Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 421 A lot of information

Yu Shijun hung up the phone and sighed deeply.

In good conscience, she didn't like this boyfriend.

The boyfriend has a good background, is handsome, super tall, rich and handsome, and a combination of the second generation of officials, even a normal woman would not like it.

Why, there is a sense of crisis.

It is easy to recruit juniors.

But this is a political marriage, Yu Shijun can't help it, she has seen too many political marriages.

The benefits are endless, and both families can prosper from generation to generation.

It's just a knot, so she doesn't mind if she doesn't like it, anyway, her thoughts are similar to her sister's.

She is an older sister, not her own sister, but a sister who grew up in a courtyard. Her father is also a member of the Central Committee, and she is married to the son of another member of the Central Committee.

Both of them looked down on each other, but for the sake of political marriage, they still came together. After marriage, they basically didn't spend a few days together. They were busy with their own affairs. Don't be too happy when the two families get together at the end of the year.

The two sides help each other politically and advance and retreat together. The "group" and "family" in modern society and the "family" and "family" in ancient times are just like this.

For such an example, she lived with her father in the compound since she was a child, running around and seeing a lot.

There is also a negative example, a handsome guy who grew up in a compound, his father was also a high-ranking official, she had been interested in him when he was a child, and later his father asked him to meet a well-matched woman, he didn't like it, and he wanted to find a classmate from his university. Afterwards, I still listened to him, and it turned out.

A few years later, his father had an accident. After checking his father's family, there was a woman's family who was well-matched back then.

As long as the other party held back a little bit, his father might end up better, but the other party refused to hold back and just sentenced his father to life.

Well-matched family, political marriage, this is the official truth since ancient times.

After Yu Shijun hung up the phone, he smiled wryly in his heart. Perhaps, he on the other end of the phone had the same thoughts as me. How could it be so easy for people like us to find our true love.

She stood up abruptly and took a deep breath.

Yu Shijun, work harder, you will be a female bureau committee member in the future, you have a future, work hard, don't think about these messy things anymore.

Since the founding of Huaguo, there has been no female bureau.

There are only five female committee members who have been in the bureau committee.

I, Yu Shijun, will definitely become the sixth female bureau committee member in the future, and even advance in a higher direction.

She secretly made up her mind and only wanted to climb up.

Yu Shijun is on the phone.

Jiang Shen is also on the phone.

He made an appointment to have an activity with Zhang Fan in the evening.

Just got a call in the car.

The call was from Jin Zhonglin.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter, this board is comfortable, hahaha."

"Brother Jin, I want to thank you." Jiang Shen knew that Jin Zhonglin had helped when he knew that the Provincial Organization Department had issued the documents.

"Don't thank me, it's you who got Ou Chufeng's appreciation, it's your own ability, I just did it with a little effort."

In fact, Jiang Shen never thought of asking Jin Zhonglin for such a trivial matter. For other people's affairs, he is willing to find Jin Zhonglin. For my own affairs, I would rather rely on myself.

He has basically relied on his own efforts from a temporary worker to the present, and has never taken the initiative to find anyone.

But how did Jin Zhonglin know?

It turned out that after Governor Ou's intentions went down to the grassroots, the District Standing Committee held a special meeting of the Standing Committee. It was supposed to pass it, but the new District Chief Fang Gangsong disagreed.

At that time, Jiang Shen's old friend was on the Standing Committee.

One is Lei Guoyi, the executive deputy head of the district, and the other is Zheng Wenze, the secretary of the political committee.

After hearing this, Lei Guoyi went back and told his younger brother, don't you know Jiang Shen, and told him that Fang Bingsong, the head of the Standing Committee, disagreed.

So Jiang Shen found out, and Tang Jianguo left, and Fang Bingsong, the head of the new district, and himself did not deal with it.

Zheng Wen went back, thought for a while, this little Jiang is my lucky star, I should inform him too.

But he doesn't have any contact with Jiang Shen now, and it's not good to just look for Jiang Shen. Well, Jin Jinshan has a good relationship with him, so when he was talking about work with Jin Jinshan, he mentioned something casually.

Well, Governor Ou wants to mention Xiao Jiang this time, but Fang Bingsong, the head of the new district, disagrees.

I don't care, Jin Jinshan knows a lot, I wanted to tell Jiang Shen, but after thinking about it, I talked to my father.

When Jin Zhonglin heard this, there was still this matter, so he started to play the advantage of the leader. He turned around and came up with a plan. It is common for the subordinates to resist the leadership of Rong, so let's issue a document, and he can't resist the document.

The Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee wanted to issue a document to promote section-level cadres in an exceptional way.

At the level of Boss Xu, he is concerned about the changes of cadres above the department level, and he really doesn't pay attention to the small department level.

Thus, the previous scene appeared.

"You are also a new star in the east of the city." Jin Zhonglin laughed: "How, how can I thank Ou Chufeng."

"Ah." Jiang Shen suddenly came back to his senses.

During this period of time, he had just mentioned the sub-subject, and he was also a little carried away. He only cared about his work, mixed with a group of beauties in Dongning, and had sex with different women every day. The life was so comfortable that he even forgot about it.

Don't blame him, he always thought that being able to advance to the sub-subject is because of his own ability, which is a normal thing.

"Forget, forget." Jiang Shen hurriedly said: "Secretary Jin, Minister Jin, tell me, how should I thank you?"

He is also a newcomer in the officialdom, and he has never done anything to thank a deputy governor.

"I'm not going to be a secretary anymore." Jin Zhonglin said, "You can do whatever you want. I know Ou Chufeng a little bit. He is straightforward and likes to go straight. He appreciates you, and you can show respect and gratitude directly to him."

There is a lot of information in what he said.

One is to point out that this is the end of Ou Chufeng, it doesn't matter if you go or not, I will support you, and the other is if you want to go, you'd better be more direct.

The third is that his old Jin will soon lose his secretary.

When Jin Zhonglin first came down, the deputy secretary and head of organization shocked Dongning official circles.

However, the current deputy secretary and head of the organization is really rare, and this was also strongly promoted by the Jin family to build momentum for him, proving that Dongning is still the territory of the Jin family.

But after he came down, of course the higher ups couldn't see the Jin family being so strong, and if he was made comfortable for a while, the deputy secretary would take away.

"The new deputy secretary is coming down, people from the Huang family."

"The Huang family?" Jiang Shen has heard of the meritorious service in the founding of the country.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Huang family was very powerful in the military, and they were in full bloom. I heard that at the most prosperous time, the heads of six of the top ten military regions were members of the Huang family.

Later, he was suppressed, curbed his edge, and began to abandon the army to pursue politics and business.

That's how it is at the top, as long as you don't care about the military, you can do whatever you want.

The Huang family is also thriving in the political arena now, and there is one in the bureau.

"Our Jin family and their Huang family are enemies. This is a common method used by high-level officials. If two discordant people are placed in the same province, the forces will be balanced." Jin Zhonglin also knows everything about Jiang Shen. He said.

"Hee hee, but no one can be my enemy." Jiang Shen said triumphantly.

"Be careful, you are an official now." Jin Zhonglin's tone suddenly changed, a bit official tone: "Don't go too far, many eyes are on you."

"Think about how to improve. Being an official is also a kind of training, and you can also learn from people. That's it, 88"

As soon as Jin Zhonglin hung up the phone, hiss, Jiang Shen gasped.

what does this mean?

He is not an idiot, Jin Zhonglin would not call to ask for credit for no reason, nor did he reveal any high-level information to him.

When an official reaches his level, every sentence contains a lot of information.

However, Brother Jin, can you be as straightforward as Governor Ou, and speak in a hesitant manner.

Of course, at his level, maybe you can't talk nonsense on the phone.

At the above level, I still have to declare when I go abroad. It is said that the situation at home must be reported to the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

What does Jin Zhonglin mean, have the relevant departments noticed him?

That's right, since Jiang Shen debuted, he has killed countless people and done incredible things, so it's normal for him to receive attention.

Don't be afraid, I, Jiang Shen, am dedicated to serving the country. As long as I don't do things that are sorry for the country, I am not afraid of other people's attention.

Jiang Shen and Yu Shijun each answered a phone call, each with a different mind.

After leaving the hotel, Jiang Shen met Zhang Fan.

The two are going to the famous Bund bar in Shanghai to hang out.

Jiang Shen wasn't interested in this at first, but Zhang Fan, a coquettish man, seemed to have a brain, and he must pull Jiang Shen away. He also said that the wife at home was too strict, and he found an excuse to accompany the boss today, so he let him out, so Ken begged Jiang Shen to give him a chance.

He knew Jiang Shen's character, and his heart softened as soon as he pretended to be sorry for Jiang Shen.

Nima, in your eyes, this is what the boss is doing?Jiang Shen couldn't laugh or cry, but the legend of the Bund was also exciting, so he agreed.

But it was still too early, so I naturally went to eat something first.

Nine p.m.

The two big men were walking on the street for a long time. Seeing such a beautiful night scene, Jiang Shen looked at the flamboyant Zhang Fan beside him, feeling very depressed.

At this time, it's normal for me to hold my Michelle or Ding Yan.

But looking at Zhang Fan's strict management recently, he can sympathize with him.

Because the last time Zhang Fan accompanied Jiang Shen on the gambling boat and didn't return overnight, it is said that he didn't sleep well after returning, and knelt down on the washboard all morning.

The two are looking for the legendary bar with the most beautiful women.

"Dinglingling..." Jiang Shen's cell phone rang again.

His ringtone is the most common ringtone, and it is also the mobile phone that is almost never placed in the storage space and used the most.

Most of the people who call this phone are his women.

Like the cell phone in his work unit, as soon as he gets off work, he basically throws it in the storage space, and there is no signal.

"Who is this number?" Jiang Shen looked at it, but didn't recognize it.

"Brother Gentleman, I'm Ruohua. I've also arrived in Shanghai. It's so dark. I don't know the place where you live. Where are you? Pick me up for a while." The voice was soft and the person spit out fire.

"My fork, Guan Ruohua?" The second-rate eldest sister chased after her to Shanghai.

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