But it's not over yet.

George grinned: "Mr. Jiang, let me introduce myself. I am the general manager of the Chinese branch of the British Grosvenor real estate company."

"Oh, Grosvenor? It turns out to be the most successful real estate company in Britain." Jiang Shen's eyes lit up.

This grosvenor company is the most famous and largest real estate company in the UK. It is called Grosvenor in Chinese. The chairman is the Duke of West.

Ten of the dukes in the United Kingdom belong to the royal family, and another ten are handed down from other noble families.

The Duke of West is the most famous and richest Duke outside of the royal family. It is said that the family has nearly a thousand years of noble blood and is well-known in the upper class of Europe.

"Hello, Mr. George, welcome to Huaguo." Jiang Shen shook his hand politely.

"Mr. Jiang doesn't welcome me to Dongning?" George looked at Sola: "That's right. After consideration, our group plans to invest in Dongning. Can Mr. Jiang sit down for a while?"

George plans to talk to Jiang Shen about investment again.

Oh my god, Yu Shijun and the girls were stunned watching from the sidelines. If Yu Shijun hadn't contacted these two, she would have thought that Jiang Shen had hired someone to scare them.

It's so unreasonable, everyone rushed to invest in Dongning?

And it was obvious that they were all looking at Jiang Shen's face.

Especially this George, who seems to be a pervert, has never seen the three beauties from the beginning to the end, and has been staring at Jiang Shen.

As a beauty, Yu Shijun felt a deep shame.

"Investment, of course, sit, sit." Jiang Shen was about to leave, but when he heard that George wanted to invest, he laughed immediately.

Everyone sat down again and continued the discussion.

It turned out that George planned to engage in real estate in Dongning, which was also their strength in the UK.

However, foreign investment in real estate in China still has serious disadvantages, and the relevant policies are also very complicated, so they want to find a domestic company to cooperate with.

"That's no problem. My girlfriend's Yongtai Group has the largest real estate development company in Dongning Province. Mr. George believes in me and can cooperate with them."

Jiang Shen was also polite, and directly recommended Xu Li's company to cooperate with them.

The corner of Yu Shijun's eyes twitched, you can really tell, recommend your own company.

"We can't ask for it, we can't ask for it. Of course we want to cooperate with the best real estate company in Dongning. Mr. Jiang, we hope to visit Dongning in a few days and discuss cooperation matters."

"I'll give you a call. You go to Dongning and find her directly."

Jiang Shen called Xu Li to George.

The two sides discussed the details for a while, and then Jiang Shen took the three girls and left.

At this time, the three beauties including Yu Shijun were honest and silent.

Today, Yu Shijun's momentum was completely suppressed by Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen talked about two projects in one breath, and all of them were asked by others.

Yu Shijun is a smart person and knows where he should be now.

Jiang Shen, just let you be more awesome, I don't believe it, you have been so lucky?

Yu Shijun always thought that the only thing Jiang Shen was better than himself was luck.

But when a person's luck runs out, I don't believe it, my majestic governor's daughter, no matter the time, place and people are right, that's not on top of you.

Yu Shijun was very dissatisfied, and kept a gloomy face all the way without making a sound.

She didn't speak, and Ge Danni and Song Linghua didn't dare to speak.

On the other hand, Jiang Shen kept making phone calls one after another on the way back.

Arranging the affairs of the Citibank branch for a while, and arranging the cooperation of Grosvenor for a while, he was full of vigor and triumph, and Yu Shijun was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

This trip to Shanghai was the first time for her to lead a team, and it was also the first time for her to come out to work. It was the time for her to be proud and show her ability, but now she is fine, and she has completely become Jiang Shen's foil.

No, I must try to work on a few projects tomorrow, otherwise, I will lose all face when I return to Dongning.

Just as Yu Shijun secretly vowed to fight Jiang Shen with all his strength, another enemy of Jiang Shen was also there outside Shanghai Airport.

Young Master Qi stood outside with a full face of anticipation, with Ball Boy standing beside him, and six big men in black lined up behind him, looking very imposing.

They are waiting.

A big man from the Hongmen, the vice president of the FLB Hongmen Association, Mr. Luo Bushen.

The origin of flb Hongmen can be traced back to the late Ming and early Qing.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Taiwan was recovered, and the Hongmen (Tiandihui) was suppressed by the Qing government. The Hongmen disciples fled in all directions, and some of them fled to Southeast Asian countries.

One of them was Wei Jianhong, a disciple of Chen Yonghua, the head of the Tiandihui at that time, nicknamed 'Sword Qi Ruhong' and fled to flb with a dozen of his subordinates. (It was called Sulu at the time).

Since then, it has been developing locally. In the 90s of the last century, when the world held a Hongmen kinship meeting, the Hongmen of flb joined the World Hongmen Association, and finally returned to their hometown.

"Young Master Qi, I heard that this Mr. Luo Bushen is a master of Chinese martial arts. He claims to be invincible in Southeast Asia. Is it martial arts?" Qiu Zai asked Qi Shao cautiously.

His finger was still broken, and it was not connected when he was sent to the hospital that day, and now a finger is missing on his left hand, and every time he saw this finger, he would be cruel to Jiang Shen.

"Martial arts?" Qi Shao shook his head: "Martial arts are just a show, but Chinese martial arts are real skills. To me, Jiang Shen seems to have practiced Chinese martial arts."

"I heard from my dad that Chinese martial arts only kills the enemy and does not perform. This Luobu God is the No. 1 martial arts in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, one person singled out five Muay Thai masters and knocked them down in three seconds. 'Luo Shenxian'."

"Immortal." Qiu Zai's heart was agitated when he heard this: "Young Master Qi, how can we let him trouble Jiang Shen?" The old man said that he had reconciled with him and invited him to dinner, what should we do?

"Don't worry." Qi Shao said with confidence: "People who learn Chinese martial arts are happy to see Lie Xin, and when they meet masters, they must compete with each other. My father is planning to invite him to have dinner with Jiang Shen, heh--" Qi Don't sneer anymore.

They were talking, and finally someone from the airport came out.

Dozens of people came out together, but everyone still saw a middle-aged man with a quick swipe.

This middle-aged man is not tall, only about 1.7 meters. He looks like he is in his early 40s, and his appearance is nothing special, but every step he moves, every step is startling. Watching him walk is like watching a fairy walk, with momentum like a rainbow, full of energy.

There is an idiom called "dragon walking and tiger walking", which refers to a person's mighty demeanor and extraordinary bearing, which refers to the momentum of Luo Bushen.

This kind of person, even if he walks among thousands of troops, he can be seen at a glance.

What a master, Qiuzi actually doesn't understand anything, but he can see that Luo Bushen is different.

"Uncle Luo." Qi Shao took the first step and greeted him respectfully.This uncle is even more affectionate.

Luo Bushen's eyebrows changed, and he laughed: "You are Xiaochao? In a blink of an eye, you are so big, hahaha."

He met Young Master Qi more than ten years ago, when Young Master Qi was still wearing open pants.

"Uncle Luo still remembers me." Qi Shao pretended to be overjoyed, his face full of fawning expressions.

"You were only six years old back then, and you already knew how to stand on horseback with me." Luo Bushen's memory was good, but Qi Shaoquan forgot.

How many people can remember when a person is six years old.

"Huh" Luo Bushen followed them into the car, glanced over and saw Qiuzi's hand.

The hands are still wrapped in gauze.

"Have your fingers been chopped off?" Luo Bushen said in surprise, "Brother Qi is still so fierce now, and Shanghai is still so chaotic?"

Hongmen are now switching to business, and very few people are single-minded about playing gangsters, especially Hongmen in the mainland, where many places almost don't play gangsters anymore.

So Luo Bushen was slightly surprised when he saw Qiuzi's finger being chopped off, and thought that Master Qi was fighting for territory with others again, and his subordinates started fighting.

"No, yesterday came from another place. He was very good at hitting. He hit a dozen of us by himself. My dad said that we were at fault first, so Qiu Zi cut off my hands for me." Qi Shao didn't hide it. Talk about it.

"It's all my fault. I was drinking too much at the time. Seeing that beautiful woman couldn't keep her mind, it hurt the ball boy." Qi Shao beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Tch, what a big deal, Big Brother Qi still behaves like this." Luo Bu looked disdainful, a hero in the world, who doesn't love sex, and the woman is playing in the bar, and there are several good women.

If you get on, you get on. In our flb, yn and other Southeast Asian countries, I don’t know how many women are turned off every year.

"If you want to learn martial arts, you can't play with women, and if you don't learn martial arts, why is your father so strict and cut off the hands of his own people, hey, Lao Qi, Lao Qi, how many quack brothers are there in this day and age."

Luo Bushen shook his head and sighed, Master Qi is good to be disciplined, but in this day and age, who else is as disciplined as Master Qi.

If it were Luo Bushen, even though he was also a member of the Hongmen, he would definitely not do this.

People, who are not selfish.

"Tomorrow night, Master Hong will invite that person to dinner, so he arranges for Uncle Luo at noon tomorrow." Qi Shao deliberately said: "What does Uncle Luo want to eat, Xiaochao can arrange it."

"Tomorrow night?" Luo Bushen raised his eyebrows when he heard that, "No, I want to eat with that person tomorrow night too."


"What's this, I'll talk to your dad." Luo Bushen looked at Qiuzi's hand: "We Hongmen people can't be cut off for nothing."

"This is not good." Qi Shao pretended to say something, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

In fact, Luo Bushen came this time for another matter.

Luo Bushen, whose name is Huaguo, but was born and raised in FLB since he was a child, and his nationality is FLB.

A few days ago, the flb police station was bombed, and flb shocked the whole country. After investigation, it was determined that the ammunition depot of the police station exploded.

However, this was announced to the outside world, and they came to another conclusion internally, and they were bombed.

Luo Bushen's identity, in addition to being a member of the Hongmen, is also a master of the FLB National Security Bureau.

He came this time to investigate the explosion.

FLB is located in Southeast Asia. Due to historical reasons, there are only one or two countries that have turned against him.

Among them, China is the first to bear the brunt.

They all agree that the bombing was carried out by Chinese people.

However, there is no evidence and no nonsense.

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