This cup of tea is not an ordinary small teacup, but a three-two-three wine glass. A sip of hot tea is equivalent to drinking three-two-three boiled water. Everyone was slightly surprised.

Only Luo Bushen was expressionless and smiled faintly.

People who practice martial arts often have the artistic conception of containing plums to produce fluid in their mouths. When swallowing, they can hold half a mouthful of body fluid to neutralize the temperature of the tea. When swallowed, it will not melt into the esophagus.

In fact, most of these are flexible skills, not high-level kung fu, so Luo Bushen is not very surprised. It can only be said that he has achieved something after watching Jiang Shen's kung fu.

The Japanese say that he is invincible in the world, but he still can't see his real kung fu just by this sip of tea.

Luo Bushen also wanted to test Jiang Shen's real kung fu.

He didn't need to try, Jiang Shen had to show something.

He remembered reading a novel, The Romance of the Dragon and Snake, in which Wang Chao faced such a scene, and then he successively used the kung fu of dripping water to pierce a rock, and grasping an iron into mud, which frightened the other party into a petrified state.

"I see Master Luo, the whole body has the same breath, and the breathing is steady and not lightly smelled. Could it be that he has entered the kung fu of transforming energy?"

Huajin is incredible. After entering the age of firearms, it is very rare for kung fu to be able to practice Huajin.

As the saying goes, no matter how good your kung fu is, you will fall down with one shot.

Back then, when Xue Dian was shot to death by a machine gun in China, most of the kung fu learners in China were disheartened and withdrew from the martial arts world. Some even refused to accept their apprentices. But the gun.

So as time went on, fewer and fewer people practiced Kungfu well, and many unique skills were gradually lost. In the 50s and [-]s, there was no one master of Huajin in China.

It is often said in novels and movies that a genius occurs once in a hundred years, and Luo Bushen is such a genius.

With hundreds of millions of people in Southeast Asia, he is invincible vertically and horizontally, and he is known as the number one master in Southeast Asia because he is the only one with energy.

He is the only one out of hundreds of millions of miles.

A real genius.

This is also the reason why the flb government assuredly sent him over.

In the eyes of most people, Luobu God is a god.

Luo Shenxian.

Compared with ordinary people, Huajin masters are really gods.

"Brother Luo has practiced enough strength?" The old man next to Master Qi is also an old senior who went to Shanghai Hongmen, holding two iron balls in his hands all the time.

His name is Qi Sheng, he is Master Qi's cousin, he is more than ten years older than Brother Qi, and he is also a person who has learned martial arts, but his qualifications are mediocre, so far he doesn't even have Ming Jin.

Hearing that Luo Bushen had reached the point of turning his strength, he was shocked, and the two iron balls in his hands rattled and rattled.

"It took a lot of effort to break through just the year before last. It's really lucky." Luo Bushen said modestly, with an expression of pride that couldn't be concealed.

It's not good to be complacent, he is the only one out of hundreds of millions of people.

Jiang Shen nodded, deeply admired, Xue Chen received Jiang Shen's help, although Xue Chen has made progress, he has not yet reached Huajin, it may be a matter of one or two years, or it may be a matter of decades.

Luo Bushen achieved Huajin by himself, he is really a genius.

"I've checked the information. In the past few decades, only mikhailryabko from els, a big European country, has been rumored to have practiced Huajin. Mikhailryabko's master was Stalin's bodyguard falcon squad. The birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu, it turned out that the els people took the lead---" Jiang Shen shook his head and sighed.

While he was sighing, he was also saying that Luo Bushen is from FLB, and in such a big country as Huaguo, there is not even a master of martial arts who can practice kung fu to the point of strength.

"Master Qi, how about lending me your iron ball to play?" Jiang Shen reached out to ask Qi Sheng for his iron ball.

"Two iron eggs, what's interesting, Mr. Jiang likes it, so I can give it to you." Qi Sheng still admired Jiang Shen very much.

Not to mention the sip of tea that Jiang Shen drank just now, at this age, it is not easy to have such composure.

"Mr. Jiang, catch it." After they finished speaking in unison, their arms suddenly trembled.

Heck, the two iron balls shot out like two cannonballs.

His kung fu is far inferior to Luo Bushen, but after decades of playing iron balls, he has reached the point where he can swing them like an arm and lift weights like light.

These two iron balls weighed five catties each, adding up to ten catties. People like Zhou Tenyi couldn't handle them at all, but they played in unison every day and every night. It's like twelve taels in hand.

This time, everyone's eyes turned to Jiang Shen, to see if he avoided or accepted.

This power is more ferocious than a single shot.

If it was Master Qi, he would rather be shot by a gun than hit by this iron ball.

"Be careful..." Zhang Fan subconsciously wanted to push Jiang Shen to avoid him.

However, he pushed gently, but did not push Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen stood in front of him, like a mountain, motionless.

"Then I would like to thank Master Qi first." Jiang Shen laughed loudly, stretched out his hand in the air, with five fingers, and Luo Bu on the opposite side was shocked violently.

Others can't see it, only he can see that Jiang Shen's five-finger grasp is extremely powerful. In his eyes, it is almost like the Tathagata Buddha in ancient myths and novels, with the power to suppress the world.

These five fingers are the five mountains, Sun Wukong will be pressed down by him when he is reborn.

Luo Bushen trembled with fear, feeling Jiang Shen's ferocity for the first time.

However, this is just the beginning.

Jiang Shen scratched down with five fingers, just in time to catch the two iron balls.

I didn't see him exerting his strength, Kacha, chi, chi, a strange sound came out in the air, and then everyone stared dumbfounded at Jiang Shen's five fingers, squeezed out a mud-like iron slurry.

"No, I'm too strong, Master Qi, I'm sorry." Jiang Shen smiled again, threw his hands away, and suddenly, Jiang Shen pinched the two iron balls that were rounded just now, and they became one.

"I'm stupid." Luo Bushen suddenly stood up, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

"Hold iron into mud?" How is it possible, how is it possible.If Luo Bushen didn't know Qisheng and knew that Qisheng was Lord Qi, he would have thought that the other party used a magic iron ball, which was not a real iron ball at all.

This kind of method is a god.

It was recorded in the history books that during the Yongzheng period, Ganfengchi had the skill of turning iron into clay. God Luo Bu always thought it was bragging, but today, he saw it with his own eyes.

What's the difference between turning strength and dark strength, holding alchemy to the gods, and holding iron into mud? Everything has been compared.

"Immortal, this is an immortal." Zhou Baiyi laughed loudly behind Jiang Shen.

At the same time, he looked at Luo Bushen with contempt.

flb calls you Luo Shenxian, the god of fart, compared with our gentlemen, you are not even worthy to carry his shoes.

What is an immortal, this is an immortal.

After Zhou Ten billion finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the box.

Everyone present was shocked by Jiang Shen's kung fu of holding iron into mud. This kung fu is really shocking, and it has surpassed their cognition.

Especially Bian Mi and Zhang Fan, who once read their Ph.D., immediately thought about it in his little head and began to calculate.

The ball weighs five catties, how many centimeters is the circumference?How much strength is needed to crush him?

How many tons of force would it take to replace it with a stamping machine tool.

What is the limit of human grip strength?

He didn't think it was okay. After doing the math, he couldn't figure it out at all.

How can a person's hands achieve the power of a machine tool?

Jiang Shen's grip is stronger than a machine.

But the one who was most shocked was Luo Bushen.

He practiced Huajin, knowing that the higher the level of Kung Fu, the more difficult it is to practice. Every step requires dozens or even hundreds of years of hard work. Many people die before they can practice Huajin. It's not that they can't practice, but they don't have enough time.

If a person can live for 500 years, then even in modern society, there will be many masters who transform energy and even hold pills.

Precisely because of the limited lifespan of a person, many people spend their entire lives in poverty, and they are already old when they have just started.

Jiang Shen looks like he is only in his early 20s, and he has practiced kung fu to the point where he can hold iron like clay. With his kung fu, he might be able to catch bullets with his bare hands?

Luo Bushen was coming to deal with Jiang Shen, so he immediately figured out how to kill Jiang Shen.

Seeing Jiang Shen's kung fu, he knew that he was not sure about fighting head-on. Even if he shot, he would have to shoot coldly. If he faced the gun head-on, he might even be able to catch the bullet.

Luo Bushen's guess was right, Jiang Shen could catch bullets, but he didn't guess that Jiang Shen could catch bullets even if he shot coldly.

"Good kung fu, real kung fu, admiration---" At this time, Luo Bushen, no matter what he said in his heart or his mouth, was all body.

However, he blamed Jiang Shen even more.

You are a fairy-like figure, and you actually go to our flb to bomb our police station, bullying the small with the big, it is really not the style of a master of martial arts.

"Excellent." Young Master Qi saw it in his eyes, and his heart was full of huge waves. Nima's kung fu, the characters in martial arts novels are not as good as you, and even bullied me, a person who can't kung fu, you are too much portion.

Both admired Jiang Shen's kung fu, and both despised Jiang Shen's personality.

"Haha, good, good, eye-opening, eye-opening, who said that we in Huaguo have no masters, and Master Jiang is the master of masters." Seeing this, Master Qi was also glad that he had not done it with Jiang Shen, and hurriedly Said: "Come, come, let's eat."

I came here for dinner tonight. Speaking of now, it's finally time for dinner.

Master Qi gave an order, the waiters outside began to serve food, and everyone started to eat and drink, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

Seeing that Jiang Shen's cup of tea had been sitting still in front of him, Zhou Baiyi looked at it strangely, and asked Jiang Shen in a low voice: "Brother Shen, the person on the opposite side who calls himself Luo Shenxian doesn't seem to have any skills, you have shown supernatural powers." Why doesn't he show up?"

He found Luo Bushen a bit displeased, and wanted Jiang Shen to teach him a lesson.

"His supernatural powers have been revealed." Jiang Shen smiled slightly, then picked up the cup in front of him, and put it under Zhou Baiyi's hands: "Hold it steady, hold it lightly."

Zhou Baiyi didn't understand, and as soon as he caught it with his hand, Kacha, the whole cup broke into countless small pieces.

"Hehe." Luo Bushen on the opposite side also smiled complacently.

"Wow--" Zhou Baiyi finally saw Luo Bushen's kung fu.

It turned out that after pouring the water just now, with a flick of his sleeve, the teacup was shattered by his dark energy.

However, although the cup was broken, it was not separated, and the water was still filled in front of Jiang Shen.

If it was Zhou Ten billion who drank the water, the cup would suddenly shatter when he took it, and then boiled water would flow all over the table, and he would lose face.

Jiang Shen was able to pick up the cup, and it looked intact.

"This martial art is really powerful." Zhang Fan also opened his eyes today.

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