Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 443 First Meeting

After paying a smooth visit to Ou Sheng, Jiang Shen also left triumphantly.

Although he has a lot of backers, it's worth having one more, not to mention that Ou Province is still in charge of the investment promotion, let alone that he has been promoted by Ou Province now, and he has already been beaten by someone from the Ou Department.

After leaving the European provincial office, Jiang Shen went downstairs alone.

Ou Xing is on the ninth floor, there are two elevators downstairs, Jiang Shen went first, and took the west elevator.

He thought about it and saw the elevator open, but he didn't look carefully, and stepped in one step.

There are two people in the elevator, one looks less than 40 years old, about 1.7 meters tall, with a long face like a crown jade, quite imposing.

Another, in his 30s, was standing behind the man with a briefcase.

The elevator was going up, and Jiang Shen had already closed the door when he found out.

"Grass, upwards." Jiang Shen swears directly.

You idiot, you can't tell if it's up or down, the man in his 30s looked at Jiang Shen with contempt.

It was the 40-year-old who looked at him strangely.

Jiang Shen also saw this person, did he look familiar, he always felt that he had seen him there before.

The other party's eyes were the same as Jiang Shen's, and he was also looking at Jiang Shen.

Both of them felt familiar.

Who is this I must have seen?

Jiang Shen thought about it in his mind.

According to his current memory, anyone who met once can remember clearly. This person can't remember clearly, but he met before meeting Nalan Bubai.

After three full seconds.

Yes, Jiang Fengmin?

I'm sorry, he's Jiang Fengmin

Jiang Shen finally remembered.

The handsome man in front of him who looked less than forty was his biological father, Jiang Fengmin.

He had only seen his father's appearance in photos, and it was Jiang Fengmin when he was young, which was very different from now. Fortunately, his memory is amazing now, and he finally remembered it.

You can't be wrong, this person is Jiang Fengmin.

Jiang Shen never thought that one day he would meet his father on such an occasion.

As soon as he found that Jiang Fengmin was standing in the same elevator as him, he swiped, and Jiang Shen glared at him fiercely.

Jiang Fengmin on the opposite side immediately felt Jiang Shen's malice.

This young man is so unqualified, he came in and swears, and now he is glaring at me again.

Jiang Fengmin remained expressionless and stood there calmly.

There's no need for an official to stare at someone he doesn't know.

When he saw Jiang Shen for the first time, he still felt a little friendly, but he didn't expect Jiang Shen to swear first, and then he started to stare at him, and immediately hated this person.

On the ninth floor is the organization department, and the eleventh floor is the office of the provincial leaders.

The offices of the secretary of the provincial party committee, the governor, the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the director of the National People's Congress are all on it.

The elevator stopped on the eleventh floor, the door opened, and Jiang Fengmin went out.

Jiang Shen looked at Jiang Fengmin's back as he walked out of the elevator, and couldn't help kicking him behind his ass.

But at this moment, there was a sudden scream from outside.

Then with a bang, Jiang Fengmin was hit hard, and then retreated from the elevator.

Then two figures rushed into the elevator.

"Don't move, don't move."

"Don't move."

Two middle-aged and elderly people in their 60s and [-]s, one with a pen and the other with a fruit knife, blocked Jiang Shen and Jiang Fengmin in the elevator.

Instead, the man behind Jiang Fengmin stood outside the elevator.

At the same time, there were many people outside the elevator, even the provincial government's armed police security.

What kind of rhythm is this, robbing the provincial government?Jiang Shen was baffled.

But I saw that the two old men had already started to press the elevator, and the elevator started to go down, and many people outside were shouting.

"No, Mayor Jiang is inside."

"Quick, notify the following, stop, stop."

"Don't mess around, talk about it if you have something to say."

"What's going on, what's going on." Jiang Fengmin's servant was scared to death outside.

Even though Jiang Shen was in the elevator, he knew what happened with a glance of his divine sense.

These two are a pair of brothers. The ones in Dongning City are expropriated households (that is, the demolition households mentioned earlier). Because the demolition issue was not discussed well, they went to the local government many times to make trouble. After being detained several times, they simply did it this time. Even bigger, when he came to the provincial government, the old Bian, who was in his 60s, was going to scare the governor or the secretary, but he failed.

While escaping, he ran into Jiang Fengmin who happened to be reporting to the secretary.

When they were running, the armed police happened to come up from another elevator, and they bumped into Jiang Fengmin and Jiang Shen in a hurry, and the man in front pushed Jiang Fengmin back to the elevator, so the previous scene happened.

"Mayor Jiang? Who is the mayor?" His younger brother, Xiao Bian, is 51 years old and younger. Holding a fruit knife in his hand, he looked fiercely at Jiang Fengmin and Jiang Shen.

Someone called Mayor Jiang outside just now, and he knew that there was someone here who was the mayor.

"Uncle, do you think I look like the mayor?" Jiang Shen secretly laughed, pretending to be scared on the surface.

I'm dizzy, Jiang Fengmin looked at Jiang Shen with contempt, you are so hateful.

"It's not like, he's too young, this kid is the mayor." Xiao Bian took a knife and forced Jiang Fengmin's boobs.

Jiang Fengmin was shocked and angry, but he was not just a frail scholar who became the mayor. Looking at the two old men, he was already thinking in his heart whether he could catch their swords by surprise.

However, Jiang Shen next to him is obviously not a good guy, so what if he belongs to them?

Jiang Fengmin has been the leader for a long time, and he is always worried about things. The two robbers are not as important as Jiang Shen in his eyes.

"You are the mayor, right? I was looking for you, demolished everywhere, and see what the demolition of Dongning City is like now?" The pen in Lao Bian's hand was probably used as a knife in a hurry.

"This is also the need of urban construction. The renovation of Dongning's old city in the past few years is also for the appearance of the city. You don't realize that the urban area is much more beautiful than before." Jiang Fengmin was also calm, and immediately chatted with them.

"The fart is beautiful, is this a reason to demolish my house?"

"Forcible demolition? Impossible. Now that there are regulations above, it must be expropriated according to law. No one dares to violate the law and forcibly demolish. It's in your district." Jiang Fengmin comforted the two Bian brothers.

"From the east side of the city."

I fork, what a coincidence?Jiang Shen rolled his eyes, isn't the mayor of Chengdong District the bastard who didn't let me mention it this time?It seems that he is still from the Tang family.

He had heard that after the arrival of Fang Bingsong, the head of the new district, a large-scale demolition was carried out to rebuild Chengdong District from the oldest urban district in the eighth district of Dongning to the newest urban district.

Didn't expect it to happen so soon.

It's really a good opportunity to add insult to injury.

"In the eastern part of the city, why don't you go to the mayor of the district chief?" Jiang Shen interjected from the side: "The chief of the eastern part of the city is in charge of this matter."

"It's useful to find, we will come here? I figured it out now, anyway, my home is gone, and I don't want my life. I have to fight this old life to get our justice."

"Forcible demolition is indeed abominable." Jiang Shen nodded heavily.

Who are you, Jiang Fengmin looked at Jiang Shen speechlessly.

He has seen the demolition before at the grassroots level. Most of the people who were forced to demolish were subscribers who demanded a lot of money.

For such people, the government can only rationally use judicial procedures. If it compromises with them, it will be very unfair to those who were demolished first.

"What's your situation, what's your request, tell me." Jiang Fengmin didn't believe these two brothers, so he first heard whether your conditions and requirements were reasonable or not.

"You can make the decision?" The Bian brothers thought that this person is the mayor. Although he is younger than the governor, he still manages Dongning City.

"As long as you are reasonable, I can definitely make the decision." Jiang Fengmin nodded.

After these few words, the elevator went to the third floor.

As soon as the elevator reached the bottom, the door just opened and crashed down, and the electricity of the elevator was cut off.

Before it finished, the elevator was stopped on the third floor.

Everyone looked up and saw that many people had already surrounded the outside. There was only one squad of armed police from the provincial government, and almost all of them had arrived.

The guns were pointed at them.

"Don't get excited, I'll talk to them first." Jiang Fengmin was still very courageous, and signaled himself to talk first, and the armed police should not come.

It is good to be able to talk about peace, but the place is not right today. It is the provincial government. The provincial leaders have already said that it will be resolved as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengmin was here. If someone else would have ignored him, the armed police would have gone straight to him.

"Mayor Jiang, the leader said, I will give you 10 minutes." The tone of this speech was not polite, but it also had the confidence.

This person is the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee and Fan Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

It is also at the sub-provincial level. Of course, Fan Li is no worse than Jiang Fengmin as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

And he also reminded Jiang Fengmin that "the leader said, I will give you 10 minutes." This leader naturally refers to Xu Zhen, the boss of the provincial party committee.

Although such a thing happened in the provincial government, although it is not a big deal, it is not a small thing. Xu Zhen gave Jiang Fengmin 10 minutes, which is considered to be giving him face.

"Thank you, Secretary-General Fan." Jiang Fengmin and the others were still standing at the door of the elevator. The elevator behind couldn't move, so they had to look at the Bian brothers.

"There is nothing that cannot be resolved, believe me, let's talk about it."

When the Bian brothers saw that they were surrounded, they were still a little panicked. One grabbed Jiang Fengmin and the other grabbed Jiang Shen.

"Okay, the government always has reasonable people, we trust you."

The two old men were not professional kidnappers after all, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Pulling the two of them, they retreated to an office next to them.

"You two uncles, it's none of my business whether you let me go first." Jiang Shen felt so wronged that he didn't want to stay here.

What if they stab Jiang Fengmin with a knife later?Should I save or not?

Feeling reconciled if you save him, but it seems that you can't get over your conscience if you don't save him?

It's better to go.

"Don't go, help us be a witness." The old men finally caught one more person, and it was the honest Jiang Shen.

He even dragged Jiang Shen in with a mop.

Jiang Fengmin looked at Jiang Shen with disdain again, young man, it's too disrespectful to run for his life in such a hurry.

Jiang Shen gave him a very bad impression now.

After entering the office, Jiang Fengmin chatted with the two of them.

The two's home was very close to where Jiang Shen lived, where Xu Li and Pan Wenwen lived at the beginning.

Later, when Jiang Shen got rich and Xu Li got rich, he moved away from there.

After Fang Bingsong, the head of the new district, took office in March, demolition began, and many old communities were demolished.

Xu Li's area is an old community, and the six-story buildings were all included in the demolition, and then a 33-story high-rise was built.

The residential area of ​​the Bian brothers is less than 200 meters away from Xu Li's. The two brothers live together, and the neighbors next door are all three-story buildings.

Their house was built 20 years ago. At that time, this area was still a suburban countryside. At the beginning, everyone was a one-story house, and after many years, it was built into a two-story house.

A few years ago, it was said that it would be demolished, so they added another floor to make it a three-story building.

In the end, there was no movement. Finally, when the demolition took place, they felt that their opportunity had come.

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