Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 439 Hongmen Headquarters

Now Jiang Shen is like a god of death, whoever walks by his side will take away his life.

He shot so fast that everyone except Luo Bushen couldn't even see it clearly.

Everyone only saw Jiang Shen passing in front of the three gunmen, and the three gunmen died suddenly.

"Ghost." Ball boy was terrified.

Catching bullets with his bare hands, killing people like picking things up, Jiang Shen's performance became more and more terrifying.

"Let's go, Young Master Qi." As soon as Qiu Zai pulled Qi Shao, the two turned around and fled.

But someone behind them sneered softly: "Young Master Qi, you're still going there." Then each of them felt their legs turn suddenly, thumping, and Qiu Zai and Young Master Qi fell to the ground.

"Ah!" The two bumped into a ball on the ground, sat on the ground, looked up and saw that there was no one standing around anymore.

In just such a short while, out of the dozen or so people who were alive just now, only Qi Shao and Qiu Zai were still sitting there.

It's terrible, this Jiang Shen is simply a plague god, it's terrible.

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen, I was wrong, we were wrong, give us a chance, it is Luo Bu God, it is Luo Bu God who tricked us to come here." The two of them felt numbness in their legs and couldn't stand up at all, and then Surprised and frightened, he begged Jiang Shen for mercy, and at the same time looked at Luo Bushen.

Luo Bu was moved.

He crawled on the ground, took a few deep breaths, and gathered the last strength in his body.

When everyone was knocked down by Jiang Shen, Luo Bu slammed down on the ground fiercely, whoosh, and jumped up vertically again.

I copy, can you still run?Jiang Shen thought that his leg was broken and he couldn't move, but Luo Bushen could still jump up.

"Master Luo" Jiang Shen smiled lightly, stepped forward with one step, and the two dragons grabbed the pearl, and when he stretched out his hand to catch it, he was about to buckle on Luo Bushen's shoulders.

But Luo Bushen suddenly swung back at this moment, whoosh, a cold light flashed in the air, and a throwing knife came to Jiang Shen's face.

Chinese martial arts masters use hidden weapons?Jiang Shen was angry and funny.

He had no choice but to change in mid-air, and grabbed the flying knife with a light touch.

But at this moment, I saw a sinister smile on Luo Bushen's face.

"Grass" Jiang Shen said angrily.

There was an earth-shattering explosion in the "boom" field, and it turned out that Luo Bushen's throwing knife turned out to be a specially made explosive flying knife.

This time it exploded, and the shock wave swept across the four directions.

Luo Bushen's forward figure was faster, and after swishing and rolling on the ground, he rose and fell twice in a row, and jumped into the sea with a plop.

And Jiang Shen was hit by the shock wave and backed up again and again, all the way back to the place where Qi Shao and Qiu Zai were.

When he stood still, Luo Bushen had already jumped into the sea, and disappeared after a wave.

Nima, Qi Shao and Qiu Zai were so far away from the center of the explosion, they were also dizzy from the explosion, and both fell to the ground.

Both faces turned pale with fright.

Jiang Shen at the center of the explosion was fine, is he still human?

Looking up again, I only saw Jiang Shen's cold face.

"Brother Qiu, do you have any last words?"

"Brother Gentleman, don't be like this, Qiuzi knows that he was wrong, give him another chance---huh" Qiuzi was so frightened that he almost cried.

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Shen stepped down, bang, and crushed the ball to death on the spot.

Qi Shao immediately froze there in fright.

It was so cruel that he didn't even give Ball a chance to speak.

You didn't mean to give him your last words, bastard.

But at this time, he certainly didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

"Brother Gentleman, Brother Gentleman---" Young Master Qi also cried.

"What do you have to say to your father?" Jiang Shen said with a smile: "Don't be like Qiu Zi, I told him to say it and he didn't say it, and he didn't have a chance in the end."

"Give me a chance. I belong to the Hongmen. If you kill me, you are going against the Hongmen. If you make a friend, you will be the only one in the future. The Hongmen is the number one gang in the world. Everyone can be friends."

Qi Shao cried and cried, but said something calmly.

Crying is an instinctive fear, but he does have some skills, and he is still calm at this moment, otherwise he would not have been accepted as a Hongmen disciple.

"Scare me with Hongmen?" Jiang Shen chuckled, "I respect Hongmen, but do you think I'm afraid of Hongmen?" Jiang Shen picked up the phone: "What's your dad's number?"

"My father---13****" Qi Shao was overjoyed, thinking that Jiang Shen was going to let him go, so he quickly reported his father's phone number.

"Hello, Lord Qi, I'm Jiang Shen."

"Master Jiang, are you still up so late?"

"I want to report some bad news to you." Jiang Shen's tone was flat: "Young Master Ling and Luo Bushen ambushed me at the pier, and brought seven or eight gunmen with them."

"--" Master Qi was stunned for a moment, and then almost shouted: "What? Master Jiang, Brother Shen, please be merciful."

If Jiang Shen called, it would prove that they failed.

Master Qi understood this truth in an instant.

"Master Qi, what would you do if it were you? With so many guns and bombs, I almost died. I have nothing to do with Mr. Ling, right? Didn't you just cut off one of Qiuzi's fingers and kill me?"

"This beast is lawless, Brother Gentleman, you have a lot of adults, I beg you, give me face, I will let him get out of Shanghai and never come back for the rest of his life." Master Qi's words were a bit heavy, but in order to save his son , I can't care about it now.

"I respect you Lord Qi, a hero in Shanghai, so I didn't kill him directly, but he colluded with people from flb to ambush government officials. At a small scale, it is intentional murder, and at a large scale, it is treason." Jiang Shen said This height has risen to the point of treason, but if you really think about it, you can still be accused of this crime on Young Master Qi.

After all, Jiang Shen is now a government official, and Luo Bushen is a government official of FLB, and Qi Shao's helping Luo Bushen can be regarded as helping the evildoers.

"Brother Shen, I beg you. I, Qi Tian, ​​have never begged anyone in my life. Even when my leg was broken, I have never humbled myself. I beg you, give Xiaochao a chance."

Master Qi was crying over there, no matter how wrong his son was, he was still his own son, and he had to find a way to save Young Master Qi no matter what.

At the end, Master Qi couldn't help screaming: "I'll use this old life for this little animal, okay?"

Hey, Jiang Shen couldn't bear it when he heard this. "Master Qi, you are a hero, but you gave birth to a son."

Jiang Shen looked at the sea in the distance, keeping people on the front line so that we could meet each other. At the beginning, Du Yuesheng always stayed on the front line in everything he did, and his reputation was so great in Shanghai. Lord Qi, I will give Hongmen face, Boss Du face, and let your son live .

"Master Qi, I will give you a face and save his life. However, the capital crime can be escaped, but the living crime cannot be less. If I let him leave safely, what should I do next time when Wang Shao, Zhao Shao, Li Shaosun and Shao come to kill me?" ?”

This rule must not be broken, Jiang Plague God, Jiang Yanwang is famous in Dongning, what he relies on is his cruelty.

Let Shao Qi go today, tomorrow Li Shao, Zhao Shao, Sun Shao will dare to kill Jiang Shen.

"I understand this truth, Brother Shen, what do you want?" Master Qi certainly understood.

"He hit me with a gun, of course he crippled his hand." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hiss..." Young Master Qi on the ground turned pale when he heard it.

"Don't---ah." Kacha screamed, and Qi Shao fainted.

I hope you can take care of yourself, Jiang Shen has dealt with Young Master Qi, looking up, the divine sense has already reached the far side.

On Chongming Island, Luo Bushen, with a pale face and no color on his face, landed slowly, dragging his heavy steps and walking unsteadily.

At this time, Luo Bushen was no longer as high-spirited as the master of Chinese martial arts who was invincible in Southeast Asia.

The battle against Jiang Shen not only seriously injured his body, but also broke his will.

An enemy and Jiang Shen have never been so scary.

I want to go back to China immediately and report this Jiang Shen to the country.

It’s fine if he’s just a folk stranger in Huaguo, but if he’s a member of Huaguo’s mysterious organization, then Huaguo is too scary, and he’s definitely the enemy of our flb. I don’t mind if the country doesn’t fight Huaguo.

He was afraid, he was afraid that if Jiang Shen was a member of some organization in Huaguo, and Huaguo had several, even dozens of such Jiang Shen, it would be a disaster for flb.

"You run so fast." Jiang Shen had already dropped a grain of spiritual thought on Luo Bushen.

Because of his admiration for the master of martial arts, he did not use magical powers to kill the killer, and accidentally let Luo Bushen escape.

However, he threw a divine sense on Luo Bushen in advance.

Even if Luo Bushen fled to the ends of the earth, he would not be able to escape.

Do we chase him now and kill him, or wait for him to return to flb?

Well, I don't have anything to do recently, why don't I go to him after he returns to flb, just in time to go to flb to practice.

Jiang Shen thought for a while on the other side, but after all, he didn't go after Luo Bushen, and turned back to the center of Shanghai.

When he was going back, several cars drove up from Shanghai. Master Qi was eager to beg for a son, so he brought his men over here.

"How did things turn out like this, Xiao Qi, what are you going to do now that Ah Chao's hand is disabled?" Sitting in the car together, they stared at Master Qi.

"What else can I do? Send him abroad and never come back."

"He's from the Hongmen?" Qi Sheng meant that the Hongmen brothers should not be bullied.

"God Luo Bu also belongs to Hongmen." Lord Qi gritted his teeth, this God Luobu, it's fine if you help Hongmen, but also help flb, now offending Jiang Shen and implicating me.

"Report this matter to the Hongmen headquarters, and the Hongmen headquarters will naturally avenge Luo Bushen." Master Qi said calmly.

Now he doesn't dare to say that he avenged his son, even if he said that his son was also at fault.

Luo Bushen has great prestige in the headquarters of Hongmen, and the master of Chinese martial arts is a golden signboard. When he reports to the headquarters of country m, there will naturally be people from the headquarters to avenge Luo Bushen.

As long as the revenge is successful, it means that his son's revenge is also revenged.

"It makes sense." As soon as Qi Sheng finished speaking, the cell phone beside him rang.

He looked down, hissed, and gasped.

"The phone number of the headquarters of country m."

The headquarters of Hongmen in country m called.

"Hello, is Big Brother Qi here?" There was a nice female voice on the other phone.

Qi Sheng hurriedly gave the phone to Lord Qi.

"You Wazi, I haven't heard your voice for a long time." Master Qi laughed, but the laughter was a bit forced.

"Brother Qi, I just heard the news that there is a person in Huaguo who almost killed Brother Luo Bu Shenluo. Mr. Tang asked, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

"So fast?" Master Qi was shocked, and almost killed Luo Bushen?So Luo Bushen has escaped?

Then he must have notified the headquarters of country m, but why did you ask me how to deal with it?

Master Qi frowned.

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