Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 432 Loyalty is Difficult 2 All

At this time, someone took a video of Jiang Shen and Zhou Ten billion.

The video on the website is not very clear, but the National Security Bureau of flb found the person who took the video, processed the video, and after zooming in on the characters, it can be seen that they are people of Chinese descent.

It's a pity that the photo of the back was taken at that time, so I didn't see the face, but at this time, Little Japan appeared again.

Little Japan has always been worried about Huaguo. In the dispute between flb and Huaguo, he has always supported flb. After seeing the video on the Internet, he said: "Well, show us the video, that back is very familiar."

Of course, flb and Little Japan have been working together in the past few years.

"How about it, do you see who this figure is from behind?"

"I can't be sure, but it's a bit like a person." Little Japan couldn't pull all the countries into trouble now, and then deal with Jiang Shen together.

"Like who?"

"There is a tall man in Huaguo, Jiang Shen." So Little Japan added fuel and jealousy, and talked about kicking Jiang Shen from the kendo gym and knocking down the gods, but of course they would not mention their compensation.

"Master of martial arts, no wonder the gods have arrived in Manila without anyone noticing." After getting the affirmation of Little Japan, flb decided to send Luo Bushen to investigate Jiang Shen.

With Luo Bushen's ability, as long as he stands behind Jiang Shen and takes a look, he will know whether Jiang Shen is the person in the video.

In a villa in Shanghai, Luo Bushen and Master Qi sat drinking tea together.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Luo Bushen also went directly to the villa arranged by Lord Qi after getting off the plane.

"This used to be Du Yuesheng's villa. It was confiscated after the founding of the People's Republic of China. My father bought it during the reform and opening up in 89. Brothers from Hongmen must live here when they come to Shanghai." Master Qi looked at Luo Bushen with a smile .

His legs are not good, but his seniority is there, Luo Bushen wants to call Big Brother Qi in front of him.

Luo Bushen looked at the villa and nodded secretly. It is a habit in the world to remember the seniors. Government officials gather to talk about XX's promotion and XX's transfer. A new hero has emerged from a certain local force.

This is a habit developed by everyone with different occupations.

The Hongmen brothers who came to Shanghai like to talk about how Du Yuesheng was in Shanghai back then.

"Brother Qi, thank you for your hospitality, but this time I came to Huaguo, I really need your help with something." Luo Bushen came, and naturally got straight to the point.

"Is there a business?" Master Qi frowned when he heard this, and hesitated for a while: "Is it about the Hongmen or the government?"

He knew that Luo Bushen was from FLB or from a government department, but he didn't know what Luo Bushen did.

However, flb doesn't seem to be very good with us in Huaguo now, and I don't want to get involved in politics.

Hongmen is very low-key now, talking about business, doing business with their heads down, and not getting involved in politics.

Only in this way can we develop safely in the mainland. If we learn from the Taiwan Strait, the associations will engage in politics?It's just asking for a dead end.

"It's Hongmen's business, and it's also the government's business." Luo Bu said: "The day before yesterday, someone blew up the police station in FLB, and two of our Hongmen brothers were among them, and were killed alive."

Thinking of the news that day, Master Qi shook his head and said, "I know about this, what can I do to help?" If you say he doesn't like flb, but it's related to Hongmen's friendship, so you can't ignore it.

And they Hongmen, really, deep down in their hearts, the friendship of Hongmen is sometimes more important than national relations.

For example, someone killed Master Qi’s family and fled to flb. Master Qi asked the country to help him hunt down. Will avenge his blood hatred.

Therefore, at a time when most people's national honor is above all else, among the Hongmen, the fellowship is a little deeper.

"After our investigation, we now suspect someone. This man named Jiang Shen, who is from Dongning, Huaguo, is said to be a government official. I'm not familiar with Huaguo. Brother Qi, arrange someone to accompany me to Dongning. Just let me see him from a distance, and I'll know if it's him."

Luo Bushen is very confident, if it's Jiang Shen, you only need to let him know at a glance.

He has watched the video many times, even if it's just the back, he can tell it at a glance.

"Jiang Shen?" Master Qi was stunned.

"Brother Qi, do you know him?"

"Coincidentally, I just met a man named Jiang Shen. Hey, by the way, he also claims to be from Dongning."

The exchange between the two sides felt too coincidental, and Jiang Shen who was going to meet tomorrow was very likely to be the same person.

"Brother Luo, let the ugly words be said before, although everyone is from the Hongmen, but now they are masters and have different nationalities." After careful consideration, Master Qi said: "I don't say anything about the Hongmen. When it comes to government departments, I will not stand out."

If Luo Bushen wants to deal with any enemy, Lord Qi will help him desperately, but now it involves government departments, one is the police station of FLB that was bombed, and the other is an official of the China Merchants Bureau in Dongning. He wants to help Luo Bushen, That would be tantamount to betraying the country.

Now the Internet is still talking about the bombing of the FLB police station, who in the country is not happy.

So the Hongmen friendship exists, but there must be a limit, some red lines cannot be stepped on.

"I understand this. I just want to see this person to see if he bombed the police station." Luo Bushen assured Master Qi, "I won't get you into trouble. If you really want to do something, I'm sure I will do it myself."

"Let's not talk about it now, just have dinner tomorrow." Master Qi waved his hand to stop him from continuing.

Now that he knows the purpose of Luo Bushen's visit, it is very unpatriotic to not drive Luo Bushen away.

"Loyalty is hard to have both." Master Qi now understands the meaning of this sentence. Helping Luo Bushen is disloyal to the country, and helping the country drive Luo Bushen away is unrighteous to Hongmen.

Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been difficult to balance, and it is indeed the most fatal truth.

That night, Master Qi struggled all night and did not fall asleep.

The next day, Yu Shijun continued to attract investment, and Jiang Shen talked with Zhou Baiyi and Zhang Fan about the business in Shanghai.

In Shanghai, Zhang Fan is relatively well-known in the stock market, and Zhou Ten billion has tentacles in various industries, but the fastest money comes from gambling boats.

Jiang Shen asked Zhou Ten billion, how much money do you make a year gambling on boats?

Zhou Ten billion said: "More than 15 billion in cash." He was very proud at the time.

These days, it is not easy to make a net profit of more than 15 billion a year by selling houses and speculating in stocks.

There are only a few in the domestic real estate industry that can earn this amount.

As we all know, the owner behind the domestic football overlord "Hengyi Team" is considered to be a relatively good real estate agent. Last year, the annual sales were 923 billion, and the net profit exceeded that of "Vanke". It is the first in the country, probably more than 120 billion.

It sounds like a lot of profit, but Hengyi Real Estate is blooming all over the country, selling houses with an unknown number of tens of thousands of square meters, and Zhou Ten Billion relies on a boat to achieve eighth of the national industry of Evergrande Real Estate in an area of ​​Shanghai. One of the results.

Therefore, Zhou Ten billion is very proud. He feels that gambling on boats is the kingly way, and he doesn't know when it will be sold by selling the house.

"Sell the boat, don't do this business, it's not kingly way, I'm a government official." Jiang Shen said flatly.

What?When Zhou Ten billion heard this, his face turned pale, Brother Gentleman, this is the best way for me to make money.

If Zhou Ten billion didn't have this boat, then he wouldn't be Zhou Ten billion. If someone else said that, Zhou Ten billion would fight him desperately. Now that Jiang Shen said it, Zhou Ten billion wanted to cry.

"I'll give you 15 billion dollars."

"--" Zhou Ten billion was about to cry, but when he heard this, his grief turned into joy.

"So much money, what am I going to do?" Zhou Ten billion was also worried. He is also considered a super rich man, but he certainly can't spend 15 billion US dollars, but what can he do with 15 billion US dollars.

If you don't have money, you have troubles without money, and if you have money, you have troubles with money.

"If Mr. Zhou doesn't know how to spend, I'll help you speculate in stocks." Zhang Fan laughed.

"Get out, Brother Shen gave it to me." Zhou Baiyi scolded with a smile, with so much money in hand, he can't do what he wants.

At this time, Zhou Ten billion knew that Jiang Shen was really rich, so rich that he didn't treat money as money.

Give Zhang Fan one billion, and give yourself nearly ten billion. What kind of background is this to have such a big deal.

At this time, Zhou Ten billion also knew that following Jiang Shen was right, this was a boss paid by his opponent.

It's not a boss, who donates hundreds of millions of money to his subordinates at every turn.

Moreover, he had communicated with Zhang Fan, Jiang Shen basically didn't care about the business, he gave you the money, and you can spend it as you like.

The three of them chatted about work and business all day long, waiting for Master Qi to treat them to dinner at night.

However, Jiang Shen wanted to spend the afternoon in peace, but some people didn't stop.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Ge Danni made a phone call.

"Jiang Ju, where are you?"

"what's up?"

"Ju Yu was beaten."

No way, Jiang Shen was very depressed, this Yu Shijun couldn't stop for a while, since she came, she caused trouble almost every day.

What happened?

It turned out that in the afternoon, Yu Shijun left his father's relationship and asked Fu'an Provincial Office in Shanghai to contact a foreign businessman.

This foreign businessman originally wanted to visit Fu'an after seeing it in Shanghai, but then suddenly changed his mind not to go to Fu'an.

Yu's father is the governor of Fu'an Province, so this fat water can't be favored by outsiders, right? The Fu'an Shanghai office found a chance to flatter and contacted Yu Shijun.

Yu Shijun is also very proud. Seeing my relationship, he has attracted foreign businessmen from other provinces to our province.

Then ambitiously took Ge Danni and Song Linghua away.

That foreign company is engaged in environmental protection machinery, and the requirements for the local area are still a bit high. If nothing else, the local environment is better. We are in the production of environmental protection machinery. Your local area is full of smoke every day, and others dare not come to buy our products. Machinery.

Because Fuan Province faces the sea, there are many oil tankers, and the provincial capital city is close to the sea, so the air quality does not meet the requirements.

In this regard, Dongning is much better than Fu'an.

But at this moment, someone came out from the middle.

People from the Merchants Bureau of a certain city in 'Nanjiang Province' came forward.

Nanjiang Province is in the south of Dongning, bordering Shanghai in the east and Jiangnan in the south. Its geographical location is also very good. It is not near the sea, but it is also connected to the seaside provinces. The transportation is relatively developed.

They also saw a lot of foreign companies coming to the Free Trade Zone recently, so they came to see if there was any opportunity. Later, they were alone in Nanjiang, and a college student happened to be in the Shanghai office of Fu’an Province. They knew that the foreign capital was not satisfied with the air environment in Shanghai. , I may not plan to go to the free trade zone, so I informed my old classmates.

So people from Nanjiang Province and Dongning Province bumped into each other.

However, the people from Nanjiang Province were the first to stop the person in charge of the foreign capital.

When Yu Shijun arrived, the other party was outside the hotel to pick up the person in charge of foreign capital to go out to discuss.

At this time, her princess was ill, and because she was suppressed by Jiang Shen every day for the past few days, she was so angry that she walked over immediately, and then suppressed the attack, and said in a low voice: "Hello, these foreign businessmen, we have Make an appointment in advance."

Then communicated with the foreign businessman in English.

But he heard an official from Nanjiang Province next to him, also a beautiful woman, only in her early twenties, much younger than Yu Shijun, and said with a smile: "This old comrade, they are guests from Italy, and they can only speak Italian."

Then he turned his head and said a few words in Italian to the foreigner.

I'm stupid, old comrade?When Yu Shijun heard this, his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

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