Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 441 Master, Here I Come

"Thank you, master." Guan Ruohua jumped up ecstatically, quickly opened the red wine, brought the glass, and filled it up.

"Happy birthday to myself, and always be with Master, hahaha." Guan Ruohua and Jiang Shen toasted, then raised their heads and drank it down.

Suddenly, her face turned red.

Jiang Shen heard from Ye Qian that she drank a lot, but for some reason her face turned red as soon as she took a sip.

Under the night, Guan Ruohua wiped off the cream on his face, looking very charming and lovely.

"Happy birthday, always happy." Jiang Shen also took a sip, turned to put down the glass, and turned to enter the room.

"Yeah" Guan Ruohua clenched his fists against Jiang Shen's back like a victorious princess.

"Quick, quick, hurry up." She put down the red wine, turned and ran to the bathroom.

While running wildly, he took off his clothes in the hall.

Then the trousers, before he ran to the bathroom door, Erhuo was only wearing the three-point style, and the hall was full of clothes and trousers she had left behind.

Then it was a bath, she washed herself fragrantly and sprinkled on the most alluring perfume, the whole process took less than 10 minutes.

In the end, Guan Ruohua wrapped herself in a white towel, and looked at the mirror again and again.

"Well, the cleavage is not obvious, and the towel has to be lowered a little." She looked at the mirror, pulled the towel back and forth, forced a deep cleavage, and then walked out proudly.

At this time, Jiang Shen should already be burning with desire, right?Hahaha, seeing my delicious jade body, you still don't rush up and eat me in one bite.

Guan Ruohua secretly laughed lewdly. It turned out that she had put ten times as much aphrodisiac in the red wine. Even after she took a sip, her face turned red on the spot. Now the fire in her body was already burning.

"Master, I'm here." Guan Ruohua rushed out.

"Bang, bang, bang." She knocked on the door impatiently: "Master, my head is so hot, do I have a cold?"

No one cares about him.

"Bang, bang, bang." "Master, I'm so hot, do I have a cold?"

Guan Ruohua's voice became more and more lascivious, because at this moment, her own sip also started to flare up.

The body is getting hotter and hotter, and it's like ten thousand ants crawling around.

She needs a man now, and someone needs to hit her hard.

But no one in the room paid attention to him.

"Damn it, isn't he impotent?" Guan Ruohua felt the power of the aphrodisiac, and seeing Jiang Shen take a big gulp, he couldn't believe that Jiang Shen didn't respond.

"Bang, bang, bang." She knocked on the door again.

"Don't make noise, I'm already asleep, go back to sleep." Jiang Shen's voice finally came out, sounding very normal.

My god, he didn't respond?Is he really impotent, or has he practiced martial arts to a certain extent, forcing out the aphrodisiac?

Guan Ruohua has watched martial arts movies, and even a master can be forced out if he is poisoned.

It's over, Master must have forced out the aphrodisiac.

then what do I do?

"Mm--" That night, Guan Ruohua was in extreme pain on the bed, tossing and turning without sleep all night.

Early the next morning.

Bang, bang, bang, someone knocked on their door.

Jiang Shen was taking a seat to practice at this time.

Before he could get up, Guan Ruohua walked out with a towel wrapped in a towel, staggering, and sleepy.

Looking outside through the cat's eyes, Ge Danni?

She opened the door and leaned against the door, so weak that she seemed about to fall down at any moment.

"Wow..." Seeing Guan Ruohua like this, Ge Danni was almost scared to death.

"You, what are you doing, what were you doing last night." Ge Danni looked Guan Ruohua up and down.

She seemed to be wearing nothing but a bath towel around her body, her eyes were like those of a giant panda, and she could tell she hadn't slept all night.

Don’t you guys, it’s okay for the master and apprentice to sleep in one room, and it’s going to take them all night?This Jiang Shen is really lewd, shameless and obscene, he engages in all kinds of women in the name of accepting disciples.

"What's the matter? I'm going to sleep." Guan Ruohua had a sad night, and finally the medicine wears off. Before falling asleep, someone knocked him awake again.

"Ju Yu is looking for Ju Jiang, but he can't get through on the phone, so he asked me to come and see." Ge Danni didn't want to go in at first, but the woman must be surprised, so she opened the door and walked in.

"Wow, what did you do last night, the two of you are so excited?"

There are roses all over the place, new colorful lights are everywhere, and the air is full of the smell of milk and perfume.

There was Guan Ruohua's clothes on the ground, and there was a lot of cream and cakes on the scene.

Just by looking at this scene, you can tell how excited the master and apprentice were yesterday.

As for what?Are you two like this?

This Jiang Shen is too perverted, he not only likes to play master and servant, but also master and apprentice, his favorite must be fun, what scene did he play last night?

Ge Danni was dumbfounded, and the deer jumped wildly in her heart.

"I've never seen such a good time. We celebrated my master's birthday yesterday." Guan Ruohua lazily pointed to Jiang Shen's room: "Master is sleeping. You knock on the door yourself. I'm going to catch up on sleep."

She pulled her towel back into the room.

Ge Danni glanced at it, thinking in her heart, the towel is so wrapped around that the top of the peak is almost exposed, if you tell me that you are master and apprentice, I will believe you.

However, this girl's breasts are really big, not much worse than mine.

Ge Danni secretly compared, then she gathered her energy and went to knock on Jiang Shen's door.

In the past, it was impossible for her to take the initiative to go to a man's room and knock on the man's door.

But for some reason, when Yu Shijun asked her to come, she didn't refuse.

In fact, as long as she refused, Song Linghua could come.

"Bang, bang, bang," "Jiang Ju, are you up yet, Yu Ju is looking for you."

Ge Danni's heart beat wildly, but she was knocking on the door of a man's room?Would he come out in briefs and answer the door?

She was thinking wildly, and a voice came from inside: "Got it, you go back first, I'll come right away."

"Oh." Jiang Shen didn't come to open the door, Ge Danni was a little disappointed, she turned around and looked at the presidential suite, thinking about what Jiang Shen might have done last night, gritted her teeth and left here.

Why is Yu Shijun looking for Jiang Shen?

The purpose of attracting investment has been achieved this time, but Lu Yong promised to bring it to other districts.

So Yu Shijun wanted to discuss with Jiang Shen and set up a project for other districts.

Anyway, the tasks in the east of the city are over this year, so it's normal to help the brother district appropriately, everyone needs help from time to time.

Yu Shijun knew that Jiang Shen was not good at talking, so she wanted to ask Jiang Shen. If Jiang Shen was willing, they would go back to Dongning. Jiang Shen was not willing, so she would continue to work hard to find a project and help Lu Yong complete it.

When Jiang Shen heard this, he thought about it quietly.

That's enough, living here is being annoyed by the second-hand Guan Ruohua every day, so go back.

After thinking about it, he put Citibank in another district.

If the bank has ideas for him, then he will put the bank in another district.

Although he did Lu Yong a favor, Jiang Shen really looked down on Lu Yong. Such a person is not qualified to be his opponent.

Little people who can be pinched off at any time.

Only someone with a background like Yu Shijun could pose a slight threat to Jiang Shen in the officialdom.

After the two discussed and decided, they planned to return to Dongning that afternoon.

Just before leaving in the afternoon, someone sent a post to Jiang Shen.

This person was from Shanghai Hongmen, and told Jiang Shen that Lord Qi had left, and that Shanghai Hongmen had changed the person in charge.

The person in charge invites Jiang Shen to participate in the 28st Anniversary Celebration of the World Hongmen on July 21 this year.

In 1992, on July 7th, the World Hongmen Convention was established in country m, and it has been 28 years in a blink of an eye.

"Are you inviting me to attend the conference?" Jiang Shen calculated, it is now April, and there are still more than three months left.

"No problem, you reply to your principal for me, and I will be there on time."

At the Hongmen Conference, the speakers and leaders of the Hongmen all over the world will gather together, and the scene of true heroes is like a cloud.

Some experts who are not usually seen will also appear.

There are not many people in China who have this opportunity to be invited.

Generally, the number of people outside Hongmen who received the invitation would not exceed five fingers.

At the beginning of April, Jiang Shen, Yu Shijun and others returned to Dongning from Shanghai.

This time I went out for a few days and successfully recruited several projects.

One of them was given to the brother district, and Xiao Jiang's work ability in Chengdong District was once again recognized by everyone.

However, the project given to the brother district is still very shocking.

A branch of Citibank in Dongning.

Citibank has only opened more than a dozen branches in China, and they have not gone to more than half of the provinces.

The news spread to the province, and the province also attached great importance to it.

When Governor Ou found out that Jiang Shen was here again, he was even more proud of his vision. Comrade Xiao Jiang was really good.

But what was even more shocking was the back.

In order to thank the government of Huaguocheng East District for its help and to improve the cooperation with Dongning Province, Citibank decided to spend [-] million U.S. dollars to build a road for Dongning Province.

This news severely shocked the investment promotion department of Dongning province.

Because everyone knew later that this was the sponsorship of Citibank by Jiang Shen.

A foreign capital invested in Huaguo and built a road along the way.

There are almost no things since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Of course, there may have been enthusiastic foreign businessmen (some Chinese immigrants who immigrated to foreign countries) sponsoring roads in some places, but this is the first time that this has been drawn.

And this is Citibank, the Citigroup is one of the top ten consortiums in the world, a very famous group.

Now the influence directly radiated to the neighboring provinces and cities, which shocked the brother units in several other provinces.

Governor Ou specifically proposed at a provincial investment promotion conference that if every investment promotion staff was like Xiao Jiang, who could attract foreign investment and provide sponsorship, how much money would the country save and how much profit would the country lose less? .

On the surface, this was a bit of hatred for Jiang Shen, which would easily arouse everyone's jealousy, but in fact, Governor Ou had no choice but to say so.

Some time ago when he wanted to mention Jiang Shen, many people twisted their mouths. Now that Jiang Shen has made achievements again, he can finally prove Jiang Shen, and it also proves that the governor of Europe knows heroes with his eyes, and he is not mistaken.


After returning to Dongning for many days, Jiang Shen was finally ready to meet Governor Ou.

Ou Sheng also helped him a lot with his progress last time, it's time to say goodbye to the pier.

On Friday afternoon, Jiang Shen came to the provincial government for the first time.

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