After thinking for a while, he understood what Mr. Tang meant.

Then he said slowly and quietly: "The Hongmen is a family in the world, I must have listened to the headquarters of the Hongmen——"

"However--" Then he changed his tone: "That person is called Jiang Shen, an official of our Hua Kingdom, and Luo Bushen's younger brother is also an official of the flb government. Please respect the rules set at the meeting."

"I'm old, and I plan to retire this year, and then travel around the world. You can send someone to preside over the matters in Shanghai."

What he said is very clear. Both parties involved have government backgrounds. I will not interfere. I will retire and quit.

"Isn't Young Master Qi going to take over your class?" asked the woman opposite.

"The beast also caused trouble, and it may be abandoned by someone. I only have this one son. I count on him to retire and take him away to travel around the world together."

"Hey..." The other party let out a long sigh of relief after hearing this: "Brother Qi is really old."

Qi Yingxiong, who didn't even frown when his leg was broken, was gone, and the woman opposite was very disappointed.

"Okay, in a few days, our headquarters will send someone to Shanghai to take over the business in Shanghai. Brother Qi can retire with peace of mind."

As soon as the phone was hung up, Qi Sheng's expression changed drastically.

"Is this going to make things worse? The headquarters wants to continue dealing with Jiang Shen?"

"It's not big, what we say doesn't matter, let's go quickly." Master Qi smiled bitterly: "Jiang Shen is the No. First."

For Mr. Qi, Hongmen won, and his son's revenge was avenged. Jiang Shen won, which proved that he was right in not taking revenge.

I still travel around the world most importantly.

Master Qi has decided to travel around the world, and Jiang Shen has already returned to the hotel.

Back in the room, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

He just opened the door.

I just felt something was wrong.

The next moment, with a swipe, the whole room lights up.

However, these lights are not the lights of the room itself, but also colorful lights installed separately.

The brilliance is blurred, the lights are dim, and it looks like a party atmosphere.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you---"

A crisp female voice sang Happy Birthday around the room. After the birthday song was finished, a gentle soft music sounded around the room.

Then the second-hand Guan Ruohua appeared.

She was pushing a hotel trolley in one hand and a microphone in the other. It was obvious that she sang the birthday song just now.

On the trolley, there is a two-layer cream cake, which is very beautiful, with many candles lit on it, and there are red wine, roses, and Western food on the side, everything is available.

The presidential suite where they have been staying, now the hall is covered with colorful lights, and roses are everywhere, and with the soft music on the side, the atmosphere of the entire hall is mobilized.

"Master, you're finally back. It's so dangerous." Guan Ruohua wore a tight-fitting tracksuit today, showing her exquisite and charming figure to the fullest.

"It's 10 minutes before twelve o'clock." Guan Ruohua laughed loudly: "I'm so happy, so happy, me."

She threw the microphone away and pushed the cart in front of Jiang Shen.

"Crazy." Jiang Shen didn't understand.

The room was fine when he left during the day, but Guan Ruohua arranged it like this for a day, it was simply unsightly.

"You idiot, who told you that my birthday is today." Jiang Shen thought for a while, he seemed to be in November, and he forgot.

"No." Guan Ruohua seemed to be used to being scolded, completely ignoring Jiang Shen scolding her.

"Today is my birthday. I spent a whole day decorating this place. I'm afraid you won't come back tonight. Quick, quick, blow out the candles for me. It will be twelve o'clock in ten minutes."

Guan Ruohua's face was full of smiles, his face was blushing, as if he was very excited, and then he pushed the cake in front of Jiang Shen.

Today is this bastard's birthday?Jiang Shen swallowed the curse words again.

He looked at Guan Ruohua quietly, his face was flushed, extremely charming, his face was full of contented happiness, as if spending birthday with Jiang Shen was her biggest wish.

For some reason, Jiang Shen's heart suddenly moved, and then he shook his head, reminding himself secretly, bastard, this is an apprentice, what are you thinking.

"If you hadn't said it earlier, I would have said that I had prepared a gift for you." Jiang Shen's voice was much gentler. He had never been so gentle since he met Guan Ruohua.

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise, hee hee."

I made a fuss, it's your birthday, not mine, it scared your sister, Jiang Shen fainted to death.

"Blow out the candles, blow out the candles." Guan Ruohua stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Jiang Shen's hand.

She lived with Jiang Shen these two days, and from time to time she wanted to eat Jiang Shen's tofu, Jiang Shen was also on guard, and subconsciously raised her hand, ready to dodge, but seeing the excitement on Guan Ruohua's face, she finally couldn't bear it.

Got it, got it, hahaha, Guan Ruohua finally caught Jiang Shen's hand.

My heart is ecstatic.

She remained calm and pulled Jiang Shen towards her, and the two stood side by side, facing the cake.

"Master, I'm blowing."

I crossed, there was something wrong with what I heard, Jiang Shen's face was black: "You blow it."

"Wait, I haven't made a wish yet." Guan Ruohua thought for a while, folded his hands together, closed his eyes and began to make a wish.

"Bless my master to be happy every day, everything goes well, in good health, and the whole family is happy." Guan Ruohua said directly.

As soon as these four sentences were said, Jiang Shen's heart trembled again, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when his mother helped him celebrate his birthday when he was a child in his hometown.

For so many years, except for my mother, no one seemed to have said this to me.

"Huh..." After Guan Ruohua finished speaking, he bent down and lowered his head to blow out all the candles.

After Guan Ruohua blew out the candles, he raised his head and saw Jiang Shen, who still had tears in his eyes.

Erhuo was overjoyed, and bumped Jiang Shen with his shoulder: "Master, aren't you so easily moved?" Tears fell.

"I thought of my mother."

"Grass." Guan Ruohua secretly raised a middle finger to Jiang Shen.Fortunately, the wish in my mother's heart is not this.

It turned out that what Guan Ruohua said was nice, but there was another wish in his heart: "Bless me to have sex with Jiang Shen tonight, and take his body and take his heart."

"Cut the cake, cut the cake." Guan Ruohua began to cut the cake.

Jiang Shen wanted to say that he didn't want to eat it, but it was his birthday anyway, so he had to wait for her to cut the cake.

But Guan Ruohua saw that after cutting the cake, he took a piece as if he was about to hand it to Jiang Shen, and suddenly threw it away.

Jiang Shen was also caught off guard and threw it on his face.

"Hahaha." Guan Ruohua was overjoyed, and copied two more cakes with his hands.

Jiang Shen was furious, and also copied two yuan, and soon the two of them took the cake and threw it up.

Everyone seems to have returned to the time when he was a student a few years ago. Even Jiang Shen temporarily forgot that he is a god and a government official.

Now, the two of them are a pair of friends who are celebrating their birthdays, and they are good friends who can laugh and play.

But Guan Ruohua couldn't hit Jiang Shen anymore, instead Jiang Shen hit him on the head a few times and screamed angrily.

"Bully me, you are not allowed to use martial arts, and you are not allowed to hide." Guan Ruohua was furious, and finally took the rest of the cake and rushed directly to Jiang Shen.

"What are you doing, blowing up the carved castle." Jiang Shen was startled.

Guan Ruohua said that it is not allowed to use martial arts, Jiang Shen was hesitating whether to cheat or use his skills, Guan Ruohua rushed forward after hesitating, he quickly hid to the side, but saw Guan Ruohua slipped on his feet, "Ahhh" holding the cake and fell to the ground on the ground.

Plop, Erhuo buried his head in the cake in his hands, and when he raised his head, his face was covered with cake.


"You fell by yourself, it's none of my business." Jiang Shen laughed loudly, walked over and held out a hand.

Guan Ruohua quickly grabbed Jiang Shen's hand, Jiang Shen pulled it hard, and Guan Ruohua got up from the ground.

Before Jiang Shen could let go, Guan Ruohua swooped down and threw himself into Jiang Shen's arms.

"Master, I'm coming." She pouted her mouth high, wanting to kiss Jiang Shen's face.

"I'll handcuff." Jiang Shen was startled again, and instinctively kicked up.

Bang, Guan Ruohua came quickly, went very quickly, and fell to the ground with another plop.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" this time Guan Ruohua really shed tears, did he make a mistake and kick me out?woo woo woo.

"I'm dizzy." Jiang Shen touched his head in embarrassment, instinctively, instinctively.

"sorry Sorry."

"You're too much. It's my birthday. I don't want a gift. Can you give me a kiss?" Guan Ruohua sat on the ground with cream and cake all over his body, looking very funny.

"Then your face is full of cream, and you still pounce on me." Jiang Shen shook his head, stretched out his hand to touch it from his bosom, and took out a piece of jade.

"Here, happy birthday." This piece of jade is the same as Jiang Shen's woman's jade, which can protect Guan Ruohua.

Guan Ruohua looked at it, and felt that it was very valuable, so he quickly took it, but said: "I don't want a gift, give me a kiss."

As he spoke, he put the jade in his pocket like a treasure.

"Crazy, I'm your master." Jiang Shen straightened his face and walked to his room calmly.

The quarrel between the two made the atmosphere even more ambiguous, and he wanted to avoid it.

"Foreigners have been kissed by juniors all their lives." Guan Ruohua objected.

"We are Chinese."

"Hey, hello, master." Guan Ruohua saw Jiang Shen enter the room, picked up the red wine on the cart and chased after him.

Bang, Jiang Shen slammed the door behind him as soon as he entered.

Damn, Guan Ruohua stood blankly outside the door, biting his lip, holding red wine, feeling ashamed and angry.

What the hell, oil and salt do not enter, forcing me to come up with a unique trick?

"Hey, master, don't go too far, it's 3 o'clock in [-] minutes, have a glass of wine with me."

No matter how she knocked on the door, Jiang Shen ignored her. "Go take a shower and sleep."

Grass, Guan Ruohua looked at the door disappointedly, then slowly sat down at the door with red wine in his hand.

She kept her eyes on the alarm clock in the hall.

Two and a half minutes.

two minutes.

a minute and a half.

one cent.

30 seconds.

It's almost twelve o'clock.

Jiang Shen, who was in the room, saw Guan Ruohua sitting at his door blankly through the door.

It looks very pitiful.

These bastards really know how to pretend.

Jiang Shen knew that she was probably faking it.

But such a beautiful woman, sitting pitifully at the door of your room, is really easy to impress a man's heart.

One minute, two minutes, if I don't go out, will she sit at the door overnight?

At the last 30 seconds.

Bang, the door opened, Jiang Shen finally relented.

"Just have a drink with you, you have to promise me, go back to sleep right away."

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