"Achao, you offended Master Jiang yesterday, hurry up and give Master Jiang wine to accompany your crime." Seeing Jiang Shen's strength, Master Qi became an experienced peacemaker and asked his son to make amends to him.

On the surface, Young Master Qi can pick it up and put it down, but in his heart he despises Jiang Shen for bullying him, smiling all over his face: "Xiaochao is young and ignorant, he committed wrong things, and offended Master Jiang, Master Jiang, I accompany you Sin." Honestly came over to toast.

"It's good to know you're wrong, don't make mistakes again and again." Jiang Shen was old-fashioned, picked up the wine glass and took a sip with him.

Fuck you, if you are better at kung fu, I will kill you with one shot.Young Master Qi was smiling, dissatisfied in his heart, and pretended to be an old man, telling me not to make the same mistakes again and again, is this a warning?

This evening everyone is very enthusiastic on the surface, you come and go, drink in big bowls, and eat meat in big pieces.

When we broke up after eating, many people were drunk and looked happy.

"Thank you, Lord Qi, for your hospitality. I'll be in Dongning another day, and I'll be the host." Jiang Shen seemed to have drunk too much.

Today, the other party mainly poured him water, and Zhou Baiyi and Zhang Fan didn't know Jiang Shen's drinking capacity. Jiang Shen drank more than two catties in one night, staggered when he walked, his eyes were blurred, and he seemed drunk.

"Master Jiang, go slowly, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Zhang, go slowly." Master Qi was also polite, stuttering, as if he had too much wine.

The two parties bid farewell at the entrance of the hotel. Jiang Shen and the others had originally driven here, but now they were too drunk, so naturally they could only take a taxi. Seeing the three of them getting into the taxi and leaving, Master Qi, who had been drunk all the time, suddenly had his eyes lit up.

"Brother Luo, was he the one who bombed your police station?"

"Yes, I'm [-]% sure, it's him." Luo Bushen's eyes were also shining brightly.

After hearing this, Lord Qi shook his head and smiled wryly: "Brother Luo, you go back to flb. I think Jiang Shen is very powerful. Don't mess with him." Get me involved.

Luo Bushen represents the flb government, no matter how loyal Qi Ye is, he can't completely stand on his side at this time.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't implicate you. Naturally, we will fight against my flb Hongmen. Brother Qi, thank you very much for giving me a chance today." After Luo Bushen finished speaking, he glanced at Qi Chao: "I know what I'm going to do. I'll go back after I sleep. I can't deal with Jiang Shen by myself, so I can only talk about it when I go back to China. Moreover, I really had a lot of alcohol today. People who practice boxing really can't drink."

"That's good." Master Qi nodded to Qi Chao: "Xiao Chao, you send Uncle Luo to rest. I also drink too much, so I want to go home and sleep."

Everyone left separately.

Qi Sheng followed Master Qi, and asked Qi Master a little worriedly: "Xiao Qi, will this Luo Bu God mess up again? He must be a member of the flb government?"

He is Lord Qi's cousin, and calling him Xiao Qi has been a habit for decades.

Master Qi smiled: "He is a smart man. Jiang Shen showed his hands and turned iron into mud. He didn't dare." After a pause, he continued: "But I know the courage of this man. If he dared to break into their palace and single out five Muay Thai masters, if there were more than a dozen gunmen to cooperate with him, he would really dare to kill Jiang Shen."

"Then I don't worry, no one in Shanghai will send gunmen to him except us." They nodded in unison.

The two of them have calculated thousands of times, and they counted missing Young Master Qi.

Young Master Qi sent Luo Bushen back, the two walked halfway, Luo Bushen looked around and suddenly asked.

"How many guns do you have?"

"What—" Qi Shao was stunned.

"What's the matter, your brother's hand was chopped off like this for nothing?" Luo Bushen prodded Qi Shao: "I asked you how many guns you can adjust. This Jiang Shen is too good at fighting. I am not his opponent. You want With the gunman helping me, I'm sure I can kill him with one blow."

"Uncle Luo Yingnan." Qi Shao understood and was overjoyed.

"I have long thought that this kid is not pleasing to the eye. No matter how good your skill is, if you shoot him down, it will be better than anything. Uncle Luo, I support you, and you must kill this kid."

Qi Shao didn't succeed in being a beautiful woman last time, and his subordinates had their fingers cut off. In turn, he had to admit his mistake to Jiang Shen. The anger in his heart is really suffocating until now.

"I'm old, a hero comes out of a youth, Xiaochao is much better than your father, your father gets older, the more he goes back, the Hongmen brothers suffered a disadvantage, and they didn't even dare to stand out." Luo Bushen was touting Young Master Qi today. , want to get his help.

"That's right, my father has really become less and less courageous these past few years." This is what Qi Shao's young man likes to hear most.

"However, you know that our Hongmen in the mainland are all relying on legitimate business. My dad said that this is a transformation, and people can't be seen as gangsters. They want to be a company and an entrepreneur. So, now I can use it. There are only two guns."

"Two?" Luo Bushen frowned.

"But Uncle Luo, don't worry, I spent money to find a group of people from western Liaoning. They have five guns, four are shotguns, and one pistol. Is that enough?"

In order to take revenge, Qi Shao had already secretly gone to find someone.

He had his father watching over his head, so he didn't want to use people from the Hongmen, so he used people from outside.

"Add two of you, nine, almost." Luo Bushen calculated.

"The shotgun can only fire one shot. For a master like Jiang Shen, there will be no chance of two shots. But fortunately, he is a big kid today, and he also drank." Luo Bushen chuckled.

"Uncle Luo, I think he is pretending to be drunk."

"That's right, this Jiang Shen has a lot of alcohol, and he has good kung fu. With this kind of kung fu, he probably won't get drunk after drinking ten catties of wine. Alcohol, when it enters the body, will definitely affect a person's nerves, even if he has a drinking capacity of [-] catties and only drinks a couple of baijiu, it will still affect his nervous system, and the reaction will definitely be slower than usual."

"You find all the people, arrange shotguns, and shoot in two rounds. When I shoot, you shoot with pistols, and you shoot Jiang Shen in one go. It doesn't matter if he hits or not, as long as he is distracted from fighting your bullets, I have a chance to kill him with one blow."

"If he wants to distract me from fighting me, you will have a chance to kill him."

"Okay, I'll contact you right away." Young Master Qi was also bold, and after drinking today, he was praised by Luo Bushen again, so he called someone decisively.

What is Jiang Shen doing now?

He and Zhou Ten billion took a taxi halfway: "Stop, I'll get off here."

"Brother Gentleman isn't going back to the hotel?"

"You go back first, I have something to do." Jiang Shen got out of the car alone.

He already felt Luo Bu's killing intent.

They are all Chinese, I miss you a master of Chinese martial arts, a once-in-a-century genius, you still want to kill me?

You are a person of flb nationality, so you will help flb with all your heart.

Shanghai is very beautiful at night, and Jiang Shen is not in a good mood when the cold wind blows at night.

Killing a master of martial arts is a loss of martial arts, I really can't bear it.

Jiang Shen walked east along the road.

He was heading east, and someone in the car behind kept reporting to Young Master Qi.

"Jiang Shen got out of the car."

"Go east."

"He went to take the subway, and we sent someone to take the subway too."

"He arrived in Baoshan District."

"Take a taxi and we're following."

"It seems to be going to the sea."

"He's in the suburbs, I don't know where he's going."

"Looking at the direction, it looks like he's going to the pier. He wants to go to Chongming? It's so late, there's no boat?"

"He's been walking. The direction is 'Way in the Bay'. It must be going to the pier."

"Wanli Wharf, let's go, he is walking, let's go ahead of him and ambush him." Qi Shaoye's car also followed.

When they got here, Jiang Shen had been walking all the time. They took a car, and they could rush ahead of Jiang Shen and lay an ambush at the pier.

Now it is a suburb of Shanghai, surrounded by endless fields, and further ahead is the seaside wharf. It is really a good place for murderers to abandon their corpses.

How did he get here?Compared to Qi Shao's excitement, Luo Bushen is suspicious?

Could it be that he knew someone was following him?To draw people here on purpose.

It's possible, but this Jiang Shen is a bit conceited, relying on his own kung fu to master, thinking that the world is invincible, so he deliberately lured people here.

Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, you are too conceited, now is the age of firearms, no matter how good your kung fu is, how can you beat firearms?

In fact, when the Japanese notified the FLB government, they explained that Jiang Shen possessed supernatural powers, making him invulnerable with swords and guns, and invincible.

The flb government received the information and was dubious. Now there is an invulnerable Superman?

They were afraid that God Luo Bu would not dare to come, so they didn't tell him clearly. Moreover, they just asked God Luo Bu to investigate whether it was Jiang Shen's bombing, and they didn't ask God Luo Bu to come and kill Jiang Shen.

Now it's all right, Luo Bushen didn't receive a detailed report from the government, so he decided to kill Jiang Shen and go back to claim his merits on his own initiative, but finally made a big mistake.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Shen staggered to the Wanli Wharf.

This pier was built earlier in Shanghai. It existed during the period of the Republic of China. Later, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was rarely used again. Occasionally, private boat owners would come here to pick up people on Chongming Island. Much better.

This pier is more used by the locals. Jiang Shen went here when he was taken to the gambling boat, so he took a fancy to the terrain here.

Because it was past nine o'clock, and there was not even a street lamp on the side of the road, the surrounding area was still relatively dark, and the only thing that could be used was the moonlight today.

Before Jiang Gentleman arrived, his spiritual sense had already seen how many people were here.

Qi Shao, Qiu Zai, Luo Bushen, and seven gunmen.

There are three pistols, Qi Shao, Qiu Zai and another person hold a pistol, and the others are shotguns.

The equipment is a bit poor. This is too small for me. When I was in France, everyone used missiles.

When Jiang Shen saw this scene, he knew that Luo Bushen and Qi Shao were determined to kill him.

Young Master Qi and Qiuzi knew that they should have hated themselves when they lost a finger. Did Luo Bu God know that I bombed the FLB police station? Could it be that he is a member of the FLB government?

Luo Bushen is from FLB, he heard from Master Qi, but Master Qi didn't say that he is from the government. Looking at him like this, he is determined to kill Jiang Shen, and he looks a bit like a member of the police station.

They want to kill me, should I kill them?Jiang Shen hesitated, stepping into their ambush circle step by step.

When we walked all the way to the beach, there was a pile of sundries beside the pier, and there was an old fishing boat next to the sundries.

A figure slowly stood up behind the fishing boat.

"Master Jiang, I just want to ask you, is it you who bombed our police station that day?" Luo Bushen stood up.

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