Although Yu Shijun stopped the foreign businessman, he did not give a good impression on the other party. Later, a translator and a girl who beat Yu Shijun were found. The three families talked together in the hotel for a long time, but the other party still favored Nanjiang Province.

Nanjiang Province not only found Italians first, but also sent Italian-speaking people. Foreigners value these superficial jobs, which at least proves that the staff of Nanjiang Province attach great importance to them and have made preparations early. Yu Shijun came here in a hurry, and started arguing with others without any preparation.

When Jiang Shen entered the lobby of the hotel, the three parties happened to stand up.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Ge, next time I have a chance to cooperate with you Dongning." The Italian shrugged disappointedly.

I fork your sister.As soon as Jiang Shen went in and saw those Italians, he had the urge to kick them.

There were three people on the other side, and two of them were the two that Jiang Shen met on the gambling boat.

Are these two also foreigners?Even though he can speak English, he still pretends not to speak it.

Damn it, Jiang Shen's angry nose is about to smoke.

Jiang Shen has long heard that there are people in China who pretend to be bosses and pretend to be investors in some impoverished mountainous counties, and then cheat for food and drink. He did not expect that there are foreigners doing this business.

In fact, such things often happen in China now, especially in recent years, with the improvement of performance requirements for foreign investment projects in the local area, more and more foreign scammers have emerged, which cannot be seen in newspapers and online, because many places have been cheated Afterwards, I didn’t dare to say anything, and the Chinese people have this kind of mentality. If I was cheated, I would keep quiet. It’s better to let the next-door city or province be cheated again, so that they won’t laugh at me in the future.

Isn't there another joke on the Internet, foreigners have tasted the sweetness, and send a message back to inform the compatriots in China, "People are stupid, rich, come quickly.".

Jiang Shen saw it as a joke before, but he didn't expect to see it today.

At the same time, those two Italians also saw Jiang Shen.

I'm dizzy, it's that bastard again.

These three people are actually a gang of liars. The last time they went to Zhou Ten billion's casino to make a fortune, they were caught by Zhou Ten billion on the spot. They were supposed to cut off their hands, but because they were outsiders, Zhou Ten billion didn't dare to do it. He was too harsh and was beaten up. Later, someone suggested that this Italian is still useful, and he can help out on a gambling boat in the future.

We have a high level of gambling, but it’s still not impressive without foreigners. Add some foreigners and you’ll be up to the level immediately.

So later, the Italians and others cheated Jiang Shen.

Of course this failed, and they left without getting a dime.

Then I thought of using the free trade zone to cheat. Among other things, at least go to some cities to cheat some food and drink.

At first they wanted to go to Fu'an Province, but Fu'an Province's investigations were a bit strict, and they wanted to check their details first. The three of them thought that they could not be found out, so they made an excuse that the air quality in Fu'an was not good and planned to find a place.

Then there was a dispute between the two provinces of Dongning and Nanjiang.

Now meeting Jiang Shen again, the Italians were scared to death, but they only gambled with Jiang Shen last time, I believe Jiang Shen didn't know their details.

In addition, they didn't know that Zhou Ten billion followed Jiang Shen afterwards, and one of them immediately smiled at Jiang Shen in Italian: "Mr. Jiang, we meet again."

Damn, pretend, Zhou Ten billion told me, you three poor bastards.

Jiang Shen remained calm, nodded to Ge Danni, then looked at the people in Nanjiang sympathetically, and then said to the Italian: "So it's you, then I won't bother you, I hope you have a good time in Nanjiang."

Although some people in Nanjiang could understand Jiang Shen's Italian, they didn't know what Jiang Shen meant.

Jiang Shen shook hands with the other party and motioned for Ge Danni to go with him.

"Let's go, let's forget it?" Ge Danni thought to herself, this is not Jiang Shen's style of doing things.

The Nanjiang people over there looked at Ge Danni like a demonstration, and triumphantly led the Italians to the other side.

Here they won, and the car collision matter became much less serious. In the end, Jiang Shen coordinated and asked Zhou Baiyi to find someone to say hello. The traffic police also coordinated. up.

After the whole thing was dealt with, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

To say that the person who was most upset was Yu Shijun, who was slapped and slapped when the foreign businessman failed to get him, and he still lost money in the end.

The people from Nanjiang left with foreign businessmen, Yu Shijun was furious at Song Linghua, she didn't dare to scold Jiang Shen, she couldn't scold Ge Danni, so she had to vent her anger on Song Linghua: "Who told you to lose money, why should you lose money, they beat me a few times What the hell, I'm going to the hospital, I suspect a concussion - I want them to pay."

Song Linghua was speechless after being scolded, so she could only look at Jiang Shen as if asking for help.

"Okay, you come with me." Jiang Shen frowned, and nodded Yu Shijun.

Why should I listen to you, you are not very good, you can handle the Italians, you are bragging, you have come back in despair.

Yu Shijun ignored Jiang Shen.

"Hiss" and made me feel like a young lady, Jiang Shen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to look at the two daughters, Ge and Song.

The two women moved sideways knowingly and then dodged to the side.

"Why, what can't be said in front of them, you are afraid of embarrassment." Yu Shijun sneered: "I'm not bragging, you can handle it as soon as you come back?"

"I'm going to fix it, you will only scold me in the future." Jiang Shen said with a smile: "You should be lucky that you didn't drag these three Italians to Dongning."

"What do you mean?" Yu Shijun is a smart person, when he heard this, he thought of something: "You mean?"

"I didn't say anything?" Jiang Shen spread his hands: "Don't talk nonsense. If it spreads, it will affect the unity between the two provinces. Others will say that we in Dongning don't have a big picture."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

No way, these three Italians are liars.

Yu Shijun understood after hearing this.

Whether Jiang Shen can't figure it out, saying that deliberately, it's impossible, whether he's a liar, you'll know in a few days.

However, everyone is from Hua, but the provinces are different. If they know that the other party is a liar and don't remind them, this, if it is spread, will really affect the unity of the two provinces.

Jiang Shen, you are too insidious, Yu Shijun secretly cursed Jiang Shen.

But her own heart is full of gloating, stinky, call me auntie, go to hell.

When Yu Shijun heard this disappearance, his mood changed instantly.

"Ju Yu, what's the good news?" Ge Danni saw Jiang Shen leave, and hurried back, just in time to see the smile in Yu Shijun's eyes.

This change was too fast, she was crying just now, what did Jiang Shen say, she laughed again?Ge Danni threw herself into Jiang Shen.

"No, it's nothing, let's go, it's getting late, find a place to eat." Yu Shijun remained calm, the less people know about this, the better. Knowing that there are scammers in neighboring provinces and not reporting them will affect the unity at least, or lose them at worst. Official hat.

Yu Shijun admired Jiang Shen for being so insidious, and Jiang Shen also admired her.

I told you, it's up to you whether you report it or not. If you remember personal grievances and feel that you have suffered and been beaten, you don't report it. If you have national honor and don't want your brothers and provinces to be deceived, then report it.

As a result, Yu Shijun really chose to keep silent.

When she was blaming Jiang Shen, she forgot that in fact, Jiang Shen had given her the initiative, and she chose not to report it in the end.

"Where is Jiang Shen, tell him to have dinner with us." It was the first time Yu Shijun took the initiative to ask Jiang Shen to eat.

"Jiang Ju is leaving first, he has dinner tonight." Ge Danni felt the change in Yu Shijun, and felt even more strange in her heart. What did Jiang Shen say to her just now, which made Yu Shijun change so much?

She couldn't figure it out even if she was beaten to death. It was not until two weeks later that a certain prefecture-level city in Nanjiang Province was cheated by Italian businessmen for food, drink, and a lot of specialty products. After the news spread to Dongning, she guessed that Jiang Shen What did you say to Yu Shijun.

05:30 in the evening.

Jiang Shen, Zhou Ten billion, and Zhang Fan came to the Dashanghu Hotel together.

The Dashanghu Hotel was the largest and most famous hotel during the Republic of China. It was located in the French Concession at that time, and now many imitations of this hotel can be seen in many old Shanghai movies.

The hotel became famous back then because of Du Yuesheng, the number one hero in Shanghai.

Let me talk about some digressions, some people may not like it.

It is said that I had dinner at this hotel at noon that day. There was a famous wealthy banker in Shanghai at that time. After he came in, he wanted to use the 'Orchid Hall'.

The hotel attendant said that the Orchid Hall is for Boss Du's exclusive use, so can we change it?

The banker invited a friend that day, and when he was rejected, his face was dull and he flew into a rage. What is Du Yuesheng? use?

I've covered it, I've covered everything here today, ten times the price.

At that time, when Du Yuesheng had not yet reached his peak, he had just separated from Huang Jinrong's subordinates and set up his own business. The hotel was for business, and people had money to spend, and Du Yuesheng didn't come to eat at noon. In the end, he gave in to the banker and paid ten times the price. The big hotel is all inclusive.

When the news reached Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng laughed loudly: "This bastard, believe it or not, I let him bankrupt today."

Immediately the word reached the banker again.

The banker was still having lunch at the hotel, and he laughed loudly when he heard this: "Only because of him, Du Yuesheng? He wants to make me bankrupt, so I'll crawl out of this hotel."

These words also quickly spread to Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng was not angry, and sat at home and gave an order.

Guys, spread the word for me, I'm going to bankrupt that bank by noon.

Boss Du's words changed everyone's countenance.

Who dares not to give Boss Du face.

Although Du Yuesheng hadn't reached the peak at this time, he had just been separated from Huang Jinrong's seat to become an independent portal.

Why can it be divided?

It is Du Yuesheng who is golden Rongjue can already have the power to fight against him, admitting that Du Yuesheng is also a giant in Shanghai.

At this time, it was the golden age of Du Yuesheng's prosperity.

Boss Du said that whoever dares to deposit money in the bank will have trouble with Boss Du.

In Dashangshanghai, how many people dare to have trouble with Boss Du, and the relationship between Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng is also quite good at this time, one is when the power is the strongest, and the other is a prosperous period.

In less than two hours in the afternoon, the people who went to the bank to withdraw money were empty of the money in the bank, and countless people who did not get the money gathered around the door of the bank.

The banker was so frightened to death that he transferred urgent needs from other banks many times, but it was still not enough.

In one afternoon, the bank faced bankruptcy.

At this time, the banker knew that Boss Du was powerful, and quickly sent someone to intercede with Huang Jinrong, while personally planning to find Du Yuesheng, and even expressed to Du Yuesheng that he was willing to climb out of the Dashanghu Hotel.

People at that time followed what they said, and even though the bankers were arrogant, they said they were willing to do what they said.

Everyone knows Du Yuesheng's style of doing things, everything is on the line, and he is very broad-minded. After hearing the words, he also laughed out loud. Forget it, I'm joking with you, come on, let everyone save it back.

After his words were spoken, within two hours, all the people who took the money had deposited them back. No one had the slightest complaint. Instead, everyone praised, "Boss Du, your lord has a lot."

After this battle, Du Yuesheng became even more famous in Shanghai.

Today, the place where Master Qi invited Jiang Shen and the others to eat was Du Yuesheng's favorite Orchid Hall.

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