worry about this, no one has ever been able to take pictures of what I do." Jiang Shen chuckled.

He has divine sense to control the whole audience, he can clearly see who is taking pictures and who is using the mobile phone. On that day, no one took pictures, even if someone took pictures, he threw his divine sense on that person, and he can find this person immediately afterwards.

"Then go to the police station and report. The Shanghai police have just found us." Yu Shijun looked a little gloating in his eyes. It would be better to be detained and remove your deputy director.

According to the Civil Servant Law, civil servants who are detained may be dismissed from public office.

As soon as Yu Shijun's voice fell, two Shanghai policemen in police uniforms appeared at the door.

Here it is again, Yu Shijun is overjoyed, but puts on airs: "Comrade police, our Jiang Bureau is back, we realized our mistake, and we are just about to go to your police station---"

"Sorry, a little misunderstanding." The two policemen took out a few things in their hands, and they all confiscated the ID cards of Yu Shijun and Ge Danni not long ago.

They couldn't find Jiang Shen, so they asked Yu Shijun and others for the ID card and withheld it first.

"---" Yu Shijun was dumbfounded.

"This is Mr. Jiang, right?" Two policemen stepped forward and shook hands with Jiang Shen.

"The owner asked us to speak for her. She admitted her mistake and had a bad attitude. She has wronged Mr. Jiang and your colleagues. She is willing to bear the relevant compensation losses. Please forgive me. Our suggestion from the police station is, If both parties agree, it will be treated as a civil dispute and settled privately."

no?So Mary got crazy?The hotel was hit, beaten like this, and admitted his mistake to Jiang Shen.

"Comrade policeman, are you mistaken for the wrong person?" Yu Shijun thought that the two policemen had mistaken the case, and it might be another case.

"That's right, the car smashing case at xx hotel."

"A case of smashing a car?" The three girls were puzzled.

The name of the hotel is not wrong, how did it become a car smashing case.

"Ms. xxx, whose English name is Mary, asked the hotel security and waiters to smash Mr. Jiang's new Rolls-Royce car due to a small conflict. Now she is willing to pay 500 million yuan in private compensation. Please forgive me in private. This is the case."

"I'm dizzy." Yu Shijun finally spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It's private." Jiang Shen pretended: "Actually, I plan to go to court to sue her, but if she is so sincere, then forget it, 500 million, let's force it, then private, don't sue her."

"Mr. Jiang is sensible." A policeman smiled and took out a handling notice.

"Mr. Jiang, please sign. The two parties agree to a settlement. Ms. Mary's 500 million can be transferred to Mr. Jiang's account immediately."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Jiang Shen signed with a big grin, and the two policemen left with a smile.

Police door-to-door service?Car smashing case?The other party lost 500 million?The three women were completely dumbfounded.

Nima, is your dad a bureaucrat?

Bureau Chang's son didn't get the same treatment.

"Jiang Ju, your car is worth 300 million at most, right?" Ge Danni was so depressed that you actually asked someone to pay 500 million, so you can buy two new ones.

"Who said that? I said that 500 million is 500 million. The car that I, Jiang Shen, has been in should be doubled."

Cut, who do you think you are, Yu Shijun is even more depressed.

The one who was originally equipped to watch Jiang Shen's jokes was actually settled by him.

This kid, who has someone in Shanghai and has a lot of connections, actually pays back the money that Mary beat up in obedience.

"Forgot, I spent a lot of money on the slap that day, a loss, a loss." Jiang Shen thought about it, and 500 million was also a loss.

Seeing Jiang Shen's flamboyant expression, Yu Shijun really wanted to step on his face.

"Let's go." Yu Shijun was so angry that he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Ju Yu." Jiang Shen stopped her.

"What instructions does Mr. Jiang have?" Yu Shijun imitated the tone of the police just now.

"No instructions, I want to ask, who are Sola and George? Are you sure Sola is the general manager of Huaguo District of Citibank?"

"Of course, Sola was the general manager of Citibank in Fu'an Province. He met my father before he was transferred back to Country M. He was just transferred to Shanghai a week ago to be the general manager of Huaguo District."

"That George, I don't know him. I heard that he is the owner of a big company that Sola wants to introduce to us, a European company."

"What's the problem?" Yu Shijun was a little complacent. I know these two are also big shots in multinational corporations. Don't think that you, Jiang Shen, are the only ones with good hands and eyes.

"Oh, there's no problem. I just want to remind you that it's best not to have contact with these two people." Jiang Shen smiled lightly: "They like to pick up girls."

"Crazy." Yu Shijun muttered secretly, his face turned pale, he turned around and took Song Linghua away.

Ge Danni walked a few steps, turned around, walked up to Jiang Shen, and whispered: "Thank you Jiang Ju." After speaking, she turned and fled with a blushing face.

Jiang Shen waited for the three of them to leave, and his face darkened.

In fact, he suddenly went berserk in the restaurant just now, because he saw that Sola and George were different from ordinary people.

With his divine sense, he could see the two people's bodies were lifeless, their blood was different, their hearts didn't move, their bodies were cold, they didn't look like ordinary living people at all.

So I threw a Divine Sense on them, unexpectedly, I heard their conversation later.

It turned out to be a vampire, the striker of the European Dark Alliance.

Little Japan didn't give up, and even sent the things that fell off me to country m.

However, country m is also very professional, and can analyze what is on me so quickly. In other words, should we let Area 51 have an explosion?

Jiang Shen was debating whether to blow up Area 51, when Yu Shijun called again.

"Jiang Ju." Yu Shijun's tone was much better this time: "Are you free tomorrow night? Mr. Sola and Mr. George would like to invite us to dinner, and apologize to you and Ge Danni for Mary's recklessness."

"Let's eat." Jiang Shen thought for a while: "Okay, Yu Ju thank you in advance for me."

The two were still quarreling just now, but in a blink of an eye, Yu Ju and Jiang Ju were screaming happily. It can be said that both of them have the potential to become high-ranking officials.

Jiang Shen suddenly thought of something, So La didn't go to Dongning to find him, but waited in Shanghai.

And I was sent to Shanghai again, and then Yu Shijun happened to contact Sola, so what a coincidence?

It seems that Sola and the others should decide to build a branch in Dongning.

Only when I go to Dongning Jian Branch will I have contact with me for a long time, and will understand the situation of spying on me.

The Dark Alliance is not simple, and the government of country m is not simple either. The small calculation is well done.

Jiang Shen guessed Sola's plan, and he was sure that Citibank would build another branch in Dongning, so he knew it well.

At this time, Yu Shijun had just hung up on Jiang Shen's call, and received another call.

The call was from the capital city, with a strong Beijing style.

"Mr. Shi, I heard that you have arrived in Shanghai. Did you have a good time?" It was a young voice, gentle yet majestic.

"I'm in the mood for fart." Yu Shijun swears directly, without the grace and luxury of the outside at all.

"Who made my Shijun angry?" The young man turned out to be Yu Shijun's boyfriend, and Tang Hairong said he was the son of the Beijing Municipal Bureau Committee.

There are only more than 20 national bureau committees, and that level is really scary.

"--" Yu Shijun just wanted to say, but shook his head again, I, Yu Shijun, can't handle this trivial matter, can't you make him laugh?She still dissatisfied with her boyfriend in her heart, both of them are prostitutes, and they both want to submit to each other, so maybe they can't admit defeat at this time.

"It's okay, I can solve a little thing at work by myself."

The other party smiled, knowing that Yu Shijun is very strong, so she didn't say much, but talking more made her feel disgusted: "You can't keep working, you should pay attention to rest, Shanghai is a good place, if I'm not too busy recently, I will definitely go to play with you .”

"It's okay, you can be busy. I just arrived at the grassroots level. I have to set an example. I'm sure I'm busy with work."

"I said--" My boyfriend wanted to say, what kind of grassroots do you go to, based on the relationship between my family and yours, you can be transferred to the capital at any time, and you can be promoted, but still didn't say it, this girl is strong, forget it.

"You don't call me either, I always take the initiative."

"You're a man, of course you take the initiative, hehe."

The two talked a few more words on the phone, but they hung up without speaking too long.

Nima, on the day of the phone call, a man under the age of 30, with a strange expression on his face, muttered to himself: "This fierce horse is not easy to ride, let alone tame."

They are a pair, one is the daughter of the governor of the central committee, and the other is the son of the bureau committee. They got to know each other through their parents, and it was a good thing to join forces.

However, both sides are a little bit too strong, each wants to be the master of the family, wants to subdue the other, the man wants the woman not to be an official, and is at home to support her husband and teach her children.

Our family is already a bureau committee member, what kind of official do you still serve?

Of course women don't want to, your mother is a deputy, why can't I be an official?If you are the main department in the future, I will also have a deputy department.

The two have dated for three years, and still no one has given in to the other, but they both know that this is a strong alliance, and their personalities and tempers must succumb to political interests, so they have always lived like this.

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