Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 426 Too Much Money Is Scary

I'm sorry, it's the first time for Zhang Fan to see this kind of picture, his legs are so frightened that he almost fainted.

Sure enough, it was the Hongmen, the largest gang in the world, and they were completely different from Jiangnan Quanchen Pepier. Jiang Shen also nodded secretly.

Young Master Qi hates it now, if he had known about it earlier, he even brought his father here, but instead of becoming Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen did it instead.

However, this is certainly not the case.

Master Qi looked at Brother Qiu who was gritting his teeth in pain, and secretly praised him, then turned to look at Jiang Shen: "Mr. Jiang, are you satisfied with this?"

In fact, he is still a bit selfish, Brother Qiu is not from Hongmen, how can he take the place of Qi Dashao, but it must be his son, so he doesn't point it out now, and everyone around him, including Jiang Shen, didn't notice this detail.

"It's not bad, and they deserve what they deserve." Jiang Shen laughed, you broke your hand, and I will teach you a lesson, and my buddies will stop haggling with you.

"Okay, then let's forget about it." Master Qi smiled, halfway through the smile, his face darkened: "But you beat my Hongmen, how do you settle the debt?"

"Our Hongmen 36 vows, No. 20: 'When a brother is beaten and scolded, he must move forward', Mr. Jiang, I am really sorry." As soon as Master Qi finished speaking, Kaka.

Ah Hu quickly raised his hand, aiming a pistol at Jiang Shen.

At the same time, more than 20 big men in black who followed Lord Qi took out at least five spears and pointed at Jiang Shen.

But these five guns are all shotguns, and the other two are also pistols.

In a place where gun control is so strict in Huaguo, it is not easy for them to take out eight guns.

Seeing this, First Young Master Qi was overjoyed. Dad still helped me.

When he entered the Hongmen, he must have recited the 36 oaths of the Hongmen. In Article No. 20, when a brother is beaten and driven, he must go forward and follow with two sentences, "Help with reason, persuade with no reason".

Now they are the unreasonable party, and Master Qi didn't say it out, obviously helping each other unreasonably.

After all, he was helping his son, Young Master Qi was secretly happy.

At this time, eight guns pointed at Jiang Shen, and Zhang Fan was the first to be scared to death.

"You guys, don't mess around -- it's illegal --" Oh my god, guns, I see guns, the real picture from the movie.

Zhang Fan was startled and frightened: "Don't do this, let's pay some money, we have something to talk about, we have something to talk about---we lose money, okay?"

"What are you panicking?" Jiang Shen glared at Zhang Fan, he must be playing stocks, not a gangster with chest hair, so he was still a little panicked when he encountered this scene.

"It's not rude to come and go, Ah Hu, give him a knife, you two, cut off a little finger each, and get lost." Master Qi waved his hand majestically.

We Hongmen people can bully us at will?I want one finger from us, and I want two from you. It's also for the sake of the people of the country. Try it as a foreigner, and chop off your entire palm.

"Hahahaha." Jiang Shen looked up to the sky and laughed, with eight guns pointed at his head, he could laugh like this, the people on Master Qi's side still admired him a little.

However, if you can fight again, have you ever shot a gun?Everyone pointed their guns at Jiang Shen, but no one cared about Zhang Fan.

"I thought Mr. Qi was a reasonable person, but he was not. Mr. Qi, you may not know me, Jiang Shen. I, Jiang Shen, like to convince people with virtue the most. However, if you play with me with a gun, you are forcing me to use my guns to fight with you." Armed people?"

"Young man, don't move around. No matter how good your martial arts are, if you put down a gun, if I were you, I would cut off my finger and leave now. Don't force me to get angry." Master Qi is even more fearless, with eight guns pointed at you , I'm afraid of a hair.

Are you pretending to be a master with me?Pretentious?Believe it or not, I will beat you up for a while?

"Don't cut it, I'll count to three." Ah Hu didn't want to hit Jiang Shen for a long time, and the muzzle of the gun was less than one meter away from Jiang Shen's head, and the two stood facing each other.

As long as Jiang Shen moved, he would shoot first.

Jiang Shen looked up, Nimei's gun is equipped with a silencer, is it very professional?

But those shotguns are also very loud.

"I'll count to three, you'd better put down your guns." At this moment, someone shouted from the side.

Swipe, a dozen headlights shone in.

More than 100 meters away, I don't know when more than a dozen cars came.

These cars drove to the vicinity quietly, and suddenly turned on the headlights to illuminate the scene brightly.

Then Master Qi noticed a lot of people around him.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, seventy.

At least a hundred people appeared around the flower beds and surrounded them.

A Bentley stretched black car slowly drove in.

The next moment, Zhou Ten billion appeared with a cigar in his mouth.

"Master Qi, don't mess around, the police will be here soon."

The people brought by Zhou Ten billion did not have guns, but more than 100 of them were all strong and strong men. Even with bare hands, they were very scary.

"Zhou Ten Billion" Master Qi gasped when he saw Zhou Ten Billion.

Hongmen is powerful, but they are not bad. The richest man in Shanghai, a man of influence, in terms of wealth is three times that of all Hongmen's properties in Shanghai combined.

On the government's side, he far surpassed him, Lord Qi.

Usually, the two are afraid that the other party is a club, and the other is afraid that the other party is rich, so they don't invade each other and have no relationship.

I didn't expect Zhou Ten billion to appear.

As a general rule, no matter how good the underworld is, they don't want to mess with the rich.The rich people here do not refer to ordinary rich men, but super rich people like Zhou Ten billion.

When Lao Zhang was daring in Xiangmen, he robbed Li Chaoren's son, which was something that all the underworld in Xiangmen dared not do. At first, it boosted the morale of the underworld in Xiangmen, and many big figures in the society secretly admired his courage.

But admiration is admiration, after all no one dares to learn from him.

Sure enough, Comrade Xiao Zhang was shot dead.

He was very awesome at the time, Xiangmen didn't have the death penalty, I was afraid of shit, so I robbed him, and he asked for 10.38 billion, which was so cool.

As a result, he was shot dead immediately after being caught.

Therefore, the super rich are not easy to mess with.

If what Lao Zhang moved was an ordinary billionaire, if he wanted tens of millions of Huahua, he would be fine.

Money to a certain extent, not the underworld, more terrible than the underworld.

"Boss Zhou, this Mr. Jiang, is your friend?" Master Qi's expression changed when he saw Zhou Ten billion. He waved his hand, and Tiger and the others quickly put away their guns.

Not to mention that Zhou Ten billion just said that the police were coming, the 100 or so people in front of them were not something they could deal with.

"Mr. Jiang is my boss, Mr. Qi, and I will call you Mr. Qi too. There is no big grudge, just let it go for a small matter." Zhou Baiyi sneered in his heart, if it wasn't for Brother Gentleman who wanted to make big things smaller, your whole family would have bought coffins .

But as he said, today's matter didn't make a big deal, and there was no need to make it a big deal, Jiang Shen wanted to make it a big deal.

When Master Qi heard that Jiang Shen was his boss, he was startled.

However, he would not believe it. Jiang Shen is so young, how could he be the boss of Zhou Ten billion? Zhou Ten billion said so, it may be that Jiang Shen is the son of a certain high-level domestic and Zhou Ten billion's backer, so Zhou Ten billion covered him.

Thinking that Jiang Shen might be the second generation of officials, Master Qi also had a headache.

The underworld is afraid of the super rich on the one hand, and the second generation of super officials on the other.

The second-generation super official here, Yu Shijun, a provincial and ministerial-level female son, can't be counted, at least if it is a second-generation red in the capital, there are big figures like the Bureau Committee and Bureau Chang in his family.

According to Zhou Ten billion's words, Master Qi deduced that Jiang Shen might also be the second generation of red.

These two people are not easy to offend.

As the world's largest gang, Master Qi is really depressed.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the two sides have no major enmity, it is a bloody enmity, and Hongmen dares to do anything.

"How about it, Lord Qi, give me face, how about peace as the most important thing?" Zhou Baiyi came here under orders, and today's affairs must be done beautifully, especially since he knows Jiang Shen's power, Lord Qi, I am saving you, you will thank me in the future.

"Okay, Boss Zhou, you're a man of Shanghai, I'll give you some face, but you can't break Qiuzi's fingers for nothing—"

Master Qi didn't finish his sentence, Zhou Ten billion said: "If you get it to the hospital now, maybe you can still pick it up. I will pay another 100 million for medical expenses."

What he said was a bit sincere. Zhou Ten billion said it nicely, but he was even more depressed in his heart. Others are spending money to eliminate disasters, but I am spending money to help others eliminate disasters. Brother Shen is really kind-hearted.

According to Zhou Ten billion's temper, it's best for Jiang Shen to teach Master Qi a lesson and get a few hundred million to come over for Huahua. I really didn't expect Jiang Shen to be so talkative.

It wasn't like that when you bullied me.Zhou Ten billion was very depressed.

"Fresh." Master Qi's original intention was to extort a little money, it's not that he lacks the money, he's also worth billions, he can't lose face like this.

Hongmen can't lose this face, now that Zhou Ten billion has given him 100 million, it is considered to be giving him this face.

"Mr. Jiang, we don't know each other if we don't fight, how about asking Boss Zhou to make an appointment to have a meal together some other day." Master Qi still admired Jiang Shen very much, and pointed eight guns at him without changing his face.

"Master Qi, you are welcome. I have always respected the seniors of the Hongmen, and I have the opportunity to have a meal together." Jiang Shen smiled, nodded at Zhou Tenyi, turned around and left with Zhang Fan.

"Dad, let's forget it?" Seeing Jiang Shen and Zhang Fan and Zhou Baiyi leaving, Young Master Qi still refused to accept.

Ball lost a finger because of me.

"Then what else do you want? You molested women first, and Zhou Ten billion came out later. It's not like you don't know Zhou Ten billion, the richest man in Shanghai, he always has to give him some face."

After a pause: "There is no deep hatred, forget it." Master Qi shook his head and sighed.

This son is good at everything, except for two things, one is lustful and the other is good at wine.

At the bar just now, I guess if I had too much wine, I would be daring and want to fuck a woman.

With your status and status, what kind of woman is there in Shanghai?Isn't it fun to hang out at a bar?

Hate iron but not steel.

Young Master Qi didn't speak, and lowered his head, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Since the old man won't help me, then I will find another way. Among the Hongmen, there are many masters.

Young Master Qi turned around: "Then Dad, I'll take Qiuzi to the hospital."

"Well, don't cause trouble anymore." Master Qi warned again.

"Understood." Young Master Qi took Brother Qiu into the car.

"Young Master Qi, I'm sorry to implicate you." Brother Qiu is a man, and he still resisted fainting, his body was covered in blood.

"I got you in trouble, right? This revenge must be avenged."

"Young Master Qi, master Qi just decides." Brother Qiu was shocked, but he still liked it a little in his heart. It's not in vain for me to break a finger for you.

"You are my brother, if I don't take revenge, am I still human?" Qi Shao said gloomily, "When will Mr. Luo from flb Hongmen arrive?"

"The plane arrives at 08:30 tomorrow night."

"Jiang Shen Jiang Shen, what the hell, we don't want to mess with him, let Mr. Luo kill him."

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