Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 424 Another Master

He doesn't know me?He really didn't recognize me?

Yu Shijun was surprised and happy, but also faintly disappointed.

It proves that no matter how glamorous and unparalleled I am usually, he has never paid too much attention to me.

"Thank you." Yu Shijun lowered his head, didn't care about 21, turned around and ran away in his own clothes, and ran out of the bar in one breath, not daring to say another word to Jiang Shen.

"Wow, Brother Shen is so unqualified, so she just left?" Zhang Fan came up with a look of admiration, Jiang Shen is not only rich, but also so capable of fighting.

"But Brother Gentleman, we're leaving, that kid is on the phone."

He reminded Jiang Shen that the man next to him who was slapped in the face by Jiang Shen was silently pressing his phone.

"Let's go." Jiang Shen didn't want to cause trouble anymore, so he took Zhang Fan and walked out.

The two of them just walked to the door when they were blocked by a few people like the security guards in the hotel bar.

The leader smiled all over his face: "Brother, can you do me a favor."

"Brothers, you better get out of the way?" Jiang Shen also smiled.

"No, you beat those people up. They just called the police. When the police come, they can't find you. They will come to our bar. Why don't you wait?"

Those security guards may have seen Jiang Shen's ability to fight just now, and his attitude was very polite, with a smile on his face.

"It's none of my business for the police to come to your bar?" Jiang Shen asked strangely, you guys have come out now. Yu Shijun was almost raped just now, why didn't you show up?

"Brother, please do me a favor, those people are well-known gangsters here, you are leaving, they are going to smash our bar." The man saw that he couldn't speak to Jiang Shen, so he could only beg Jiang Shen.

The co-author threatened Li Bar, and these two people left, we will trouble your hotel bar.

Whether it's true or not, it's a bit deceiving.

You didn't show up when they beat us up, but now you help them stop us?Just for the benefit of the bar.

"Get out of the way, don't let me fight with you." Jiang Shen's face darkened, and he walked out in strides.

The security guards hesitated for a moment, but they didn't dare to stop him after all, so they could only watch Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan leave.

"They're leaving, I'll smash your bar later." At this moment, someone shouted sharply from the door.

The man who had just been slapped several times by Jiang Shen chased him out, with an expression of disbelief, he pointed at the backs of Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan and shouted.

When the security guards heard this, their faces changed drastically, and they looked around in a dilemma.

On the one hand, he is very good at fighting, and on the other hand, he wants to smash the bar.

What's going on here?

"Brother Qiu, don't be like this, we are in a difficult situation?" Another man walked out of the gate.

This man should be the owner of the bar, looking pitifully at the man who was slapped in the face by Jiang Shen, he called him Brother Qiu.

"He committed a crime in your bar, and you let him go? After a while, the police will come and find no one. I will definitely look for you, Xiaobei."

Brother Qiu pointed at the bar owner, Xiaobei, and insisted on forcing him to stop Jiang Shen.

Hey, I'm about to leave, but you're still chasing after me, you're looking for death.Jiang Shen was also angry, turned around and walked over.

When Brother Qiu saw it, he turned and fled in fright.

His mouth was fierce, and he was still scared when he saw Jiang Shen coming.

"Don't run, I won't hit you." Jiang Shen smiled.

Brother Qiu didn't believe it, but he didn't accept it. He ran a few steps and turned around, looking at Jiang Shen vigilantly.

The distance between the two was about five or six meters. Brother Qiu looked around. Jiang Shen was about to charge up, and he was about to find a place to run.

"I see that you are very dissatisfied. Do you want to play black or white?" Jiang Shen raised his hand and pointed at him: "My buddy will play with you until you are convinced."

Brother Qiu heard Jiang Shen's words, his eyes flashed, he was a little surprised.

He has seen many fights in bars, outsiders usually run away after fighting, and it is rare to see someone as arrogant as Jiang Shen after a fight.

Sure enough, it is also a raptor.

It seems that they also came out to mix.

Brother Qiu saw Jiang Shen's tone, a bit like a gangster, but he wasn't very scared.

For them, there are three kinds of people who are more difficult in Shanghai.

One is foreigners, now first-class foreigners and second-class officials, and Shanghai is a metropolis, some look like Chinese, but in fact have foreign status, such people are not very easy to deal with.

The second is the army. There are many troops near Shanghai, and the people in the garrison area are famous for being able to fight. Many outsiders who look like country bumpkins may be military ruffians who come out to play in the army.

The third is the gangsters from other places, especially the unknown and young gangsters. This kind of people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, they only know how to be brave and ruthless. After a fight in Shanghai, they turned around and ran away. When he came to Shanghai, he was a big gangster with a name and a surname in every province. He would think twice about everything he did, and he also had to consider the consequences.

Among these three types of people, none is easy to provoke, but in comparison, Brother Qiu would rather Jiang Shen be the last one.

At least the last one, he can handle it.

"Brother, what's your surname, which road?" Brother Qiu heard Jiang Shen say that black and white ways are fine, and he guessed that Jiang Shen is a gangster.

"On Dongning Road, my surname is Jiang, and my name is Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen tried to register his name, did his buddy's reputation shake Shanghai?

Jiang Shen?Dongning?What rubbish country place?Brother Qiu didn't even know Dongning was there. After thinking about it for a long time, it was vaguely a province in the east, but he had never heard of it.

As for Jiang Shen, Nima, I thought you were Jiang Kun. Jiang Kun, who we talk about cross talk in Shanghai, is very famous.

"It seems that brother Shen is also a person of the way, okay, I will play with you." Brother Qiu is basically sure that Jiang Shen is the third type.

"How do you want to play?" Jiang Shen grinned.I'm a little disappointed in my heart, my buddy's reputation has not spread to Shanghai.

I don't know what happened to Jin Yakang last time.

The last time he engaged in Jin Ya Kang, he didn't pay attention to it.

"Please." Brother Qiu stretched out his hand to invite Jiang Shen to go out.

"Go." Jiang Shen followed him out.

Brother Qiu followed a few people, all of whom were knocked down by Jiang Shen just now.

A group of four people, all with unkind faces, led Jiang Shen out of the bar.

It was almost one o'clock at night.

In the dead of night, the lights outside also looked very gloomy.

Zhang Fan was a little scared, followed Jiang Shen, and gently tugged at his clothes: "Brother Shen, are you going there?" This is their territory. "

Although Zhang Fan is also a local, he has always been in business and has little contact with these gangsters.

"What are you afraid of? It's me." Jiang Shen patted him on the shoulder and comforted Zhang Fan. This Zhang Fan is good at everything, but he is too bookish, timid, and not bloody enough. I really don't understand. How dare a timid person speculate in stocks?And fried so well.

That brother Qiu didn't say much, he led the way quietly in front, everyone moved forward and left the hotel soon.

After 200 meters, Brother Qiu couldn't help admiring: "Brother Shen is so courageous, he must be number one on Dongning Road, and today I will show you the big shot in Shanghai."

Not many outsiders dare to follow him casually.

"Haha, it's not that I underestimate you. After Du Yuesheng, there is really no one on the Shanghai road." Jiang Shen laughed loudly.

Speaking of serious characters on the Tao, after Du Yuesheng, Shanghu really disappeared.

Brother Qiu is also considered educated. Hearing this, his face turned red immediately.

It's too bullying, saying that we have no heroes on Shanghai Road.

Shamed and angry, he was also angry.

"Wait a minute, I'll let you see our Yingnan in Shanghai." He gritted his teeth: "You will definitely get what you want today."

Ordinary gangsters, maybe they have never even heard of Lao Du, but Brother Qiu, hearing this is simply an insult to him.

They had already walked to a nearby square at this time.

The square is surrounded by flower beds, about one or two acres in size, with a few tall street lamps, because they are too far apart, the lights look a little dark, making more than half of the whole square dark.

As soon as the crowd arrived at the square, they were brushing, and a few strong lights shone on them, so that everyone's eyes could hardly be opened.

Several cars have already arrived at the square.

With a sweep of Jiang Shen's mind, the car was full of people. There were at least [-] people sitting in these cars.

Jiang Shen, who was illuminated by the light, was furious. Is Nima brighter?Believe it or not, I will directly vaporize you with a scorching sun hanging sword.

But fortunately, the other party was also in the nature of a demonstration. After a few lights, it was replaced with a small light, and then the door opened, and groups of black-clothed men got out of the car.

Jiang Shen looked at the situation, he was a little bit stronger than Jin Yakang before.

It's also mixed, but there are distinctions. Jinya Kangna's level is worse than that of Dongning's Chen Bopi before, and he can play awe-inspiring in certain streets at most.

And these twenty or so people, all in black suits, look high-end and high-end at first glance, they definitely belong to the club level, and their influence may reach the entire Shanghai.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some gangsters deliberately pretend to be aggressive. When Jiang Shen was in junior high school, a group of gangsters in the town usually liked to wear black clothes and imitated the clubs in the movie.

But Jiang Shen took a look at the cars with his spiritual sense, they were all Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Porsche, they didn't look like they were pretending.

"Brother Shen, let me introduce you. My eldest brother, Boss Qi from Shanghai, is called 'Master Qi' in the street."

Following Brother Qiu's voice, a wheelchair was pushed out of the Mercedes-Benz in the middle, and then two big men in black supported a middle-aged man and sat on the wheelchair.

How dare I call you Master Qi even after I've become so disabled?There are so many people calling you master now, another master?

This Master Qi is more powerful than Master Quan, but Jiang Shen is sure that his power is not as powerful as that of Jiangnan Quan back then.

"It's really scary young man, young man, I heard that you are very good at fighting?" Master Qi pushed the wheelchair over slowly.

"Dad, help me get rid of him." At this moment, a young man walked over from behind Brother Qiu.

This kid was the one with Brother Qiu just now, who wanted to stuff something from his crotch into Yu Shijun's mouth in front of him. It turned out that he was Master Qi's son.

No wonder Master Qi came here in person.

He was punched by Jiang Shen, lying on the ground for a long time before getting up, and punched Jiang Shen hard.

Be safe and don't get bored, Master Qi gave his son a look, not afraid of Jiang Shen, and continued to move forward in the wheelchair.

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