Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 422 The Surprising Discovery

"I'm not free. I'm picking up girls. I said, don't come here. If you want to be a teacher, it's fine. If you can find me in Shanghai before dawn today, I'll accept you." Jiang Shen knew the girl's plan , thinking about apprenticeship every day.

It's a pity that he guessed wrong. Although Guan Ruohua wanted to be his apprentice, he wanted to be his apprentice's teacher's wife even more.

"Brother Shen, are you telling the truth?"

"Will Jiang Shen's words be false?"

"Hey, Shanghai is so big, how can you give it enough time for one night, can you make it smaller?"

"The Bund, I'm looking for a bar on the Bund right now."

"Okay, I'll be right there." Guan Ruo hung up the phone excitedly.

It doesn't matter if you become an apprentice first, the apprentice will have the opportunity to follow the master every day, and then fall in love with the master, isn't Yang Guo the little dragon girl who loves like this?Wow haha.

"Crazy." Jiang Shen hung up the phone, shook his head and smiled wryly, as long as he wanted to avoid it, there was no one in this world who could find him.

"Brother Gentleman, there are still beauties who want to ask you to be their teacher?" Zhang Fan began to laugh lewdly at this moment.

"She's a big sister from the underworld. She's not too young, just like a child." Jiang Shen smiled.

"--" Zhang Fan's eyelids twitched, Brother Gentleman took in an apprentice, are they all big sisters of the underworld?I'm dizzy.

The two searched for a long time, and when it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, they went to Shanghai No. 19 Bar.

"Don't cause trouble, we're just here to play." Jiang Shen told Zhang Fan.

He is not afraid of causing trouble, he is afraid that he will bully mortals again.

Anyway, he can be considered a god, and it's meaningless to bully mortals all the time.

Zhang Fan is considered a rich man now, and of course he was coaxed to come to this kind of place. Hearing Jiang Shen say not to cause trouble, he nodded immediately and restrained himself a bit.

The two went in and took a look, and there were two heavens inside and outside.

It was only March and April, and the inside was full of black silk skirts and snow-white thighs.

It was light music at this time, and the scene was not very passionate. The two found a table, and before they sat down, three beauties came over.

The two sides greeted each other, and Zhang Fan saw them as young ladies, and dismissed them with a few words.

"Aren't you here to find a beautiful woman?"

"These are the ladies."

"Miss is not a person? People also rely on themselves to make money. Some people are not mistresses, but they are more dissolute than mistresses."

"Brother Gentleman, you have such an idea, hehe--" Zhang Fan rubbed his head.We are all people with status now, at least we have to play celebrities.

Celebrities are not the same, many celebrities are just nice and expensive ladies.

Then let's make a good home, wife.

I've never dated someone with a husband, how about they date your wife?

"--" Zhang Fan was very depressed, he couldn't drink anything, so why should we come in and play?

"Look over there, those three, who look about ten years old, should be unmarried." Jiang Shen introduced to him.

"He might have a boyfriend."

"If you are not married, you are not considered a wife."

"-Brother Gentleman--" I despise you.

Speaking of picking up girls in bars, you have to be careful, things often happen.

Zhang Fan looked at the three mentioned by Jiang Shen, he didn't have Jiang Shen's eyes, he didn't see very clearly, he was relatively young, and he was dressed in open clothes, the lady had to try it out to know.

Zhang Fan is also very courageous, probably because money strengthens people's courage. If a person has more money, he will naturally become more courageous.

Walking over alone, Jiang Shen looked at him from behind, admiring him too.

If it was the previous self, before meeting Nalan Bubai, he would definitely not have dared to go up alone.

After a while, Zhang Fan chatted with them there.

Is this guy a bit coquettish, or a little bit capable?

Jiang Shen was bored drinking alone.

So at the same time, Guan Ruohua was wandering around in another place on the Bund.

She didn't look anywhere, the Bund is so big, how could she find Jiang Shen.

She is a smart person, so of course it is impossible to find them one by one, and encounter them by chance?This is only the plot on TV, she believed that it was impossible for her to find Jiang Shen.

Besides, so what if he found it, with Jiang Shen's mentality of wanting to hide, coupled with his martial arts skills, even if he was face to face, he might not be able to see him.

To outwit.

Find a way to let him take the initiative to come to see me.

Is there any way to make him take the initiative to see me?

Guan Ruohua had just walked outside a bar at this time, she frowned, thinking hard, kicking the cigarette cases thrown away by others on the ground with her toes all the way.

Although she is also 27 or 20 years old, she looks like she is in her early [-]s because of her good figure and beauty.

She wore a black skin-fitting leather jacket today, a bit like the black widow in the movies of country M, showing her exquisite figure to the fullest.

"Hi, beauty--" Four men walked by the door of the bar and whistled at Guan Ruohua.

The four men seemed to have drunk alcohol, their faces were flushed, and their mouths were full of alcohol.

Guan Ruohua turned around and saw four men walking towards him unsteadily.

Are you looking for death?Huh, no, this is not Qingfeng Province, Guan Ruohua was furious at first, then thought that there was no one around him, and it was not Qingfeng Province, so he turned around and left without saying much.

To be the boss also needs to have the wisdom of the boss. When the enemy is outnumbered, of course we have to withdraw first.

"Don't go, beauty." Four men shouted from behind, but Guan Ruohua quickly ran away.

"What the hell, fuck, run so fast." A man pointed his finger in Guan Ruohua's direction and shouted loudly.

Guan Ruohua was very angry when he heard it.

Little bastard, if you are in Qingfeng Province, I will kill your whole family.

The four drunk men continued to wander on the road, Shi Er sang together, Shi Er screamed together, it was almost eleven o'clock at this time, and there were still not a few pedestrians on the road.

They are very arrogant, they should be locals from Shanghai. After a hundred meters forward, they passed a flower bed.

"Small poop, small poop."

Among the four people who "vomited", some were inconvenient, and some suddenly started to vomit.

Two others leaned against a tree and began to light cigarettes.

At this moment, there was a whoosh in the night, and a black shadow flashed past.

"Plop" something hit one of the men who was lighting a cigarette heavily on the head.

"Ah--" the man let out a scream, and the cigarette fell out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground as if he had been hit by a bullet.

The man opposite him was puzzled and hurriedly turned his head.

Huh, there was a sound of wind behind his head, and another black shadow flew over.

Bang, this time it's a stick.

A stick hit him on the forehead.

This position is critical.

This man had already been drinking, so his reaction was slow, and it was night, so he could hide there, and with a plop, he fainted to the ground.

"Ouch" the man next to him was still vomiting.

The man who urinated seemed to notice something was wrong, and slowly turned his head.

"Bang" someone hit him on the leg with a stick.

"Ah!" The man who had urinated half as small fell to the ground on the spot in pain, his lower body continued to urinate, and his whole body was soaked.

The man who "vomited" was still vomiting.

"Old five---" the man urinating screamed to remind the man.

"Damn, dare to scold me, dare to scold me." Guan Ruohua appeared with a stick in his hand.

She broke off from the tree without knowing it, and hit the man who was urinating.

She was stingy, just now I remembered that it was the bastard who said she was a slut.

Bang, bang, bang, the man who was beaten with a stick was crying and crying.

"Wow---wow---" When the man vomited, his head exploded, and he couldn't get up here. The man knew that there was a fight here, but he couldn't get up.

When he almost vomited and wanted to come over, Guan Ruohua walked over with a smile, bang, and knocked him down with a blow.

Four drunk men were attacked by Guan Ruohua.

Then it was Guan Ruohua who kept torturing and scolding him.

"Bastard, do you know who my old lady is?"

"Sister Qingfenghua, do you dare to scold me? I'll kill your whole family."

"Grandma Hua, I'll miss you, I'll fuck, I'll miss your grandpa."

Guan Ruohua's cursing made people speechless.

This man is probably still thinking that this is a good thing, if you have the ability, you can do it.

But Guan Ruohua scolded and beat him, and the stick made a loud sound, this man couldn't bear it.

Being beaten by Guan Ruohua, he rolled around on the ground.

Guan Ruohua is also a person who has experienced many battles. He knows where to fight is the safest, and he can't kill him, and he can't get up.

"My aunt, don't beat me, stop beating me -- woo woo --" The man was beaten like a pig's head.

There were still passers-by nearby, and Guan Ruohua didn't dare to fight for too long. After taking a deep breath, he ran away with a stick in his hand.

Cool, finally beat up that bitch.

Fortunately, I am smart, one against four, if they catch me, I will be miserable.

Hey, I thought of it.Guan Ruohua thought of a way.

In bar No. 19, Jiang Shen sat next to two beauties. I heard from them that they were white-collar workers of the company who often came out to play at night.

The three of them drank and chatted, and Jiang Shen treated them to guests, and it was very pleasant to arrive.

The coquettish man Zhang Fan is on the other side. He came with a purpose, and he is very successful now. He is hugging a beautiful woman and whispering, walking up and down with a pair of big hands, touching that woman's eyes like silk. , both of them were a little distracted.

The night life is really chaotic. It is the first time for Jiang Shen to visit this kind of place, and he finds that it gets more and more chaotic as he goes to the back.

Especially after twelve o'clock, the music became louder, and with the effect of alcohol, the scene became more and more lively, and the activities in the bar even stirred up the whole atmosphere.

In the explosive music of "Wow Hoot", trendy men and women crazily vent their stored energy during the day, and some people follow the dancers in the bar, twisting their limbs and screaming wildly.

"Dancing." The two beauties beside Jiang Shen pulled Jiang Shen down to dance.

Jiang Shen smiled wryly and shook his head.

However, there was already a beautiful woman in the field, which caused the cheers of the audience.

The beauty was wearing an ultra-short dress, revealing a pair of charming slender legs, twisting her waist, and was very dynamic with the music.

Many men around her jumped up around her.

Hey, I said, why is this beauty so familiar?

Jiang Shen's eyes penetrated for several miles, and the hairs on the ant's body could be seen, let alone a living person so close.

This beauty wears heavy eyeliner, long fake hair, overweight lipstick, and heavy makeup that almost conceals her true face.

But Jiang Shen still saw who it was.

Damn, I'm dizzy, Yu Shijun.

Jiang Shen almost fainted. The proud princess with a noble and generous appearance, and Meiren Yu, who is not fake when facing men, can be so crazy at night.

Am I reading this wrong?

When Jiang Shen looked again, he almost saw Yu Shijun's body with his spiritual sense.

That's right, it's the chest, 36b, um, there's a mole under the chest, that's right, it's her.

It turned out that Jiang Shen had already peeked at Yu Shijun's body with his spiritual thoughts.

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