"'Red flowers and green leaves are one family, and the world and the Hongmen share the same horizon' Mr. Jiang, I don't know how old you are." Master Qi is very awesome, the exit is the Hongmen incision, and there is a faint breath of old Shanghai. .

The pride on that face couldn't be hidden, it seemed to remind Jiang Shen that the Lord was from the Hongmen, the true descendant of the Hongmen.

Everyone in the Hongmen knows that it was originally called the Tiandihui, and it was the largest underworld organization in the Qing Dynasty.

Among the gangster associations from ancient times to the present, only Hongmen's influence can reach this height.

Like the world-renowned gangsters, the Italian mafia and the Japanese gang of four, they sound awesome, but they are still suppressed by the government. If the governments of various countries want to suppress them, they can basically be disabled.

Moreover, the Hongmen was not only powerful at the time, even after the Qing government conquered Taiwan, the Hongmen still did not become extinct, and later spread to Southeast Asia with the immigration of overseas Chinese to Southeast Asia. Society, and has had outstanding performance in various periods.

On July 1992, 7, when the third World Hongmen Kinship Conference was held in country m, there were more than 28 representatives from all over the world. After two days of discussion, it became the World Hongmen Association, headquartered in Honolulu, country m.

If the current Hongmen is regarded as a society, it is definitely the largest society in the world.

This is where Master Qi is proud. The faction they went to Shanghai was the Shanghai Youth Gang, one of the branches of the Hongmen.

The Shanghai Youth Gang was famous during Du Yuesheng's period, and brought Hongmen's loyalty, bravery and other spiritual will to the extreme.

It's just that after Du Yuesheng, there really aren't any outstanding figures, but that was formed by historical conditions. After the founding of Huaguo, the focus was on cracking down on the evil forces in Shanghai, and the Green Gang couldn't survive in the country.

But in 1992, Master Qi's master participated in the [-]rd World Hongmen Prayer Conference, and there were only two places in the entire Huaguo region.

Among them, Xiangmen and Macau and Hong Kong share a family. The representative said that many book lovers should know that Xiang Hua, the leader of the largest association in Xiangmen, once played a very powerful gunman in a famous movie.

The other place is Lord Qi's master, representing the Hongmen of the entire mainland.

Master Qi has always been proud of this matter.

Back then he went with his master. Although he was not qualified to enter the venue, he went to the United States and saw that kind of scene.

All over the world, more than 100 Hongmen branch speakers are there. It is really a cloud of heroes and an exciting memory.

When Master Qi said this, he wanted to find out if Jiang Shen was from the Hongmen.

The Hongmen in China is now divided into factions. Of course, there are too many peddlers, and there are not many branches of the Hongmen. Therefore, the real Hongmen branches will show some kindness when they meet, and the same sect will not fight each other. But the first rule of Hongmen.

But Jiang Shen understood this kind of words. He had read Hongmen's information, but after a cursory look, he had never seen such words.

He could only smile: "Master Qi, I'm not from Hongmen."

He respectfully called Master Qi, which also expressed his respect for Hongmen and his predecessors.

"Not from Hongmen?" Master Qi chuckled.

"Then you are really brave. You haven't heard of my Lord Qi's name, and you should have heard of Hongmen's name. Young man, tell me yourself, how can you admit your mistake to me?"

"Admit your mistake? Dad, he hit me." Master Qi's son raised his eyebrows while listening to him, so let's just admit his mistake?Definitely not, at least break his hand.

Master Qi glared at his son. You said Jiang is very good at beating, so he must have a master at such a young age. If he gets a young one, he may attract old ones. We are all seeking money when we come out, so try not to make a deadly enmity .

Moreover, he saw that his son and brother Qiu were nothing serious, if Jiang Shen apologized and admitted his mistake, it would be fine.

After all, he must be a member of the Hongmen, not an ordinary gangster. The Hongmen's righteousness is weak, and the most important thing is loyalty.

"Master Qi, are you getting older? You don't know right from wrong?" Jiang Shen didn't show any face at all, and Master Qi's expression changed drastically after he said the first two sentences.

"Your son and this ball boy pretended to be crazy by borrowing alcohol at the bar, and wanted to supervise my friends in turn. I didn't abolish them. It was already because everyone was from Huaguo, and my friend was fine. If my friend If something goes wrong, you will send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. How dare you ask me to admit my mistake? What's wrong, back then, the Hongmen's righteousness was so generous and the world was in the world, and when it was passed on to Master Qi, it became black and white and bullied the people gone?"

"You---" Master Qi was still furious when he heard it in front of him, but his face turned livid when he heard it behind him.

"What you said is true?" Master Qi glanced at his son and brother Qiu.

His son's face also changed drastically, pointing at Jiang Shen and said excitedly: "Don't talk nonsense, you don't know that woman at all, I think, I think she is Miss at all."

"That's right, look at her flirtatiousness, isn't it that Miss would be so flirtatious?" Brother Qiu was also scared to death.

"Miss will be imprisoned by all of you?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "I remember that there seems to be one in the Hongmen, rape women, is that a serious crime?"

Hiss, Brother Qiu took a deep breath and shook his head quickly: "I'm not qualified to enter Hongmen, I'm not considered official."

He was scared to death, especially when he saw Master Qi's gloomy face, he was scared to death.

But he was right, he was really not from Hongmen.

Now in China, there are only a handful of truly Hongmen disciples.

Hongmen is like other parties in the domestic political arena, not everyone can join, and sometimes no one will be accepted for several years.

Those who collect hundreds of thousands a year are gangsters. Hongmen is not a gangster now, but a well-known civil society in the Chinese world.

In 2013, according to the records in the World Hongmen Conference, there were only [-] official Hongmen disciples who were still alive in mainland China.

In Xin'anyili, the largest gangster in Xiangmen, there are only fifteen people who are truly disciples of Hongmen, and most of them are members of the Xiang family.

Therefore, Brother Qiu, who usually tried everything possible to get into the Hongmen, shook his hands in fright when he heard this. He is not a disciple of the Hongmen.

It was Master Qi's son, his face turned white all of a sudden.

"I -- I -- I didn't mess with her, I didn't make it happen." He just joined Hongmen this year, and during the Chinese New Year, he went to Country M with his father and joined at the headquarters.

Now only those who join the headquarters of country m are recognized by the world's Hongmen.

Whether it is Hongmen disciples or not, there is a lot to say, because they are not the same as the general underworld.

Like Quan Ye in Jiangnan, if he didn't offend Jiang Shen, his property would be inherited by his son and his family after his death, and Chen Bopi's property would also be inherited by his own people.

Hongmen is different, Master Qi is also worth several billion in Shanghai, but let alone his death, when he reaches the age of retirement, this property will not belong to him anymore, and other people from Hongmen will take over it.

This is the difference between formal associations and general associations.

This is also the reason why Hongmen has been passed down from the early Qing Dynasty to the present.

For a person like Jiangnan Quanchen Peeling Chest Hair, his son will be a prodigal son in the future, and his property may be ruined in a few years.

But Lord Qi is not afraid, his son is not good, and people from other Hongmen will take over. If the whole family dies, there will be other people from Hongmen to take revenge.

This is the foundation of a society that can last forever.

Master Qi spent all his time last year, allowing his son to make a lot of contributions, and it was only at the beginning of this year that he broke the rules and joined Hongmen.

This ass has not yet been heated up, and there has been a rape of a silver woman.

This matter can be big or small, the key still depends on the attitude of the headquarters and Master Qi.

"Beast, kneel down." Master Qi was furious.

Don't look at him in his 40s, almost [-] years old, people of this generation are still relatively old-fashioned, especially when he was young, he traveled around with his master, and his traditional thinking was very serious.

"Dad, I was wrong. I drank too much, but I really didn't do anything. I was rescued by him." Mr. Qi cried bitterly. It's not nonsense.

He had personally witnessed a Hongmen disciple being executed.

"Hongmen 36 oaths, whoever rapes the brothers' wives and daughters, will be punished by five thunders. Although you are not the brothers' wives and daughters who raped Yin, you are also a woman of our country, of the same origin, of the same race, Ah Hu."

Master Qi gave a cold drink, and a strong man stood out from among the people pushing the wheelchair behind him.

This Ah Hu was much stronger than the tiger beside Jiang Shen, but if he fought the tiger one-on-one, he would definitely not be the tiger's opponent.

At night, Ah Hu stood out wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Master Qi."

"Chop off one of his fingers and teach him a lesson."

I'm stupid, seriously, Jiang Shen was also taken aback.

This Lord Qi is indeed worthy of my calling him Lord Qi.

He, Jiang Shen, has never been called someone else's master. He didn't expect that there are indeed heroes in the Hongmen.

"Dad--" Mr. Qi's face turned green with fright when he heard this, "36 swears that there is no such thing."

The 36 oaths of the Hongmen gang rules are all for brothers, and Jiang Shen is not their brother, and that woman is not his brother's woman, don't be like this, Dad.

Ah Hu was also stunned when he heard this.

"Master Qi?" He hesitated for a moment, there's no need to be so serious, this kid is nothing, just kill him.

Ah Hu looked at Jiang Shen, and was also very unconvinced.

He is not from Hongmen, but he doesn't want Master Qi to be so serious.

However, Master Qi became angry: "Ah Hu, am I old? What I said is useless?" He patted the wheelchair heavily.

"Hey..." Ah Hu gave Jiang Shen a hard look, then shook his head: "Young Master Qi, I'm sorry."

Zheng, a short knife appeared in his hand.

"Dad--" Qi Shao suddenly jumped up from the ground. He really didn't expect that his father would cut his finger. Now that he jumped up, he was ready to turn around and run away, and then called his mother to save him.

"Don't, Master Qi, Hongmen's rules can be passed on for others. It's my fault." Brother Qiu is also a fierce man, as you can tell from the fact that he can't beat Jiang Shen in front of him and still dares to stare at Jiang Shen.

Anyway, he pulled it out, took out a fruit knife from the back of his waist, raised the knife with his hand and dropped it.

With a bang, he cut off the little finger of his left hand.

"Ah" Brother Qiu screamed, his painful head was covered with sweat, but he still stood there, clutching his fingers, blood was all over his body.

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