April [-]st, April Fool's Day.

The exchange meeting in the free trade zone is in full swing. More than 100 domestic and foreign companies are visiting the free trade zone. Yu Shijun and the others have been in Shanghai for a few days, and there is no achievement yet.

But tonight, there is an opportunity. Sola of Citibank and Mr. George, the general manager of Huaguo District of another European company, have a banquet for Yu Shijun and Jiang Shen.

"Let's go, are you ready?" Yu Shijun brought Ge Danni and Song Linghua to knock on Jiang Shen's door.

Jiang Shen opened the door and took a look. The three girls were prettier than the other, and they were all well-groomed today.

Yu Shijun is dressed very beautifully today, wearing purple fur, which sets her off extremely noble, she looks like a beautiful noble princess, no one would have guessed that just last night, she was crazily baring her snow-white thighs in the bar with Strange men dance close to body.

Moreover, Jiang Shen found that she was very thick-skinned and good at acting, without any sense of shyness at all. When seeing him, Yu Shijun still used the same eyes as before, as if he had never seen Jiang Shen save her yesterday.

Really pretending, Jiang Shen deliberately stared at Yu Shijun.

Yu Shijun remained calm, firmly believing that Jiang Shen did not recognize him last night. "What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly feel a little familiar." Jiang Shen rubbed his head, as if he was recalling something.

Yu Shijun's heart moved, but she didn't panic. Her makeup today was completely different from yesterday's. If it wasn't for Jiang Shen's spiritual sense, even Yu Shijun's father would not have been able to recognize her in the scene last night.

"Do you always say that when you see beautiful women?" Yu Shijun smiled lightly, her makeup was very light today, but her natural beauty became more and more apparent. With a shallow smile, Jiang Shen's eyes brightened as well.

"Wait for me to get off, I'll change clothes." Jiang Shen restrained his mind, turned his head and left, he didn't want the three women to come in, the door was not fully opened, so he took a few steps back to get the clothes.

On the contrary, Yu Shijun was very rude and directly pushed open Jiang Shen's door.

"You live in the presidential suite, I haven't seen it yet." Yu Shijun was very angry at this.

Zhang Fan originally booked the presidential suite, but when he arrived here, he was asked by Jiang Shen to return, and Yu Shijun and his three daughters were allowed to live in the standard room. They were so angry that they were half dead.

As soon as the three women rushed in, Ge Danni had the sharpest eyes and saw a pair of women's shoes at the door.

When she was in Japan, she discovered that there were Japanese women in the Jiang Shen Hotel, and she was playing with master and servant. She was ashamed and annoyed: "This pervert, he always recruits prostitutes wherever he goes? In his eyes, so many beauties in our bureau Damn? Do you want to hire prostitutes? However, this perverted request is too perverted, he is a prostitute and a master and servant, and only prostitutes will listen to him."

If Jiang Shen knew that so many things were going through in her little head in an instant, he would definitely faint with a mouthful of blood.

When Ge Danni saw the shoes, she bumped Yu Shijun with her shoulder, and then looked at the ground.

Yu Shijun followed Ge Danni's gaze, woman?This bastard really has a woman in the room?

She turned around and was about to leave, think about it, what am I afraid of, I am his leader, what am I afraid of standing here.

She didn't leave either, and stood in the hall with Ge Danni and Song Linghua.

Just then, Ka, another door opened.

Guan Ruohua, who was wearing a nightgown, came out, eating fruit while walking: "Master, what time are you coming back, do you want to wait for you to sleep?"

"---" The three girls looked at Guan Ruohua inexplicably, their faces turned red.

They saw that there was a woman, but they didn't expect this woman to dare to come out.

Especially Yu Shijun, who was scolded by Guan Ruohua and also met her.

When did she call Master Jiang Shen?No wonder, last time Jiang Shen must have let her scold him on purpose, this Jiang Shen is really insidious.

"Hey, Master, are you a colleague? Hello everyone." Guan Ruohua giggled, jumped on the sofa in the hall, sat cross-legged, and continued to eat fruit.

She was in the bed all the time, and when she heard someone outside, she deliberately came out to show her face.

What he said was even more ambiguous, waiting for Jiang Shen to sleep, which made people think a lot.

"I don't know when I'll be back, you go to bed first." Jiang Shen didn't care, he knew that Guan Ruohua did it on purpose, but to him it didn't matter what others thought.

Ge Danni looked at Guan Ruohua jealously.

For some reason, she was suddenly jealous of Guan Ruohua, probably because of her figure.

Ge Danni is also considered the number one beauty in China Merchants Bureau, and it turned out that Yu Shijun, the number one official beauty in Dongning, was no worse than her, and now she saw Guan Ruohua, who was no worse than her regardless of her figure or appearance.

Am I jealous of her figure, or does she live with Jiang Shen?Ge Danni suddenly thought of this question frighteningly, her face flushed a little.

Jiang Shen quickly changed his clothes. He hardly wears a suit at ordinary times, but today he wore a suit, which was cut very well. Wearing it on his body made all the girls shine.

"Master is so handsome, Master is so handsome--" Guan Ruohua exclaimed like a child.

Idiot, pretending to be tender, Yu Shijun despises Guan Ruohua with his eyes, you look 27 or [-] years old, and you still pretend to be a little girl, is this Jiang Shen a pervert who likes women to pretend to be tender?

No wonder they look down on the mature and stable Ge Danni and the others.

In an instant, Yu Shijun also identified Jiang Shen as a pervert.

Then everyone left the hotel together and went to the place that Sola had agreed upon.

The car was sent by Zhang Fan, a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

Yu Shijun couldn't bear it anymore, and said in the car: "Jiang Ju, you are a national cadre, can you not be so high-profile when you come out to work."

She meant, why do you take women with you to work, and live in a hotel openly, what does it look like.

"This is my apprentice. He learned Chinese martial arts from me. Director Ge knows about it. I have also accepted several apprentices in Japan." Jiang Shen said, "Ju Yu, don't think about it."

Yu Shijun was so angry that he was half dead, I was thinking wildly?That woman was dressed like this, walking around your room with her thighs exposed. If you said she was an apprentice, I wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.

Ge Danni covered her mouth and smiled: "Jiang Ju's apprentices are all beauties." After a pause, she continued: "Whether Jiang Ju will accept me or not, I want to be a teacher."

After saying this, she regretted it. It is said that she has always been relatively stable, so how could she say such a thing.

"Accept, as long as it is a beautiful woman, I will accept it." Jiang Shen knew what she said casually, so he answered casually.

"Heh" Ge Danni laughed dryly, not daring to say any more.

Because she found Yu Shijun's eyes that wanted to kill people.

There was a moment of silence in the car.

Yu Shijun adjusted his mood, and said again: "I will try to mention the opening of our branch in Dongning later. I have reported some preferential conditions to the district and the city yesterday. I will mention them step by step. I need one of you to act as a good face and the other to play a bad face, and then I will coordinate in the middle."

Attracting investment basically involves negotiating with Sola and the others.

"No need, just leave it to me." Jiang Shen knew that 90.00% of Sola and the others would build a branch in Dongning at [-]:[-], unless they gave up their investigation.

"There are no discounts, I promise to negotiate."

"---" Yu Shijun was stunned, how could it be possible, Citibank is an international super group, they don't care about you if there is no discount.

"Do you know how many discounts are given to them in China when they move their headquarters from Xiangmen to Shanghai?" Yu Shijun was a little angry. This time I am the boss, and I am the leader of the team.

"You are extravagant and wasteful." Jiang Shen asked back: "I said that if there is no discount, I can get it done, so I can get it done? Director Yu, do you doubt my ability?"

Ge Danni had witnessed Jiang Shen's magic, and she still believed in Jiang Shen, but she didn't dare to intervene at this time.

Jiang Shen even dared to speak up against the governor's daughter, but she didn't have the guts to be caught in the middle, so she could only look at the two with dissuading eyes.

"You--" Yu Shijun blushed angrily when he heard Jiang Shen say this: "You can't figure it out? In order to fight for this project, I asked my father to do it himself, and Dongning will give them tax-free treatment for three years , when they build a branch, they will allocate a piece of state-owned land and give them 20-year use rights, and in Fu'an Province, their branches will also receive preferential treatment---"

In order to win this battle, Yu Shijun used many contacts, even his father's side.

Citibank also has a branch in Fu'an Province. Yu Shijun's last card is to use his father's relationship to give Citibank a big project in Fu'an Province.

She was eager to make contributions, and she had done a lot of homework before, but now Jiang Shen said that she would not give a discount.

"You are wasting state-owned assets." Jiang Shen sneered: "There are too many people like you in the country. I heard foreign investment, such preferential treatment, such preferential treatment, and raised a group of white-eyed wolves. Why should I give them preferential treatment? They come to invest, no The purpose of doing charity is to make money, they have earned money from us Chinese people, and they will give them a fart discount."

"You—" You are so rude.Yu Shijun gritted his teeth: "I just ask you, what will you do if you mess up?"

"I resign." Jiang Shen said proudly: "I, Jiang Shen, still have things I can't handle? I can't handle Citibank. I will resign on my own initiative and quit the civil service."

The words were serious, and Ge Danni hurriedly said when she heard this: "The current leader, don't be like this, everyone, don't be impulsive."

She didn't like Jiang Shen's ability to do things well, but she had to admit that Jiang Shen was super capable at work, and if he resigned, China Merchants would suffer a lot.

"Okay, it's a deal. I'll see you perform today. There is no discount, right?" What Yu Shijun wanted was Jiang Shen's words.

She was almost raped in the hotel bar, and Jiang Shen happened to see her, and she hoped that Jiang Shen would leave soon, so she wouldn't have to see this person every day, and thus be worried about being discovered by him.

"Fart discount." Jiang Shen swears again, turning Yu Shijun's face away angrily.

Damn, this March, I knew I wouldn't be able to save her in the bar.

Jiang Shen got angry when he saw her expression.

So everyone agreed in the car that Jiang Shen will be in charge of the negotiation in a while. If it fails, Jiang Shen will take the initiative to resign.

After the discussion, Yu Shijun was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Jiang Shen. Everyone was speechless all the way, and soon they arrived at the place where Sola was treating guests.

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