As soon as the three of Jiang Shen arrived at the door, they found Master Qi sitting in a wheelchair and waiting for them at the door.

"Dashanghu, Orchid Hall, Master Qi, this is a good place." Zhou Ten billion old Shanghu, of course understands what Master Qi wants, this place, even if you have money, you may not be able to eat it.

Now this place is owned by Hongmen, and it is usually open to the public, but the Orchid Hall is never open.

"Haha, it's nothing special, it's just a place to eat. We are not as good as Boss Du back then."

Master Qi also told the previous story.

After the incident between Du Yuesheng and the banker happened earlier, Du Yuesheng thought about it, and he was also at fault, so he told the hotel owner at the time that I would make an appointment one hour in advance when I go to dinner. The living room is for them to go to Shanghai, and I, Du Yuesheng, are not alone.

After hearing this, the hotel owner almost bowed to him. This is also something that people like to talk about in Du Yuesheng's way of dealing with people.

What Master Qi meant was that in many top clubs in China, especially in Beijing and Shanghai, there are private boxes for people, and they would rather leave them empty than allow others to use them.

On the contrary, Boss Du back then, no matter how much he liked, he could share it with his brothers.

"Master Qi is the new Boss Du in Shanghai, and Zhou also admires him very much." Zhou Ten billion was very polite, and praised Master Qi as a figure who stood alongside Boss Du.

Of course Master Qi was happy to hear that, but he didn't dare to take it seriously and shook his head repeatedly.

Everyone followed Master Qi and walked into the Orchid Hall.

"Mr. Jiang, a friend from out of town happened to come over today, don't you mind having a meal together." Master Qi walked to the door and said to Luo Bushen.

"The ones who come out are all friends. It's always good to know more friends when you go out to rely on friends." Jiang Shen chuckled.

His divine sense had long noticed that there were other people in the box, but he didn't mind.

As soon as everyone went in, they saw three or four people inside, Qi Shao, Luo Bushen, and an old man, a little older than Qi Ye, holding two iron balls in both hands and playing with them. Shanghai a lot of people like to play things.

Luo Bu's divine eyes saw Jiang Shen at first sight.

Ordinary people don't see how powerful Jiang Shen is. As a master of martial arts and the number one master in Southeast Asia, Luo Bushen can see that Jiang Shen is different.

When Jiang Shen was choosing a position, he turned around and turned his back to Luo Bushen, Luo Bushen's eyes widened instantly.

It's him, that's right, the back view in the video is this Jiang Shen.

Sure enough, it was him who killed more than 30 of our policemen.

Then he saw Zhou Ten billion again.

He glanced at Zhou Ten billion's back, it was him, this Zhou Ten billion was also one of the two that day.

God help me too, I found both of them.

"I, let me introduce, this is our Hongmen flb's brother, Luo Bushen, a master of martial arts."

"flb" Jiang Shen and Zhou Baiyi both looked up at Luo Bushen when they heard the words.

Just after the flb police station was blown up, someone came from flb?Is it a coincidence or intentional?

Jiang Shen glanced at Lord Qi and Luo Bushen from the corner of his eye, but nothing could be seen on the surface.

Of course, he doesn't care, there is really no one on earth who can threaten him.

"Master of martial arts? Now that martial arts are withered, I never thought I would have the opportunity to meet a master of martial arts." Jiang Shen sat down calmly: "Master Luo, do you know Master Xue Chen?"

"Xue Chen, I've heard it. Do you know Mr. Jiang?" Luo Bushen really knew him.

When it comes to martial arts, he is also very energetic.

"Master Xue's pictograph boxing is the fruit of the history of modern martial arts. There are only a few tricks left. I have always wanted to ask for advice. Unfortunately, I am in flb, and Master Xue is traveling around. I have no chance to meet him. However, I have heard a lot about the legend of Master Xue. few."

"I heard that he went to Japan not long ago and challenged the Japanese Shinto Wunian style, but I don't know how to win or lose."

Little Japan did not reveal Xue Chen's record, because they also lost completely against Jiang Shen and were forced to kneel down.

"Master Xue is real kung fu, Little Japan is not his opponent at all now." Jiang Shen is not talking nonsense, he said 'now', now Xue Shen has used Jiang Shen's talisman, and his kung fu is making rapid progress. What kind of Mi Jiulang is that? The male Saito Nonosuke was no longer Xue Chen's opponent.

"It turns out that Mr. Jiang also learned Chinese martial arts." Master Qi has never learned Chinese martial arts, but he still has a good understanding of Chinese martial arts.

"Which sect did Master Jiang learn from? What kind of punches did you punch?" Luo Bushen asked tentatively.

National art meets national art, this is also what everyone likes to ask when they meet.

"Family teacher Nalan Bubai, he played the 'Not Bad King Fist'."

"----" Luo Bushen was stunned for a moment, I was ignorant and ignorant, I had never heard of it, so I didn't know if what he said was true or not, so I had to smile wryly: "It seems that I'm a bit of a spectator in flb."

"Master Luo is from FLB?" Jiang Shen asked lightly.

"Hmm..." Luo Bushen wasn't embarrassed at all, now that the world is integrating, all the rich and well-off in the country have immigrated, let alone those of us whose ancestors were in flb.

"Our Luo family used to be a big family. Some relatives of our grandparents left Huaguo in the early Qing Dynasty and settled in flb. In the generation of my great-grandfather, I took my eight-year-old grandpa to flb to find relatives. Since then, I have always settled in flb. Grandpa He became a teacher at the age of ten, and joined Hongmen at the age of 16. His master was Du Xinwu, a master of Chinese martial arts in Hongmen, but the one who passed on his boxing skills was his senior brother who passed on the art."

When Jiang Shen heard it, he turned out to be Du Xinwu's descendant.

Du Xinwu used to be Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard. He was also a member of the Hongmen. He later joined the Tongmenghui.

Master Du has served the country all his life, but you have emigrated overseas.

Jiang Shen thought about this sentence, but he didn't say it.

However, at this time, he didn't like Luo Bu God a little bit. When Luo Bu God spoke just now, his face was full of complacency, and he seemed to be proud of immigrants.

There is nothing wrong with immigration. If the domestic environment is not good for the time being, it is normal for you to change the environment, but when Chinese people move there, you have to treat yourself as a Chinese, but you Luo Bushen seem to regard yourself as a flb person, okay, You are really a flb person, but what are you proud of?

If you move to country m, the UK or something, it’s okay to be complacent, but now it’s flb, not necessarily the same as in China.

"Master Jiang, Master Jiang looks very young, but I heard that he is an experienced boxer. I don't know how far he has practiced." Luo Bushen began to test Jiang Shen.

"Hehe, what's wrong with me, I practiced blindly, the master died early, passed on the mantle and left, and then practiced alone, unlike you and Master Xue, who are the real masters of martial arts."

It is also rare for Jiang Shen to be humble, but he does not practice martial arts, so there is nothing wrong with saying that.

"Hehe--" Master Qi on the side smiled slightly: "Both of you are masters, can you compete with each other if you have a chance?"

Lord Qi was going to mess with Jiang Shen last time, but Zhou Ten billion came later, thinking about it, he was still a bit unwilling, if Luo Bushen could make Jiang Shen suffer a little bit, he would be happy to see it.

When Zhou Ten billion heard it, he immediately thought about it too. Of course he understands Master Qi's thoughts, to compete with my gods?Are you kidding me, what Brother Gentleman learns is not martial art but fairy art.

He also hurriedly approached: "Brother Gentleman, what Master Qi said is, let's open our eyes."

Zhang Fan also looked enthusiastic. Although he didn't know how strong Jiang Shen was, he knew just how awesome Jiang Shen was after seeing him subdue Zhou Ten Billion in a day.

"Isn't that good? We're having dinner today?" Luo Bushen was pretending, of course, he was actually happy to give Jiang Shen a bad look in public.

You dare to blow up our police station, dare not stand up and admit it.

If it were an ordinary person, Jiang Shen would beat him to the brim, but Luo Bu’s theology is martial arts, and Jiang Shen respects the masters of martial arts, after all, the martial arts are withering now, let alone masters, there are fewer and fewer people who really learn martial arts, Jiang Shen Gentleman didn't want to slap him in the face yet.

However, seeing the meaning of Luo Bushen, he really wanted to discuss it with himself.

Let him back off.

Jiang Shen was silent for a while, thinking of some way to make her retreat, but Luo Bushen stood up first.

"Master Jiang, when we met for the first time, I'll ask you to offer you some tea."

As he spoke, he picked up a cup from the table and poured a cup of boiling water into it.

He poured water very slowly, but very evenly. Others couldn't see it, but Jiang Shen could tell that the water coming out of the kettle was the same as coming out of a tap water pipe. Is exactly the same as much.

This hand strength has really been practiced to the point of being as light as one's feet. In his hands, a hundred catties is the same as a one catty thing, so no matter how much water he holds in his hand, the poured water is exactly the same many.

After five seconds, he filled a glass of water and smiled slightly: "Master Jiang, please drink tea."

Brush, when he was talking, he put the pot and stretched out his hand, and flicked his cuff like a whip on the teacup.

"Ba" sounded like a whip whipped in the air, and the teacup was on the table, flying towards Jiang Shen like an arrow.

Luo Bushen was wearing a Tang suit with long cuffs. When the sleeves were thrown out, it was no different from a whip. If it hit someone, the flesh and blood would be smashed to pieces.

There was a thick tablecloth on the stage, and the friction was very strong. It was impossible for the teacup to fly past the tablecloth. It was completely empty and flew past the table in mid-air.

"Get off the horse?" Jiang Shen knew that in the Hongmen, there were many distinctions in serving tea.

Sure enough, the tea flew towards Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen lightly pressed it on the table, and immediately felt the burning heat in his palm.

This is just poured out of the boiling water, there is no one hundred degrees, ninety degrees will not be less.

This is Luo Bushen's test of his skill by offering tea. If he dare not drink it, he is not only rude, but also has no skill.

"Haha, how embarrassing it is, Master Luo is a senior, and Jiang Shen is ashamed of it." He said he was ashamed, picked up the cup, poured boiling water into his mouth, and drank it in a few sips Go down, there is no expression on his face.

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