Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 442 Meet the Deputy Governor

The vice-governor didn't just meet him whenever he wanted, especially a deputy-level cadre like Jiang Shen, who would be despised by the gatekeeper whenever he entered the gate.

It's not his fault, he is with a group of provincial and departmental officials every day, and Jiang Shen's rank is indeed a little lower.

After entering the provincial government, Jiang Shen called.

He had contacted Governor Ou's secretary in advance and knew that Governor Ou was not out today.

Secretary Song met Jiang Shen in Japan, and knew that Governor Ou had a good impression of him, and even helped Jiang Shen to be promoted to a deputy department, so he naturally regarded him as one of his own.

Soon someone came down and took Jiang Shen upstairs in person.

Jiang Shen asked, this person is a clerk in the provincial government office.

Deputy level.

The deputy department-level clerk took Jiang Shen, the deputy section-level, to Governor Ou's office.

Jiang Shen was a little embarrassed, but the other party was very humble and low-key.

The other party didn't know who Jiang Shen was, but Secretary Song asked him to come down and bring this person up himself, which must be quite awesome.

After reaching the ninth floor, the man pointed to the inside: "The fourth hall ahead is Governor Ou's office."

"Thank you, leader." Jiang Shen hurriedly said politely, and then walked forward.

The office of the leader of Dongning Province is quite special.

Now the state has requirements for leading cadres' offices, and the following are also trying to find ways.

Like here, there is a hall outside each deputy provincial and above leadership office.

Those who come to meet the leaders, just wait in line outside, and whoever reports their name will go in.

Jiang Shen walked into the fourth hall, there were seats on the left and right, and many people were already there.

Some were standing, some were sitting, and when they saw Jiang Shen coming, everyone naturally looked up.

These people were all looking for Governor Ou, and some of them knew each other and were chatting lightly.

Jiang Shen swept his mind, and there was indeed someone in Governor Ou's office, as if reporting work to Governor Ou, it seemed that he would have to wait.

He looked around, found a place to sit down.

Not long after sitting down, a middle-aged man with a big belly walked in.

"Du Bureau"

"Boss Du."

As soon as the man came in, several people in line recognized him.

Jiang Shen glanced at it, and it seemed a little familiar.

Think again, the surname is Du, the chief of the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau?I saw it once in Japan.

Ou Province is in charge of investment promotion, which should be the Provincial Bureau Du Bureau.

"Okay, Director Peng."

"Little Guan is here too."

"Chen Hall, who is in there?"

Bureau Du greeted everyone with a smile, and then moved forward.

The few people in front naturally stepped aside, obviously letting him be in the front row.

In fact, this kind of queuing is not very interesting. It mainly depends on which Governor Ou wants to see first, but everyone in the system and knows each other must let the biggest one be at the front.

Jiang Shen didn't make a sound at the side, when suddenly the phone rang.

He received a text message from Secretary Song.

"The boss has something urgent to go out. I want to see you next time. Have you arrived yet?"

"It's here, outside." Jiang Shen quickly replied a text message, a little proud in his heart, buddy is so awesome, the secretary sent me a text message.

After Jiang Shen even sent the text message, he stood up and walked towards the door.

There were four or five people crowded by the door, all surrounding the bureau.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Someone saw Jiang Shen poking his head and trying to squeeze forward, feeling upset.

Boy, what level are you?

"Your unit?" A bald middle-aged man looked at Jiang Shen with disgust, he seemed to dislike Jiang Shen's frizzy demeanor, the young man calmed down, there are so many leaders in front of you, you squeeze forward What squeeze?

"I'm from the China Merchants Bureau in the East District."

Dude, everyone despises it. The director of the District Investment Promotion Bureau is the official department. Judging by your age, you must be a clerk.

Clerk?Share class?It’s hard to beat the ranks, brother, all of us here are above the front, and there are two in the main hall.

Have you come to the wrong place?

When did the Ou province randomly interview stockholders?

The hierarchy within the system is very strict.

Previously, everyone thought he was the person in charge of some kind of enterprise, but they didn't react much. When they heard that he was from the District Investment Promotion Bureau, countless eyes looked at him with contempt.

Someone naturally moved his body forward, blocking Jiang Shen from continuing to go to the door.

"You are---Xiao Jiang." Du Ju looked at it for a long time, and finally thought of who Jiang Shen was.

He had also seen Jiang Shen in Japan, and Jiang Shen was outstanding, so he remembered it in his heart.

Du Ju's tone was a bit polite, and when he said it, several people around were stunned.

Some of these people belonged to the China Merchants Bureau of other prefecture-level cities, and some belonged to other bureaus, and they had never met Jiang Shen.

"Hi Ju, I'm Xiao Jiang." Seeing that the leader knew him, Jiang Shen quickly smiled.

"You also come to see Ou Xing."

"Yes, come and report to the leader."

"Okay, okay, Xiao Jiang, you are still very good, work hard."

The two of them said a few words without nutrition, most people thought it was nonsense, but the people around them were startled.

Do you think that a main hall is free to talk so much nonsense with a stock manager?

I have some background.

Everyone's expressions changed again.

But at this moment, the door opened.

Two people came out one after another.

"Song Hall"

"Secretary Song."

"Director Song"

Jiang Shen couldn't understand the various names.

Secretary Song nodded and responded politely, and finally fixed her gaze on Jiang Shen.

Then he said: "Excuse me, leaders, Ou Province has something urgent to go out, Jiang Ju, please come in."

I fork.

I'm dizzy.

I copy.

All around fainted, even Director Du was shocked in an instant.

I went out in a hurry, but I still saw Jiang Shen.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Excuse me." Rang Rang, Jiang Shen proudly stepped forward, pushed through the crowd blocking the door, and walked into Governor Ou's door with eyes that could kill people behind him.

As soon as the door was closed, everyone started talking.

"Boss Du, who is this?"

"Are you awesome, Governor Ou---" is not a relative?

Everyone has something to say, wishing to ask clearly.

"This little Jiang, hehe--" Du Ju couldn't say anything, shook his head and smiled, turned around and left.

Secretary Song said that Ou Xing was going out and had no time to see them, so they had to leave too.

Seeing that Bureau Du didn't say anything, everyone had no choice but to leave.

Only the person who was trying to stop Jiang Shen at the door just bowed his head and thought about it, should I wait for him to come out, and then say hello to him?

These days, you are not afraid of offending the leader, but you are afraid of offending the little people around the leader. It is more powerful than a hidden weapon to give you a crooked mouth at a critical moment.

He was struggling there, and Jiang Shen had already entered.

There are also compartments inside, the little secretary is outside, and the leader is inside.

Secretary Song winked at Jiang Shen to express his kindness, and then pointed inward. Jiang Shen smiled at him and walked to the Ou province office.

"Xiao Jiang, sit down. I have something to go out, so you can tell me what you have." Governor Ou really went straight to the point. When he was in Japan, he called and praised Jiang Shen in public. He really thought of what to say.

At this level, there are not many people who are so forthright. No wonder Jin Zhonglin said that Ou Province is all there is.

In the officialdom, it is about being calm and reserved. The bigger the official, the more calm and calm he is. He always speaks with meaning in his words, and rarely speaks clearly.

Some leaders say a word, and the people below have to figure it out for a long time before they can think of the true meaning of the sentence.

Always think irony as truth, and listen to truth as irony. Only by studying the art of leaders' speaking can you become a caring person for leaders.

Governor Ou is a different kind. He has a straightforward personality and likes to be straightforward. Jiang Shen likes to communicate with such leaders.

"I don't mean anything else. The main thing is that I just became the deputy director some time ago, and I went out to recruit businessmen. I have been forgetting to thank Ou Xing, Ou Xing, thank you very much."

"Actually, I just joined the system. I'm a new recruit. I don't understand many rules. It's rare for Ou Sheng to help me like this."

After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he put a gift bag on Governor Ou's desk.

Jin Zhonglin said, be direct, so Jiang Shen spoke very directly, and even put a red envelope directly.

I'm sorry, Ou Chufeng is considered a straightforward person, seeing Jiang Shen dare to throw a red envelope in front of him, his eyebrows were raised immediately.

To say that he was a little upset with Jiang Shen before, because at least he was the one who mentioned Jiang Shen, and it took almost two months before he came to see him.

But today I understood what Jiang Shen said. What Jiang Shen just said was very clear. He just entered the system and forgot. That’s right. This young man has not been in the system for a long time, and he does things lawlessly. He must have forgotten to thank me. up.

But, you are so brave, dare to throw me a red envelope?

Seeing Jiang Shen's style of doing things, Ou Chufeng thought of himself when he was young, and he was so bold in doing things, so he couldn't help laughing, and his displeasure with him disappeared: "You are so bold, I mentioned you, is it because of this red envelope .”

"Put it up, get the hell out, I'm going out." Ou Chufeng was laughing and scolding, but if Secretary Song was here, he would know that Ou Sheng liked someone so much that he would speak like this.

Treating Jiang Shen as one of his own made him speak so casually.

The leader chased people away, so Jiang Shen had to stand up, but he didn't take it back.

When you give a gift, if the leader says no, you can’t really treat it as if he doesn’t want it. It takes a lot of deliberation to understand whether the leader wants it or not.

"When will Ou Sheng come to our Chengdong District to guide the work? I hope to have a chance to have a meal with the leader." Jiang Shen confiscated the red envelope, stood up and stepped back, waiting to go out with Ou Sheng.

Ou Chufeng looked at the red envelope on the stage from the corner of his eye, and didn't continue to ask Jiang Shen to put it away. It wasn't that he wanted to accept the red envelope. Being a leader is like this. Sometimes he doesn't accept things from the people below, but it makes the people below feel cold.

"Chengdong Investment Promotion Bureau is doing a good job. I will find Xiao Song to arrange time. You should work hard. In fact, I hope you will come to the province." Ou Chufeng picked up the clothes on the stool and asked Jiang Jiang calmly. gentry.

"I'm still young, and I want to practice at the grassroots level." Jiang Shen was not polite, and directly refused.

What did Minister Jin say, be straightforward and direct when talking to Ou Sheng.

Don't be ambiguous, don't say thank you to the leader, I actually really want to be in the province, but I also want to be at the grassroots level, such glib words.

After a few conversations, the two walked to the door. The moment the door was opened, Ou Chufeng asked again: "Do you know Minister Zhong Lin?"

Without hesitation, Jiang Shen nodded decisively: "His daughter and I are friends."

"--" No wonder, Ou Chufeng smiled: "Let's go, I'm going out."

When Jiang Shen went out, he looked back at the red envelope on the table, and said in his heart: "Ou Xing, take a look at what I gave you too, hey."

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