He also guessed that Jiang Shen knew about the ambush here, so he didn't avoid it and showed up directly.

They are all heroes of the rivers and lakes. If you dare to come knowing that there is an ambush, of course I will stand up.

"Master Luo is so courageous." Jiang Shen chuckled: "That's right, I, Jiang Shen, dare to do things, and I am the one who bombed the police station."

Hearing Jiang Shen's confirmation, God Luo Bu breathed a sigh of relief: "More than 30 lives, Master Jiang, you are a fairy-like figure, why should you have trouble with these ordinary people."

At this moment, he felt that he didn't need to feel guilty about killing Jiang Shen.

He was of Chinese descent before, and he still felt a little guilty for helping flb people kill Chinese people, but now that Jiang Shen has confirmed it, he really doesn't feel guilty at all.

"Eight of our Xiangmen people were killed in FLB." Jiang Shen said about the kidnapping incident last time.

"It was an accident, and I am also very sad." Luo Bu said in awe.

"It's not an accident. It's your government's responsibility. It ignores the lives of tourists from Xiangmen. If you are sent out, you can save all their tourists by yourself."

"Master Jiang, you are joking. To be honest, people like you and I live in the shadows. It is impossible to appear in the society openly. People like us can only do some secret things for the country. Impossible to get to the stage."

After hearing his words, Jiang Shen understood that he was really a staff member of the FLB government department.

"It seems that in your country, I heard that there is also a department under the State Council. They are all elites like you and me. Do they usually show up? In addition to protecting the country's leaders, even if there are a hundred and one thousand robbers outside, they will not will move them."

I can't admit that what Luo Bushen said is reasonable, but the last words are a bit mocking of Huaguo. Your Huaguo's masters are all used to protect the country's leaders.

At the wine table just now, he didn't say it clearly. Jiang Shen said that the people of Huaguo can't see masters now. Luo Bushen heard it and wanted to point it out.

But at the time, I said it was a bit disrespectful to Jiang Shen, and now the two sides are going to fight anyway, so I just said it.

"Oh, there is such a thing." This is also the first time Jiang Shen heard that a certain South China Sea bodyguard, he has seen a movie, but what Luo Bushen said is definitely not an organization like a certain South China Sea bodyguard, it should be more than this. There is also a mysterious place.

"Murder pays for life, it's natural, Master Jiang, you killed so many innocent lives, don't you feel guilty?" Luo Bushen's aura began to seep out, and the killing intent in his body became stronger and stronger, and he would strike at any time.

"To be honest, I really don't feel guilty. As a person I do things, I always pay back what I have, and pay back a hundred times. If someone kills me, I must kill a hundred people."

"Beast." Luo Bushen was furious.

Almost at the same time as he said the word 'sacrifice', with a step, the whole person flew out like an arrow.

Luo Bu was moved.

His name is Bu Shen, and he is really like a god every step, step by step, the speed of the bullet is even faster.

Just as he jumped out, the gunshot rang out.

"Bang bang" took the lead in firing three shotguns at Jiang Shen.

As soon as the three shots were fired, there were three shotguns in the next round, and they were raised again, pointing at Jiang Shen.

As soon as the gunshot rang out in front, the bullet hit Jiang Shen, and Luo Bushen also rushed in front of Jiang Shen.

"Well done." Jiang Shen respected martial arts and didn't use supernatural powers. He took a step sideways and used Xue Chen's kung fu "monkey jumping into the river".

So far, the only masters of martial arts he has met are Xue Chen and Luo Bushen.

When I communicated with Xue Chen last time, I also learned a few tricks from him.

You may have never seen this monkey jumping into the river.

The monkey jumped into the river, squatting and jumping, the movements were ugly, and the jump was extremely far. It was also a move that Xue Dian was very proud of, and it was the best for dodging bullets.

Why jfj used machine guns to encircle and suppress Xue Dian is because he is fast and good.

Pupu, the fairy Jiang Shen used Chinese martial arts, and when he jumped up, he was as fast as lightning.

All three shots in the first row were fired.

The dense iron sand hit Jiang Shen behind him.

Luo Bushen seemed to have calculated that Jiang Shen could dodge these three shots, and his leap happened to reach where Jiang Shen had landed.

"Golden Lion Falling Willow" Luo Bushen punched in the air, and his body was like a tiger and lion. In Jiang Shen's view, his whole body turned into a huge lion's claws, flying down in the air with aura like a rainbow.

Not to mention being hit by this punch, even the wind of the punch can kill an ordinary person.

Transform strength into strength, practice to transform strength, it is similar to the masters of internal skills in martial arts novels, one palm down, the palm misses, and the palm wind blows, it will also break the tendons and bones.

"Bang, bang, bang" the second row of shotguns rang again.

Luo Bushen arranged the position very well, one left and one right, one south and one north, Jiang Shen dodged three shots in front of him, and these three shots fired right behind him.

Front and rear Luobu gods, with shotguns on the side.

If Jiang Shen doesn't hide, of course it's fine, but that point is bullying, I'm afraid God Luo Bu will not rest in peace when he dies, what are you doing in the mortal world even if you are a god.

He had no choice but to hide again.

Whoosh, toes step on toes, step by step grows lotus, in the recent popular words on the Internet, step by step grows lotus, in fact, it first evolved from Chinese martial arts.

Xing'an's feet are fast and smooth, and he can step on a lotus flower.

Bababa, Jiang Shen almost didn't touch the ground, and went south before retreating.

The three shots were fired again.

Luo Bushen was also within Tiesha's range at this time.

But he was already prepared and almost followed Jiang Shen to the south.

The strength of the Huajin master is displayed at this time.

Jiang Shen didn't use supernatural powers, no matter how fast his body was, he was barely on par with Luo Bu.

Hearing the wind on the back of his head, he knew that Luo Bushen was sticking very tightly.

He had just avoided the three shots, and he hadn't stood still, and he didn't have time to turn his head back.

Bang, God Luo Bu had already stuck behind him and punched Jiang Shen on the back.

This punch was limp and powerless, but at the next moment, thousands of needles burst out suddenly.

Huajin's powerful penetrating power burst out.

"I'm stupid." Jiang Shen stumbled and was almost knocked down by Luo Bushen, and there was a slight pain in his back.

"It's done." Luo Bushen was overjoyed.

He knew that he had hit Jiang Shen with the force of the gun, and with this punch, even a piece of steel would be cracked by him.

His kung fu is not as domineering as Jiang Shen's, he can hold iron into mud, but Huajin kung fu is practiced to all parts of the body, it explodes freely, has strong penetrating power, and the steel plate blocks the front. people were beaten to death.

This time, Jiang Shen's five viscera and flesh were not smashed.

He reacted quickly, as soon as he hit a move, he turned around and retreated, and he didn't dare to fight at all.

Whoosh, Luo Bushen turned and ran.

No, Jiang Shen was furious.

He is invincible across the world, and it is rare to be hit by someone.

Although he didn't use his magical powers from the beginning to the end, it was not easy for others to hit him. I didn't expect that Luo Bushen was really powerful.

If you don't keep him, where will I put Jiang Shen's face?

"Go there." Jiang Shen really wanted to use his supernatural powers, so he held back abruptly, and with a sudden force on his feet, whoosh, he chased after him.

He wanted to kill this Luo Bu God with martial arts.

"Shoot." At this moment, Qi Shao, who had been holding back all this time, called out.

He, Qiu Zai, and another Liaoxi native, three pistols appeared at the same time, and started fighting at Jiang Shen.

Bang, bang, bang, the bullets gathered on Jiang Shen like a gust of wind.

And Jiang Shen was like a willow leaf in a strong wind, his footsteps moved with the waves, swishing through the gaps where the bullets flew, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab it.

Dang, Dang, Dang, everyone was stunned to hear the various sounds of metal transfer.

One by one bullets were caught by Jiang Shen.

Mine, he can really catch bullets with his bare hands, Luo Bushen was also scared out of his wits at this moment.

It's okay if you get punched by me, and you can still catch bullets.

Run quickly, at this moment, what he was thinking of was not killing Jiang Shen, but running away.

But how could Jiang Shen let him escape.

He didn't use his body to catch the bullet, which was considered a lot of low-key. Seeing that he wanted to run away, he flicked his fingers.

Whoosh, the two bullets flew past at a faster speed.

Although Luo Bushen's kung fu is strong, he can dodge the bullets shot by others, but he can't dodge the bullets shot by Jiang Shen.

He could clearly feel that the bullets fired by Jiang Shen came back faster, faster than those fired from the muzzle.

"Huh" At the critical moment, he also knew that he couldn't escape, he bowed his body, and his body suddenly exhaled and inhaled like a balloon.

Puff, puff, two bullets went up and down, one hit his thigh and the other hit his shoulder.

The one on the shoulder directly pierced his collarbone, splashing blood everywhere, causing Luo Bushen to jump forward and almost fall to the ground.

But the one on his thigh seemed to have been crushed into a cotton flower. He stopped, and the sweat dripped from his painful face.Then he stomped down, and when, the bullet was forced out of his leg.

This kung fu is also the pinnacle of Huajin. Luo Bushen knew that he was going to be shot, so let it be fine if he got shot on his shoulder, but he must protect his legs well. All his kung fu was used on his legs.

Jiang Shen's shot just didn't break his hamstring.

Originally, Jiang Shen's throwing was to break his hamstring so that he couldn't run away.

As a result, his kung fu blocked the bullet between his legs and forced it out.

However, Jiang Shen didn't pay attention to this detail, because he threw the bullet with full confidence, and he was sure to hit it in one hit, and now he focused on other people.

And Luo Bushen is also very good at pretending, when the bullet came out, he lay down on the ground with the momentum.

"Ah Yue" screamed and rolled on the spot. At the same time, he quickly took out something in his arms, and he didn't know what he took out.

Jiang Shen thought that Luo Bushen had fallen to the ground with a broken hamstring, and no matter how good his kung fu was, he couldn't run. If he couldn't run, Jiang Shen just chased him.

Don't rush to deal with him yet.

Whoosh, Jiang Shen appeared on the other side.

Here are three shotgunners.

"Yeah." The three shotgunners hadn't loaded the gunpowder for the second round, and saw Jiang Shen scream.

"What the hell." Jiang Shen was furious, and he was the most ruthless to these murderous people who took money to kill people. They would do anything when others gave them money, it was too abominable.

He doesn't even think about it, he often spends money to let others do things.

Get lost, Jiang Shen jumped past the three of them.

Plop plop, the three fell to the ground and died.

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