Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 433 Yu Shijun suffers a big loss

She looks young, well-dressed, with a little makeup on, and looks at most in her early twenties. She didn't expect to be called an old comrade by a little girl.

But this is the case with attracting investment. Of course, when two different regions meet, they should be regarded as enemies. It is best to find an opportunity to attack.

Moreover, Yu Shijun can't get angry indiscriminately. Once he gets angry, he may leave a bad image in front of foreign businessmen.

Yu Shijun suppressed his anger, turned his head to look at Ge Danni and Song Linghua, his eyes were saying, who of you can speak Italian.

Ge Danni shook her head, I only know English.

Song Linghua smiled wryly, I can speak Japanese.

The three of her looked at each other, and the people from Nanjiang Province chatted with the Italians, nodded to Yu Shijun, turned around and left.

The damn Fu'an office didn't tell me that the foreign businessman is Italian and doesn't speak English.

Yu Shijun hurriedly grabbed them, they couldn't be taken away by Nanjiang Province, right?

"Jiang Shen seems to know many national languages, do you want someone to come?" Ge Danni asked Yu Shijun weakly.

She also knew that Yu Shijun would probably not agree, and she would definitely not say it before, but after Jiang Shen stood up for her last time, she also changed a lot towards Jiang Shen.

When Yu Shijun heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't speak. Even if I was killed, I wouldn't be able to find Jiang Shen again and humiliate him.

Jiang Shen negotiated two projects with Sola, and his eyes would humiliate me to death.

"Auntie, what are you doing? This is our guest from Nanjiang." The little girl on the other side was very smart, she kept prodding Yu Shijun, and even called out auntie.

"Auntie?" Yu Shijun almost jumped up.

Yu Shijun, who has always been proud of being young and beautiful, is almost as broken as if she was raped. You are blind, and I look like an aunt. You are just a few years younger than me.

Ge Danni saw that Yu Shijun was about to leave, so she quickly grabbed her, calm down, calm down, don't be fooled.

The little girl on the opposite side is not young but experienced, this is to provoke you on purpose.

Yu Shijun gritted her teeth angrily, and could only endure it, but ignored the little girl, who couldn't understand the Italians when she spoke English, so she kept shrugging her shoulders.

Watching the Italian guests get into the car in Nanjiang Province.

If Ms. Yu could be the governor's daughter-in-law, she would naturally have her own strength. Seeing that the other party was about to leave, she felt overwhelmed, turned around abruptly, and returned to her car.

Her car was borrowed by Jiang Shen, and Zhang Fan's company allocated them a Mercedes-Benz business car.

"Ju Yu--" Ge Danni was shocked when she saw this.

"Boom!" Yu Shijun started the car and put it in front of the car in Nanjiang Province.

The opponent had just started the vehicle at this time, seeing Yu Shijun's action, it was too late to step on the brakes again, bang, the two cars collided slightly.

The side of the Mercedes-Benz was dented.

I'm dizzy, Ge Danni didn't expect Yu Shijun to imitate Jiang Shen.

It's true that those who are close to the pearl are red, and those who are close to the ink are black. Ge Danni has black lines on her face.

But she also had to admire Yu Shijun, she, Ge Danni, would not dare to do such a thing.

Once the car collided, the other party had to get out of the car, and it was not in his own province. It is estimated that the car in Nanjiang Province was also borrowed.

Even if it was driven from Nanjiang Province, the collision would have to be dealt with by the traffic police.

The little girl was furious, and when she got out of the car, she yelled: "Auntie, you are in menopause, and if you bump into a foreign businessman, can you afford it?"

Yu Shijun was called aunt by her one after another, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

Raise your hand, bang, and slap the little girl on the face.

Now it's all right, she had a great time playing, but there are many people on the other side, and there are two women and two men on the other side.

As soon as the car door was opened, two men rushed over aggressively, but Yu Shijun was a beautiful woman with a good temperament, so they didn't beat her, but they stopped Yu Shijun from rushing up again.

At this moment, the little girl at the back came to her senses, and rushed directly to Yu Shijun in shame and anger: "Old man, you dare to hit me."

Call me an old thing?Yu Shijun heard the words he didn't like to hear the most in his life, and angrily bared his teeth and claws to greet him.

The two beauties hit it off.

Ge Danni and Song Linghua are going to drag Yu Shijun up here, while the two men over there are also standing between them.

Whether it was intentional or not, in the confusion, Yu Shijun suddenly found that his hands were grabbed by two men.

"Old thing." The beautiful woman from Nanjiang Province called the machine to strike, blah, blah, two slaps, Yu Shijun was dizzy and backed up again and again.

Now it's all right, Yu Shijun has never suffered a disadvantage in such a big age, screaming and jumping to rush up and desperately.

However, there were two men on the other side, which seemed to be a fight, but they were obviously partial. Yu Shijun rushed a few times and didn't touch Biyi, but was beaten a few times and even kicked.

This time the loss was getting bigger and bigger, Yu Shijun held back tears and retreated.

The girl of heaven was hit hard.

At this time, she understood a little bit how Jiang Shen looked at her.

Besides being a governor's father, what advantages does he have?

When they arrived in Shanghai, others would not sell their accounts.

It's okay if Dongning can make a move, but if you go outside Dongning, who cares about it.

But Jiang Shen, you bastard, you disobeyed orders and ran around, causing me to be beaten, I hate you to death.

The more Yu Shijun thought about it, the more he hated it, and even Jiang Shen also hated it.

After the two of them were pulled apart, they had to deal with the collision. It was essential to call the police and let the traffic police come. Seeing this, Ge Danni secretly called Jiang Shen.

She knew that Yu Shijun was so strong, she would definitely not seek Jiang Shen, only she beat him secretly.

When Jiang Shen received the call, he heard the whole story clearly and couldn't laugh or cry.

You also said that I am a hooligan, and I am not fighting with others.

To say that Yu Shijun was beaten, he was the happiest, but he didn't respond when he received the call, which was a bit too hurtful. When Yu Shijun knew it later, he still didn't swear against him.

Moreover, this is because of work, not personal matters.

After Jiang Shen received the call, he had no choice but to rush to the accident site first.

The accident happened just outside the hotel where the foreign businessman was staying. Two cars collided and alarmed the traffic police. When Jiang Shen arrived, the traffic police were dealing with the matter.

Yu Shijun's matter can be big or small, driving in front of other people's cars, if it is small, it can be handled privately, if it is big, it can endanger other people's personal safety.

Especially when there are foreign businessmen on board.

Of course, at this time Jiang Shen also saw the similarities between Yu Shijun and herself, and she insisted that she also wanted to drive away, but the steering wheel suddenly failed, which caused the accident.

After hearing this, Jiang Shen greatly appreciated it, you are amazing, you have learned all my tricks.

The two sides were chatting, and then Jiang Shen thought about it and pulled Yu Shijun aside first.

"What are you doing, why are you here?" Yu Shijun looked at Jiang Shen bitterly.

Why are you staring at me? I didn't hit you, Jiang Shen really wanted to walk away.

But it was a bit pitiful to see her face was red and swollen from the beating.

"What do you want? Revenge? Call back? Do you want to call back?" Jiang Shen asked her.

Yu Shijun stared at Jiang Shen, she really wanted to say yes, but she didn't want to ask Jiang Shen, nor did she want Jiang Shen to help her.

"No need, I was a little impulsive just now, and now I just want to have a good talk with Italian foreign businessmen."

In this short period of time, Yu Shijun has contacted someone who can speak Italian from Shanghai, and accompanied by Ge Danni, he is communicating with him.

She beat someone and was beaten, so it was not easy to come forward, and let Ge Danni talk to the other party.

There are also people from Nanjiang, and the three parties are communicating together in the lobby of the hotel, explaining their advantages in attracting investment to foreign businessmen.

"You guys are betraying the country again." Jiang Shen sneered, the two provinces were negotiating with foreign businessmen, nothing more than fighting for preferential conditions, everyone desperately made concessions, and gave up national interests to foreign businessmen.

"What are you talking about? The investment attraction in that country is not the same? Besides, what are the immediate benefits? How much Dongning's labor force can be solved and how much tax revenue can be generated for the country if the foreign factory is established?"

"You seem to be exempt from taxes often." Jiang Shen disdainfully.

"But the people working in the factories have always increased their income and promoted the local economic development. Jiang Shen, don't always look at things in this way. You think that you are noble and capable, and foreign businessmen can find you to invest and give you back. For money, are you going to force everyone to do things the same way as you?"

"You pee standing up, do you want us to stand up too?" Yu Shijun swears in anger: "Don't use your will to force others."

"If you are capable, you will become the leader of the country in the future and promulgate a decree. In order to attract investment in the future, foreign businessmen must ask our China Merchants Bureau. If you don't send money, you can't invest in Huaguo. How about you? Do you dare?"

"---" Jiang Shen can also be considered eloquent, but he didn't expect Yu Shijun to suddenly bid, and he was very powerful, so Jiang Shen was stunned for a while.

Jiang Shen collected his mind and organized his words, these things are really not easy to deal with.

"Okay, even if what you said makes sense, my will cannot be imposed on others. I am the only Jiang Shen in the whole of China. Not everyone is as capable as me. I can make foreign businessmen cry and beg to invest. To send us money to spend, my style of doing things is wrong---"

"Cut---" Yu Shijun expressed contempt.

"However, I only know that when we can fight for the interests of the country, we must try our best to fight for it. Like what happened today, if you don't understand Italian, you can call me. With my ability, I can definitely solve these foreign businessmen, but you In order to show off your relationship, you come here alone, showing off your relationship, but you can't deal with foreign businessmen. In the end, you negotiated and lost the interests of the local government. How many means to reach the sky, is this the correct way of doing things in your opinion?"

"Are you working to work, or are you working to compete with me?"

Boom, Jiang Shen's words were like tearing off the last fig leaf on Yu Shijun's body, making her blush with shame and anger.

She gritted her teeth, looked at Jiang Shen quietly, watched, and suddenly closed her eyes, two lines of tears rolled down.

She suffered a big loss today, first she was beaten, then Jiang Shen pierced her mind, all kinds of humiliation, it was the most unforgettable day in her life.

Jiang Shen hated seeing women cry the most, seeing Yu Shijun crying like rain, he felt embarrassed to scold her again, shook his head, turned and left.

"Bastard." Looking at Jiang Shen's back, Yu Shijun gritted his teeth and cursed out a few words.

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