Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 423 The Other Side of Yu Shijun

Yu Shijun at night is completely different from the daytime, she shook her head vigorously, twisting her body vigorously to the music, attracting a lot of men around her.

She seemed to enjoy this kind of attention, and she jumped more and more vigorously amidst the booing of all the men.

"This, does this count as a dual personality?" Jiang Shen has heard that there are medical explanations for a person with two different personalities.

Some people subconsciously have two different personalities, and under certain circumstances or conditions, they will have two completely different attitudes towards doing things.

Yu Shijun is a lot like this.

During the day she is a serious civil servant, but at night she turns into a hot and coquettish little girl.

Jiang Shen looked at her very interestingly, wondering in his heart, could this little girl have been stimulated to become like this?

While he was thinking wildly, there was some friction in the crowd below, and several men danced around Yu Shijun in a dawdly way, while dancing, one of them became more and more courageous, and suddenly stretched out his arms to hug him.

He immediately hugged Yu Shijun.

"Wow!" Many people on the field shouted.

Yu Shijun's performance was also surprising, she even put her arms around the man's neck with her backhand.

The two danced close to each other, their bodies pressed tightly together, doing lewd movements.

Now it seems that Yu Shijun is more like a pole dancer in a bar.

No, Jiang Shen saw all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The man's hands covered Yu Shijun's breasts for a while, touched Yu Shijun's buttocks for a while, and put his arms around Yu Shijun's waist and thighs for a while, which Jiang Shen had never done.

If I knew she was so coquettish, I'll take these advantages first.

Jiang Shen was drooling while watching, and suddenly the man in the field became more courageous, and copied down with both hands, from under Yu Shijun's short skirt.

"Wow, wow, wow." The other men and women beside him yelled frantically.

"Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her."

Men and women were screaming crazily, everyone's coquettish energy was aroused by Yu Shijun.

More than a dozen men and women held hands and formed a circle, surrounding the man and Yu Shijun in the middle.

At this time, Yu Shijun was a little scared. She was just dancing with the man, but she didn't expect the man to become more and more courageous.

Before she could react, the man put his arms around her waist and pressed her on the ground, pushing her upper body forward.

"Wow!" Another man rushed out and caught Yu Shijun's hands and head in front of him.

Yu Shijun's body was pressed there like an arched bridge.

This action is very obscene. In Japanese AV, two men and one woman often do this.

The woman's mouth in the front, and the man behind her behind her buttocks, is a very classic "Double Dragon Playing Phoenix" action.

"Hey!" The man in front of him took the lead to unzip his own zipper, and actually wanted to take out his little bird in front of so many people, and then prepared to stuff it into Yu Shijun's mouth.

The man in the back looked at it, unzipped his own zipper with his left hand, reached out with his right hand, and took off the thong underwear in Yu Shijun's short skirt to between his knees.

In the presence of a large crowd, the two were about to attack back and forth, and they fucked Yu Shijun together.

Yu Shijun may have had a lot of wine today, so she is crazy, but at this time, she is still a little sober.

"What are you doing?" She realized that something was wrong, she got angry, exerted all her strength, struggled violently, first pushed the man in front of her, then turned around and stood up.

Just a little bit, she was killed before and after.

Standing up now, the thong fell to her knees.

But at this time, amidst the wild shouts of the crowd, those two had long been burning with desire, and the duck with its mouth full would let her fly away?

"Sanba, stop pretending." "****, get down."

The two men rushed up desperately.

Yu Shijun turned pale with shock, lifted up the thong, turned around and wanted to escape.

But there were more than a dozen people forming a circle around them, holding hands and tightly surrounding the three of them.

"Don't go, don't go, make a shot."

"Don't go, beauty."

"You took off your pants and pretended to be a fart."

"My pants are all off, you let me see this?"

"What are you pretending to be, [-], once you let a man get in, I think you will be reluctant to leave."

Men and women were screaming wildly.

The two men grabbed Yu Shijun again.

"Fuck her, fuck her." Everyone continued to scream, and someone claimed to come up to touch Yu Shijun indiscriminately.

At this time, the audience was in high spirits, and with this atmosphere, it was easy to arouse those men's animal desires.

Maybe Yu Shijun will be imprisoned here.

Jiang Shen has been watching from the side.

Seeing Yu Shijun's enjoyment in front of him, he could only stare blankly, thinking in his heart, wait a moment, should I take a picture of it?

But things were getting more and more chaotic, and by this time, Yu Shijun would end up being supervised in turn.

Do you want to make a move?

This Sanba has always been very awesome. If she was wheeled and I photographed her, wouldn't I have caught her?Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, she's going to hang around in the future.

No, this is too immoral.

Jiang Shen was still struggling, while Yu Shijun was already screaming.

"Go away." She stretched out her hand and scratched a man's face with a squeak.

The man's face was broken, and he was furious in his heart.

"Bitch, what are you pretending for me?" He stretched out his hand and slapped Yu Shijun almost to the ground.

"Fuck her, fuck her." All the men and women around shouted frantically.

The man rushed forward angrily, this time he grabbed Yu Shijun's dress even more rudely and pulled it hard.

Hiss, Yu Shijun's skirt was torn, revealing the three-point pose inside.

The scene became more and more exciting, and I couldn't control it.

A beautiful woman with torn clothes and a sexy figure, under the music, lights and alcohol in the bar, many men began to want to move.

At this time, it was no longer one or two, but four or five men rushed forward.

Yu Shijun was put on the ground in an instant, and then some people lifted their feet, touched their chests, and took off their pants. Several people carried Yu Shijun to a sofa next to him.

"Wow, exciting." At this moment, a voice sounded beside Jiang Shen.

When Jiang Shen turned his head, Zhang Fan came back with a beautiful woman in his arms.

"Brother Gentleman, take pictures, take pictures, live AV movies."

"I want to shoot it too. Hey, it's a pity that my brother is a gentleman and can't stand this kind of scene." After pretending to be aggressive, Jiang Shen straightened his clothes and left the stage.

"--" Brother Gentleman is asking for a hero to save the beauty?Zhang Fan pushed away the woman beside him, turned his head to look, picked up a beer bottle on the table, and followed.

"That's enough, stop." When Jiang Shen walked over, the bra on Yu Shijun's upper body was taken off, and the thong on his lower body reached his knees again. He was almost naked, and was almost penetrated by a man.

She was kicking back and forth with both legs vigorously, and within a few strokes, two men grabbed one of them and pressed her thigh tightly.

The bar is very noisy, so noisy that you can't see the situation here or hear the sound here, but Jiang Shen walked by and gave a soft drink, and those who held Yu Shijun were all like thunder, and they all shook together .

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Jiang Shen.

"Hey, buddy, don't worry about it."

"If you want to do it, you will have a shot later."

One of the men was the first one to dance with Yu Shijun. He had a pair of inverted triangle eyes and a gloomy face. He was not a kind person.

Yu Shijun danced with him at first.

At this moment, his trousers were all down to his legs, and the shorts were raised high.

My pants are all off, you tell me to stop?Who are you.

He pointed at Jiang Shen with a finger: "Go away, if you don't want to die, just go away."

"Don't be like this, you are a round prisoner, and there will be no period for serious cases." Jiang Shen walked forward.

"None of your business, do you want to die?" Seeing that Jiang Shen was still walking forward, a sharp sound flashed in the man's eyes, and he suddenly looked to the side.

"Fuck you, I'm looking for trouble." Two men jumped out from the side, and rushed towards Jiang Shen aggressively.

"Fuck you." Behind Jiang Shen, Zhang Fanhu pretended to be a tiger, and he stretched out his hand, who was always as timid as a mouse, and swished, the wine bottle in his hand flew out.

The man who rushed to the front was caught off guard, bang, flowers bloomed on his head, and blood flowed profusely.

"I'm stupid." This is poking a hornet's nest, regardless of whether they are with that guy or not, seeing that these two people influence everyone to fuck beautiful girls, everyone rushed forward as soon as they came out.

"Hit them."

"Kill them."

"Hit it"

There are some women among them, more than a dozen men and women, rushed up in a nest.

"Brother Gentleman--" Zhang Fan was terrified when he saw it, and quickly hid behind Jiang Shen.

"That's all you have to offer?" Jiang Shen laughed loudly: "What are you afraid of, go ahead."

Jiang Shen took the lead in rushing into the crowd, bang, bang, bang, punching and kicking, the scene fell into one piece.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen men and women were knocked down by Jiang Shen.

"Jiang Shen--" Yu Shijun also recognized Jiang Shen, and screamed in his heart.

Now that no one pressed her, she hurriedly pulled up her panties, put on her bra, and looked at Jiang Shen with a flushed face.

I didn't expect Jiang Shen to come to the bar, and I didn't expect him to see this scene.

He really wanted to die, and Yu Shijun regretted it very much.

However, she also held her breath, looking for her own clothes to wear without making a sound.

After all, her make-up is very thick and strange, maybe Jiang Shen may not recognize herself?She also reported luck.

"Boy, are you good at fighting?" The first man who danced with Yu Shijun was still standing there.

He didn't do anything, so he didn't fight Jiang Shen, but he kept watching with cold eyes.

"I'll give you another chance, it's still too late for you to go." He was not afraid of Jiang Shen.

He saw that Jiang Shen was an outsider.

Nima, an outsider, dares to be arrogant in our Shanghai, do you know how many heroes we have in Shanghai?

"I'll give you a chance too. It's too late for you to shut up now. If you say another word, I'll slap you in the face." Jiang Shen laughed.

"My grass" the man was furious.

"Bah..." Jiang Shen slapped his hands as he shook his hand.

The man saw it and shook his head, but he still didn't escape.

There was burning pain on his face, but he didn't move, and he didn't fight back, probably knowing that he wasn't Jiang Shen's retreat.

"Shut up, talk and hit again?" It was Jiang Shen's turn to point his finger at him.

It's the best feeling to point your finger at people, and then others dare not speak out. No wonder some big people like to point their fingers at others.

The man really didn't speak.

A hero in the rivers and lakes will not suffer from immediate losses, he silently retreated to the side, and looked at Jiang Shen coldly.

"You beauty, are you okay, can you go?" Jiang Shen looked at Yu Shijun at this moment.

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