Club NO.16 is said to be open all night, and there is basically no business until [-] o'clock in the evening. At this time, all customers staying in the clubhouse are covered by night service.

That's why Brother Sixteen was hacked by Guan Ruohua for a long time just now before the security guard chased him out, and the security guard almost fell asleep.

It was different when Jiang Shen arrived.

All the security guards were called.

Brother Sixteen has transferred all the people who can be transferred.

More than 100 people were hiding in various parts of the club, waiting for Jiang Shen to surrender himself.

Jiang Shen stood in the distance, swept away his spiritual sense, it's true, it's true.

The second-hand Guan Ruohua was forced to lie on a bed, her whole body was tightly bound, and four or five men in the room looked at her, each with a machete in their hands.

Brother Sixteen had a shotgun in his hand and was sitting on the sofa next to him.

"How many minutes?"

"8 minutes."

"I said, he won't come, just let me go, I promise I will never come to Shanghai again." Guan Ruohua said pitifully to Xixi.

"Well, if he wants it, I'll send you on your way." Brother Sixteen was very angry, and he still doesn't know why he was chopped off. Why did your boss, Jiang Shen, come over and tell me, why did you kill me?It's really inexplicable.

Jiang Shen was also very depressed when he saw it mentally. If he wants to pass, Guan Ruohua must see him, and I will lose the bet.

I, Jiang Shen, have never lost a bet or a real bet with anyone. Is it going to lose to Guan Ruohua?

If he loses to Guan Ruohua, he will accept her as an apprentice, but these bastards are not good at learning Chinese martial arts.

But if you don't go, Guan Ruohua is really in danger.

In fact, as long as there is enough time, Jiang Shen has many ways to ask Guan Ruohua, he can ask Zhou Ten billion to come, or ask Master Qi to come forward, but now there is no time, so he can only do it himself.

Hey, yes, Jiang Shen thought of a way to save Guan Ruohua without seeing her.

Just like the last time he used the hands of Aoi Laura to kill someone, he can put his mind on others to help him save them.

But there is no one around now, so I have to find one by one.

Whoosh, Jiang Shen went forward, approaching the NO.16 clubhouse, ready to put his mind outside to find, and borrow someone else's body for use.

But at this moment, someone in the clubhouse spoke.

"Brother Sixteen, it's nine and a half minutes, and there's no movement outside, so I won't be coming."

"Fuck, I don't care about such a delicate little beauty, cut off one of her hands, and then call Jiang Shen."

Brother Sixteen was also decisive. Although Guan Ruohua was pretty, he was determined to lure Jiang Shen out, so he had no choice but to come here.

"Chop off your hands?" The men hesitated a little.

It's not that he didn't dare, it's that Guan Ruohua is really beautiful, and he is a bit reluctant.

"Damn, you haven't seen a beautiful woman, have you?" Another subordinate, furious, came over with a knife in hand: "I'll do it."

He drank too much just now and was knocked over by Guan Ruohua with a stick. Now he is still ashamed and angry, thinking it was a great shame.

Now Brother Sixteen spoke, he picked up the knife and rushed over.

"Fuck, Jiang Shen, you bastard, if you don't come here, I'm going to die---" Guan Ruohua was really scared, and hissed in fright.

Jiang Shen's divine sense has been locked on this side. In order to speed up, the first divine sense released is almost flying here.

It's just still in the process of selecting people, let's see whose body the divine sense can use.

When he saw the man raising his knife and walking to Guan Ruohua's side, he was also startled.

The saber hand pressed Guan Ruohua on the bed at this time, Guan Ruohua kicked his legs wildly, but another big man held his feet down too.

"Brother Sixteen, left hand or right hand."


"Then I'll chop it off." Swipe, raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, chopping it down without mercy.

"Ah---" Guan Ruohua closed his eyes and screamed.

In desperation, Jiang Shen couldn't care less.

Whoosh, he moved his footsteps, one step counted miles, faster than the flying of divine thoughts, whoosh, his whole figure appeared in Guan Ruohua's room like a stream of light in less than a second.

"Dang" the knife was cut down, and there was a sound of "Dang".

The knife hand stared at it, and the machete had already reached another person's hand.

This knife cut directly on Jiang Shen's palm.

Jiang Shen took advantage of the situation and grabbed the long knife.

"I'm stupid." The swordsman came back to his senses, half scared to death.

"Here we come." There was a moment of chaos in the room, and everyone panicked because Jiang Shen came so suddenly.

It just appeared like a ghost.

"Damn it." Brother Sixteen was even more out of his wits, without even thinking about it, he raised his gun.

Bang, the muzzle of the shotgun was filled with smoke, and he fired a shot at Jiang Shen.

This is no ordinary rifle, this is a shotgun, full of iron sand, this shot he shot Jiang Shen, Guan Ruohua and his little brother all in.

He was so scared that he forgot that someone was there.

Plop, thump, thud, thump, thud, and countless furniture and walls were pulverized by iron sand.

After the smoke screen, everyone took a closer look, and Jiang Shen was still standing there with a smile on his face.

Guan Ruohua curled up on the bed, his face full of joy.

"I saw it, I saw it, hahaha, Brother Shen, you lost, you lost."

Her hand was almost chopped off a moment ago, but she was laughing happily at this moment.

She smiled like a child, at this moment, Jiang Shen didn't feel that she was a little bit, but he felt that he was a little bit.

"Cut him." Brother Sixteen gave an order in surprise and fear, before turning around and running away.

"Come on." Several subordinates also gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Bang, bang, bang, Jiang Shen kicked it out and flew a large piece. When Brother Sixteen escaped from the gate, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his men seemed to have flown out.

Is it mine, is it a ghost or a human?

After he ran out in shock, he found that Jiang Shen hadn't chased him out. After a while, a younger brother ran out from inside.

"Brother Sixteen, Brother Sixteen, they're leaving."

"What? They're all gone? That Jiang Shen's is gone too?"

"All gone, I watched them jump out of the window."

"I don't care." Brother Sixteen knew that there were anti-theft bars on the windows. Jiang Shen opened the anti-theft bars, and then jumped down from the sixth floor with Guan Ruohua.

Ni, what day is it today, I bumped into a ghost?

"Brother Sixteen, do you want to call the police?" a subordinate asked cautiously.

"Report to your sister." Brother Sixteen was furious, and I shot him in the room. You called the police to make trouble for me.

From then on, Brother Sixteen was worried every day, for fear that Jiang Shen would come and trouble him, but he never saw Jiang Shen again.

Of course Jiang Shen would not trouble him.

This matter was brought up by Guan Ruohua, and he didn't mess with Brother Sixteen, so he took Guan Ruohua and left directly.

"Hahaha, Brother Shen, you lost, you lost, Brother Shen---Master, Master---"

The two left the NO.16 club, along the way, Guan Ruohua laughed non-stop, like a little girl who got her favorite toy.

"Shut up, that's enough, I know I lost, so stop talking." Jiang Shen was furious.

I was impulsive just now, but it's okay for her to have her hand chopped off, I'll just use my immortal energy to make it up for her later.

However, it is better to lose the bet than to lose the immortal energy.

It's just that I, Jiang Shen, have always been invincible, but I lost face today, it's too embarrassing.

Jiang Shen was very depressed and sulked with his head down.

"Master, master, don't be angry." Guan Ruohua walked beside Jiang Shen and bumped Jiang Shen with his shoulder, just like a couple.

"Stay away from me." Jiang Shen said angrily: "Respect the teacher, you know, don't fool Erlang." Guan Ruohua called him a master, but he didn't think of him as a master at all.

"Then you admit that I am your apprentice? Thank you, Master." Guan Ruohua was overjoyed, and hurriedly took two steps back, maintaining a respectful appearance, but the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be hidden. No matter how you look at it, she None of them regarded Jiang Shen as their master.

That's right, she regarded Jiang Shen as her man.

Didn't Yang Guo start playing Little Dragon Girl as a master and apprentice? Hahaha, I finally took my first step.

Guan Ruohua was very happy.

"That master, besides that senior sister, am I the second child?" Guan Ruohua remembered Jiang Shen's other beautiful female apprentice, Xue Xiaoyin.

You are a bit of a second, but not the second, Jiang Shen gave her a white look: "You are the fourth, and there are two senior sisters in front of you."

"What? There are two senior sisters." Guan Ruohua wanted to jump up.

"Of course, there are also two Japanese twins, beautiful women, so beautiful that they look exactly the same." Jiang Shen triumphantly hit Guan Ruohua.

"Ah, that's my junior sister?" Guan Ruohua objected.

"Getting started first, you are a junior sister." Jiang Shen snorted coldly.

"What's the use, I don't know anything, women, it's better to be familiar with it." Guan Ruohua proudly raised her breasts.

"---" What did you say, did the apprentice say it to the master?Jiang Shen had black lines on his face.

"Master, what sect are we called? Do you want to hold a grand apprenticeship ceremony? Don't you have any cheats to pass on to me?"

"Do we need to double cultivate the martial arts of our sect?"

"Do you know the Jade Heart Sutra?"

"------" Jiang Shen covered his face: "Can you take a break, I want to sleep."

She was about to be defeated by the second-rate Guan Ruohua.

"Then let's open a room here." Guan Ruohua was not polite, they walked all the way, and they happened to come to the edge of a hotel at this time.

"I'm going back to my own hotel to sleep. You find a place to sleep by yourself. I'm on business these two days. I'll talk about it after I get back to Dongning."

"But, I'm an apprentice, and I want to take care of you. Besides, I don't have anything with me, neither ID card nor money." Guan Ruohua came prepared.

Master Pao, of course you have to be ready.

"---" Grass, Jiang Shen covered his head and thought for a while.

At 03:30 in the evening, Jiang Shen took Guan Ruohua back to his hotel Jinmao.

The room he lived in was the presidential suite, which was very large.

"You sleep in this room, I sleep in this room, remember, don't come here if you have nothing to do." Jiang Shen faced Guan Ruohua seriously.

"Understood." Guan Ruohua nodded, and then added: "Master, if you need anything, you can call me anytime."

"Fuck me." Jiang Shen hid his face and fled back to his room.

Hooligans are not scary, but they are female. Jiang Shen has been completely defeated by Guan Ruohua now.

"Hehehe." Guan Ruohua watched Jiang Shen leave in embarrassment, with a sinister smile on his face.

Xiao Mian, who pretended to be a master at the age of ten, didn't she run away when she met me, and sooner or later, she would be eaten by me.

Guan Ruohua licked his tongue and went back to his room.

She is a smart person, she just lived with Jiang Shen today, so she must keep a low profile, so as not to frighten Jiang Shen.

Is it going to be long in the future, Master Master, I am not in a hurry.

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