Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 430 Awesome Negotiation

Although Sola works at the M National Flower Bank, he is not a pure M countryman, he is British.

So did George, both of whom were noblemen of England.

Of course, the aristocrat means the British aristocracy many years ago.

There were eight people in total at night.

On Huaguo's side is Jiang Shen with his three daughters, and on the other side is Sola, George, and two other people, one is a senior executive of Citibank, and the other is a senior executive of George's company.

The style of eating food is also the style of heroes and nobles in the last century.

Everyone gathered around a long table, and the host served dishes one by one, all kinds of British delicacies, a bit like a banquet in a British noble family, much more delicious than a hotel.

Foreigners usually don't talk about business when they eat, and Jiang Shen is not in a hurry, but Yu Shijun is a little anxious. During the meal, he reminded Jiang Shen several times with his eyes to talk about business, but Jiang Shen ignored her, and she couldn't help it.

After the meal, everyone sat together and officially began to drink coffee and discuss business.

"Miss Yu, I want to apologize for what you talked to me last time." At the beginning, Sola decided to retreat, and first wanted to fight for the interests of the bank.

"I reported to the domestic headquarters, and all the senior officials believed that the establishment of a branch in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is imperative, and there is no need to open two branches in China at the same time."

"Mr. Sola, we have many advantages in Dongning—" Upon hearing this, Yu Shijun couldn't wait to come up with preferential terms.

"Mr. Sola." Jiang Shen interrupted Yu Shijun loudly, and glared at her.

"I personally think that you should report to the headquarters again. Fuji Bank of Japan plans to enter the Huaguo market for the first time. The purpose of the primary election has been determined in Dongning Province. You are an old banker. You should know that in our country, The number of foreign-funded banks in each province is limited. I will give you three hours to implement this question. If there is no reply within half an hour, we will agree with Fuji Bank. I would rather set up a branch."

Jiang Shen took the lead and gave Sola half an hour.

Let me go, if you negotiate like this, Yu Shijun and Ge Danni almost fainted.

If you use this trick, Citibank will change its mind?What these foreign investors want is discounts, and building a branch there is not building a branch. With Qihua's reputation, any capital city in Huaguo can open up the situation by doing whatever they want. They are really not afraid of threats like you.

Yu Shijun was furious. I didn't expect Jiang Shen to use such a stupid method. Well, I just laughed at your failed negotiation and threatened foreign businessmen for half an hour.

She had already thought of countless excuses, and she was waiting to report Jiang Shen's failure to the leaders when she went back.

"Mr. Jiang, you, aren't you joking with us--" Sola smiled as expected when he heard this, and stood up with a smile: "Do you know how many people from all provinces in your Huaguo have come to us in the past two days? ?”

He stood up to put pressure on Jiang Shen. If you say such things again, I will see off the guests.

Standing up means seeing off guests.

"You still have 29 points." Jiang Shen sat there motionless.

"Ridiculous." Another senior executive of Citibank is the deputy general manager of Huaguo District. Seeing Jiang Shen's calm look, he was furious: "You Huaguo officials have always begged us, Sola, I think today Tonight's show can be over."

As a native of country M, he was used to seeing those Hua country officials talking to him in a low voice with humble eyes and tone.

But Jiang Shen's performance today has completely wiped out the pride of his countryman.

"There are still 28 points." Jiang Shen lay on the sofa with a confident face.

It seems that the deputy general manager doesn't know Sola's purpose, maybe he doesn't even know that Sola is a vampire, but there is no way, he believes Sola won't give up so easily.

"Miss Yu, who has the final say in the eastern part of your city?" Suo La sensed Jiang Shen's confidence and turned to Yu Shijun.

Yu Shijun really wanted to get angry, but today it's not about getting angry, it's about finding an opportunity to defeat Jiang Shen.

Even if the project fails today, Jiang Shen must be done first.

Yu Shijun gritted his teeth: "Today Jiang Ju has the final say."

After going back, it's hard to say whether he is in the Jiang game or not.

"Mr. Jiang," So La had no choice but to turn to Jiang Shen, "If that's the case, then we have nothing to talk about."

So La still didn't believe Jiang Shen's words.

It's over, when Yu Shijun, Ge Danni and others heard it, it's over, Jiang Shen was too confident, angered the people of country M, and it was completely over.

"Then goodbye." Jiang Shen didn't say much, stood up with a swipe, and walked out directly.

"Mr. Sola, wait a minute, we actually have a lot of discounts in the east of the city." Yu Shijun wanted to continue.

"Yu Shijun." Jiang Shen said angrily, "I'm the one who has the final say today." Then he pointed at Yu Shijun with extremely fierce eyes.

Seeing that Jiang Shen seemed about to get angry, Yu Shijun stomped his feet fiercely: "Let's go."

Turn around and leave with Ge Danni and Song Linghua.

Okay, today you have the final say, I'll see how you explain it.

Everyone walked back all the way, just as they reached the door, Sola yelled from behind: "Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang wait a moment."

Sola said just now that he had nothing to talk about, that he was afraid that Jiang Shen would be the first to capture him, and deliberately pretended to be confident. Now it seems that this is true.

Jiang Shen can give up, but he can't. His mission in Shanghai this time is to build Cihua Bank in Dongning.

"Mr. Jiang, give me some time to understand, maybe we will change our minds." The deputy general manager was very surprised by Sola's change.

"No, Sola, I won't beg Huaguo people, this is completely contrary to our bank's philosophy."

"Meg, I have the final say here. If you have any questions, you can report to the headquarters." Sola ignored him, picked up the phone, walked to the inner room, and called the headquarters of Country M.

He put on a show, partly to ascertain whether Fuji Bank of Japan had any real intention to invest in Huaguo, and partly to reflect Jiang Shen's attitude to his superiors.

After a while, Sora came out again.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, after consideration, the senior management of our group decided to conduct an on-site inspection in Dongning." Suo La gave in to Jiang Shen.

No, Yu Shijun and Ge Danni were completely stunned.

The transition was too fast.

But what was even more shocking was still behind, Jiang Shen walked back carelessly and sat down on the sofa.

"Investigation? There's no rush, the conditions haven't been negotiated yet." Jiang Shen grinned.

"What other conditions?" Sora asked incredulously.

Yu Shijun also looked at Jiang Shen with eyes like an idiot.

They agreed to come to invest and investigate, and you still negotiate terms?

Only investors and the government have ever negotiated terms. When is it your turn to negotiate terms with them.

"We are all good friends. I can make an exception and remind you that in order to invest in our Dongning, Fuji Bank decided to donate office appliances worth 1000 million US dollars to our Chengdong District, and donated two sets of 50 million to China Merchants. left and right office cars, and donated to three Hope Primary Schools in our east district.”

"---" Sora was dumbfounded

Yu Shijun almost fainted.

Ge Danni seemed to see a ghost.

Please just talk like that, okay, this kind of words can also be said in the mouth.

It sounds like Fuji Bank is crying and kneeling to invest in Dongning.

"No, no my God." Meg shook her head angrily, lunatic, this is simply lunatic, Sola, if you agree to the conditions of this Huaguo official, it will be a shame in the history of our Citibank.

Only others have ever begged us for Citibank, when is it our turn to blackmail us.

What is the difference between this Chinese and blackmail?

Sora stayed there as expected.

"Time is precious, Mr. Sola, Fuji Bank is still waiting for my answer, you still have 8 minutes." Jiang Shen looked up at a big clock in the office.

This Jiang Shen is really not simple. It seems that we must build a branch with them. Sola smiled bitterly: "Okay, Mr. Jiang, let's go straight and donate 5000 million US dollars to your bureau."

Hiss, Yu Shijun and the three daughters gasped.

This is a donation, which is equivalent to a gift.

A foreign company donated 5000 million US dollars to a science and technology bureau, which has almost never happened since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

When a disaster occurred in some parts of the country, the government of country m once donated more than 5000 million U.S. dollars, but that was between countries.

Now a company donates 5000 million to a science and technology bureau, which is too much face.

And this is something that has never happened before in attracting investment.

If the news gets out, the entire province of Dongning will be shocked, and even the whole country will be shocked.

"This is not acceptable, our China Merchants Bureau can't afford it." Jiang Shen didn't dare to accept it. Isn't this a way to provoke hatred and make the district government and the provincial government so jealous that he vomits blood? Even if he accepts it, the money probably won't reach China Merchants Bureau.

"How about this, I have chosen the location of your branch for you. The road there is not very good. You invest [-] million US dollars to repair that road."

To attract foreign capital to build roads?Yu Shijun couldn't laugh or cry.

Everything Jiang Shen did was unexpected.

"Where are we going to build it?" Sola was very depressed, the location has been chosen for us, you should let me go to the site to inspect it anyway.

"Which place do you care about? The place I choose can be bad? You just say it's okay? Can't you spend [-] million dollars?"

You are so bullying, we invest in building a branch, and don't even let us see the place?

Sora was about to vomit blood.

However, there is really no way. The relevant departments of country m and the dark alliance have repeatedly asked Jiang Shen to be very important. They must find some ways to obtain some information about Jiang Shen, preferably some things on him, for research.

"Okay, [-] million is [-] million, what's the problem?"

So La gritted her teeth and agreed, Yu Shijun and Ge Danni were completely dumbfounded.

Especially Ge Danni and Song Linghua, after so many years of attracting investment, this was the first time they saw Jiang Shen negotiating like this.

It was completely no different from robbery, but Sola was still willing to be robbed by him.

If every foreign capital comes here and talks like this, Chengdong District will be rich and dead in a year.

In fact, as long as we negotiate with foreign companies, we basically have to sacrifice various interests in order to get the approval of foreign companies.

Losing to him again, at this moment, Yu Shijun's heart was cold and extremely disappointed.

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